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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Guest Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:11 pm

OOC: Not really, B-Shadow. Thornstar is still alive and leader of Darkclan, so even though Redstar has his lives, he still counts as Deputy himself. That and, it's been three days since he was named leader. But, all the same, Runny, you still could.

IC: Frostshine's whiskers twitched while listening to Bluekit.
"Then ask him when he wakes," he mewed in his strange soft voice.

Jaycall nodded.
"Blackfire," he mewed to the new Warrior. "You have to stand vigil tonight."

Skyecho joined the others from the nursery, her pretty green eyes shining as she looked at the newcomer.
"Oh, poor thing," she tutted. "A night in a warm nest would do him well, wouldn't it, Mistlight?"


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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Guest Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:38 am

She stood with her head half-bowed in embarrassment and one eye on Ice. She slowly raised her head and nudged Ice.
He shivered violently and his eyes slowly opened, his hard gaze fixed waryly on Bluekit and the rest of the clan that was staring at him. Where was he? He knew the young she-kit but not the rest. Were they friendly? He could feel their worry but that was it. He narrowed his eyes at Bluekit but made no attempt to pull himself up. Bluekit had a serious look on her face as if she was in trouble and for the first time, he felt as if he trusted her. But he could not. Not after what he had gone through.
"Ice?" Bluekit meowed, dropping down next to him and pressing her warm body onto his. He sighed and glanced at her, still a little wary. "Can you tell us..." He looked into her shy grey eyes sternly. "Can you tell us... my clan, who you are?"
Shock ran through his whole body and he froze to the spot, his eyes widening in horror as the past scenes of his life flashed through his eyes. His parents agitated howling and blood, his foster mother's temper and blows to his pelt, his step-brother and sister's fury and sharp claws as they chased him out. No. He cannot risk losing what might just be his new home. He had to stay here. He wanted to have this home even though he knew about no-one around here.
It was here he experienced concern and pity for the first time. He might just make it. But they must NOT know about his past or he might be thrown out. But how could he fool them? He was just a small kit.
Bluekit sensed his nervousness immediately but did not know what to do. She waited as Ice, hesitated for a moment and asked the cats in front of him, Blueblossom, Redstar and the rest of the clan who was watching, "W-Will you let me stay here if I-I told you my past?"


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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Longstorm Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:17 pm

Sunmist got close to Ice, looking him in the eyes.
"Why? Is your past a danger to our clan?"

Despite themselves, Gorseclaw and Blueblossom shifted uncomfortably at the thought.

Blueblossom turned to Silverkit and told her to go back to the Nursery and she complied.
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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Guest Sat Mar 26, 2011 3:59 am

Ice held the she-cat's gaze and spat, "No!" Of course they wouldn't trust him. But he had no where else to go. Nothing to lose so? What was he waiting for? If he was not allowed to stay, he would just have to find another place to live. It might not be easy but it would be better than dying alone. Wasn't it?
Softening his voice he spoke, his voice an onimous tone with as little emotion as possible, "I... My parents died before I was barely a moon old. They... killed each other and left me on my own. I had to find my own future. A she-cat took me in. She already had two other kits, one she-cat, one tom.
"But she was never a mother to me. I-I was taught to hunt as soon as I was three moons old. She was never kind. Whenever I failed, I would be beaten up but either her of my foster-siblings. My foster-siblings never liked me anyway.
"Not quite long ago, they drove me away because my foster mother had found a thorn stuck on the fresh-kill I brought to her. I took refuge near a river but then the river flooded and I was washed up nearby. And then... this she-kit convinced me to come here."

Bluekit stared at Ice in shock at his story. Even though he didn't show it, she thought she heard a tinge of anguish in his voice. Proud Ice would never admit it but she knew he hungered for a place to call home. She finally knew why he was so reserved and apart when she talked to him.
She looked up at Redstar with a pleading look in her eyes.


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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Longstorm Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:43 am

Sunmist nodded and stepped back, giving Gorseclaw (who wore a dismayed look) a look that said 'what'?

Blueblossom looked at Ice in a slight pitying way.
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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Runfast Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:57 am

Redstar looked at the youngster and mewed,
"You may stay with us. I feel you can be trusted - Ice, is it? Though, on one condition." He looked at the surrounding warriors then continued, "You may stay as a guest, or perhaps join us, but whatever you choose you must pull your weight - when you come of age, of course."
Redstar padded up to the tom and mewed, "This isn't just a place where we sit back and relax. We're not like other loner groups, we support each other. Join us, help us, and we shall stand beside you in all that would seek to harm you."

Mistlight, still standing near Ice, nodded with the other Warriors, a slight grin on her face.

Goldkit watched from the Nursery, his siblings watching in interest.
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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Guest Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:32 pm

Ice felt emotion prickle through his pelt. He dipped his head and murmured, "Thank you-" paused, looked at Bluekit who whispered, "Redstar," and repeated, "Thank you Redstar, for allowing me to stay here. I...I would like to join you."
Then, without meaning to, he let out a huge yawn. Bluekit let out a mrrow of laughter, twitching her whiskers, which made embarrassment overtake the emotion he felt heartbeats earlier. Bluekit dipped her head at Redstar, waiting for the signal to take Ice to the nursery.

OOC: Cats can grin? I never knew that. Can cats laugh?


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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Longstorm Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:38 am

OOC: They can here. Cool

IC: Blueblossom nodded at her brother (Redstar) and mewed,
"I'll take these two to the Nursery now, Redstar. It's been a long day for all of us."

Sunmist and Gorseclaw nodded, their fatigue finally showing.
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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Guest Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:54 am

Bluekit stuck close to Blueblossom all the way to the nursery, her paws heavy, eyelids closing and tail dragging behind. She had missed her ceremony but she had a new friend. Hope flared in her heart. Maybe Ice will fit in despite his coldness.

Ice on the other hand could hardly keep standing. His eyes were aching and his paws felt like stone. Needless to say, he was extremely exhausted from the day's events. But he did not feel hopeful. What if the rest of the clan did not accept him? What was his likely future? He wanted to talk to Bluekit about it but he knew she was really tired too.

Once they reached the nursery, Bluekit led Ice to his nest and curled up between Ice and Silverkit. She settled in the familiar roof of the nursery, the milky scent clinging warmly to her nostrils as she drifted to sleep, satisfied that Ice was warm and safe.


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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Meany Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:55 pm

Blackfire, knowing what he must do as a new Warrior, jumped onto the highest root and watched out the entrance. He must not speak until the dawn.

Bronzekit mewed sleepily and fell asleep next to Screechkit, his foster brother.
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CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED Redfall - RedSTAR Returns

Post by Runfast Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:16 pm

Redstar looked at the Warriors around him and mewed,
"We'll discuss other things at Sunhigh. For now, everyone get some sleep." The cats nodded and left. Redstar went up to Mistlight and mewed, "Do you think it'll all work out?"

Mistlight nodded and mewed,
"With this will of Starclan behind us, we will reach the end point successfully."

Redstar nodded then went into his Deputy - well, now Leader - den.

Mistlight went to her own den, the familiar scent of her herbs lulling her to sleep.
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LS's Group

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Age : 29

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