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On the border of denial

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Ezziestar Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:44 pm

Stone nodded, before turning and racing off westward.

Ezziesong had turned around to look at the clanmates that still remained. She relaxed for a moment, turning back to guard.
Would Starclan be angry since I haven't gone to get my name and nine lives? I hope not.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:11 am

Sweetfern had just returned from hunting, her beautiful caramel color fur was soaked to the bone. In her jaws was a plump squirrel which hung tightly in her jaw. With a hearty shake she scattered most of the water off her fur.
Padding over to the fresh-kill pile she dropped her kill seeing as she wasn't hungry herself. Twitching her whiskers Sweetfern had spotted a group of cats and decided to see what was going on. "Whats going on here?" She asked curiously as she gazed at all the cats huddled up in some sort of a circle.

((OOC: Sorry im sorta new and i may be lost in the rp so bare with me ok?))


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Ezziestar Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:34 pm

Ezziesong's ear flicked as she heard Sweetfern approach, she turned her head to see the other she- cat. Ezziesong dipped her head, "Have you had any trouble hunting?" She asked, as her blue eyes showed a sense of uneasiness, but she didn't say anything about her nerves.

Stone soon returned with two squirrels, he proceeded to find the most injured warriors, and made his way around the small group of Tawnyclan warriors.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:13 am

Sweetfern bowed her head in return to the other she-cat and sat beside her. A few droplets of rain still clung to her whiskers even thought her fur was dry. "Luckily no, I think we can consider ourselves safe while this storm is going on. No Clan would be foolish enough to come into our territory during this storm.


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by NKninja Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:57 am

" If only we could dare to go into our territory," Spidermist replied cooly, shaking his short, drenched coat like a dog after a swim. " Great Starclan, we are as vulnerable as some crows in a snow storm!" He added, lifting his paws onto a stone and out of the dirt and grime formed and plastered onto his paws.

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:52 am

amulet used Skyblaze as protection against the hard gail, looking fretfully out to where she'd come from. SKyblaze closed his eyes and pretended to be elsewhere as Tigerflame and Wolffang huddled close for extra warmth.

Sunshift stretched tiredly curling up and dreaming of a warmere nest.
Perhaps tomorrow would bring sunshine?

OOC: one more test and I'm done!!!!

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by NKninja Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:09 am

OOC: WOOOOOOOO!!! (I am da cow!)

IC: Spidermist felt a bit, tense to see one of his clanmates settling so close to the newcomer, Amunet. He didn't even know the she-cat, but something just felt... Off to him, that the two were a bit too close to each other.
With a moment of thought, he did understand of why they could be close, heat is one thing, another is that Skyblaze was the one to find her... Soon enough, he wished it was him to find the rogue.
With no one to share warmth with, he licked his only slightly muddy paws, and set himself to a place that had a thickened mound of grass, some of it being dry, but not enough to excessively not absorb the water. He sighed softly, starting to shake his forepaws softly as the rain dappled his eye lids, scruffs of lost fur, and wounds from the recent battle.

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Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:36 pm

The egyption mau was fast asleep and so was her scarred savior.
Wolffang sighed soberly as his icy blue eyes observed the cruel droplets cascade to the
muddying ground, the tom found Tigerflame's dejected and nettled form shivering behind him and frowned sympathetically.

Leopardstorm and Sunchift too were huddled close while Solarstorm stared dully out to the darkening forests.
There were no words for the grief and sadness he was feeling for his long term mate and sons' loss.
Jacklepaw, Rainstorm...
He sighed to see Strikefast looking sad too, unable to sleep because of the hole she-felt when Rainstorm never returned.
Today was not a good day to Tawneyclan...

Stone settled the two small squirrels down and nudged Ezziesong encouragingly, she returned his gesture by purring slightly.

OOC: where is Ezzie?

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by NKninja Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:39 pm

OOC: No idea.. She's even inactive on her own site!

IC: Fiddlerpaw, after a long times worth of practicing to catch prey by himself, joined by the huddled clan, who seemed small against the field that tore the two borders of the clans. He took a pawstep forward to Spidermist, his older kin, and lied down beside him, grief and almost fear bursting in his young eyes.
"It's okay, little beetle," Spidermist said gently, as Fiddlerpaw's nickname from their mother was 'Little Beetle'. She said it in times of worry to sooth the kit, now it was up to Spidermist to look out for his little brother.

OOC: Fiddlerpaw will need a mentor, any character here you have in mind, Loki?

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:08 pm

((Soz guys, I had run out of data on my phone plus it was deactivated at home... Thankfully we have a good internet now, so you all will be seeing a bit more of me... that and I only have been getting three to four hours sleep a day.))

After Ezziesong realised that Stone gave one squirrel to her, she picked it up gently in her teeth and went to carry it away a distance before sitting down to eat. She imagined an older leader, sitting by her and eating with her. Tears filled her eyes when she remembered that Lokistar had died, trying to save a kit.
Stormclaw doesn't deserve to be called Stormclaw! He's no warrior, He's not even loyal to his own clan!

Stone watched in slight dismay, hoping that Ezziesong would eat with him, but he ate on his own anyway.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by NKninja Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:51 pm

Fiddlerpaw flinched as a crash of thunder was thrown from the blackened clouds and smoke. " Spidermist," He mewed quietly, quivering from his chilled pelt, " Yea Fiddlerpaw?" " I wanna go home" Spidermist paused, and then spoke with a frilled tone, quietly, " I do too, but we'll just have to wait a few more days". He begged to himself that it would be only a few days until they can return to their camp, safe and sound.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:45 am

Ezziesong looked up, she began to quietly wish that Tawnyclan was back in their old home, she closed her eyes and began to wish that time was reversed. When Lokistar was still leader, and Ezziesong was happily the deputy, with Stormclaw as her mate and Stone as one of her friends. Ever since I was announced as deputy... everything's been going down hill... If only Lokistar was here, she'd know how to deal with this... I had so much more to do. The thunder roared in the distance, and every hair on her pelt told her they weren't safe. A slight whisper told her, that she was ready to take up her role as leader... but deep down, Ezziesong began to wonder if it was even possible to take the journey to go and recieve her name and nine lives.

Stone turned to head out to hunt again, he paused to call out, "Does anyone know if there's a medicine cat or an apprentice who can help me?" He knew from Ezziesong, that the medicine cat, Glaciercloud had died... there had been no previous apprentice that she knew of. If no one can help me... I'll have to learn on my own and take charge until we have a proper medicine cat.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:20 pm

"Who could," Tigerflame mewed, wincing at his swollen side.
"Can we not turn to Darkclan if Dewclan won't help us?" Asked Leopardstorm.
"Wasn't Lokistar allied with Redstar?"

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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:54 am

“When will we be able to return?”Dawnkit asked with a worried look on her face. Thinvs were grim, and Dawnkit didn't haveuch spirit these days. Her mother often told her that she was whasting her kithood. She padded to the warriors, pausing once to shake the droplets of water on her fur.


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:44 pm

OOC: I have a suitable mother for you, her name is Swiftstrike, her mate was Rainstorm but the Tom died in the mudbloodclan raid. Is that okay?


Wolffang looked sympathetically down at the kit mewing, "I'm not sure little one."

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:57 pm

Oc:Yeah that'd be fine. Any littermates?
“I want to go back to camp,” Dwwnkit said dreamily. “I want to sleep in a proper nest, in a proper nursury. I want to be safe in our camp,”Her little voice rose to a wail. “Why can't we go back??”


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:59 pm

OOC: There were supposed to be two others (I'll check the allegiance board) if not then I'll RP them as NPC until either they are adopted or a grim fate occurs.) Edit: Okay I've been fixing the allegiances, there is only one kit, the other was deleted because of the lack of avtiveness. He's Hailkit and he'll be your Dawnkit's brother, okay?

"So do I," Swiftrike mewed softl to her kit, "but you have to be patient, we'll figure something out."
The young queen shielded the kit from the cruel rain looking wistfully out to their charred territory.

"That's if we have a home to go to," Wolffang muttered.
"Don't speak like that!" Solarstorm hissed.
Tigerflame glared out the forest and sighed sadly, "What are we going to do?"

Skyblaze woke and looked up, Amunet too who looked worried and wet against the elements.
"Ezziesong will think of something." He told them.
"That doesn't change the fact that we've lost so many warriors, their probably waiting to pick us off now."
"Wolffang!" Solartstorm fretted, "We're all thinking it. You can't deny that. Lokistar's gone. There is only a small portion of us left and with Ezziesong still only having one life, we're a claw away from being wiped out."
The cats muttered in horror, Swiftstrike squeaked, "What about the kits?"
"I say we go to the Moonfall," Wolffang mewed, "Ezziesong needs to become Ezziestar, and the tunnel to the moonfall should keep us safe."
"That's not you decision to make," Solarstorm told him shakily, "You cannot play Starclan like that."
"If I see Mudbloods coming up this bank with the army they promise to have then I'm not staying to realise that tommorow isn't coming."
"Stop it," Skyblaze hissed angrily, Amunet backed away worriedly.

"Wolffang I know you are no coward, think clearly!"
"Skyblaze you fought against them!" The hysteric grey tom spat, "You saw that they'd twisted Stormclaw into this monster! He practically gutted Lokistar in front of us!"

Hailkit squeaked in fear, cowering up to Dawnkit.
"STOP IT!" Swifstrike hissed sadly, sweeping a comforting tail around her young kits.

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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Wed Aug 22, 2012 12:53 am

Dawnkit went closer to Hailkit in sheer terror. Her eyes were filled with fear and her fear-scent could be scented. “How will we be safe?What will happen when they come? Will we be safe?” Dawnkit wailed.

IC:Allright thanks for everything^^


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:38 am

Wolffang backed away from Solarstorm who cuffed him warning lay over the head.
"hush, my little one, no one is coming to get use. Ezziesong will make a decision for what is best just be patient." Swiftstrike hummed sweetly to them.
Hailkit mewed uncertainly," why can't we go home?"
" because bad cats are there, here is safer."

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:48 am

“We're not even in a proper camp. How is this place supposed to be safer?”Dawnkit grumbled to Hailkit.


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Ezziestar Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:25 pm

Ezziesong looked up at the sky briefly, as if she wished that she knew what to do. She closed her eyes and murmured something, before facing her clan. "Despite the current problems that have forced us out of our territory. I will go to Moonfall to receive my leader's name and nine lives. Because we are low on warriors, I will travel on my own, so we have enough warriors here to keep the clan safe," A glow of determination shone in her eyes, "I'm not going to let those rogues defeat us."
Stone watched on with surprise as Ezziesong waited a response from her clan.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:47 pm

Skyblaze stood, "I agree with you Ezziesong but please take me with you."
Solarstorm nodded his appreciation seeing Amunet look worriedly between the leader and her apparant savior.
Wolffang looked on the verge of a panic attack.

Leopardstorm nodded, "It'd be best to have at least one warrior with you, why not myself," She glanced at Skyblaze in acknowledgement, "-In your current condition it would be most unwise to travel."
Sunshift unsheafed his claws, "We'll protect the clan Ezziesong, you can trust us."

Swiftsrike felt reassured when her sister came to join her.
Hailkit smiled at his sister and mewed uncertainly, "I keep you safe, know need to worry."

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Longstorm Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:04 am

OOC: Don't mind me, but I thought it would be fun to point at that: Maplejay is leading DewClan to the Blood Stones and the Moonfall and that Redstar is leading DarkClan to the same place...and it looks like Ezziesong's journey might coincide - eh? Eh? *poke, poke* Yeah? What a Face

IC: Thunder rumbled in the distance - the rain wasn't about to let up any time soon.
LS's Group
LS's Group

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Loki Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:09 am

OOC: Well I was hoping that Ezziesong was going to take the whole clan, but it is up to her but that would make the most sense.
Did you notice I decided to take Yami and Blaze home the same time Abbysclan were going to Cityclan? Coincidense? I think not! I think that my overpopulated army still has a stepping stone even with Moonclan, so why not have a traitor tell Abyss and City everything and Maybe I'll throw in an unsuspecting party as well MUHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

A raven flew in the distance.

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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

Post by Guest Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:50 am

“I wish i could learn soms fighting moves,”Dawnkit mewsd wistfully. “I want to help defend the clan,”


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On the border of denial - Page 2 Empty Re: On the border of denial

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