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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:11 pm

OOC: Hmmm... come now children... everyone makes the mistakes Wink @Augsp no she's just helping Gentlekit out Smile
Maplejay let Gentlekit onto her paws and smiled lightly before feeling annoyance at the scrutinizing glares she was getting.
Wolffang was up in an instant, "go back to you bog, duck paws your not welcome here."
Maplejay didn't know what to say, she blinked, opened her mouth, closed it before staring wide eyed back.
"You've got it wrong!" She squeaked.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:50 pm

Gentlekit stared at the owner of the unkind words.
“You haven't even listened to us yet. Why couldn't you be fair?”she inquired with a sharp eye.

“If you knew what we went through, you'd have nothing to say,”Snowkit snapped at her.
His icy blue eyes stared into Gentlekit.


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:28 pm

OOC: Wow, Didn't expect such a kind reply from Ticky here. I guess this is what I should expect for RPing with awesome people! Very Happy No seriously, pretty awesome people here! I liek it!
@Augsp: Skysoar is her mother, and I've been RPing here for a little bit.
Still sick after 3 days, oh I got some American flu! OH BOY!


Ravenswift peered forward, "We're here for the same reason Darkclan must be here!" He raised his tone, the warrior noticing the obvious scent and figure of the Darkclan cats blended in with Tawnyclan. "If you gave us time to explain our position, we'd be grateful." He let out a soft and curt nod a moment after.

Hollowstripe grew with confusion, she didn't expect Dewclan to be here out of all clans. Even Abyssclan made more sense to be here then the Unburned marsh dwellers. Yet she remained silent, raising an eyebrow (Cat's have eyebrows now!) to the newcomers, resting herself beside Ezziestar now.

Smokekit padded beside his sister, "Gentlekit, it's not worth it with these kits," He silently mewed, backing up away from the Tawnyclan kits.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:51 pm

Dawnkit bristled as she saw the little tom speaking to the crippled she-cat. It had to be something mean. Sagekit connected her eyes to hers for a moment. Then all three kits made it out of Mosscloud's protective cover.
“bet he's saying something mean about me,” Snowkit flicked his tail in disapproval. He didn't seem any older than he was.

“Be quiet! It's crucial that we remain in neutral bonds, and even a simple arguement by a bunch of kits could trigger it,”Gentlekit mewed in an exasperated tone


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:54 am

((Just letting everyone know that I'm quite prone to making mistakes since it was late when I posted last. Razz But still... I can't help that I'm like that all the time anyways. XD))

Ezziestar nodded to the Darkclan deputy; grateful to be able to change subject for awhile. Her blue eyes almost glowed, she was back to her self again. Her whiskers twitched as she meowed, "Did you want to talk with me privately?"

Stone felt confused all the while, but he was relieved see Ezziestar sitting upright in confidence, he began to respect her all the more. His ears perked up as he listened to the sounds around him.

((Yuck! I'm doing terrible... I'll try to type a better post next time. DX))

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:21 am

Smokekit seemed to have smoke puffing from her ears towards his sister. "We already got a fight with some mud cats to work with, why another clan we've learned about? What happened to playtime?" He growled, the last sentence coming out as if he was destroyed to what was happening to all these kits. And I thought they would be happy to see us.. Or want to play..

Hollowstripe tilted towards Ezziestar, " I'd prefer private.. But with Dewclan's arrival, I'm fine to wait." Her eyes rested on the cats that had entered the clearing. Kits? They would never bring kits if they were decoys or bait for mudbloods.. She still remembered the visual from on top of the Darkclan mountain, of how Dewclan fell unharmed towards the wildfire that fell across the forest. Her cheek started to inflame in pain just to the thought of the engulfing flames destroying all with it.
Then again... Why would they be here in the first place if it wasn't for them?

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Sat Feb 02, 2013 5:40 pm

With eyes glinting on Maplejay, the she-cat decided it was time to stand for her clan, "calm yourselves. We came because we've walked away from Daystar...or he's walked away from us.... I mean Daystar took half the clan and just left!"
Solarstorm cocked his head, that young fool finally cracked? I knew it would happen, I knew when Lokistar refused to make him a deputy he'd do something stupid. Only after a couple of winters he's managed to mess everything up for himself. I said so. I knew so

Wolffang glowered, "So you've come crawling back? Is that it?"
"We never wanted this!" Maplejay insisted hopelessly, "Daystar just went along and accepted the Mudblood's offer for help, no one was consulted, no one agreed with it but him."
Wolffang's hackles lowered and he huffed in annoyance.

"So what now?" Leopardstorm asked coolly, "What do you plan on doing?"
"Well..." Maplejay sighed, "I've brought the half of our clan that was aband... that chose to stay with the true title of Dewclan. I'm going to speak to Starclan. I mean if I can, we're hoping to then join you?"

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:24 am

Ezziestar nodded to Hollowstripe, then she spoke up to the cats of Dewclan, "If we did accept your offer to join us, how can we be assured that you wont join your leader alongside the others?"

Stone felt tenseness fill his muscles as he looked between Ezziestar, Darkclan and the half of Dewclan who came.

Ezziestar could see Stone's change of attitude and since he was only a mouse length away from her, she rested her tail tip on his shoulder, a sign for him to relax.
Stone almost jumped in surprise from something touching his shoulder. He turned to see Ezziestar's black tipped tail, he noticed his claws had unsheathed, he forced them to sheath themselves and he tried to relax his muscles. What if it's a trap or a trick?

((XD Hope this is better.))

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Sun Feb 03, 2013 1:44 am

OOC: Will Maplejay actually be able to contact StarClan?

IC: Silverpaw looked over all of the bedraggled cats of DewClan as she listened to the lead she-cat's words.
Crazy leader - Daystar? I've never seen him... Silverpaw stayed by Gorseclaw's side, feeling more and more nervous around all of the other-Clan cats.
Even if she didn't know who Daystar was, she'd seen the fires rage from the DarkClan camp. She remembered the faint smell of burning trees, how the smoke grew so thick in the lowlands that it occasionally obscured her view of what she now knew to be TawnyClan's territory. I'm glad I was home and not away, she thought.
Silverpaw started at the thought. Home. A half smile was there then gone. The mountains are my home. Of course they were. She hadn't been born under the distorted blue light of the ice-shell as she'd once thought. She'd been born in a warm den, sheltered from the open sky. (OOC: I keep adding character development...) Silverpaw felt a sense of absolution. She wasn't abandoning the rebellion in joining DarkClan with everyone else, like she'd thought back at the camp; she had gone home.
The flurry of thought had come and gone in barely two seconds. Silverpaw knew her home was to her back and the DewClan cats were in front of her.
Friend? Or foe? The kits could easily be a ploy to confuse us, make us weak. Friend or foe?

Gorseclaw never went further away than two tail lengths from Hollowstripe, making sure that they, the DarkClanners, stuck together even amongst the TawnyClanners and the maybe-not-bad DewClanners.
The warrior wasn't sure about these cats. Having kits with them and their leader gone did make a somewhat convincing argument for their claims, but Gorseclaw was DarkClan. He didn't trust easily.
"Daystar could easily be leading the other half of DewClan in from the north," he grumbled under his breath. "But...kits?"

OOC: Dark Mountains to the east, the City to the west...I may be wrong. No wait...yeah, that's right.
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:27 am

OOC: If Fireheart and Graystripe could contact Starclan, I'd guess that Maplejay could as well.. But it depends.

IC: Hollowstripe took a suspicious glance again to the Dewclanners, "It would make the most sense, But Dewclan wouldn't be mousebrained enough to attack with their own clan as is, yet I don't even catch a hint of Mudblood in there." she lifted her head towards the north. " Stay less then a tree length from this clearing if possible, you have my permission to patrol if you see it needed."

She turned back towards Ezziestar. She had nearly forgotten about Redstar. He would've possibly killed her if he saw what she was going up against. " I wouldn't suggest a complete allegiance just yet, But I'll explain the complete details at another time" She giggled inside to the thought of how adult sounding she was. "We have some explaining Dewclanners to deal with"

Sorestare was snoozing in annoyance, he was nearly asleep until the Tawny's began to buzz like angry bees. He angrily opened his eyes with the Dewclanners there. He only let out a sigh and shut his blood red and swollen eyes.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by ticktock Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:05 am

Whiterose thought that TawnyClan was being very hostile to DewClan. She wanted to say, Aren't you being a bit hostile, I mean we are here to help you. But she held her tongue like a good warrior.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:16 am

Ezziestar nodded again, she was in her own thoughts but assured herself of the fact that the Dewclanners haven't attacked yet, to her that was a good sign.

((DX Argh! I can't think at the moment.))

Stone felt a strong suspicion against both Dewclan and Darkclan, but he knew it was because he hadn't grown up in Tawnyclan, so he wasn't clear on the stance Tawnyclan had with the other two clans.

((Sorry about this... normally I can do more. I'm just unmotivated at the moment. :/))

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:49 am

Gorseclaw's ear flicked as he listened to Hollowstripe. Teaming up with TawnyClan was one thing, but watching and patrolling because of these DewClanners was something else.
I'd most certainly feel better if I had a band of warriors at my side - Sunmist, Sleetcoat, all of them. But it won't be until at least tomorrow - which isn't that far off - til we see any of them.
"Silverpaw and I will check the perimeter," he said quietly to Hollowstripe. Gorseclaw flicked his tail and (though it took Silverpaw an embarrassing moment to understand the gesture) the two took off at a brisk pace.

Silverpaw was disappointed when Gorseclaw said they'd essentially be leaving the party. I wanted to see what's going to happen with the DewClanners...Like another personal mission...
Her disappointment didn't go unnoticed by Gorseclaw. "I doubt we'll miss anything too important," he meowed as they began to round the edges of the large area that was the Bloodstones. "As big as Bloodstones is, it's still rather small."
Silverpaw sighed but meowed in agreement. They walked in silence for a bit.
After a bit of that boringness, Silverpaw looked at Gorseclaw (seeing as he was practically in front of her anyways - God, was she inattentive) and she cleared her throat. "Erm, Gorseclaw," she meowed.
Gorseclaw grunted in response.
"How do you know so much about the different territories?" Gorseclaw paused and looked at Silverpaw.
"How do you mean?"
Silverpaw, having stopped as well, thought for a moment. "Well...Where to hunt, who everyone is...that sort of thing."
"Ah." He resumed walking. Silverpaw immediately followed.

OOC: INCOMPLETE. It's just some charrie development, then they're gonna come back. Don't do too much while I'm gone please. Please. I'm adorable. How can you refuse this face. What a Face
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:43 pm

OOC: Sorry everybody, my anti-virus: Avast, failed to detect a virus. I have a massive Trojan that has completely take control of my computer. I can only do this on my mum and dad's but never fear! I have enough to buy a really good one now. @Longstorm, in regards to your qustion, remember a while ago I sent you a PM about that exact topic? I think I asked if you could play the kitty to call on Maplejay, I have no intention of having her be leader. Razz
Maplejay glowered in hot annoyance, the Tawneyclanners were taunting her patience and it had already been tested. She stooped her annoyance and exhaled softly.
"Please believe us, it was Daystar who called upon the Mudbloodclan cats, we were just in the wrong place. Will you punish us for that unfair, inconvenience?"

Solarstorm wasn't sure about that, Dewclan were still dozing off safe in the corner while his clan burned.
Wolffang decided not to be biased at that point but had nothing to say. So much had happened that it had left the young tom confused, he wasn't sure who was to be trusted and who wasn't. Surely, Startclan would reveal something. Why can they not have a better sign then... what was going on with Dawnkit. The tom shook his head dolefully.

Sunshift was seething. How dare they! he thought angrily, come here seeking what? our approval? Our easy forgiveness? I don't care who's fault it was, they slept and ate well while I lost my mother.
He stared away from Maplejay, he had no care to express his answer aloud.

Leopardstorm was silent.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:26 am

Ravenswift kept silent, yet he knew that one of the Tawnyclan cats would break in anger at ONE point or another, "Like any other clan, we have to follow our leader. None of us would've wanted to join Mudbloods. Even due to the fact that we had to lie on our bellies while the forest that we shared with all of you was crumbling to dust." He cocked his head towards Maplejay only slightly, he was not used to speaking out loud to so many felines at once. With butterflies scratching out of his hollowed stomach, he stepped back, knowing immediately that his persuasion might've came out as an insult to Tawnyclanners.
His ears only slightly drooped downwards, but he didn't show a leak of emotion in his eyes. "Sorry Maplejay, I might've made it worse," He whispered to the she-cat.

OOC: That'd be awkward.. Maplestar. Eh.... And Ravenswift sitting lonely in a corner. Very Happy

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:10 am

Ezziestar stared at her paws, visions of flame and choking smoke filled her mind, she murmured under her breath, "We don't know who we can trust anymore."
"Ezziestar?" She heard Stone meow quietly, this snapped her out of her thoughts and feeling of fear. She noticed Stone was looking at her in concern, and it was then that she realized she was acting out of the ordinary.

Stone was watching the Dewclanners when he heard some mumbling from behind him. He spun around and spotted Ezziestar. Her head was low and her eyes were almost wide open and wild with fear. He meowed softly, "Ezziestar?"
Ezziestar blinked and looked at him, "i'm fine." She meowed back quickly, she looked at the Dewclanners, "Just fine." Her response was close to a growl, but wasn't loud enough to be heard.

((I don't know how else to stall until LS returns. :/ I tried my best.))

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:34 pm

OOC: Can anyone see the Banner? It appears to have gone?
Maplejay shook her head in response to Ravenswift. "No, your right," she breathed back before the cats that had seemed hostile before seemed to sober up.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Ezziestar Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:30 am

((I can still see the banner. :/))

Ezziestar stared at Ravenswift, before turning to Maplejay and back again. Stone relaxed completely, the Dewclanners were obviously not going to fight, so he didn't need to be as on edge as he was.
He sighed, still in confusion as to whether Dewclan were on Tawnyclan's side or not. He forced that thought to the back of his mind, something else took it's place, Am I accepted into Tawnyclan enough to not be seen as a Loner, but as a Tawnyclan tom?

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:07 am

OOC: I noticed it's gone too...And YES! You DID PM me, ugh, I'm stupid.
I'm just gonna follow up on my incomplete here, then they'll be back! No more waiting (sorry about that.)

IC: "Well," Gorseclaw said finally, as they rounded another bend of the red stones. "I've...Lived." He chuckled and shrugged as he walked. "I've lived just over four summers. I'm a senior warrior. I have experience, I've been places, I've asked questions and they were answered. Mostly."
Silverpaw sighed. She had been hoping for a better explanation, maybe a how-to for becoming a better warrior.
Again, Gorseclaw knew she was disappointed. "You really, really, really look like Thornstar when you're dissatisfied." Silverpaw looked up, surprised.
"Really?" The she-cat had only knew the former leader's face from faint nursery memories and his death mask.
Gorseclaw nodded. "Anyways," he flicked his tail towards DewClan territory, "I learned about hunting in DewClan territory from some noisy DewClan apprentices some seasons back. There's ponds and grasses submerged in water - why, no one knows, but that's marshes for you. When I was an apprentice, I was fortunate enough to be taken to the 'Passed. And I've been hunting in DarkClan territory since I was six moons old."
"Soo...Chance, really?"
Gorseclaw looked back and smiled. "Yeah. Just life."
The she-cat got quiet as she thought about chance and circumstance. "And," Gorseclaw broke her train of thought, "I was sort of bossy about things I wanted, too." He smiled and Silverpaw smiled back.
They eventually returned to the group.

OOC: Can you tell I ran out of ideas at the end? BLAH.
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by ticktock Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:10 am

Whiterose just stared at the TawnyClan cat who first came up to them and thought to her self, Maybe I should go and talk to her? So that I know somebody TawnyClan.

Honeyfang saw that a she-cat from DewClan is staring at her for some strange reason. To find out why the she-cat was staring at her, she padded over to the she-cat and asked "Why are you staring at me?"

Whiterose was about to get up when she saw that the she-cat from TawnyClan coming over to her. When the she-cat was finally by her, the she-cat asked " Why are you staring at me?" Whiterose replied "Because I was thinking about coming over to you and by the way my name is Whiterose, what's your name?"

Honeyfang replied "My name is Honeyfang. And I hope that you and DewClan are not here to attack TawnyClan." she added with wary look at Dewclan.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Loki Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:52 am

Strikefast settled back to her former area or partial dryness. She looked out to the cats and exhaled softly to herself. "The worlds gone mad... And I think I've gone mad with it too."
She lay down and thought about her past adventures and wondered why on earth the clan's just couldn't live in peace.
It seemed the lowlands had something against that.

Hailkit was quiet, he didn't like how the day had turned. Mother was angry at him... she...she shouted no snapped at him! He glowered at his small stone paws and frowned at the contents that came with the situation.

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by NKninja Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:26 am

Smokekit quickly noticed the contact between Whiterose made with one of the Tawnyclan warriors. Wow it doesn't SEEM that bad..
With not another second thought, Smokekit bounded towards Honeyfang, finally expertly dodging all the mud puddles in his way. The awkwardness only hit him when he dashed in-between the hollow space of cats, that separation between Tawnyclan and Dewclan. He only shrugged and nearly fell face flat in front of Honeyfang.

Skysoar's eyes flashed in concern instantly as Smokekit bounded towards Tawnyclan. "Smokekit! Get ba..." She stopped as her son paused towards Whiterose and another feline she didn't know.
"Hi there! I'm Smokekit!" He squealed, thinking now that these cats don't seem as hostile as he thought. He was only a mouse-length away from the other warrior, and maybe less then a whisker-length including his paw spread out in greeting. "What's your name?"

Ravenswift also shot a surprised glance, but really didn't see the problem with the sudden interaction. Smokekit's quite a memorable one, I must admit. But he might be a bit to friendly towards strangers.

OOC: You think kit interaction with sooth the tenseness between the two clans? That'd be an adorable way to ease into a Dewclan explanation! :3

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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Guest Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:36 am

“Smokekit!”Gentlekit mewled in suprise. She hadn't expected him to be sorash.
Snowkit only smirked at the kit.
He looked bigger than him but certainly more silly. Most kits were.
“Seriously?” Cloverkit mewed indignantly and mosscloud's tail smacke his mouth is response.
“Watch what you say,” she instructed.
Dawnkit felt exhasperated but she ignored him and examined the sorrounding.


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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Longstorm Wed Feb 20, 2013 6:11 am

Silverpaw was shocked at the DewClan kit's boldness. She looked back at her mentor to see that Gorseclaw looked amused. Gorseclaw caught her eyes and he gestured for her to wait.
Silverpaw looked back at the kits and noticed that the TawnyClan warriors weren't showing any signs of hosility, just amusement like anyone would expect. And hurting kits is against the Warrior Code anyways... She had forgotten that part for a moment and had instinctively feared for the kits, but now she remembered and felt a little stupid.
Gorseclaw meowed to Hollowstripe, "There are no other DewClanners, Hollowstripe, nor any scent of Mudbloods even in this weather. This is all of DewClan." He looked at all of the DewClan cats, one by one. He was intrigued. Here was half of DewClan that had split away from their leader because they did not agree with him. Well, Gorseclaw could only feel a sort of odd kinship with these cats, seeing as he'd done the same thing a couple seasons back.
Gorseclaw doubted that they had come to the Bloodstones to fight the other Clans since they were so few and had kits with them. DewClan probably hadn't known TawnyClan was at Bloodstones in the first place.
Silverpaw looked at Gorseclaw again. She wasn't sure what to think about these DewClan cats aside from the fact that they were an enemy Clan and that there was some extra details that made them a greater enemy than in the first place. But at the same time they weren't.
They didn't know we were here, the thought struck her suddenly. Oh. Silverpaw shifted in place. She was able to relax after that thought.
Gorseclaw and Silverpaw stayed where they were and waited for the TawnyClan she-cat's response to the kit.

OOC: Kit-diplomacy. Joy! cheers
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CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: CLOSED The Rain before the hail- part 2

Post by Runfast Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:38 am

Foxclaw nervously watched Smokekit approach the TawnyClan she-cat. "Maplejay," he mewed concernedly.

Mistjay watched as well but she was optimistic. The scarred medicine cat looked on all of the TawnyClan cats. She could tell there were wounded cats. Mistjay WAS a medicine cat. And she'd had the foresight to bring various herbs with her. Ha, what she wouldn't have given to have a few apprentices to help her carry the herbs from her den!
Regardless, what with their being wounded, the medicine cat strode past her DewClan comrades and stood before TawnyClan with all of her herbs. "Well?" she said around the herbs in an impatient tone. "Where are they?"
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