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Hunting and fetching prey.

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:24 pm

Joy padded paw after paw. The snow had turned into sharp icy powder. The only good thing that happened today that she wasn't too worried about; was the icy pond water had washed
her bad leg. It numned and ached as she padded, It didn't follow the flow of her body either.
"Curse that Tiger," She mewed solomnly, because of him, she felt ill and tired. Because of him she felt she had done nothing. "I should have killed the she cat and taken the kits for my self!"
"What She cat?"
Joy looked around. Tigerflame.
"You'll get killed if you come any closer..."
"I am on my territory."
"I can see that."
The fire pelted tabby sighed and mewed inocently,
"You kind'a put me down back there-"
"I put a LOT of cats down."
Joy padded mutly a fox length away from the border not looking at him though
his searing eyes scolded her fur. "Please leave Tigerflame."
"Because_" He cut in, "I saw you with that tom?"
"You did..."
"Yeah, he..he your mate?"
"No. He's a good friend, nothing is decuided."
"Come on Joy? I... I really like you!"
"Your Tawnyclan and I am Abbysclan."
"You were the one who said that didn't matter-"
"Well things change! I have things going on that you wouldn't understand!"
Tigerflame's claws unsheafed and he hissed angrily; "I Was going to get you out of all of this!"
"I don't want it, I believe in ^Those Above^. I am too different."
She turned and sprung into the thicket, angry and hurting.
"Curse it! Curse it all! a PLAGUE OF YOUR CLAN!" Tigerflame yowled, "Abbysclan will regret it!"
He himself turned and left.


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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:13 am

Joy sped through the snow covered field. her anger surged through her. The snow was thick, though loads of grass had been uncovered by a large animal and the rising sun was warm anfd joyful upon her cold pelt.

Joy stared beyond towards the close, two-legs nests. She padded closer, they looked so familiar... She looked around she hadn't passed the Abbysclan borders so she wasn't doing anything wrong, And the hare she had taken down was further across. Joy had already came under some large sticks that rised out the ground, shiny spider webs were stuck to them and followed the field around to a large barn.
The barn looked as if twolegs had looked after it well and she could remember one of the servants commenting on what the bother of having this bit of territory was, since no-one hardly came over here. Joys tail flicked, Some servants don't listen and think. This field was littered with rabbits and shrews, she saw a large grass coloured worm the other day and took it down, though was surprised to find it had sharp fangs.

Joy sat and groomed her self. She wondered what attention Tiger was getting. He didn't even fight that she-cat! She sneered, I was the one who fought and killed...
Joy marched the field er hare had been devoured and only mottled blood remained, something had played with it not eaten it- how ungrateful! Joy thought studying the blood and flattened grass. after a while she had killed two rabbits and a green worm. She concluded that the worm must be a snake, mother had talked about massive cat eating snakes, Joy laughed, these were puny. She ate the snake for herself. It was delicious! So succulent and the meat filled her sorry stomach up. Ounce more she had to lay down and pick at it, the delicate bones wouldn't seem so delicate if she were to swallow one and it got stuck down her wind pipe.

The sun had risen to full and Joy had hunted snakes in the uncovered grassy areas. They sunned themselves on rocks taking up what was soon to disapear under a new layer of snow, So it was easy to catch the desperate creatures, which actually were quite fat considering.
Joy had flopped the two rabbits she caught erlier on her back and the four dead snakes rested on her back. She had fun catching the snakes. her awkward body made it difficult to run but to kill was so easy, and the snakes were fast to turn and strike so the hard part was watching their fangs. Now she had done so she wished she hadn't some so far. these were heavy rabbits for Joy.

She looked up at the sky if Switch were here he would have helped her. Did he pity her? He never left her alone. Since when does a tom enjoy the company of a servant?
Joy sighed. She looked back towards the city. She could, if she wanted to, just drop the prey and un there and hide... She slid through the shiny grey spider web which was mangled near the bottom on the far corner. She had too much work to do.


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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:57 am

OOC: Let's say she went a ways away before Colorless comes on the scene.

A young, white she-cat slowly padded out of the forest - this was the newest Servant, Colorless.
"Ex... cuse me?" she mewed softly, her gray eyes wide. As far as she knew, she had been born into Abyssclan and it was her very first day. "I... I'm not very good at catching prey..."
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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:34 am

Joy looked up. and put the hefty pile of prey she had had down.
"Your not are you?" Joy fixed the servant with a cautious look. Then sighed.
I better show you. Switch showed Joy so she never had to ask for help.
She was lucky the small warrior was such a good hunter.
Joy used a broken strip of bark to cover her stash and looked to Colorless

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:51 pm

Colorless dipped her head to the older she-cat and mewed her thanks, waiting.
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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:14 pm

OOC: sorry I am slow I caught a bad virus Sad
Joy nodded to Colorless to copy her.
"Lift your head high and scent the air."
She did so and presumed Colorless had copied.
"If you smell a sharp nasty scent- its mouse. A warrior is less greatful for one of these so..."
She smelt the musky scent of a buck rabbit. She had normally stayed clear of them and went for the
hinds. Buck rabbit were faster... But that would have to do.
"Watch me catch this one- You can take it as yours today and You can try tomorrow."
She spoke with poetic authority, Switch complained when she spoke like that.

The snow was so cold that it was becoming hot on her paws. So she crouched into the awkward hunters crouch and
set of downwind towards the strong smelll of live rabbit. "There." She whispered to Colorless as they halted.
A medium sized rabbit stood on its backlegs grooming itself, Fortunatly it stood with its back to them.
Its chances were slim.

She crawled closer until about a foxlengh away. He hackles raised and backlegs adjusted until she rammed into it.
For anyone close, you would squint at the loud crack of the rabbits neck.
Though the poor thing was still alive and it kicked with the only part of its body that was able to move, either that or it was having death spasms.

Joy stood and shook her pelt. "finish it off and hoist it on your back, I'll show you properly tomorrow."
She padded back, The sun was high and she was hoping Switch was back, she wanted to gossip and complain to him, he was the only one who was talking to her at the moment. She thought about Loveless and a cold claw raked across her heart, Will he ever forgive me?

She turned to colorless, "I'll wait for you?" And with that she went back to quickly collect her loot.


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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:23 pm

Colorless gulped, but finished the rabbit off. Struggling, she hoisted the dead rabbit over her back and stumbled after Joy. She looked up at the flurries that had begun to fall, sneezing, the rabbit almost falling off her back, but she was able to balance it again in time.
"Th-thanks! What's your name?"

OOC: You're making me look bad, Loki...
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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:32 pm

OOC: look bad? enlighten me on that?

Joy looked out at the small white she-cat from the corner of her eye.
"My names... Joy, Joyless to you, okay?"
they padded back and the snow was begining to fall heavy, it was now
that Joy regretted coming out this far they were about to have a snowstorm, a bad one,
and it was freezing cold, deadly for a straggler. Joy stood her heart thumped painfully against her
chest. "We're going to slow..." She muttered to herself and looked back towards the slower cat.
She turned and pulled the rabbit off the she cats back and put the seven snakes on instead these
were lighter, She swapped. "The warriors at this rate won't see us, let alone your kill..."
She nudged the cats flank, "Stay ahead of me, and don't slow down," Joy looked up, "Those above,father,
look over us now..." She turned and they struggled on, it was going to be hard.

OOC: Smile I like snow!

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:42 pm

OOC: YAY! meh virus is slowly dying out... until you come back i'll mess around with colorless...
Joy and colorless had travelled on, it was tough. The snow was like sharpened claws; it was wounding them everywhere. The two closed their eyes to shield themselves away from the snow. Joy was born on the day of a blizzard- her mother had spoken of them very much. Colourless... well Joy could only guess this was her first.
Cold was gripping them and they were basically holding onto the firm snow for grim death.
Joy kept her tail upon Colourless' shoulder, she wasn't going to get lost alone.

Before long they had actually drifted away- not even the warriors would be out in this.
"Those Above!" Joy hissed as her pelt rippled in the sudden gust of blistering wind.
Her pelt was damp from falling through the pond, the dampness had turned into sharp ice,
her ears felt cold and brittle, her paws- she could not feel. She could only imagine colorless was feeling the true brute of the powerful element.

"Colourless!" She shouted numbly, "We can't go on-" She didn't even know if the young servant had heard. "Start digging!" She ordered scrabbling at the snow. The fresh was gone in a swift flick and so after a while they had gotten a mouse length under the sharp old snow.
Colourless was slowing and Joy felt a ripple of exhaustion coming from her.
"Stay awake!" Joy snapped nipping at her scruff.

The sun was setting and the two had made a burrow. The snow was littered with blood and even a shredded claw that must have ripped during the digging. But any evidence of life was disappearing rapidly. "Switch was right_" She mewed, shivering vigorously.
The three rabbits were placed in a warm bed wall around the makeshift burrow, the snakes placed near them, Colourless lay near the back, warmer.
Joy was near the entrance, she was making sure they were not going to be caved in, But it looked like the blizzard was going to run through the night and the next day, maybe even the day after! Joy sighed, she wasn't only staying awake because of that...
If she fell asleep... Would she wake up? Would Bone make an acception to the training? Whatever was going to happen, nothing good was going to come of it.

Night settled in and Colorless was dozing. Joy had checked... she was warm enough.
Joys leg hurt desperatly too add to the drama.
she rasped her tongue over it, regret washed into her.
And despite all she closed her eyes and tucked her head into her nose, She was at her spot near the entrance but...

She felt like she was in the nest which belonged to the life chooser, the cat who took her away from her mother.

Though she looked down upon the other kits, her mom with Dory, her sister who now hated her and was called Defenseless, and Dory was getting the love and attention Joy craved.
At the attention she lacked she hissed. "Hush Young ledrene." Purred the sleek dark brown tom, his amber eyes glowing at her. "My name... Isn't Ledrene.." The tom chuckled, "Ledrene is your rank silly!" Joy shrunk and hung her head. "Now... You shall never hiss with jealousy."
Joy sighed solemnly, "Understood."
"Good!" purred the tom.
Joy looked at him stricken with grief, "Please_"
The Tom bowed in submission, "Never say please_ Only to your mate_"
Tom looked awkwardly, "You'll understand."
"Now- It looks like a blizzard is upon us. come, come." He cooed to the fluffed up small
kit, "You mustn't catch a cold-"
"But, I want to play_"
"haha, come young Ledrene- You mustn't plead."
"Mom said that playing is good for your health?"
The tom flattened his ears,
"You are to forget EVERYTHING your mother tells you."
Joy looked at him with cold hatred in her eyes and this she would disobey.
But the tom glared at her and he stuck with it.
"Understood," She retorted, Just because she understood didn't mean she HAD to obey him.
The tom watched the kit then padded to the back of the borrow. "|Good..." He meowed though quieter, as if he wasn't meaning to praise but to acknowledge her remark.
He stood by a nest layered by feathers. He stood straight and expressionless.
The silver pelted kit padded upto the nest. "Will I get to be a gatherer?"
"You will be trained as a warrior," The tom mewed.
Warriors were only heard of by the king, the chooser and the chancelers, this was a position for higher cats, no other in the 'clan' had heard of it.
Joy looked down, her future was going to be thrown at her, though being a warrior sounded fun.
She lay and the tom crouched by her ear.
"You will rise at the fall of the sun,
when the sun becomes the lower one.
Feel the breeze submit to you,
and so submit to the king on through."
His mew was tuneless and expressionless, but unless she fell asleep he would sing on and
on. Little did she know that this was a mental trick learnt to later hypnotise an older ledrene
into sleep, But Joy only pretended to sleep.

Her father Knife, was present. "Rutt?" He growled, at this Rutt jumped. then looked at the kit, "Good thing you hadn't woken her up." Rutt hissed, "I do not understand the cruel rules of Ledreneship. But whatever..." He looked pitifully at Joy, "All Highers and toms and cable hunting and fighting cats are meeting Falsecall..."
"I see."
"What about_" "no the king won't..."
"Alright then..."
The two left, Joy lifted her head and watched them go. This was the last time she saw them...


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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:41 am

OOC: We should really talk about the hierarchy of Cityclan... somehow combine our idea - when we talk about it, it seems like we're talking about two different clans! ... maybe Ledrenes (descendants) could be the same rank as a Chancellor, but only Scourge descendants have a call to the throne and they all live in Abyssclan.

IC: Colorless, ever so tired, feebly looked around where Joyless had brought them to. She was so cold! Colorless shivered, thinking about her brother.
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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:47 am

OOC: yeah... I think maybe... Ledrene was the set mate who is lower to the couciler and they had the lord/king until A certain cat took all the warriors etc and then the raid- they gave up with the lord and EVERYthing changed...

Joy woke with a sudden jolt.

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:14 am

Colorless suddenly looked at Joyless as she woke up.
"Are you okay?"
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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:58 am

Joy looked around. The entrance was still viewable. She sighed, some of her energy drawn back into her limbs.
She looked to Colorless and padded over to join the servant. "I hope... It doesn't last long." She mewed looking out to the deathly whirl of white. "It looks like it'll last another day or two..."
A shiver ran down her back, "Imagine the amount of work we will get back to?" Joy yawned.
and she drew one of the rabbits later caught. It was early in the morning of a new day.
"I don't know about you but..." She tucked in, the rabbit was warm and tasty. "We'll go back when it lightens...or stops. It'll look better if we took a rabbit each three snakes between us... tuck in."

The flesh was good, and the fat field rabbit would keep the two alive for the rest of the day, though Joy wasn't particularly starving she still made sure she wasn't hungry! The she-cat stopped and looked up her fur fluffed out and she hissed. A white fox had sniffed them out!

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:14 am

Colorless had been eating, as happy as a clam (hey - she didn't have any work to do right then and there, and she had all the food she wanted!) when she looked up at Joyless's hiss.
"Is that a fox," she hissed quietly, her own fur standing on end. She'd heard of what foxes could do to a cat, and none of the stories were too pretty.
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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:03 pm

Joy flicked her tail in silent reply.
The fox snuffled around, Joy would wait until his paws were digging, it didn't seem like the fox was too bothered.
but then again, a fox will kill just for the enjoyment in it.
It put its fore paw in and swept a heep of snow out. uncovering what had covered up the entrance.
]Joy struck out, her sharp claws raking over its face.
The fox reared in agony and yowled. it took flight.
Joy hissed and joined Colorless again.
"There are millions of fox' in the city. Some say they live in clans-"
She wasn't hungry now. The blizzard was coming down hard now and she guessed the fox was looking for
something that had fell to the weather.

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Loki Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:09 pm

Then it was now no wonder the fox took sudden flight.
A cream base she cat with luna stripes peered in. "What do we have here?" She mewed.
Then a familiar voice came, "Lokistar my tail's d..d...dropping off." Joy's eyes went wide and
she buried her head in her paws. "We've crossed the border!" She mewed embarresedly at Colorless. But the small she-cat was a kit in the eyes of Lokistar who was a clan cat, and six moons was an apprentice to them... Tigerflame took Colorless from her. "Ive seen you before..."
The leader let Joy out, Joy was seven moons, so she looked like an apprentice.
"This one smells of Abbysclan_" The two locked eye contact, Tigerflame's amber eyes burned and
Joys pale blue scolded his pelt.

Lokistar hissed, "Pack it in... Lets get these kits fed and warm."
She picked Joy up by the scruff and joy hissed and made good time into trying to come free.
The Tawnyclan cats obviously were not used to much snow and all the light. They were wobbly and the blizzard singed their pelts. "Imagine being so stupid as to come out in this..." Tigerflame scored , "Imagine beibg so weak you hide under trees..." Joy hissed. Tigerflame flicked his tail.

They were now coming to the entrance of the Tawnyclan camp...

OOC: off to Tawnyclan

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Hunting and fetching prey.  Empty Re: Hunting and fetching prey.

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 24, 2011 8:07 pm

OOC: Aw, snap!

IC: Colorless hissed at Lokistar, but she was tired and cold so she didn't put up too much of a fight. But, for the record, she quoted one of the Warriors from Abyssclan. She hissed,
"If you do not kill us, someday, we will kill you!" Colorless felt proud of herself, even though she was scared nearly out of her mind. She cast a glance Joyless's way, then to the dark tom she was snarling at. Did they know each other from somewhere?
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