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CLOSED The Next Morning...

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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Runfast Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:08 pm

OOC: Let's all try to be as active here as we are in ABYSSCLAN, people... Hehehe, Abyssclan makes up a 4th of all the posts in the entire site! cheers cheers cheers

IC: Sometime near sunhigh, Redstar woke, stretched, and came out of his den. He looked around at the camp, knowing that the morning patrol had already gone out. He spotted Mistlight, who looked like she had also just woken up, and padded over to her.

"And how was your rest," Mistlight asked without looking at him - she was picking out a piece of fresh-kill for herself.

Redstar smiled.
"It was... good. And you?"

Mistlight pawed a vole from the pile and looked at him.
"I slept well. Now, are you going to eat something, or can I pig out?"

Redstar laughed and shook his head,
"No, I'll eat." He chose a mouse and tucked in.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:23 am

Ice woke first. He was disorientated at first, the warm feelings were foreign to her. He shook his pelt and stretched. Just then, Bluekit screeched. He looked over to her. She cast him an irritated look and muttered, "Can't you watch where you are stretching?" He sighed as he remembered everything that happened the day before. Without answering her, he crept out of the den and into the clearing.
Bluekit lingered behind Ice for a while, waiting for Silverkit.


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Longstorm Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:24 pm

Silverkit, upon hearing Bluekit's screech, woke with a start. She huffed and said,
"I was having a good dream! I dreamt I had caught an owl and I was going to be made a Warrior..." Her voice dwindled and she shrugged, grinning. "Let's go out!" And she padded out of the den, wapping her brothers on the heads with her tail.

From the Warrior's den, Blueblossom watched the kits leave. She was so very proud of Bluekit and of Silverkit. Today they would become apprentices and begin their journeys to become Warriors! Blueblossom smiled and exited the den, joining Redstar at the fresh-kill pile.
"Will the newcomer become an apprentice," she asked after saying hello.

Sunmist, as she was coming in from hunting, looked at Blackfire and mewed to him,
"You can come down now. Get a bite to eat then go to bed."

Gorseclaw winked at his sister and joined her in the Iceshell, fresh-kill in his jaws.
The two brought their kills to the prey-pile and dropped them there.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Meany Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:47 pm

Blackfire sighed and nodded wearily. Slowly, he jumped down from the root and dragged himself to the fresh-kill pile. He dipped his head to Redstar and shared a look with Blueblossom, then picked out a mouse for himself.

In the nursery, Bronzekit squeaked in dismay and lurched from sleep.
"Silverkit, that wasn't cool!" He shook his head and padded out of the den, joining his sister by blood and adopted sister. It seemed that all of the current kits were his siblings! Well, except for Ice now...

OOC: Skyecho was their foster mother, now she has 5 kits and now they're all foster-siblings, and Bluekit is the adopted one! WHEW. 'Dems a lot of bros and siss!
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:40 am

It's not my fault!" Bluekit protested. "It was Ice. He poked me in the chest! And stop blaming me, it was time to wake up anyway." She turned and saw Bronzekit. She meowed a hello and an excited look passed over her eyes. Her fur fluffed up and she spoke excitedly, "We are going to be apprentices!"
Ice looked at Bluekit, "What are apprentices?" She stared at Ice in amazement. Then, understanding hit her. "Oh, I forgot. Apprentices are to-be warriors. We get trained to be warriors to protect and feed the clan."


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Runfast Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:37 pm

Redstar nodded and mewed,
"That's correct. And it will be Ice's choice as to whether or not he'll take the path of a Warrior. Though, he'll have to make the choice soon -" he looked over the kits with gleaming eyes - "The ceremony will be at sunhigh."

Goldkit followed his brother and sister out of the Nursery and just heard when the ceremony would be!
"I'll be the greatest Warrior the clans have ever seen," he mewed proudly, his fur bristling in excitement.

Mistlight's whiskers twitched in amusement.
"I think you'll have to finish your training first, Goldpaw," she called in a friendly voice.

Goldkit nodded.
"I know, I know, but I'll be great at that too!"

Mistlight and Redstar chuckled and returned to their meals.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:21 pm

When the older kits had left, Skyecho had woken up. She gently awoke her youngest and all five began to nurse, purring and kneading as they did so.

Jaycall nodded to Blackfire as the two passed each other. Frostshine had worked late the previous night, so he was sleeping in until sunhigh.
Jaycall dipped his head to Redstar then picked out a vole for himself.
"Redstar," he mewed, "Will you be choosing a deputy any time soon? I understand that since Thornstar is alive, you are technically the deputy, but it is tradition."


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:15 am

"So will you be an apprentice too?" Bluekit asked Ice. Ice's eyes were uncertain though a delighted and interested look passed over.
Ice replied, "I want to be..." Bluekit stared at him, "But..."
He shook his pelt and walked over to Redstar. With round eyes, he asked, "Can I be an apprentice with Bluekit and the rest?"


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Meany Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:04 pm

Bronzekit looked at Redstar with big, soft eyes - it would be cool to have another apprentice!
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Runfast Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:06 pm

Redstar stopped eating and seemed to think about it - then he smiled.
"Of course." He looked at Mistlight then looked at the rest. "It's time for the ceremony." As he made his way to the highest root, Redstar murmured to Jaycall, "We'll talk later."
When he'd reached the top of the root, he yowled, "Let all cats who are old enough to catch their own prey gather her, beneath the tallest root for a Clan meeting."

Goldkit sat in the front of the crowd - he was ready!
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:13 am

Ice followed Bluekit, his fur bristling with excitement. "So?" she asked. He meowed, "I'm in!" She squealed and with a lower voice, said,"That is great!"


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Longstorm Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:16 am

Silverkit joined her brothers at the front, looking at Bluekit and Ice and gesturing for them to join her.

Blueblossom watched the kits happily.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Runfast Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:25 am

Redstar clearing his throat.
"These kits have reached their six moon. It is time for them to be named apprentices." He looked down at Goldkit.
"From this day forward, Goldkit, you shall be known as Goldpaw. Frostshine," he addressed the black tom, "You trained your younger sister well. I expect you to pass on your wisdom and patience to Goldpaw."
Redstar looked at Silverkit.

"Silverkit, from this day forward you shall be known as Silverpaw. Gorseclaw, you are quick-thinking and courageous. I know you will pass these attributes on to Silverpaw."
He looked to Bronzekit.

"From this day forward, Bronzekit, you will be known as Bronzepaw. Blackfire," he saw the tom looking out of the Warrior's den so he called louder, "Though you were named a Warrior only last night, your age and experience have given you high intelligence and a good sense of justice. I know you will pass that on to Bronzepaw."
Now, Redstar looked to Bluekit.

"Bluekit," he mewed, "From this day forward you will be known as Bluepaw. Jaycall, I know you will pass on your loyalty and strength to your apprentice."
Finally, Redstar looked at Ice.

"Ice. Though you are not born of Darkclan, you have chosen to embark upon the noble journey to be a Warrior. For that, I commend you. From this day forward, until you have earned your Warrior name, you shall be known as Icepaw. I shall mentor you." Redstar jumped off of the tallest root and murmured to Icepaw, "You touch noses with me," and he reached forward.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Longstorm Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:46 pm

Silverpaw, excited, went up to her Mentor, Gorseclaw, and the two touched noses.

Blueblossom watched all of the new apprentices with pride.

Sunmist was glad she hadn't been given an apprentice. She didn't have the patience for one, not yet.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:53 am

Quivering with excitement, Bluepaw touched noses with Jaycall, her paws tingling nervously. She sat back, looking at Jaycall shyly. She asked him, "When will we start training? What will we be doing first?"

Icepaw uncertainly, but proudly touched noses with Redstar. Then, he looked up at him asking, "What will we be doing for training?"


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Longstorm Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:27 pm

OOC: I imagine that it will be later on in the evening of this exact RP day that these two will sneak out of the camp to go to Moonfall.

IC: Blueblossom and the others purred happily, glad to see these kits as apprentices, even Icepaw.

Gorseclaw looked down proudly at his apprentice.
"Soon," he mewed to Silverpaw, "We'll go hunting."
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Runfast Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:42 pm

Redstar mewed,
"I'll teach you hunting, tracking, fighting, and protecting. Everything a Warrior knows, passed down through the generations."
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:03 am

Icepaw dipped his head and bounded away to Bluepaw. He finally has a true home and now, he only has to make it last... And as for his dream last night... he knows it has something to do with a mission and Moonfall, was it? He has a picture of it in his head but how would he find it?

OOC:I forgot something, ICEPAW DOESN"T KNOW WHERE MOONFALL IS? Can Bluepaw tell him?


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Longstorm Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:21 pm

OOC: Since everyone was told to not tell anyone, I'll just slip in a mention of it here...

IC: Blueblossom sighed happily.
"First my brother receives his lives from Moonfall, and now new apprentices!"

Sunmist nodded and mewed good-humoredly,
"I'd have thought he would have slept for days, what with the Moonfall being so far off."

Blueblossom mewed an agreement.

OOC: Icepaw could ask about it now, pretending to just be curious.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:33 am

"Where's the Moonfall and what about it having anything to do with Redstar's... lives?" Icepaw asked.

OOC: Whoever's RPing Jaycall can you please RP because Bluepaw has to stay silent till he replies!!!


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Meany Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:16 pm

OOC: Keep your tail on... Switchy, you're getting lazy...

IC: Jaycall mewed,
"We'll go hunting with all the others. Your training will officially start then."

Blackfire, upon hearing Icepaw's question, mewed,
"To answer your first question, the Moonfall is a good three day's journey from here, to the north. The Moonfall is where medicine cats and leaders go to speak with Starclan, our Warrior ancestors." Blackfire padded up to the apprentice, continuing, "When a Leader dies, steps down, or the when the deputy," he glanced at Redstar, "simply needs to for the Clan, he (or she) goes to Moonfall to speak to Starclan. If they are accepted as leader, they receive 9 lives."

Bronzepaw spoke up,
"But no one but the leader's and medicine cats know what happens when Starclan gives them nine lives, or when a medicine cat gets their names."

Blackfire nodded.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:37 am

Bluepaw's pelt quivered with excitement. She turned to Icepaw but found that he had disappeared. She quietly slunk into the shadows at the edge of the willow and crept out of the camp, unseen, unheard.

Icepaw did see as a matter of fact and with narrowed eyes, followed after her.


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Meany Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:15 pm

OOC: Not to be a spoil-sport, but it's impossible to sneak out of this camp.
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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Guest Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:09 am

OOC: Maybe, but maybe not. I mean, it's possible that there is a hole for them to crawl out that no-one knows...


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CLOSED The Next Morning... Empty Re: CLOSED The Next Morning...

Post by Runfast Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:45 pm

OOC: We'll let that one slide. Cool

IC: Redstar mewed,
"Good. For now, senior warriors?" He addressed the cats who fell in that category. "We need to talk." He left it at that, and he padded to the more private corner of the camp, cats following him.
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