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Hunting Discreetly

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Hunting Discreetly Empty Hunting Discreetly

Post by Longstorm Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:45 am

Coalstripe, a seasoned warrior of Dewclan, flat-out, hated the Mudbloodclan 'warriors' in his camp. He did! Straight up, he truly disliked the very pelts they bore. Those cats watched everything. It was almost impossible for Coalstripe to get past them just to hunt!
The striped tom sighed softly at the thought. If only they would leave - but they can't leave. If they do, or of we try to drive them out, they'll set our forest ablaze. He thought of the other territories mournfully, looking our over the vast Dewclan marshes towards Tawnyclan territory.
"I've never been happier to see two-legs," he commented aloud to himself. "Funny, that." He sighed again and turned his ears towards the quiet sounds of wildlife in the familiar marsh.
Ah, the spice of Dewclan life!
Coalstripe smiled for a brief moment then fell into the frog-hunter's stance. Ready - aim - FIRE!
He took off after a rather large frog in a frenzy, the surprised frog letting loose what might have been a frightened croak.
The chase was on!
The warrior continued the chase.
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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Hunting Discreetly Empty Re: Hunting Discreetly

Post by Rainpelt Mon Jan 30, 2012 3:46 am

Rainheart, who was nearby, heard a soft plop!. Wondering what it was, she decided to follow the sound.

Posts : 832
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 27
Location : HERE! Where else? Well, I'm not really here, just vanished...

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Hunting Discreetly Empty Re: Hunting Discreetly

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:36 am

If anyone was following Coalstripe, he was unaware. With a strong leap he cornered the frog and killed it with a swift bite. He sighed, pleased with himself. Thank you, Starclan.
The warrior quickly hid his kill beneath some water-fronds and began to look for his next victim.
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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Hunting Discreetly Empty Re: Hunting Discreetly

Post by Rainpelt Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:26 pm

As Rainheart ran, she felt a strange feeling come over her. She shuddered. This feeling was no stranger to her; recently she had been plagued, no, more like haunted with dreams she would most assuredly like to forget. She stopped her chase. It was no use. She could almost feel the haunting forms come up to her, spitting horrible blasphemies and putting her down. A cold breeze chilled her spine. Suddenly, she felt like going back to camp, staying where she knew she was safe, where she was surrounded by friends.

Posts : 832
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 27
Location : HERE! Where else? Well, I'm not really here, just vanished...

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