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Firepelt goes hunting.

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Firepelt goes hunting. Empty Firepelt goes hunting.

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:05 pm

Firepelt padded through the dark forest on this snowy day his heart pounding." We need more fresh-kill." He thought. He heard a mouse, he dropped into the hunters crouch, he pounced landing perfectly on the big gray mouse.He thanked Starclan for its life and buried it under a huge willow tree. He padded on. He padded into the thick under growth, he stuck his head out. " Badger a big one to better go tell grimclaw so we can get rid of it, wait theres more he spotted to more badgers and cubs , this is bad he thought." He said. He ran back to camp stopping to get his kill. He ran to find the deputy." Grimclaw i don't think we wiped out the badgers theres still some there,three adults two cubs."


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Firepelt goes hunting. Empty Re: Firepelt goes hunting.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:21 pm

Who. Likes this


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Firepelt goes hunting. Empty Re: Firepelt goes hunting.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:28 pm

OOC: It's very good Oaky, But maybe you should edit it to Foxes I think we all have had enough badgers mate.


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Firepelt goes hunting. Empty Re: Firepelt goes hunting.

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