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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:55 pm

Flowerfur licked Bramblekit on the ear. "Not long I promise..."
She had slept not too long ago and now she sat on the border between Tawnyclan and Abbysclan.
Did she dare to cross? Well, She was quite close to where the territories end and... to climb them ledges and hills and mountains and... Too much, the queen was tired, scared and fed up. If She padded close to the red stone and thicket she would evade sight easily. "Starclan have mecry on me... Guide my paws."
She crossed the two kits, Bramblekit and Tigerkit, rested upon her back. She trotted into the thicket, luckily for her Abbysclan territory ended not even a sun rises travel, about half an hours walk for a plodding cat, but she was not plodding was she?

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:01 pm

From the shadows of the Abyssclan border watched a pair of pale eyes. The owner of the eyes glowered at the she-cat and her kits, hissing ever so softly. Come on, thought the tom. Come on, cross my border, she-rat. Let me kill you... Give me leave to cast off my code... To forget yours! Give me leave to... to perform my duty! The tom flexed his claws. He'd grown in the past moon, and it was obvious that he'd be a large cat when he was finished growing. Silently stalking her on his side of the border, upwind, he waited.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:04 pm

Flowerfur stood and was about to cross when a hiss came from the Abbyclan border.
A small silver striped she-cat hackels raised and white paws flying, sped across toward the tired queen.
Flowerfur started back startled.
"Who do you think you are?" Spat the she cat angrily eying up the queen.
"I just need to cross, I'll hurry I beg of you!"
"Its not worth your life... or theirs." she mewed eying the two kits upon the queens back.
Flowerfur hesitated but stood back, "You wouldn't kill me would you?"
"No...but the warriors would."
Flowerfur hissed, "Your too small to do anything any way."
She padded a paw across but was bowled over by the small she-cat anyway.
Her paws scrabbled, MY kits! She thought despairingly and caught hold of Bramblekit quickly.
She flinched back across the border and looked on with hatred and raw surprise.
"Go up the ledges its quicker, follow the trail from there."
Flowerfur spat and the silver cat hissed and leaped forward, at this Bramblekit yowled irritably.
The shocked queen turned and fled far across and up the ledges nearly out of sight.

Joy proudly watched the queen shoot off, but a mew knocked her off coarse.
She looked down into the tall grass and a forgotten kit lay. Despair hit Joy like the jaws of a fox.
Joy picked the kit up but looked confusedly around...

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:12 pm

Tiger yowled in anger, leaping onto the forgotten kit.
"I claim this kit for Abyssclan!" He gathered the kit to him and lashed out at Joy. "How could you?! You traitor! Shadowstar will hear about this!!" He spat at her, and picked up the kit, and ran into the shadowed forest, the kit mewling in his jaws at the bumpy ride, so different from his mother.

OOC: Oh my - what HAS Cunningheart been teaching him? Twisted Evil
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:19 pm

Joy hissed (Bones anger management was passed down :3 )
She sprinted after him and the unusual mucles she claimed off the bloodlines were begining to show,
her only hiccup being the infected leg. She forced the pace and caught hold of tiger, gently spinning him around.
"Tell Shadowstar what Tiger?" She hissed, "That I chased of a clan cat?"
"I already claimed the kit anyway!" (OOC: lol Tigerkit is Oakclaws character: reaction?)
"You changed... We used to be friends- I had hoped we still are but.. You betrayed us all, You'v become something different
not the intelligent, strong Tiger I used to know. How am I a traitor?"

OOC: lol I thought it would be about time for tiger to have a talk with joy :3

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:27 pm

OOC: It'll take time, but one day he'll see the light.

IC: Tiger plopped the tom-kit onto the ground, bristling.
"She was right on the border," he snarled. "So, SO close to crossing it! I could have killed her! I could have been made a Warrior right then and there! But you ROBBED me of that chance! What's more, you HELPED a cat of ANOTHER CLAN." He spat at her again and continued, "You are not my friend - Choosings are above, ALWAYS above you lowly she-rats!" He lashed at at her (meaning to miss), just missing her face - if he had reinforced claws on his front, her face would have been half gone - "and if you truly were my friend," he sneered the word, "then you would have tricked that she-cat into my grasp! You would have been the the pride of Woebringer! You would have honored him by tricking that she-rat! But no - you're too Forester, too fox-dunged STUPID, to be of any worth to my clan." He stopped, growling low at her.

OOC: MAN, it's been SO LONG since I wrote an IC rant like that... Smile
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:35 pm

Joy looked wickedly at the choosing then smiled calmly. "Then I will get the she-cat back.
She didn't blink at his swipe, she couldn't care... now she felt horrable.
"All I need you to do is "play" whith this kit, and leave the rest to me... That way. You can take back two kits and a
prize worthy of a warrior ceremony."
She looked into Tigers deep pale eyes. "I need you to trust me... just for this ounce, Make your choice now..."

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:37 pm

Tiger flattened his ears and spat.
"Trust you? After that?" He growled deeply. "Never." The kit was between his front legs, cowering.
OOC: One moon old, they cower.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:38 pm

Joy shook her head. "Then accept to pardon my stupidity?"

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:48 pm

Tiger watched her - but behind his gray, almost transparent eyes, an idea formed. One that would please my mentor? he wondered. Tiger pulled the kit back to him as it began to creep away, then nodded curtly to Joy.
"Fine," he hissed. "I will stay here, while you get that she-rat back." He sat, pulling the kit closer to him, glaring.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:23 am

Joy glanced at him catiously then nodded.
At ounce she spun and darted around to fetch the queen.

Flowerfur had gotten to the third ledge until her fear subsided,
"TIGERKIT!" She yowled twisting around.
"I know where your kit is."
Flowerfur looked over the ledge, that she cat again.
"A minute ago you attacked me!?"
"Abbysclan are not so cruel as to take a kit.."
"But I need your help.. The kit fell down a rabbit hole, and won't come out."
"Shall I bring my other kit?" panicked Flowerfur.
"Unless you want him to be eaten by a lynx or fox or...", "OKAY!"
Joy turned and sped towards the forest, Flowerfur attempting to keep pace.
A tiny droplet of remorse stabbed Joy as the distraught queen followed her into the meeting place, where blood was to be shed.

Joy suddenly took a sharp turn leaving Flowerfur in the clearing.
She then dug her paws into the trunk of a tree then took off like a bird in flight
just a bit over the top of Flowerfur, Taking bramblekit with her, the rest was up
to Tiger...

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:27 am

Tiger, with the kit, looked to the shadowy border of Abyssclan. Yes... Snarlgag would be passing this way very soon... He looked down at the kit between his paws and he crooned,
"Don't worry, little one... you'll see your mother... Very soon..." He chuckled darkly, and listened.
The she-rat arrived with the rat-queen, and Tiger smiled. "Tigerkit, hmm? Funny - I seem to be surrounded by Tigers." He listened to the border, but stood, batting Tigerkit to the side ever so gently.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:43 am

Joy had plopped Bramblekit down but Tiger hadn't taken his chance and Joy was instantly rushed upon by Flowerfur. She felt her already injured leg fall hot and sticky with blood. The weight of the fat queen winded her and the crack upon one's head was far too much for 7 months of life.
Joy taken by surprise was blown but luckily was swung a little way away.

This wasn't good but she caught her stance. "Time to put some of your training into use, father!" She cried as she took the stance of the "crawling leopard", Flowerfur ,who was bolting full speed towards Joy, doubled over and bowled feeling the crack of sticks. Shakily the queen stood and leaped at Joy, Bone had done this before, Joy ducked though unsheafed claws ranged her back she left an outstretched claw tare at underbelly. Flowerfur yowled in terror looked around to flee.
"MY KITS????" she yowled in desperate plea.
Joy forced her self upon the queen and crushed down upon the back of her neck. This would be slow. Flowerfur reared and stubled back and back and back until both trembled upon a frozen over pond, to which the two had stumbled upon in desperate battle.
A crack, a cry, a curse and both were gone...

OOC: Shocked

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:52 am

OOC: Dear lord...

IC: Tiger looked at the hole in the pond, then to the two kits. He put Tigerkit with the other one, then creeped up to the gaping hole. Small bubbles showed up here and there, then ceased.
He cursed, yowling to the sky - he needed those teeth! With another long curse, he leaped into the freezing pond, using all of his muscle to swim after the queen-rat. On his way down, he saw the Servant, but paid no mind to her. He needed that queen! Spotting her (she was flailing, but slowing), he grabbed her with his sharp teeth, and began to attempt to yank her with him to the surface of the pond.
OOC: Obviously, it's a struggle - but let's say the pond isn't that deep, eh?
IC: It was hard for the Choosing to reach the top - he had to let go now and then so he could go up for air - but he got himself and the queen to the top. Nearly exhausted, he scrambled to the top of the ice, dragging the she-cat with him. He wildly glanced at the kits - they were still there, praise Those Above! He looked down at the rat-queen at his paws, and unsheathed his claws. It didn't look like she was breathing anyways.
OOC: SHe gonna die here?
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:59 am

OOC: hmmm.... yahh also the pond links the stream that seperate TC from AC in some areas...

IC: In the pond Joys body trembled with the effort of getting away. Her back leg was tangled and she
cried out, even though it was only a murmur of sound, "Switch, Bone, Tiger!" She begged in silence to
those above that one of the adults were near to help, would they?

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:10 am

Tiger looked to the pond, then to the stream it came from.
"Tawnyclan," he growled. He grabbed the she-cat and dragged her, bringing her back to his side of the border.
He looked around and scented. Where was Snarlgag. Tiger realized his mistake. Of course! The dark toms had been called back in!
The queen before him coughed slightly - she was... alive?
Tiger shrugged, and bit the rat-queen in the neck, biting as hard as he could, blood gushing over his muzzle. The queen twitched feebly, then died. Tiger looked to the sky and yowled his victory.

From the shadows, Cunningheart smiled.
"Well done, my little Tiger," she purred to herself. She watched as Tiger proceeded to sling the body over his back, and lead the two petrified kits back with him. She waited until he was gone, then sprinted across the border and to the pond, diving in. Her powerful legs churned the water, and she dove deep, and sank her teeth into Joy's scruff. She easily pulled the small Servant up to the top, and pulled her up onto the snow with her.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:15 am

Joy lay lifelessly to where Cunningheart had placed her. Betrayed and beaten.
The freezing cold water seemed to get colder as she was dragged out and she
suddenly wished to join those Above there and then.

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:21 am

Seeing her hopelessness, Cunningheart smacked Joy's back her with the backs of her claws.
"Get up, Servant," she growled. "Woebringer is wondering you are... As is my own Servant." Cunningheart said all of this void of emotion - but there was something... Something about this Servant that fascinated her. Something about Joyless that reminded her so much of herself. She waited for the Servant's response, but smacked her back again.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:27 am

Joyless's body shook and a puddle of water formed as she choked violently, and was rewarded for useless efforts with air.
Suddenly blackness over whelmed her before the dizziness of sight. She shook and stud her back leg flawed with blood and regarding Cunningheart she cursed, "Damn that treacherous, mouse dung, stupid, cold hearted..." She raked her claws across the ice before calming and feeling the ache of reality.

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:41 am

Cunningheart smirked.
"Then I guess I taught him well, didn't I?" Her voice was softer than usual - it was like how she spoke to Tiger, but different, almost like... Almost like she held some respect for Joy. "That was a brave thing you did, pushing that queen onto the thin ice. Stupid, but brave." Cunningheart looked at her for a long moment, her amber eyes gleaming in the setting sun.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:44 am

"Guess you did..." Joy mewed using a good paw to flick off some pond weed, then froze, she looked at Cunningheart with outstanded shock on her face.

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:06 am

Cunningheart watched Joy carefully as she mewed,
"Come, sister-Bone. The camp awaits." She stood beside Joy and started to pad forward.
OOC: Oooh, some charrie development for CH! cheers
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:09 am

Joys body trembled. "You... you know about Bone?" she mewed padding beside Cunningheart.

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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:20 am

"Your friend talks in his sleep. Says you are the daughter of Bone. I am as well. Can I tell you a secret, sister-Bone?"

OOC: CH doesn't know about Bone visiting Joy, only that they share blood. She's not that evil just... mislead.
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Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3 Empty Re: Flowerfur crosses to go home! :3

Post by Loki Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:35 am

OOC: AWWW this is turning cute!!!
IC: Joy smiled, "Of course, I don't talk in my sleep."

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