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CLOSED Servants den

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CLOSED Servants den Empty CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:07 am

Joy padded in with Loveless.
The cave not so warm as she was hoping but better than the wind buffeting her fur.
She leaped upon her ledge with ease and invited Loveless up, by slapping her tail invitingly
across it...

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:52 am

Loveless nodded and joined her, laying down and fluffing out his dark brown fur.
"So," he mewed. "Naming the... rebellion? Revolution? Revolt? What are we?" He looked at Joy with searching eyes.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:05 am

"We're like the cats who changed scourge a long time ago, Cats of time?" She mewed laying down gently beside him.
She waited until all the servants had come in and shared a glance with Loveless. "We'll Interview them. But not all at the same time..." She looked down at them "Graceless first?"...

She purred quietly. To think she could place so much trust in Loveless. They were to lead a new time. But she couldn't stand to say who was leader and who was Deputy. Both of them? yes she agreed to that silently and then her heart felt heavy with guilt. What if someone got hurt or worse and got killed? She thought about it for a moment. If she got killed she would want Loveless to carry on. They were actually making a new clan, a clan filled with hope, But would the servants see it that way? She had yet to know...

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:54 am

Loveless looked to the black-and-white Servant that was Graceless and nodded.
"Graceless first - I trust her... But not here - the other Servants can hear... Though they may be keen to the idea of no longer being a Servant-" the thought still felt somewhat crazy to Loveless, but he was growing used to it, "they don't know anything else. If done incorrectly we'll be ratted out..." Loveless looked at Joy. "But you already know that."

Graceless, resting in a little lip in the stone floor of the den, looked towards Loveless and Joyless.
They were resting on the small ledge of the cave, and it looked like they were talking about something they considered to be important enough for them not to be asleep when they were supposed to be... Graceless shook her head. Let them get into trouble, not her. She rested her head and shut her eyes.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:10 am

"thats when your a little wrong," Joy mewed with a glitter in her eye. She turned on her ledge ,which is above a cats head anyway, and pulled a large rock away , discreetly. She uncovered a
hole large enough for a cat to go through. "I started digging, when I came," She said looking proudly at it,"And I found that a large hollow inside...." Its secretive. She turned her head to see his impression....

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:01 am

Loveless's ears pricked up at this new development.
"You've been here a moon and you've found that?" He asked, impressed. "Wow... I wonder if the hollow's been there all this time..." He looked down into the hole, straining to see in the dark. It definitely didn't look natural. "Heh... Have you been down there?"
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:05 am

Joy looked stuck her head down. "Yes it will fit about five cats, It goes in five fox lengths and the further down you go you can see shafts of light," She mewed, I suppose this drowns out the sound best..." she looked back at him, "Shall we use it as our interviewing place?"

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:54 am

Loveless grinned and nodded.
"Yeah... Definitely." He chuckled softly but fell silent at the sounds of pawsteps nearby - Soulvoider padded past the den, but he didn't stop.
Loveless breathed a huge sigh of relief.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:00 am

Joy brought her back paw across and flicked the back of her ear, getting rid of an impossible itch. While doing this her other back leg sprawled out and she snapped back in pain. It had grown infected. she flicked it under herself and came a little further out the hole. "Shall we call Graceless then?" She mewled quietly....

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:31 am

Loveless looked back at Grace, but noted the infected scent coming from Joy's hind leg.
"Sure, I guess..." He stood and quietly jumped down, landing soundlessly. He went up to her and nudged her gently. "Hey - Grace!" The black-and-white she-cat barely opened an eye.
"Ugh... Soulvoider?" Loveless looked back at Joy, holding back an unexpected burst of laughter.
"No, your tom-friend is in his den. It's me - Loveless." Graceless, eyes still closed, groaned.
"Go away." Loveless glanced back at Joy then pawed Grace lightly.
"Come on, Grace - it's very important."
Loveless figured that he must have sounded pretty serious because Grace opened her eyes and lifted her head.
"What?" Loveless gestured to the ledge and went there, looking back for her to follow. SHe did.
When with Loveless and Joy, she asked,
"What? What's so important that you're breaking the sleep rule? And why did you call me Grace?" Grace gave Loveless an accusing look.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:37 am

Joy rolled her eyes. "Because thats your name!" She looked at Loveless, "You would have to be blind to call you, Graceless... Thats your real name, Grace..."

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:06 am

Graceless flattened her ears at the younger Servant.
"Of course it is! How could I not know that! I don't need a kit to tell me that!" Loveless flashed an apologetic look at Joy and said,
"Yeah, she's, uh, kinda sensitive-" Graceless spun around and hissed quietly, making sure to not be very loud.
"Sensitive in the heart? No. Sensitive to the rules? Yes. If one of the others heard you calling me that-" Loveless cut in,
"Then we'd all suffer terribly, I know. But that's not important right now!" Graceless's eyes widened.
"Not important!?!? That's-" Loveless got face-to-face with her.
"Grace, shut up and listen or I'll tell Woebringer about you and Soulvoider!" He hated to threaten her like that, but it worked - shamefully enough.
Graceless sat down and wrapped her tail around her paws.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:03 pm

Joy licked her paw and flashed it over her head, pushing away the fact she was called a kit.
She scuffled back and lay down listening intently...

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:40 pm

Something caught her eye. The gentle falling of icy snow. It whirled and danced, lit silver by the moon. It was no longer a sign of fun to her now, no longer the excitement of bounding after Tiger, Dark and her sister... Defenseless. Now the falling snow seemed like suffering cold and an icy feeling struck her. No longer will she play... no, she will follow Woebringer and stand with freezing paws with her head on the ground. By the rate it was falling, the cats would be up to their heads in the cruel white blanket. She wished to be back in the nursery with her mother and Mist taking it in turns to warm the kits and bring fresh kill. She wanted to see Thunder making foolish jokes, that the kits laughed to ,oblivious of the meaning.

Her hackles raised and she sighed, wishing to wail out her anger. But she was not the only one to notice the crisp, freezing air. Defenseless watched out. Her amber eyes sorrowful and broken. Joy felt remorse sting her, as Defenseless curled up and fell silent. Her side rising and falling ever so gently. Joy shuffled back, into the shadows, ashamed of herself... of her tolerance. Again oh so suddenly she slipped back into a vision but not so similar as the last few.

Vision: Joy blinked. Around her, blinding light filled the atmosphere. Then before her a massive tom appeared. His pelt mainly white with black patches and a scar between his
bluey green eyes. An orange collar , studded with silver fangs and teeth hung loosely around his neck. He was a bigger then Joy, Though she stood proudly before him.
"Daughter." He mewed gruffly.
"Your not my father?"
"No, I am your great oh so many grandfather."
"Bone?" Joy mewed beginning to feel small.
"Yes, I have waited for my blood to arise. Arise you shall."
Joy dipped her head respectfully to him, but he swiped out making her jump in shock.
"Never bow down!" he ordered gruffly, "I am your father now, You will learn what you will teach your subjects."
"Subjects?" "_Those who will follow you."
Joy flicked her tail.
"Loveless as well." She mewed sternly.
Bone released a sly smile but it did not last long.
"I will train you and you will train the servants, this is requested by Scourge, Who you will serve without question. He is your leader and you his subordinate."
"Yes bone," She mewed.
"You will be tired and you shall lack energy but you are my blood and my blood do not fail!"
"Yes bone," She replied.
"It will start whenever you fall asleep. Speak no word to anyone!"
and with that he faded and Joy awoke.


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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:12 pm

OOC: So... unless the descendant of Scourge arises, Joy will lead the clan?

IC: All the while, Loveless was speaking to Grace. They had gone into the hollow and Loveless was saying,
"Grace... If you had a chance to fight back, fight back against Shadowstar, against Woebringer, against being a Servant-"
Grace cut in,
"Would I take it? Loveless... What are you and Joyless planning?" The black and white she-cat looked at him with slightly worried eyes, glancing up at the gray she-kit. Loveless sighed.
"For your love of Soulvoider... Would you fight for that? Would you fight back, if it meant you could be with him on the open? Just answer that..." Loveless was new to this, but he knew what to say to Grace. Grace nodded without hesitation.
"You know I would. But what are you talking about?" Loveless scooted closer to Grace.
"Joy and I... We're tired of it all. We think that things should be different-"
"So does everyone!" Grace gave him a pitying look. "But Loveless, if you're implying what I think you're implying, I'll say that you've been pondering for too long on legends." Loveless shook his head.
"It's more than that. I know it, and I know you feel the same way!" Grace looked away but Loveless moved so he'd be in front of her.
"You're talking madness," she spat, sad and annoyed, but Loveless shook his head again, a soft smile on his face.
"Madness... (OOC: THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!!) As mad as your relationship with a Powerful?" Grace met his gaze, her eyes full of sadness, a testament to years of torment and agony, to the hardships of keeping such a forbidden love* a secret.
"Even if I agreed to help you two with this... revolt," Grace mewed quietly, "WHat if we die? What would we be then, if not just an example?" Loveless looked at her, looking dead serious, and mewed:
"Then we'd better give them a fight to remember."
Grace looked at Loveless for a very long minute, then hung her head.
"Grace?" Loveless asked, worried. Slowly, she looked up at him, and Loveless took a step back: never before had he seen such a fire in this Servant's eyes. Grace whispered,
"When do we start?" Loveless grinned, bumping his head against hers.
"Hey!" He called up the hole. "Joy!"

OOC: *Cliche!
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:20 pm

OOC: I don't want to lead it... maybe loveless. but he meant leading the rebellion..BTW LOL

IC: Joy stood flicked her ears. She looked around her self weary... "What happened then?" she mewed looking down the hole....

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:28 pm

Loveless half-grinned up at her and whispered loudly,
"Hey! The attendee list just got a plus-one!" Grace rolled her eyes at his enthusiasm and jumped up out of the hollow, Loveless following.
"Hey..." Grace said to Joy. "Sorry I snapped at you." She shrugged, not to good at apologies.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:41 pm

Joy's tail fluffed up. "I may forget about it." She joked winking at Loveless

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:13 pm

Loveless nodded, still smiling that half-smile. Grace nodded, then mewed,
"Well... We should get some sleep. No rebellion ever got won by feeling dead-tired in the morning." She nodded to both of them then returned to the lip in the stone floor.
Loveless looked at Joy and shrugged.
"Guess we should do the same?" He lay down where he was - the ground was the same in the whole den.
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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:22 pm

Joy purred and lay next to him. She shot a quick glance at the falling snow, which was about up to a cats shoulder.
She lay her head down and looked down off her ledge.
before falling asleep...

OOC:its now just day break to get the rp movin Wink

"Rise Joy."
Joy staggered to her feet and stood with her back legs stiff and her front legs spread how Bone had shown her to balance.
"Good," Bone grumbled, "Prepare your self!"
He raced toward her like a badger lunging angrily at a cat.
he bowled into her but this was the tenth attempt and she had mastered it.
Bone hit her so hard that he was sent flying at the rigid impact.
"Not bad..." he groaned shaking his head.

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CLOSED Servants den Empty Re: CLOSED Servants den

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:57 pm

OOC: Made a new thread... it's a lot easier to follow the time changes when you start a new thread (IMO)

IC: Loveless shifted in his sleep...
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