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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:50 pm

OOC: Starting in the Servant's Den briefly, then going to the Clearing - it has snowed and the Servants will have to make paths for the others.

IC: Shadows... A dark star falling from the skies, slamming into the ground and engulfing everything around it, the ground scorched, woe to everyone and everything, thorns growing in the place of trees, grass, and water... Darkness...

Loveless jerked from his sleep, sitting up quickly.
"Geez!" He exclaimed quietly, at both the dream and the level of snow that had fallen outside -it was a half a tail-length from the top of the entrance.

Grace was already awake, looking at the wall of snow that was before her. She looked back when she heard Loveless's exclamation and snorted.
"That's putting it rather lightly," she mewed. "Even if we're at the bottom of the camp, can you imagine how deep it will be throughout the whole camp?"

Loveless sighed, shivering when a chilly wind just barely blew some loose snow in through the opening as he stood.
"We could tunnel out," he suggested. "Make it harder for the wind to get in?..." He shrugged then looked at Joy. "You up?" he asked softly, touching her shoulder with the tip of his tail.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:58 pm

OOC:poor us!

Joy flung herself up wide yed as if Bone was attacking again. She looked around and sighed. "Yes...i guess," She leaped down from the ledge.

Defenseless awoke for a brief moment she held a hard uncomfortable gaze at her sister, before looking away. She looked around for at least someone to talk too... She stood and stayed away from the others.

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:21 am

Loveless sighed and followed her off the ledge, going to join Grace in looking at the snow wall.

Grace said,
"Yeah, I think that tunneling would work... Go forward, a little down, then up." She nodded, like someone else had said it and she agreed with it. Grace unsheathed her claws and clawed at the well-packed snow. After doing this for a few moments she gave Loveless a look and said, "Aren't you gonna help?"

Loveless, thinking, jumped and said,
"Yeah, of course!" He unsheathed his own claws, minding the few sharp pieces of ice, and dug with her. The other Servant's had begun to wake up. Loveless looked back at Joy and mewed,
"Hey, if the others start to freak... I don't know, you've got a nice face - I mean, a trusting face!" His pelt burned as he continued, "A trustable face, I mean, the cats will listen to you, they'll take word from you, and if they start to panic-" he'd turned from digging to continue, "then you can tell them that we're not trapped and that we're gonna get out soon and no one's in trouble and-"

Grace whapped a huge glob of snow into Loveless's face and he stopped.
"Steady, Loveless," she mewed. "Let's keep going." Grace rolled her eyes as Loveless nodded, and she shot a funny look at Joy that said, "Toms."

OOC: What would we do without Grace? lol!
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:28 am

OOC: lol

IC: Joy chuckled but had a better idea than having to dig her way out.
She looked across the wall and found a few notches where she could possibly get her hold.
She started climbing on the wall and leaped onto the top of the snow. Luckily due to her small weight she never felll through. Ounce up she had forgotten what she was up there for...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:31 am

OOC: Don't you hate it when that happens?

Loveless and Grace were making good time since beyond the first tough layer, the snow was loose.
"I think after another tail-legnth," mewed Grace from somewhere up the tunnel, "We'll break the surface!"
Loveless, now sitting outside of the tunnel to make sure it didn't collapse, called in,
"I think that's right!" He looked to the top of the snowbank and mewed to Joy, "Why are you up there?"
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:37 am

OOC: it all ways happens to me. if my mom asks me to run up the stairs and get her phone, I run up 20 stairs and forgot what she asks me! Shocked

Joy looked at him. "I don't know," She mewed, "Its cold up here." She looked around her listlessly, "Do you think the warriors would be angry if we went back to bed?"

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Mon Dec 27, 2010 1:56 am

Grace, deep in the tunnel, laughed and it echoed back into the den. She came back in, shaking the snow from her pelt and said,
"What don't the Warriors get angry at?"
Loveless smirked, checking behind him to make sure that none of the other Servants were listening as Grace continued, "Though, we could lie pretty well about it." Loveless looked at Grace in shock - she was taking to being a rebel very well - "'Oh, I'm sorry, Searingeyes' - oh, that's right, you can't lie to Powerfuls." Grace shook her head with a sigh. "First rule I'd make, if I became leader, is that Servants can sleep in!"

Loveless nodded.
"Here, here... Did you reach the top?"

Grace looked mock hurt.
"But of course! What do you take me for? A fool?" She shook her head and turned around. "Let's go!"

Loveless glanced up at Joy and sighed.
"COme on, let's get this over with..."

OOC: LS's Group hath been spanked... Get our irl life together or no more online life... study study study bounce
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:02 am

OOC: oh dear... What a Face

Defenseless hissed angrily, "Well your not leader so get on with it!"

Joy looked shocked at her sister. "Oh... well!" She said out loud, "You can dig your own hole if your gonna be like that..." She padded over to where Grace had made the opening...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:19 pm

Loveless quickly followed. Walking up the tunnel behind Joy, he mewed softly,
"You alright?"

Grace, standing a tail-length from the top opening of the tunnel, looked around at the camp. The snow was very deep, but the upper dens were more open then the lower ones - like the Nursery and the Menders Den. The snow itself was only snow beneath the inch of ice that had formed when the snow turned to sleet some hours earlier.
Grace sighed.
"We've got a lot of work to do," she mewed to no one.

"Hah!" came a scoffing voice. "That's an understatement!"

Grace turned to see Sinface, the only blue-eyed warrior in Abyssclan (save Shadowstar himself).
"Warrior," she dipped her head to him, acting on impulse.

Sinface regarded Grace for a long moment then mewed,
"Where are the other Servants?"
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:26 pm

Joy nodded to Loveless and stood back as Sinface asked his question.
"Having a well deserved rest I would be guessing, Its one of those days where a lye in suits the cat."
Her pale eyes were icy but didn't concentrate on the warrior. She flicked her tail...

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:35 pm

Sinface flattened his ears but to Loveless's surprise, only hissed,
"Watch your tongue, Servant." He looked to Loveless and Grace and mewed, "Clear a path to all dens. Uncover the Prey Storage, and help the Mender and the Nursery." He turned to leave, but Loveless mewed,
"What of the Powerful's Den?"
Over his shoulder Sinface scoffed.
"They can handle it."

As if in response to that statement, a large plume of snow rocketed into the air a distance away, an odd circular wood piece going with it. Soulvoider, the more enigmatic one of the Powerfuls, came out of a deep hole in the snow, coming out of the underground den of the Powerfuls. He looked across the camp at the Servants with a look that said, 'See? Easy.' He padded away from the opening and stopped, watching for his denmates.

At Sinface's departure, and the Powerful's appearance, Loveless said to Joy,
"Wow... Guess they can!"
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:41 pm

Joys eyes glinted playfully at Sinface as he turned away and flicked her tail at the word "servant".

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Runfast Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:10 am

Grace nodded and mewed,
"Yes, Warrior." She turned around to face Joy and Loveless, rolling her eyes.

Loveless suppressed a burst of nervous laughter, eyeing his departing brother.

Sinface went down to the entrance of the camp, looking out to the whiteness that was the now forest. He looked towards Dewclan territory, then to the Dark Sky Stones beyond. To the far left of those mountains he could just barely see a spot of an odd red color in the green - Bloodstones, named after them - and to the left of that he could see a large, dark, tangled forest.
Sinface hissed. Dewclan and Darkclan, he could stand just barely, but he resented Tawnyclan.
Constantly sticking their noses into Abyssclan's business, crossing the border and, and - oh, he didn't like to think about it too much.
Sinface shook his head, ridding himself of powdery snow.
"Yeah... I hate the snow..."

Loveless looked across the clearing, watched his brother leave the camp, and turned back to the other Servants.
"So," he mewed. "Talk while we walk?"
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:16 am

Joys white pelt looked almost a lump of snow and the darker markings on her face broke up her appearance, only when she moved and was down wind of another she could be caught out.
her tail tip hovered just above ground level, the only fault a master of disguise could give was the pinched limp she proceeded. Maybe the wound would freeze and heal under the safe layer, who knows.

"Okay," She mewed. "Who votes to dig out Shadowstars den?"

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:18 am

Searingeyes crept out of the Powerful's Den, looking around at the snow before he came out all the way.
"Geez..." he muttered - he hated the snow. Tough to see through, clung to the fur, made his eyes all misty... it wasn't pretty. He climbed all of the way out, sneezing as powdery snow got in his face. "Uggh... Those Above, this is ridiculous!" He padded over to Soulvoider, pausing now and then to shake off his paws, ignoring whatever expression Soulvoider may have had.

Hopeless came up from the Servant's Tunnel, dipping her head to the Powerfuls and to Sinface before digging into the ice then the snow, cutting her paws ever so slightly as she did. She dug from the middle of the camp (the location of the Prey Storage) towards the Nursery.

From Cunningheart's Den appeared Tiger's (a small brown Choosing) face. He looked at the snow in awe, placing a hesitant paw on the snow. He grinned a kit should grin (though he was almost 5 moons old) and smiled even wider when a faint voice called to him from within the den - Cunningheart, of course. He went back into the den, and Cunningheart came out - she was like a ghost against the snow, her fur being white. Only the darker spots on her legs made her look like walking burnt leaves. She walked past the Servants, her tail flicking in contempt, a smirk on her face.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:21 pm

Joy narrowed her eyes at the sly she-cat and murmured to Loveless, "I know who definitely won't be joining us."
She flicked her tail and turned her back on Tiger. The powdery snow felt sharp with coldness.(bad grammar!)
Joy also felt tired,mentally. Her dream must have confused her mind. "Those above," She whispered. Gently she lifted her
back leg and placed it in front before using her others to stand.


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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 02, 2011 8:57 pm

OOC: What's going on with the site?

IC: Searingeyes looked over at the Servants for a brief moment then gestured for Soulvoider to follow. Searingeyes padded towards the food storage, which Hopeless had just about uncovered.
"Out of the way," he mewed to the Servant. Hopeless dipped her head and shuffled away, leaving bloody pawprints whic Searingeyes 'tsked' at.
He went onto his hind legs then brought down his forepaws as hard as he could - the remaining ice shattered and the food storage was uncovered.

"Thanks, Searingeyes," purred Cunningheart, who took out a nice looking rabbit and carried it back to her den.
Searingeyes watched her for a moment then sighed, pawing at a mouse slightly.
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:01 am

OOC: why whats wrong with the site?

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:36 am

OOC: Then maybe it's just me... Hold on: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Glitches___they__re_no_fun_by_bobisalive-d36ait7
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:51 am

thats odd.. it hasn't happened on my computer

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:58 pm

OOC: It's back to normal now (thankfully).

IC: Cunningheart returned to her den, where Tiger was waiting.

OOC: Somebody else post please... PWEEEZE...
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:09 pm

ooc: I know where are ur group off to? I know where they live... Twisted Evil

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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:23 am

OOC: Off to? In the RP world or irl?
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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Loki Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:09 pm


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CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp Empty Re: CLOSED Morning in Abyssclan Camp

Post by Longstorm Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:58 pm

OOC: no where, really... I mean, I might be moving (splitting off from the group - NOOOOOO!!!!!!!) and the others get busy now and then, but that's really it.
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