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Smoke's Initiation Hunt

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:49 am

"Out here, it's wild. But you already know that, right?" Anamacha said jokingly to Smoke as he and Lasair led the wolves to where a small herd of red deer were grazing.
"Let's hope you don't get someone killed," Cliste muttered as she trailed behind.
"Ignore the old furpuff." Lasair whispered. "It's not our problem if she's barren."
"I heard that!" A voice, no need to say who, snarled from behind.
"Anyway," Anamacha ignored her, "today you get my role: the Chaser."
"The Chaser is the one who does the final kill." Lasair explained. "And since we have few wolves here now, Anamacha and I will be the flankers. Animi is going to be the Splinter, the one who splits the target from the rest of the herd."
OOC: Deathie pls come in here.


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:29 pm

((I didn't even know this topic was here.))
Smoke nodded, he tried his best to listen, normally he would just race in, but after the trouble he got into last time, he didn't want to risk it.

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Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by NKninja Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:08 pm

OOC: up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, IT'S DEATHIE!!!!!

IC: Animi nodded her head, being the splinter was what she was good at. She then turned to the red deer, looking closely at what looked like an old one, sickly but tender " got it" she growled, wagging her tail in anticipation.

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:41 pm

Smoke had only heard about hunts like this, he never knew how to hunt, or other things he diddent know.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Loki Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:57 pm

Iki trotted behind Suki and looked up across to the oblivious deer.
The cold snow was thinning and emerald blades began to peer through
to the warm sun. Suki said the mountains were colder then the homelands
from where they came. At the moment he thought the long winter they left
behind was far more then just "cold".

The sun peeled away the snow and water trickled down the rocky hills by the
den and the cries of summer wind were heard in the distance.
Suki found it hard to sleep. She was fatter and healthier than the thin fame of
winter, her pelt was shiny and her muscles flowed alongside her stride.
A true she-wolf in the spring.
It was early.
but the heat of the mating season would soon pick up. The bucks who'd survived the
winter were fighting ferociously, while the doe watched in contentment. Wondering
who'd be the one she bore the calf of.
She licked her lips. A surprise would fit nicely here.
The big bucks, weak, tired and oblivious would make the best out of a meal.

Iki looked confused as he always did. He made a small mark in the pack.
bearing his teeth. He was never any use in a battle. Whimpering out like
there was nothing better to do. She sighed.
He'll hide when the strong males will be fighting for their right to be top.

She flattened her ears. All she-wolves are moody in these times
not many get to fall in pup. They say to watch your pup turn from young ling
into a strong wolf is to feel the great gods smile on you. The blessing of life.
All wolves wish to offer their gods the blessing of life.
She threw her head down and came quicker along side them and then waited, for it to begin.

(OOC: lets make some JFTM(Just For The Moment) characters!)

Ranoch jumped forward and felt his mighty antlers clash with a stag known as Haina.
They embraced, Staring madly into the others eye and he kicked out.
Their bodies trembled with effort. Blood trickled down his face. Their muzzles flared with deep red, puffing and dribbling. Heina stumbled back and Ranoch twisted his body wildly knocking him down and stamping the ground as he chased after the loser.

He stood there. His sides heaved but his fight meant he now possessed all the doe Henai did.
His young would be plentiful and he was unbeaten. The six doe grazed around him. Watching and waiting as he recovered.
Henai stood, by a broken elder stag, who grazed warily. He looked across remorsefully at the victor and snorted in displeasure. His legs and reputation damaged. The herd would be cruel to him this year.
He ducked away. No doe would care to look at the beaten and weak. They
were danger to the generation and that was that.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:03 pm

"The Chaser's an important job," Lasair growled worriedly. "What if he messes up?"
"Then we go without meat for today," Anamacha replied cheerfully. "What better way for him to prove his worth than this?"
"What if it's TOO difficult?"
"Then we starve," Without waiting for Lasair to say anything else, Anamacha flicked his tail. "Positions!"
Cliste ran to Lasair's side, where she was acting as Herder, the one who kept the herd from splitting until it was time. She gnashed her fangs together and fluffed out her already ragged grey-and-white fur.
"Let's go!" Lasair howled, breaking into a run.


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Loki Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:57 pm

Ranoch's head flung up and he stamped his hoof. The Doe looked to where he gazed and he reared snorting madly.
The small herd fled alongside the mass, charged towards the forest. Steering in all directions at the howl. Some sprang
high into the air, emphasising their raw power. Ranoch's hooves clashed the ground as he leaped through the lenghening

Henai looked up in panic. The elder was charging as fast as its legs would carry him and he began to follow.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:55 am

"Smoke!" Anamacha called from the young wolf's side, "See that prancing motion? Deer do that to emphasize false strength (true fact). Don't be fooled!"
Lasair scanned the sea of legs, spotting a couple that were trailing. "What's on the menu today? Shall it be a fawn, a doe or an Elder buck?"
"Just shut up and pick one already!" Cliste snarled, snapping her teeth at a buck that tried to break off from the herd.
"The weak and sick are easier to pick off," Anamacha continued. "So do you see anything limping, Smoke?"


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:15 am

Smoke looked around wildly at the sudden motion. I'd never done this before, I can't seem to- wait! He indicated with his muzzle at a elder buck, "That one! It's limping."

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:48 am

Anamacha looked in the direction where Smoke was pointing. "Right! That'll make a good target." He decided to throw in another question. "And whose job is it to split him off the herd?"
"It's Animi's, you fluffhead!" Cliste snarled, impatient to make the kill.
"Hey! That was Smoke's question, not yours!" Lasair barked.
"What do I care whose it was? Just get that Kappa to make the splintering already!"


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:39 am

Smoke bit back a retort, It wont look any better if I snapped during my first hunt.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Loki Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:00 pm

The deer were clearing. Henai kicked out at the elder, this'll slow em! He though as the old buck fell down, in winded cry.

Suki called Iki, "Lets turn them around."
He nodded and she chased the slowest back around.
The elder stood with a leg lifted away from the pain.

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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by NKninja Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:58 pm

Animi ran to the front of the pack " Don't bristle your fur at me!" she growled, maybe too quiet to hear.
She ran towards the elder buck, running around him and barking at the bucks not too far away. She knew now the elder was isolated from the herd.

OOC: please tell me i did it right Laughing


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:14 am

OOC: Tell from mah face Neutral
IC: Lasair and Anamacha worked together, each mimicking the others' pawsteps. They were a perfect pair, one the shadow of the other. Together they cornered the buck between them. "Go, Smoke! Make the kill!"


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:35 am

Smoke, presed against the ground harder, propelling himself towards the buck. He bunched his hindlegs and leaped, grass blades and dirt uprooted from the ground as he rapidly neared the elder buck. He swiftly bit deep into the elder buck's throat, feeling dark scarlet blood drool down his muzzle.

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Loki Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:06 pm

The elder stumbled and shook angrily. He was weak but he wasn't going to be downed by such un-dignity!
It stood on its wobbly hind legs and shook its whole body. Coming back down as he snorted stomped and
howled in rage. He kicked out, hitting a wolf behind him in the side.

Iki cried out in pain. Suki snarled and sank her teeth into his tendons of the hind hock. (the knee)
he struggled loosing concentration on what the pup was doing and attempted to turn on the she-wolf behind.
Iki caught hold of the other hind leg and crunched down hard. When he met bone, he began to grind.

The poor elder's hide began to lower and he tipped, agony flashing over his eyes. Suki tugged at his leg, Iki
copied. blood was streaming from his gullet and he coughed, calling in vain for help from the heard. They watched
from the top of the hill. Rannoch turned and led his doe away.

the elder now on his knees, called out one last time before laying down; suffocating, in pain and lonely.


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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:18 pm

Smoke bit down harder as the elder struggled, Just stop moving and die already! Growling, he kept a vice grip on the elder's throat, ((I hear some dogs can use something called 'lock jaw' is this possible with wolves?)) I'm not letting you go, even if it kills me.

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:37 am

OOC: Whats lock jaw?
IC: "Should we help?" Lasair asked as he and Anamacha slowed to a lope around the downed buck.
"nah, we'll just watch." Anamacha replied, slowing even more to trot along. "If three wolves can't handle a single old buck, then we'll help."


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:59 am

((Lock jaw is when a canine's jaw locks, kinda like a lizard where they don't drop off.))
Smoke jerked his head to weaken the old buck, I'll tear your throat out!

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Loki Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:12 pm

The buck stopped moving. He lay dead in the thinning snow. Iki and Suki looked at one another.

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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:48 pm

Cautiously, Smoke released his grip. We, we did it! He was almost stunned with excitement.

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Thu Jul 28, 2011 1:30 pm

"Congratulations!" Anamacha said as he, Lasair and Cliste ran in.
OOC: Sorry for the one-liner, I'm short of time!


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:07 pm

((I'm going to try and fix up my one liner from before))
Smoke nodded, he licked his lips of the blood from the elder buck, his ears twitched, listening about for anything else. But the herd appears to be too far away to go hunting them.

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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Guest Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:56 pm

OOC: Sorry for the late post! Embarassed
IC: Lasair bent to pick up the dead buck, mumbling around it, "This should feed the pack for a while."
"It better," Cliste muttered.
"Let's go back," Anamacha announced, tail wagging slightly in excitement. He thought about Berri and Tufts, the two pups and sons of Jnemmu, who would begin the hunt themselves when they came of age. He thought of when he was Smoke's age, hunting alongside his brother.
His brother...
Who would have known that his brother had left the pack, so long ago, when it was at the height of its success? He walked off, obviously ignorant to the disgusted taunts and jeers from his packmates. Anamacha admitted he'd been among them, but his brother had been one of the most promising young wolves of his generation.
The past, present and future appeared to be laid out before Anamacha's eyes. He saw Lasair, as his fur slowly greyed until he lay dying peacefully in his nest. He saw Klarise, his aunt, meeting her end when she'd tried to break off a strong buck from the herd. The buck had speared her with his horns and left her moaning in a slow painful death. He saw Smoke, fully grown now, standing on the cliff of the mountain, his grey fur billowing in the wind, posture confident and eager. He even saw himself, lying next to Jnemmu and talking softly to her as she closed her eyes slowly.
"Let's go," Anamacha repeated, not realizing he'd alreayd said that.


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Smoke's Initiation Hunt Empty Re: Smoke's Initiation Hunt

Post by Ezziestar Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:21 pm

Smoke nodded, My first kill! And this isn't a pathetic elk either, he put up some fight, but was no match for us! Smoke restrained himself to go about jumping and barking in excitement like a pup. I'm not Smoke the pup I am Smoke the Wolf!
Smoke smiled gently at his thought.

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Age : 29
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