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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:02 am

Smoke had snuck out of the den, he creeped out, trying his best to not be spotted. In his mind, he imagined himself chasing an intruder from the territory. He managed to find a small old unused den to squeeze in. He didn't recognize the scent, but it was enough to hide his scent and it was only just big enough for him.

Smoke noticed the small den slowly got smaller and smaller as he explored deeper. When it felt as if he couldn't squeeze any more, it began to open out into a cave. Smoke pushed himself in, still wasn't sure where he was heading. Suddenly tired, Smoke curled up behind a rock which hid him out of view from the enterance.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:49 am

Paws pounded the earth as Lasair and Cliste searched for Smoke.
"That's funny." Lasair commented, stopping near a mound of earth. "His scent ends here."
Cliste growled, pacing right over the cave Smoke was in. "If we don't find him, who knows what hare-brained trouble that furpuff could get into!"
"And with Shadow gone..." Lasair broke off. "Okay. Let's keep looking." They ran off, away from the cave.


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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:47 am

The sound of Smoke's packmates aroused him from sleep. His ears twitched as he sniffed the air quietly, recognizing those two scents, Huh! I fooled them! Now... to where should I explore? He began to look around, scenting the air, the smell made him recoil, When was the last time something lived here? But what lived here? Smoke decided to explore, unaware that he was inside the extended home of a fox den.

He stopped in his tracks when he spotted a red tail, swishing around. Smoke began to back away, but he hit the rock he slept behind, collapsing with a small thud. The creatures he had never seen before faced him, they had green eyes that appeared to glow with anger. Smoke who wasn't big enough to fight them, defensively growled, baring his teeth in a threat. But he wasn't up against one, but about three. He turned tail and ran to the one way in and out. but the opening was smaller then he thought, and it almost closed in on him.

Suddenly, Smoke felt teeth meet his hind leg, and in pain and fear, Smoke yelped out, his yelp was easily carried on the wind. He knew he had no choice but to back out. The enterance caved in, and Smoke's confidence melted away until he was terrified. He kept his head down and tried to hide, but he couldn't avoid them entirely. Their scent filled his nostrils, almost drowning him. What have I done?
((Ooooh! Drama and excitement all in one XD))

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:48 pm

OOC:...soooo, does he live or die?
IC: Lasair perked his ears as he heard the noise. "Commotion back at that mound!" he called to Cliste, who nodded, turned, and bounded back to the seemingly-harmless mound. Inside she could hear yelps and snarls, and she snarled herself. Bracing herself, she reared up on her hind legs, bringing her weight down on the mound. The den burst open, and the foxes were the ones yelping now as sunlight suddenly drowned out their vision.
Without wasting any time, Cliste lunged forward, grabbing the smaller fox by the scruff. She shook it vigorously, then flung it away.
The second fox had learnt from its partner. It bunched its leg muscles, and leapt onto Cliste's back, nipping her ears and tearing mercilessly at her fur.
Lasair raised a paw to swipe the fox off. Blood was pouring freely from a wound in the creature's leg, and it raced away with its tail between its legs.
"Too bad, it would've made a good meal." Lasair commented.
OOC: Yes, wolves eat foxes. Especially during winter.
IC: Growling, Cliste raced forward to snatch SMoke out of the filthy den. "That was a totally bird-brained thing to do! What are you, super-wolf? News flash, you're a PUP!"
"Go easy on him, Cliste." Lasair soothed.
Cliste swung her head around. "EASY?! How can we go easy on him when he just goes out on his own and nearly got killed by FOXES?"


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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:08 pm

((Yes, he lives.))
Smoke ducked his head as he was scolded, then he replied, his voice shaking with fear, "I just wanted to go and explore... I didn't mean to get stuck inside the foxes den."

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:29 am

"Oh, you wanted to explore! How VALIANT!" Cliste snarled.
OOC: Too lazy to use italic so im capitalizing where she emphasizes.
IC: "Well, did you really think you could go off on some exploration mission ON YOUR OWN" she went on. "No. Look at yourself in a puddle of water sometime. Do you have any idea what dangers are lurking arount he mountains? Not just the foxes, we eat them for lunch. Eagles are problems. You don't see them 'cause they're too high up, but by the time you DO see them, they've torn you to shreds for their chicks! I hope Fierie makes you LICK THE FLOOR for what you did!"
Lasair stayed quiet as he watched his packmate. For someone lower ranking than him, she sure could lecture.
"The next time we find you missing, maybe we should just leave you out there to die! How's that?
"We keep you in the nursery for a reason," Lasair cut in. "however bored you are, you should stay there. The good news is now you can play with Jnemmu's pups after they've been weaned. But don't do it again."


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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Ezziestar Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:08 am

At first Smoke's neck fur bristled defensively. "Maybe if you let me prove how strong I can be! You always return with adventurous stories... I just wanted a story to be able to share myself..." his voice finished quietly. He knew it was no use arguing, Why would they listen anyway? I'm not all that important.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Guest Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:15 am

Lasair sighed. "You hear stories about fights, right? How brave and noble the wolves are as they go into battle. But that stuff isn't true. Leaders don't shout commands like songs. It's rough, just look at Cliste's patchy fur to find out. It still hasn't grown back after the River Pack Attack. Likewise, hunting, and scouting may seem fun when it's being told, but out in that terrain, wolves fear for their LIVES. Not just the foxes, or eagles, or other packs, you may end up like Shadow, permanently paralysed. So just don't go out again, okay? I promise when you're old enough you can go out." he used his snout to push Smoke along.
OOC: Time for DA WWALK OF SHAME! Twisted Evil


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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Ezziestar Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:20 am

((XD He don't like the walk of shame.))
Smoke bristled again, "I can walk thanks!" He snapped, but his head still hung as he was nudged back to the pack camp. I can't wait to be able to explore myself. He on the outside appeared to have learned his lesson... but it was totally different what he was hiding on the inside.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone) Empty Re: Smoke snuck out (Open to anyone)

Post by Guest Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:28 am

OOC: This topic is now... CLOSED.
IC: "Come on." Cliste growled annoyedly (is there such a word?). She led the walk back to camp.


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