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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:24 am

Ezziesong lashed out at Stormclaw; however the calico tom sidestepped then scored Ezziesong's muzzle. Ezziesobg was too distracted with Oak's battle that she didn't pay any attention to her own. Stormclaw scored Ezziesong's keft flank and bit down hard on her tail, causing her to screech out in pain. Stone leaped at Stormclaw, But Stornclaw was too fast and too strong for the young tom. "Is this what Tawnyclan is training now? Weak Rogues!"

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Guest Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:56 am

"Thers's one thing you don't know about me,"Sunshoft whispered as he licked his pelt.His eyes were intense,as if he knew something Oak didn't.He has no idea....


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:12 am

((uh dude he scratched you across the face....))

"What do I not know about you?" Oak spat.


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Guest Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:12 am

OOC:I know....

IC:"You'll see soon enough,"replied Sunshift.He closed his eyes and sat up straight.His breath shallowed and and he began searching through his mind for his secret.


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:39 am

Stone hissed at the tom, "I once looked up to you as a friend."
"Friends are for the weak and mousebrained!" Stormclaw snarled back before leaping at Stone landing an expertly precise hit over Stone's forehead. The blow sent Stone stumbling before he leaped at the tom again. Ezziesong jumped at Stormclaw screeching out, "You rogue!" Both Ezziesong and Stormclaw were thrown into a charred log. Embers flew up where the twodisappeared Stone yowled out, "Ezziesong! NO!"
But there was no reply, only the occasional hiss and screech.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:00 am

((At Daystar i'm about to do something thats going to surprise you))


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:45 am

Stone leaped into the place where Ezziesong and Stone were thrown into. There a silence as Stone crashed right into Stormclaw. Stone spun around and lashed out with his paws at the Tawnyclan traitor, who was stunned after he was knocked from behind by the other tom. Stormclaw snarled at Stone, ducking before he jabbed Stone with a claw; Stone couldn't believe how fast Stormclaw was. Ezziesong bared her teeth as she leaped forwards, knocking Stormclaw away with a great blow of her paw. Stormclaw was thrown backwards, before he regained his footing, Ezziesong began lashing out with all of her claws. raking the tom that was in front of her.

The smoke stung her eyes, but Ezziesong kept going, slowly driving her once trusted clan mate backwards. One swipe scored Stormclaw's nose, That one's for Lokistar! She sliced where Lokistar's wounds had inflicted, And that one's for betraying Tawnyclan!
Stormclaw snarled as he had enough, he managed to get Ezziesong's throat, but not deep enough to kill, the two hesitated, Stormclaw lowered his head, keeping his green eyes fixed on her icy blue eyes, "My turn." Stormclaw hissed deeply, before lashing out in blind fury.

Stormclaw screeched as he rushed at the she- cat, his memory flashing back to when he was an apprentice, when Falsecall taught him the best moves to use and how to use them effectively. The familiar hiss in his ear when he murdered his first cat, he jumped to one side when Ezziesong swiped, then he spun around unexpectanly, and managed to kick Ezziesong with his hind legs. Stone appeared frozen to the spot, his eyes wide with fear as he watched helpless.

Stormclaw snarled at Ezziesong, "Your too weak and slow! A kit could do better then you." He taunted as he landed a hit on Ezziesong's chin, her naturally white pelt now scarlet and tattered with wounds. Ezziesong's icy blue eyes glowed blue fire when he said this, she snarled, "Why are you doing this?"
Stormclaw bowled her over and pinned her to the ground, "I want you to suffer! It should've been me Ezziesong, you should've picked me!" tears entered the tom's eyes, "I want you to know what it's like to lose everything you ever loved!"

Ezziesong whimpered, "You will never understand what it's like to lose your best friend, mate and home! You ruined everything."
Ezziesong kicked up, knocking the well muscled blood thirsty tom away from her, enough for her to get to her paws.
Stormclaw shook his head, "No," He paused to look at Stone, who was still terrified, he had never seen as much blood as what was before him, and was actually quite frightened, "You haven't lost everything yet..."

Ezziesong knew what Stormclaw was about to do, she screeched as she lashed out with all the energy she had, she spun around to Stone, "Stone! Get out of here! If you don't leave now Stormclaw's going to kill you!"
The tom grasped Ezziesong by the throat, Stone hesitated, Ezziesong's choking was too much, he growled, "Let her go!" He leaped at Stormclaw, "No!" Ezziesong coughed as Stormclaw released her.

((Yeah, big post, *Yay for Ezzie!* I said I'd make it up to you guys.))

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:05 pm

With a loud yowl Oak charged into Stormclaw's side knocking him off of Ezziesong. "I'm tired of hurting everyone that used to be my friends!" Oak said." If I can change I know you can change Stormclaw!" Think of all your old friends and all of the fun times you had!" Oak now had tears in his eyes I know you can change."


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:24 am

Stormclaw spat back, "What friends? Even if I did change, would you think I would be accepted back? I've changed," He paused, then finished by hissing, "Prehaps you should change to!"
Ezziesong pleaded, "Stormclaw! Please for Starclan's sake don't tell me you believe that!"
Stormclaw retorted, "Starclan!" His spat out the words as if he was going to be forced crowfood and he only had a bit before he felt sick. "Starclan abandoned us!"

He then turned to Oak, "I may not be accepted to Tawnyclan," He hissed threateningly, "But I know for certain where my loyalties lie... do you?"

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Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 1:47 am

Sunshift was bewildered.So Oak listened to my reason.....He stood beside Oak and whispered,"I'm taking this fool out.Distract him,say something about loyalty or somehting else really mushy."He backed away onto the tree until his back was touching, and then began something he had been working on for a certain amount of time:he climbed backwards.


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:39 am

"My loyalties lie here!" he said "and yours should too!"


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:21 am

Stormclaw snorted, "Liar, traitor and spy!" he leaped towards the other tom. Ezziesong closed her eyes, she could see Lokistar's lifeless body, fury filled her from ears to tail tip. She snapped open her eyes, her icy blue eyes burned a blue flame as she screeched, "You rogue!" She leaped at Stormclaw, her tears streaming down her face as she got a direct hit in Stormclaw's flank.

Stone joined in and the two forced the well muscled tom backwards. Stormclaw felt his heart thud in his chest, heavy with sorrow and pain. The only she-cat he had ever loved, was now driving him backwards. Fear lapped at his heart like a mother for her kit when he realized the flames were closing in on him.
His mind shreiked at him to flee, but his heart wouldn't allow it, his muscles finally began to feel sore and ached, his paws were frozen.

He whispered, "Will I ever be good enough for you?"
Stormclaw's question startled Ezziesong, and Stone waited for her instructions. Anger flared in her heart, "You think you can be my mate now? You killed my best friend and a great leader, you abandoned me and the clan and you want me to be your mate? You will never be in this clan again, you will never be my mate and you have made me lose more then you could ever imagine!"

Stormclaw growled, "I thought you care about me!"
"You made me lose more then you would know, when will you stop?" her eyes were pleading and still she had tears flowing over her scarred cheeks.
"I will NEVER stop until you realize how much I am to you!" With that, Stormclaw raced off, he paused on the boulder he came from, looked back towards Ezziesong, whom turned away, tears flowing freely, Stone hesitated, looked at Ezziesong, then at Stormclaw.
he raced after Stormclaw, snarling, "Don't come back!"

Stormclaw disappeared behind a curtin of flame.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Guest Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:28 am

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" screamed Sunshift as he leapt after him.Straight into the path of a few Mud cats.But he didn't care.He raced past them and kept running.He didn't grow tired.But Stormclaw kept running.Then fatigue claimed his fiery spirit,and he collapsed.He was now at the Tawnyclan-Darkclan border."Have fun in Darkclan,"he panted,struggling to catch his breath.In the distance, he saw a few Mud cats running after him."Ah foxdung,"he cursed.He got onto his legs and started running towards Darkclan.His lungs begged for air, but he knew his life depended on his fittness.Ezziesong,he thought, I hope you bring in a search patrol after me....


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:27 am

ezziesong stared after the toms, the smoke got to her, and she collapsed, unconscious in the burned land, embers flying around her and everything blurred. Oh Lokistar, if only you could see what traitors there are... If only you were here still to lead us into glory... I'm not ready...
Stone returned, the heat from the flames almost exhausted him, he spotted Ezziesong unconscious, "Ezziesong!" he screeched, rcing over despite his aching muscles. he grasped her scruff. Hold on! I'll get you out of here!
Ezziesong mumled weakly, "Just go... leave me..." She broke off as she fell into unconsciousness.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:44 am

"EZZIESONG!" Oak yowled. Stone,help me get her." he said.


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:49 pm

Stone rushed over to help, he gently grasped Ezziesong‘s neck scruff and tried tugging her towards where the fire was at its weakest. Please hold on! How can there be structure in this clan if your dead too! Tears streamed down Stone‘s face in frustration, I never got to tell you how i feel about you... I know your not as young as I am but... I love you...

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Age : 29
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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:21 am

Oak gently grasped Ezziesong and started to carry her toward the weakest point in the fire. "Please don't leave me!" Oak silently urged.


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by NKninja Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:16 am

Spidermist had been pinned to the ground, not in much injury as his friend had did. But his heart surged with adrenaline as his paws felt icy cold from lack of blood flowing through them. I won't die here! he growled to himself, " YOU'LL DIE!" and he kicked with his kind legs, unsheathed, ripping the cat's stomach and throwing him off.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:45 pm

Almost as if she heared Oak‘s plea, Ezziesong began to cough in response. The smoke from the fire stung her eyes and noe. Ezziesong pulled away from the two to catch her breath. She didn‘t realise how hurt she was until she saw the fear in Stone‘s eyes.
“I have to go back!“ She growled as she turned to face the thick of the battle.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:59 pm

"No, you can't"! Oak said. "Your hurt to bad!"


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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Loki Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:34 pm

Solarstorm fought hard against a Mudblood tom but his old age failed him. His spirit downed with the death of his sister the mud tom stood enough ground to kill him.
Nightail lay dead and bloodied in the grass not too far away.
Skyblaze charged blindly, "Lokistar's last order: retreat!"

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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by NKninja Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:09 am

Spidermist instantly reacted to Skyblaze's order. He began to run towards the river, not reacting to the burning ground underneath his small pads. Adrenaline made him run quicker then he thought possible, his mind swerved with confusion, anger, tiredness.
For a moment, he paused as he noticed the gray, ash colored pelt of Fireshade, his body crushed by a burning tree branch the size of a monster. He was his best friend since he was a kit. His glazed eyes gave Spidermist the chills as the distinct scent of death emanated from the corpse. This would have never happened if he didn't retreat early from the battle.
With his head held low, Spidermist moved onward, feeling hollow and distinct from the others.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Ezziestar Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:52 am

Ezziesong‘s ears twitched as she picked up the command to retreat... Lokistar's last command."Fine," she grumbled. She lifted her scarred muzzle as she yowled out, "Tawnyclan, retreat!"
Ezziesong turned and pelted away with the remaining energy she had. Ezziesong paused to look back, all she saw were the blood thirsty mudblood clanners, and the bodies of the fallen warriors.
I will do this... for you Lokistar...

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Loki Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:17 pm

Skyblaze and the others pelted after her.

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Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan - Page 2 Empty Re: Density Downfall, the wild fire of Mudbloodclan

Post by Gast Fri Dec 23, 2011 2:50 pm

Oak ran after her.


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