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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:28 am

"Do you think the clans in folklore, Thunderclan, came to these conflicts? As I remember, Thunderclan went through the exact same thing we are now! Driven away from home with a dead leader and other lost kin. I would think that we should keep those lost souls at peace with our fights. If we have conflict inside the clan, what do you think will happen outside it?" Spidermist tried speaking softly with a tone of remorse, to the thought that hopefully the old stories their mother spoke to them about were at least partially true.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Sat Jan 26, 2013 12:32 am

Gorseclaw now stood before Hollowstripe. As he looked at her, he flicked his tail and glanced away awkwardly. "I may have started an in-Clan argument," he meowed sheepishly. The warrior stood there quietly for a bit then sat with Silverpaw.
Silverpaw looked at her mentor, shocked to see him so subdued. "But you were right," she protested.
"It wasn't my place to speak," the warrior returned. "Whether I was right in my words, I was wrong for speaking them out of turn. I should have...thought more." He was rather ashamed of himself. "I spoke on impulse." Gorseclaw looked back at Hollowstripe."You wanted to see us?"
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Meany Sat Jan 26, 2013 1:11 am

Bronzepaw had followed closely behind his siblings, and was now sitting near his mentor.
Now he was just waiting, really.
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:57 am

Hollowstripe, disgusted with the ill behavior of the Tawnyclan queens, turned back to Gorseclaw with a curt and thoughtful nod towards Bronzepaw. "Yes, I did." But first before beginning to speak, she scanned the clearing for any of her other clan mates. Her eyes stopped "Mustardstorm, please get over here." She called, seeing the warrior getting a bit into the jive of the Tawnyclan cats. He seemed quite close to them that it resembled being white cat in a snowstorm.
The yellow tom pricked his ears up and padded towards his own clan mates.

"Now, it came to my attention, Precisely Bronzepaw's, that this clearing is inadequate for Darkclanners like ourselves. Lying under the stars, exposed to nearly all the rain possible. I say it's time to move ourselves to a more proper place to rest, but maintain our distance with Tawnyclan."
She paused for a moment, "Sorestare, where was the most driest places you found in this clearing?"

Sorestare gave a confused glance toward Hollowstripe, but simply implied, "The bark of the trees, any one around here is fine, and less moss grows here, leaving it quite dry."
The bark colored she-cat smiled, "Good. Gorseclaw, Silverpaw, where has been the area most plentiful with prey?"

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Sat Jan 26, 2013 3:22 pm

Strikefast glowered for a moment she had now had enough. She recalled having the same argument with Rainstorm not too long ago. She bowed her head in remorse, mustn't think of him. He's dead.

Solarstorm lifted his tail to stop Mosscloud and Spidermist from continuing this verbal battle. "That's enough."
He glared at the two of them, "you all are acting so petty. The thing is that we are in need of the help of Darkclan. Lokistar was adamant about keeping allies as such and you are ruining that bond.
I suggest you queens look after the young ones, we love you both and respect what you have lost but you must concede: we are warriors to look after the clan, your job is to keep the kits safe."
Stikefast sat, her hackles were lowered in acknowledgement of Solarstorm... the eldest tom.
"If Starclan have said Dawnkit is the next heir for the path of a medicine cat then so be it."

He sat, looking away from those who had fought with disgust.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by ticktock Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:23 am

Honeyfang just rolled her eyes at her quarreling clanmates in disgust and shook the water out her golden pelt. She didn't want say anything right now. Because she thought MudbloodClan was scary but now they seem as harmless as kits next to the queens. She was glad Solarstorm said something - she would have said something, but she couldn't think of anything that would stop the quarrel.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:49 am

Mosscloud only stood motionlessly and moved on to Sagekit, gently licking her as if nothing happened. But her cold stare at nowhere told everything she needed to say.

Dawnkit's pelt was puffed up slightly. She was angry at the other cats, even if she did want to be a medicine cats. She felt slightly torn but glowered back at Hailkit anyway.


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:52 am

Gorseclaw looked back at the green grasslands.
"Well, the No-Clan's land has plenty of prey, but it's far too mucky for any real hunting to happen for we who have big paws." He lifted one of his own large paws as a reminder. "You bend the wrong blade of grass, prey within the next 30 foxlengths will know you're there, it's..." He shuddered. "Very strange..."
Gorseclaw gave Silverpaw a sly glance, much to her horror, but he said nothing about her failings in the grasslands.
"Even though the rain seems to bring out prey in the grasses, we wouldn't be able to see or smell any enemies coming our way in there. I wouldn't recommend it." He waved his tail in a dismissive manner.
"No new prey will come to the Bloodstones with so many here, and digging out the ground squirrels and rock finches that live in this rocky place wouldn't be impossible, but pad-cutting and time consuming. And there could be snakes. But, hunting towards and in our own territory could be more dangerous. We'd have to go at least ten fox-lengths in and on, to escape the faint but dominate scent of - well, us. But we'd have to mind our position, since the prey will be wary of the scorched areas and the rain makes for a poor hunting companion in our woods. Most things will be hiding under the great branches, in their dens or hollows, that sort of thing. And, we swore to help TawnyClan. We wouldn't be of any help if Mudblood attacked and we were a hundred or more tail lengths into the forest. We could try for the Valley of the Passed - the old shared burial grounds of TawnyClan and DarkClan," Gorseclaw explained to a confused Silverpaw. "But last time anyone was there, it was rumored that wolves were around there. They dug up graves." He let that hang a moment. "Or, we could try for Tiger's Hill - Eclipse, Blackfire called her, with the fox friend. See if she's willing to share. But, again, we'd have to go a distance. We wouldn't be of any help, and we promised Redstar we'd wait."
The beige tom suddenly lost his serious, thoughtful expression and smiled. "We have options! Dangerous, possibly dangerous, possibly even more dangerous implications, possibly being eaten by wolves, or eaten by a tiger of legend."

Silverpaw listened closely. Gorseclaw sure does know a lot...I'm glad he's my mentor. Silverpaw decided it would be another personal mission of hers to ask Gorseclaw as much as she could about ideal and unideal hunting areas, and why. "Hang on. A...tiger?"
Gorseclaw looked at her. "Oh, yes. Blackfire - and cats from other Clans, would you believe it - says that a great, white tiger showed up at the last Gathering he went to. She called herself Eclipse, and she said she lived on that hill," it was actually a smaller mountain. The warrior flicked his tail in it's foggy direction. "Lived there with a fox called...Azzy, I think. They were said to be divine messengers...Would have liked to have seen them..." Gorseclaw's voice became whimsical. He snapped back into serious warrior mode. "But, the Valley could very well be the best choice. Even if DarkClan hasn't patrolled there in seasons upon seasons, our ancestors must have chosen it for some reason other than burials. We're best where we belong." He was looking at Hollowstripe. "What do you think?"

OOC: Eeeeh, I dun like it, but it will have to dooooo....
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:22 pm

Hollowstripe raised her head in the direction of Darkclan, " It seems useful enough, the echoes that bounce around the Valley could be helpful if we get any Mudbloods on our trail. The tricky part I see is with this rain. The rocks could be too slippery to climb for a better view, even for us." She took consideration of the possibility of wolves being there. It seemed improbable to her though. She would think that their already on the other mountains of Darkclan, not anywhere close the the Valley of the Passed.
"But all our hunting techniques will work in there. And yet they also work quite well in the canopy of Pine trees." She paused for a moment. "We'll split into two groups. One on higher ground, one on lower. Gorseclaw, Silverpaw, you take the lower ground, Sorestare, join them as another pair of ears. You'll need them. I'll take Mustardstorm and Bronzepaw for higher ground, We'll be the eyes for you."

"We all will leave together at Sunrise tomorrow. I first have to speak with Ezziestar, be sure that we're accepted here." She took a glance Ezziestar, "If we are, we'll get suited to these places and find a spot around here to settle down that's custom to our camp.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:29 pm

Gorseclaw nodded. "Sunrise," he agreed. He looked at Silverpaw and Sorestare and was satisfied.
"What should we," gestured to all of the DarkClan cats, "do in the meantime?"
Silverpaw sat by quietly. Hollowstripe reminds me of Redstar when he was Redfall...I know the older warriors don't like it that Hollowstripe is deputy, but I think she must be getting better at her duties. It was strange, but the gray she-cat found that she was very pleased by this.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:55 pm

OOC: Aww, that thought Silverpaw had makes me feel happy!

" You've done enough patrolling for one day... Speak with one of the Senior warriors here, see if you can get any tips and trades about stealth in a place like this. We won't be around the Valley of the Passed for long, so something to help along the way should be enough." Hollowstripe softly flicked her tail, " Some traveling herbs could be helpful, but I haven't seen any useful roots around since we've been here. If you find any, bring them with you."
The deputy swished her tail to the side, speaking that the meeting was now over.

Sorestare flicked his ear, dribbling a small amount of rain around. "I'm going to be nocked out cold by Sunrise!" He smiled, padding back to the tree where he had rested before.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by ticktock Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:18 am

Honeyfang sighed. She wished that she could go on a hunting patrol. But the DarkClan cats are stealing all the patrols. She thought. Whiterose called out to Ezziestar and asked "When are you going to name a deputy?" She said when she stopped licking her burnt tail.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jan 28, 2013 1:35 pm

((Yuck! I'm so sorry for not coming back here, but I'm back again, plus I'm well aware of there being no medicine cat ceremony at a gathering... Razz I just haven't seen what happens in such a situation where there is no medicine cat or apprentice. As for the deputy... I still have no idea who to pick. I'm going to check the allegiances board to pick a suitable cat.

I returned... and it doesn't help that there's only one warrior with an apprentice. I guess I have no choice but to pick that cat.))

Ezziestar's ear twitched when she heard Honeyfang ask her about the new deputy... or at least to pick a deputy. Ezziestar scanned her clan. She closed her eyes, and tried to think through her decision. It would have to be someone who can organize and has been loyal and faithful to Tawnyclan... but they must have had an apprentice... Ezziestar's tail twitched in irritation of her concentration. She took a deep breath to calm her rapidly beating heart, "I need more time to think." She responded dryly, her voice almost a murmur. To her there were more pressing issues, she knew that Tawnyclan couldn't live here, but they didn't have many other options.
She sat down.

Stone watched in concern, he hadn't seen her like this... confused, he could tell this was the case, but she didn't try to show it.

((I'm sorry, I can't think much at the moment... it's almost midnight and I need sleep. Smile I'll come back ok? I'm going to bed.))

Last edited by Ezziestar on Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:25 pm

OOC: Don't forget you can always pick new members Ezzie my dear. Some cats may not currently have an apprentice... but they may have in the past. Wink

Solarstorm seemed satisfied with that ,"Hear, hear." He called out, "and lets put an end to all of our mindless squabbles!, I hope you'll be sure of yourself when you pick this cat."
Leopardstorm felt her claws itch, I wonder whom it should be, she thought wryly.
Wolffang rolled his eyes at Solarstorm; Sunshift adding distastefully, "Father, stop prying! Allow her to have a break."
"I'm not prying," The golden tom grumbled and stumbled off to find some rest.


Maplejay felt exhaustion prick her paws at every step. She was holding Gentlekit by the scruff (hope you don't mind NK ^_^). The half of Dewclan that had decided to see her as their surrogant leader was trailing behind her. She hoped that this would be worth the effort. She'd even brought the kits along... But what if the Mudcats would attack? She just didn't know anymore.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:27 am

OOC: Also.. Ezzie. Fiddlerpaw's mentor, Fireshade died in the fire. If you claim him to somebody else, you can have them be a hell of a Deputy. Either way, he needs to get another mentor.


Hollowstripe bumped into the conversation. "Ezziestar, if you have time, I'd like to have a word with you." She glanced side to side to the other members of Tawnyclan, large and small, feeling awkward that she's very in-between the size comparisons, but she remained to keep her head high. "I'm the deputy of Darkclan, Hollowstripe." She added, seeing if she hadn't remembered from the Blood Moon Gathering nearly a month ago.

Fiddlerpaw let out a little chuckle. "Deputy? She's nearly my age!" He murmured, but it still hit Hollowstripe's ears. They were of course about a tail-length away. "And proud to be, you should work on your mumbling," She whispered back, her former sarcastic falling back into place, and she deeply welcomed it.

(You surprise in a bottle! LOKI! Very Happy )

Last edited by NKninja on Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by ticktock Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:33 am

OOC: Um, Ezziestar you kind of messed up my cats names.So for the future I am decent enough to tell you which cat is in Tawnyclan which is Honeyfang not Whiterose. So please next time don't mess up my cats names again. Thank you.

IC: Whiterose (OOC: the DewClan she-cat) followed Maplejay into the BloodStones and saw by a quick count that there are only 8 warriors. Compared to Dewclan that is very surprising. She thought.

Honeyfang (OOC: The Tawnyclan she-cat) saw the newcomers and almost immediately felt threaten by them. DewClan I'm sure of it. She thought. She also felt threaten by the DarkClan cats. But that is different. They came to help us. I'm not so sure about the DewClan cats though. She thought as she padded cautiously over to the Dewclan cats. and she said to the Dewclan cats, "Why are you here?"

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:55 am

OOC:I have no idea about what do do with Gentlekit!! o_O By the way, is Maplejay her mama?
“Can I walk now, Maplejay?” Gentlekit asked calmly. She felt verystupid at the moment, with her useless rear paws.Why was she the one who had loher legs and become a burden to the clan? She let out a huge sigh.

Dawnkit's pelt prickled slightly as she saw another band of cats approaching. She stood up on her small four paws and stared at the cats, with an unkind eye.
Mosscloud gathered her kits tightly, and unsheathed her claws, curling her lip.


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Wed Jan 30, 2013 7:38 am

OOC: Ticktock, That is completely unacceptable. It's an often thing that pops up in Roleplay. Just because she used the wrong name does not mean you need to guide her like she is a beginner doing this for the first time. It's difficult to remember EVERY name of every user and reply with the proper character's name. At least you knew who she was speaking to.

Also, never, please never say "So for the future I am decent enough to tell you which cat is in Tawnyclan which is Honeyfang not Whiterose." It's like throwing their mistake in their face and smearing it around. Your reminding me DEEPLY of a Garnetheart, and I'd rather not want to have another Garnetheart.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by ticktock Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:48 pm

OOC: Ezziestar, I'm REALLY sorry about acting that way. Would you ever forgive me? I should have thought about what I was saying. I'll never do that again.

IC: Honeyfang flattened her ears. We can't trust DewClan...They must be joined with MudbloodClan! DewClan's territory is the only territory that wasn't burned! She spoke again to the new cats. "Well? Why are you here?" Her hackles raised.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:03 pm

OOC: @ticktock/NK/Ezzie: I'll let you three sort it out since it seems to be under control.

IC: Gorseclaw bristled suddenly at the scent of new cats. "DewClan," he hissed to his Clanmates.
Silverpaw whirled around, fascinated at the thought of seeing yet another Clan.
"What's wrong," she meowed, seeing how ruffled her mentor was. "Oh-wait." She remembered the speculation in previous conversations. "Do you think they're leading the Mudbloods here?"
Gorseclaw shrugged but said nothing, remaining focused on the newcomers. His ears were flattened and his eyes were slits.
Silverpaw's own ears had flattened, her tail fluffed.
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:11 pm

OOC: Hmmm... come now children... everyone makes the mistakes Wink @Augsp no she's just helping Gentlekit out Smile
Maplejay let Gentlekit onto her paws and smiled lightly before feeling annoyance at the scrutinizing glares she was getting.
Wolffang was up in an instant, "go back to you bog, duck paws your not welcome here."
Maplejay didn't know what to say, she blinked, opened her mouth, closed it before staring wide eyed back.
"You've got it wrong!" She squeaked.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:50 pm

Gentlekit stared at the owner of the unkind words.
“You haven't even listened to us yet. Why couldn't you be fair?”she inquired with a sharp eye.

“If you knew what we went through, you'd have nothing to say,”Snowkit snapped at her.
His icy blue eyes stared into Gentlekit.


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:28 pm

OOC: Wow, Didn't expect such a kind reply from Ticky here. I guess this is what I should expect for RPing with awesome people! Very Happy No seriously, pretty awesome people here! I liek it!
@Augsp: Skysoar is her mother, and I've been RPing here for a little bit.
Still sick after 3 days, oh I got some American flu! OH BOY!


Ravenswift peered forward, "We're here for the same reason Darkclan must be here!" He raised his tone, the warrior noticing the obvious scent and figure of the Darkclan cats blended in with Tawnyclan. "If you gave us time to explain our position, we'd be grateful." He let out a soft and curt nod a moment after.

Hollowstripe grew with confusion, she didn't expect Dewclan to be here out of all clans. Even Abyssclan made more sense to be here then the Unburned marsh dwellers. Yet she remained silent, raising an eyebrow (Cat's have eyebrows now!) to the newcomers, resting herself beside Ezziestar now.

Smokekit padded beside his sister, "Gentlekit, it's not worth it with these kits," He silently mewed, backing up away from the Tawnyclan kits.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:51 pm

Dawnkit bristled as she saw the little tom speaking to the crippled she-cat. It had to be something mean. Sagekit connected her eyes to hers for a moment. Then all three kits made it out of Mosscloud's protective cover.
“bet he's saying something mean about me,” Snowkit flicked his tail in disapproval. He didn't seem any older than he was.

“Be quiet! It's crucial that we remain in neutral bonds, and even a simple arguement by a bunch of kits could trigger it,”Gentlekit mewed in an exasperated tone


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:54 am

((Just letting everyone know that I'm quite prone to making mistakes since it was late when I posted last. Razz But still... I can't help that I'm like that all the time anyways. XD))

Ezziestar nodded to the Darkclan deputy; grateful to be able to change subject for awhile. Her blue eyes almost glowed, she was back to her self again. Her whiskers twitched as she meowed, "Did you want to talk with me privately?"

Stone felt confused all the while, but he was relieved see Ezziestar sitting upright in confidence, he began to respect her all the more. His ears perked up as he listened to the sounds around him.

((Yuck! I'm doing terrible... I'll try to type a better post next time. DX))

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