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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:31 pm

OOC: Uhhhh... Sorry to interrupt, but aren't we playing a game?

IC: Loveless nodded to Joy.
"Yeah... It's the younger ones that sway." He shook his head. "Cunningheart - very convincing, very loving - very dangerous." He 'pffted' the went to digging. "SO..." he mewed while he was digging. "How's your leg?"

Sinface padded over to the far entrance of the camp, looking down at the other territories. From here, when the wind was just right (which it was), he could smell the individual scents of each clan - though, Dewclan and Darkclan tended to get muddled.
Yes, he could see the towering dark stones that surrounded the faint green smudge that was the valley of Darkclan.
He could see the vast, bare-leafed forest that Dewclan resided in. He could just barely make out a faint redness beneath white - the Bloodstones, named after Bloodclan, of course.
And then there was this one tangled forest to the far left... Tawnyclan.
Sinface hissed. He disliked Tawnyclan - always asking favors, crossing the borders, speaking at GAtherings as though they were lords of all the territories.
Who did they think they were? Sinface shook his head. He padded out of the camp, claws unsheathed. He was going hunting.

Back in the camp, Soulvoider's whiskers had twitched at Searingeye's reaction to the snow.
"It's the same reaction every leaf-bare, isn't it, Searingeyes?" he laughed. "You've never liked the cold."

As Loveless was digging out the Nursery, two little faces appeared. They were both gray, but one had green eyes and the other had blue.
"Uh... Hello," Loveless greeted the two kits.

"Hello!" squeaked the green-eyed tom. He really didn't know how to say anything else, but he'd heard it from others. "Hello!" he squeaked again. His blue-eyed sister leaped onto him, and they both fell back into the Nursery, having a kit-scuffle.

Loveless's whiskers twitched, but then drooped (OOC: I know they can't, but it sets the mood.). The blue-eyed she-cat would have a very hard time living here due to here appearance. Suddenly, Loveless was infuriated by the revelation. Why should this she-cat be any less priviledged than the tom? He growled softly, digging harder.

OOC: Introducing, Dauntless and Cold!
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:56 pm

Joy brought her leg forward until it stung. She couldn't really tell if it was getting better or worse, It looked frozen but it felt better that way. "I guess its fine," She shrugged ," She had assumed only toms could go to the medicine cat and didn't like the look or scent of the Medicine cat here. They callled him a "mender", what a stupid name! she thought to her self, Sounds like a roughy fixin' up a two stander monster.

She spun around in surprise at the two kits and gave a shallow purr. "Loveless?" She whispered coming to help him dig away the snow, "After our time... I want to take that kit as my..." She couldn't remember the right words, "To be?"
Joy felt a prick of excitement, imagine if this worked out! Me and Loveless with our alliance standing tall just here as the dream shredders cower... but it wasn't going to be all alike that. There was to be blood and broken bones, perhaps death but if they were determined they would win, if they lost Abbysclan would loose potential foreign clan threats. She played out the attack in her mind until Sinface caught her eye.

Her head swiveled around to watch him as he cursed in his mind. I wonder what he is thinking about? she thought stopping to watch carefully. Sinface was a gentler looking soul then the other brutes of Abbysclan, much like his brother perhaps?
Strong looking with a broad powerful build his face unfortunately scarred by a past to Joy of which was unknown but it did not make him look ugly, It didn't really look to bad as it was probably done when he was younger and faded a little, its only give away being the harsh grooves and unnatural ragged carvings...
Joy shook her head, "Thinking of Toms now?" she whispered to her self then her head shot up...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:56 am

Loveless mewed,
"You know, ever Servants are allowed to go to the Mender... Menders are considered to be almost as low as Servants..." He shook his head, then looked to Joy. "That tom?" He looked back at the green-eyed tom. "Yeah... That'd be great(!)..."

Sinface looked over at Joy for a brief moment then vanished into the woods, a final glance to his brother.

The two kits peeked out of the Nursery again, surprised to see another bigger cat.
"Hello!" they both squeaked - it was the only word they knew.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:11 pm

Joy purred ,"Not the tom... the She-kit, A good warrior to be it shall."
Joy watched Sinface leave, TIGERFLAME! thats who she was trying to
remember, oh no I bet he is still waiting? she thought a little ashamed...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:24 pm

Hopeless moved on to the Mender's Den, unsheathing her claws and digging harshly.

Searingeyes bit into his mouse, watching the Servants with mild interest.
"So," he mewed to Despairingcall (OOC: switchy, where are you?). "Anything from our feathered friends?"

Tiger, again, peeked out of the den. He was impressed with the amount of larger cats out there. He quietly padded out of the den, sneaking up towards Searingeyes.

Searingeyes looked at the dark tom with pale eyes.
"With the frost of a tiger," he murmured to no one...

Tiger cocked his head, looking up at the golden-eyed Powerful.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:54 am

Joy dug till her pads stung and she flicked her front paws. They hadn't dug far.
She watched Tiger pad out of his den and she sighed, We would have to make up some time. She waited till no one was interested in him until she padded up about a mouse length away.
The exchanged awkward looks for a few seconds, "Hey..."Joy mewed mutely, "Hows your training or well... how you been doing?"

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Guest Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:24 pm

OOC: Sorry I'm late, folks!

IC: Desparingcall shook his head.
"Nothing as of late from the hawks. Although..." He ocked his head, listening to a distant crow. "The crows speak of a red cat running through the Frost Forests." He shrugged.

With a great, muffled snarl, Woebringer, Protector of Abyssclan, burst through the ice and snow that covered the entrance to his den.

Shadesun's clawed paw (one of many) burst from a small hole from the covered entrance of the Warrior's Den.

From the nursery, another small face appeared with the two gray kits. A small, black she-cat with green eyes looked out at Joy and Loveless.
"Hello," she mewed softly, looking at these new cats, standing protectively near the gray kits.

From behind the wall of ice and snow came the call of Dark, a Choosing of Abyssclan.
"Hey!" He called, more angry than anything, clawing at the ice with his smaller claws. "What's going on!"


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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:17 am

Defenseless looked angrily over at Joy. "Joyless." She waited, "You should be digging a hole like the rest of us!" She sneered as Joy swung around.

Joy felt anger rush through her as she stood gazing ragingly at her sister. "You watch yourself, You might find a few claws across your hide if you speak like that, You seem to be forgetting yourself and you know it." She turned to Tiger, "I'll have to say goodbye on this term," She mewed flicking her tail in "Au revoir"!
She fancied a last glare at her sister before looking down he nose at her before stalking back to where she was meant to be leaving Defensless to herself.

Defenseless narrowed her eyes before turning to Tiger. "Your too good to be hanging around matted flea bags- you know?" She purred mistakenly admiring the young tom in front of her.

OOC: welcome back! and to what i put: Dn dn duuuuu Shocked

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:04 pm

OOC: lols, thanks. btw, SHadesun's leg coming out of teh snow like it is - kinda like in the Simpson's Movie when the angry horde burst into their house... "I'VE GOTTA CHAINSAW!!!! 'RRRUMM-VERRRUMM'."

IC: Woebringer looked around at the Servants and nodded to himself, pleased with the work that was happening. He approached the Powerfuls and nodded to them, mewing,
"What's the status?"

Despairingcall nodded ever so slightly to the Protector and said in his deep, gravely voice,
"The Servants have dug out the Prey Storage, and they are working on the Nursery and the Mender's Den."

Woebringer nodded, satisfied.
"Good." He nodded to the tom and went to the Prey Storage, getting himself a mouse. He sat near the Powerfuls, watching the progress of the Warrior's Den.

Dark furiously clawed at the ice and snow, but wasn't getting very far. Finally, he took to ramming himself up against the wall as hard as he could.
Fire, another new CHoosing of Abyssclan, was pacing back and forth. In his still-young voice, he mewed,
"Why is this taking so long!"
Dark stopped and glared at him.
"Well, it would go faster if you helped!!" Fire growled at him, but turned around and rammed against the wall with Dark. The wall gave a bit, making more room for the both of them to run at the wall.

Meanwhile, back in the Warrior's Den, Shadesun was snarling as he dug.
"This is humiliating!" he yowled to the other Warriors.

Back where the Servants were, the small, black she-kit was still watching the Servants intently.


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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:02 am

Tiger flattened his ears art Defenseless, angry that she had chased off the nicer she-cat (Tiger didn't really remember Joy or the rest - now he only knew Abyssclan and the chain of command) and he was now feeling a little tempermental.
"Don't speak to me, Servant!" He stalked past her, his tail lashing in anger. Tiger went straight up to Woebringer and Despairingcall, bowing low.
"Powerful. Protector," he mewed quietly.
Searingeyes looked down at Tiger and mewed,
"Rise, Choosing."
Tiger rose slowly, thrilled to have been spoken to by a Powerful! He looked up at Searingeye's odd, golden eyes, somewhat entranced by them.
Searingeyes watched the little Choosing, still thinking about the Prophecy concerning Tigerflame and Cunningheart.

As the Nursery was being dug out, a white she-kit tumbled out of the opening, landing nearer to the Powerfuls then to the Servants.
After her, another kit, a brown-spotted tom, tumbled out as well. (OOC: Introducing, Colorless and Bitter!) The tom scampered up to her, batting at her playfully, she batting back.

Hopeless looked at the two kits, looking over at the other Servants, wondering who would snatch them up.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Meany Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:17 am

Inside of the Warrior's Den, Viletongue, Razorclaw, and Snarlgag could only agree with the new Warrior.
"I bet Starclan had something to do with this," spat Snarlgag.
"Those filthy flea-eating, bile-sucking, fox-faced, three-pawed, fox-dungs!" spat (of course) Viletongue. "Those Below curse them all! May The Below suck out the very flea-infested marrow of their bones!"
Razorclaw slipped between the others, unsheathing his deadly claws and claws into the small hole that was already there. His abnormal claws were cutting the work short, but the hole still wasn't big enough for even Shadesun to fit into.
"Out of the way," yowled Snarlgag, the largest in the den. The others quickly complied as he tok of few steps back in the large den - he ran forward as quick as he could, lowering his massive head -
He burst through the snow wall with a sound

The others picked their way over the chunks of ice and made their way over to Snarlgag, who found himself at the other end of the clearing.
"What happened?" he mewed groggily.
Viletongue and Razorclaw took a moment to think about what had just happened and burst out in their trade mark, uproarious laughter, falling over in the effort of it all.

Meanwhile, in the Mender's Den, Bloodclaw wasn't worried at all about the snow that covered the entrance to his den. In fact, he had planned for days like these... Well, the Mender's ofbefore him planned for days like these. Near the back of the den, facing down the slope of the hill that Abyssclan lived on, was a secret entrance that was protected by a large, dead bush. The branches of the bush made a cocoon around the secret entrance, preventing it from ever being blocked by ice and snow.
Bloodclaw, finished with checking all of his herbs (they had survived, bless Those Above) made his way out of the secret entrance and into the clearing, where most of the clan was.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:25 am

Joy felt her back leg twitch with pain as she worked next to Loveless. She felt more betrayed then normal and Defenceless was going to pay for it...

Defenceless watched Tiger stalk off, "You didn't spit at Joyless like that when she was all in your face," She mewed quietly dipping her head. "Revenge is in request... I believe." She said looking towards Joyless. She gave her paw a flick at the snow and slunk away.

Joy found the Menders den was beginning to be dug out... "not far now..." She mewed. She decided to work alone now a little tired of the cats around. She looked up to the sky which was still dark in this early morning.

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Meany Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:38 am

Bloodclaw, upon seeing the Menders work on his den, padded up to Joy and mewed,
"Oh, now, no need to do that! I think the Warriors will simply find it amusing, you working on my den like this - as you can see, I'm out."
Bloodclaw, naturally, meant no offense, but he was such an awkward Mender, more the scholar type, if you know what I mean.
He gently nudged the Servants away from his den and mewed,
"I'm certain that the Nursery needs you all far more than I do - and I know I'm doing a horrible injustice to you all by keeping you here, instead of working on the den where some of those poor, small kits are trapped!"

Charmless and Luckless looked at each other and shrugged, nodded to Bloodclaw, and went to work more on the Nursery entrance.

Shadowstar, from within his den, looked at the thin wall of snow that covered the entrance (it was thinner since his den was the highest point in the camp. He sighed, and gently kicked at the snow - it instantly gave way. Slowly, and somewhat majestically, Shadowstar stepped into the shining clearing as the sun climbed higher into the sky, shining on him and his den.

The trio of 'wise guys' (Viletounge, Razorclaw, and Snarlgag) stopped laughing, turned to their leader, and bowed low.
"Leader," they mewed as one.

Hearing the toms say this, Bloodclaw, Charmless, and Luckless all ran up to join them in bowing.
"Leader," they mewed.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:48 am

Joy nodded happily at Bloodclaw, her thoughts changed completely on him. Then Shadowstar came out of his den. Joy looked up but wouldn't rush to go bow to him. She stretched and looked and the small cat, something familiar... she looked closely, Yes his eyes they almost remind me of... She turned to see Defenceless gazing at her and and her hackles rose, "You have a problem?"
"You were born!" spat Defenceless.
"Your alive!" Joy snapped back.
"I hate you!"
"Watch your self your a low cat to me. I don't want to listen to you, I don't have to."
"I'll take my chance, one day you'll slip up and I vow to take it as a gift." With that Defenceless looked away and Joy turned her back on her. A VOW IS A VOW! came the high pitched voice, in her ears.

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:02 am

Loveless and Grace followed Joy, and Loveless stepped between Defenseless and Joy, snapping to the two of them,
"Hush! This arguing is for nothing! Know that Those Above and Those Below watch our every thought, our every breath, and our every step!" He looked at the two of them - he glared at Defenseless, but his eyes were soft for Joy - and turned to Shadowstar, slowly bowing.
Grace, standing between Defenseless and Joy, whispered very quietly to Joy,
"Some gifts can be taken back."

Soulvoider stood with his fellow Powerfuls, nodding to Shaodwstar as was Powerful tradition.

The two kits who had tumbled out of the den looked at the big cats and scampered to join them, wanting to be like the big cats. They flattened themselves to the ground, thinking of it as a game.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Wed Jan 12, 2011 4:01 pm

Jor purred, "Of course and with force." Her menacing eyes swayed over at The adults until the kits came out. Oh no we have to stop them...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Meany Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:37 am

Shadowstar looked out at his followers and nodded.
"Rise," he mewed in his odd voice. He padded up to Searingeyes and mewed, "Walk with me." He turned and padded off, flicking his tail to Hopeless, signaling for her to follow.

Bloodclaw straightened himself out, then went up to the small little kits.
"Hello, then," he mewed to the little ones. "You shouldn't be out here, you know." He used his paw to push them towards the Nursery. "You both need to keep warm - this isn't the weather for kits, you know!" he chuckled.

The three darker toms turned away from the Leader's Den, turning to the Prey Storage.
"Ah..." sighed Snarlgag as he took a rabbit from the pile. "So... Hunting, anyone?" Viletongue gave him a look.
"Come on, you fuzz-claw. Really - Isn't that the Servants job?" On the word 'servants,' the tom looked over at the group of Servants. The other two toms followed Viletongue's gaze and smirked.
"Come on," mewed Razorclaw. The other two snickered and followed the gray tom's lead.

Bloodclaw noticed the three coming nearer and he mewed to the kits,
"Quickly now, little ones... Quickly now!"

Charmless and Luckless, a pale she-cat with a torn away face and a dark she-cat with blue eyes, also saw the Warriors coming and shrank back.

(OOC: Playing this many charries is nuts... WHOO.)

Another kit, a chocolate brown tom with amber eyes, creeped out of the Nursery.

OOC: Scream - AHHHHHH!!!!!...... that's the kit. lol!
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:16 am

Joy turned from her heavy thoughts and stood waiting for the three warriors to come closer. At least Bloodclaw has the right idea, she sighed as she watched him shoo the kits. She went over to help him. "Come little ones you won't want to get in the way..." She was about to say I'll race you to your mother but... She had forgotten she was no longer a kit. She hadn't had time to even think about it. She was nearly as big a Loveless about a mouse tail bellow, She couldn't say mother either, the kits wouldn't a clue what she was talking about. She hadn't expected life to pass so fast like the panicked paws of prey as it races for its own life. She came back to reality and the she kit she had seen before looked at her as if she was some ghost. Joy felt like thrashing at the air but just sat lost in the kits youthful eyes...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:30 pm

Searingeyes looked at Shadowstar for a long moment then followed him.
"Leader," he mewed somewhat gravely.

Hopeless followed as quickly as she could, her bleeding paws slowing her down.

The brown tom-kit and the white she-kit stumbled a little as Bloodclaw pushed them towards the Nursery, but they went.
"Why, why, why!" mewed the tom. He stuck his tongue out at Bloodclaw, then pushed against the she-kit happily, scrambling up the little snow mound and into the mound. Then, he stuck out his tongue again. The little she-kit looked at Bloodclaw's bloody claws and squeaked, afraid. She ran after the tom, not looking back.

Tiger looked around the camp, at the Servants, at the Warriors - especially at the three dark toms who were nearing the Servants.

Cunningheart came out of her den again, her pelt perfectly groomed, shining in the sun, her reinforced claws gleaming wickedly.
"Tiger," she purred, and he went to her.

"Will we go hunting?" he asked her excitedly.

Cunningheart smiled and nodded.
"We'll go now," she mewed, and lead him out of the camp.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:39 pm

Joy watched Cunningheart leave and so did Defenseless. "I have an idea," Defenseless told herself and padded up to Bloodclaw. "I was just wondering,whats the worst thing a servant could do?I mean I am trying to look into the rules and make sure I work for the clan to the best of the benefit, Couldn't suppose you could help me out?"

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Meany Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:44 am

Bloodclaw looked at Defenseless as he herded the remaining kits back into the Nursery.
"Hmm? The worst thing a Servant could do..." He paused, taking his mind away from kits and herbs briefly. The white tom looked at her and mewed,
"Well, it's more things than you'd think; disrespecting any cat that is of higher rank than you - you know, badmouthing a Choosing, or disobeying a Warrior... Or worse, not bowing to Shadowstar when you're supposed to..." Bloodclaw shivered, then continued, pushing another kit into the Nursery.
"Not getting up when you're supposed to, leaving the camp without permission, eating without permission... Sleeping without permission... Stealing, eating more than you should, excessive grooming, having a romantic relationship..."
Bloodclaw shrugged. "There's more, but bottom line is: Everything you do can be seen as disobedience."

Charmless and Luckless, being near to Bloodclaw and Defenseless, nodded.
"Yes - the Warriors can-" Charmless broke off, realizing what she had been about to say as the three dark warriors walked up.
"Hey, Charmless," purred Razorclaw. "Talking about moi?"
The other two toms snickered.

Shadowstar looked up at Searingeyes and mewed,
"Have you seen anything? Do not hold back, if you have," he snarled the last sentence, but the snarl broke off as he coughed. He shook his black muzzle and snarled,
"Curse that foul she-cat of Darkclan! May Those Below play with the very marrow of her bones!" He stopped, just outside of the exit of the camp, looking up at Searingeyes.
"Well?" (OOC: Shadowstar + Searingeyes, new thread.)

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:00 am

Soulvoider watched the Leader and his friend walk off.
"Why do I have a bad feeling about this," he murmured to Despairingcall.

To Joy, the two little gray kits squeaked,
"Nap?" - they weren't too keen to the idea, but if Joy wanted them to do so, they would. Seeing the three dark toms, they both shrank back.

From the Choosing's Den, Dark and Fire finally made a hole in the wall. Dark was about to shout, but Fire slapped his tail over his mouth.
"Shadesun says it's sign of weakness to call for help!" Dark glared at Fire, but nodded. The two went back to digging furiously, making good time.

Woebringer watched his leader as he walked off, then turned around to look at the rest of the camp. He knew that Shadowstar would be fine with Searingeyes - there were very few who would dare face a Powerful in battle, much less a Leader. Woebringer spotted his Servant - what was it, Joyless? He nodded. Yes, Joyless. Fair face, but her eyes ruined the image. Woebringer approached her and mewed in his deep voice,

Loveless looked over at his father and found himself resisting three urges: one, to flatten his ears; two, to shrink back; and three, to get between Woebringer and Joy. He settled for taking a step back, but standing as straight as a Servant was allowed.

Grace looked at her two friends - her fellow rebells! Even though Grace had seemed to take to the ida instantly, it actually shocked her that she agreed to it in the first place. Here, among so many fierce warriors who would kill her without a second thought... She shivered, and looked around to find something else to do.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sat Jan 15, 2011 3:00 pm

Joy hadn't seen Woebringer come behind her so she snapped around ,"ITS JOY!" she looked down a bit expecting to see Defenseless. "Oh, Sorry I snapped Woebringer, Its been a hectic morning, What is it that you request of me?" She said it as if they were equal, her eyes calm not submissive, her tail midway in a form of greeting and her stance was true to her own words- equal.

Defenseless watched from a distance, Her master, Falsecall, was long gone so she could laze about a bit, though deeply, she knew she was to scared of the warriors, so slyly slunk into work when they laid their eyes on her. She purred, Woebringer was bound to kill Joyless and make it
painful as well.
She shook her head and bowed low to the ground to Woebringer to emphasize how rude Joyless had been to him. She is acting like the world belongs to her, even more so, she is acting like Woebringer was an equal. "Fool!" She spat but quite enough to make it so mockery...

Joy twitched her tail in a way to tell Defenceless to 'shut up'

OOC:whats the plot line gonna do with Falsecall?

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:47 am

OOC: Maybe he'll just be some random cat that comes in at the worst possible time...

IC: Woebringer glared down at the smaller Servant, then unsheathed the claws on a single paw and was prepared to rake them across the face of Joyless - but changed his mind at the last moment, and clawed Defenseless instead. He leaned in close to Joyless and growled,
"Show me respect - or a Servant will suffer." Woebringer looked over at Loveless.

Grace wanted to leap forward and protect the younger Servants - but she knew she couldn't. It would only make it worse.

Loveless finally gave into his fear, shrinking back, trembling at his father's gaze.

From the Choosing's Den, Dark and Fire finally burst out of the snow wall.
"AGH!" Yowled Fire. "FINALLY!" Dark nodded, yowling to the sky, fur bristling.

Momentarily distracted, Woebringer looked over at the Choosings... and chuckled.
"Well done, Choosings," he called. The Choosings dipped their heads to him and went to the fresh-kill storage.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:58 am

Joy unsheafed her claws, "A cowards way out!" She hissed angrily and stood tall, her fur bristled angrily. "I'll serve you to the best of your wishes but I'm no lower then you! If you have a problem with it you fight me!" she growled her pale eyes burning.

Defenseless jumped and slunk back quickly behind Loveless.

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