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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

Post by Loki Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:29 pm

Switch nodded in agreement. Though he wanted to find Joy now... It was getting dark and...
well something would have to be done. His yellow eyes seemed to gaze upon Tigerfrost, the two locked gazes. But Switchblade saw something. Something the tom had done for the warrior ceremony to be crowned on the pale eyed tom.
"but surely..." He looked up, hearing the whispers of cats in his ears. The deep voice of Bone wanting revenge and proper doing, the real warrior fought fairly and...
Switch was guessing, Does an ember or powerful guess?

Defenseless felt wounded and angry, revenge was in her amber eyes. Crashingflight had opened the wound Joyless had given her... those so many years ago...
She looked back to the other servants, loveless and graceless in particular. She was looking for well earned pity or a worried look in their eyes. They were searching else where...
She used a paw to wipe away a drop of blood that had dribbled into her eye, Were they looking for where Joyless had gone? Defenceless gritted her teeth, for so long she was the only kit in the nursery who had it all... then her sister came along when they had been taken. She felt like hissing at them, to drag them back to her... She would get them back she always did...

Crashingflight regarded his servant. He was thinking of a harsher punishment. Making me look like a fool in front of the others... "Concentrate!" He hissed angrily the mewed, "I'm starving... Get me some fresh kill!"

Defenseless looked up, the sky darkening, "but..." She muttered, The tom stood, defensless stood and she bowed, "Yes, okay I'll get you something!"

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

Post by Meany Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:43 pm

Shadowstar, still conducting the meeting, spoke now.
"With that said; Switchblade. You are young, but your fighting skills are new and they need to be passed on. To do just that, you will train a Choosing. You shall train the Youngling named Cold." He looked down at the angry Youngling. "May he live long enough to have his own ceremony." Shadowstar looked at Tiger. "Tiger, your time to be a mentor will come. For now, you shall have a Servant." He looked at his clan and called, "This meeting has ended. Worship Those Who Have Passed! (OOC: That means both Those Above and Those Below)." He nodded and snaked down the den then into his den, taking Scream and Hopeless with him.

The Dark Toms looked over at Switchblade then to the small gray now-Choosing. Viletounge laughed roughly.
"Little one isn't so little now, is he!" Snarlgag nodded, then padded over to his former-Choosing. "I wasn't the best mentor," he mewed quietly. "I know this. Forgive me." The last two words were barely audible, the words lingering as he padded away. "Viletounge, Razorclaw! We're headed back to the border!" The two toms nodded to Switchblade then followed the senior warrior out.
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LS's Group

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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

Post by Guest Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:01 am

Not my place to post but meany are we ever going to train moan


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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

Post by Loki Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:27 am

OOC: Oak remember to use OOC so its not as random, also try and put a sentence in to remind them that you still rp the cats you have chosen to rp with.

Switchblade smiled happily and jumped down from his position to greet his choosing.
He looked to the darkening sky, it would be night soon. "Go to your nest, and get some
rest, I'll take you around the whole border tomorrow."
The grey choosing didn't look too promising, but Switchblade was not the one to judge a tree
by its leaves. He mewed more encouragingly, "You'll understand soon, When I get to know you."

Switchblade's ears flicked and he turned towards the Choosing's den and went inside, coming back out with the weapon he made the day after. (OOC: I posted quite a while ago about him making it)

The stick was a thin oak, that had made the deadly blow to his first kill.
He had pointedly tried hard in making it, tiny but lethal teeth were tied on, delicately by the sinew of plant life. He had used it to show the other choosings on a rabbit, and the object in its self was lethal. He looped it around his neck and padded out.

He yawned irritably but turned to Cold before leaving, "If anyone wants to know where I went, I went for a breath of fresh air, today has been... exhausting."
He padded out of the camp and headed for the spot he knew best to look for the lost.

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

Post by Runfast Sun Mar 06, 2011 4:01 am

Cold nodded dejectedly, then slowly padded to the Choosing's Den. He thought of his sister, Colorless, and wondered where she had been. He lay down, forming a nest with Switch's left overs.

Loveless and Grace padded to the Servant's Den, Loveless finding himself looking for Joy - yes, Joy again. Loveless could feel a hole in his heart, and it's name was Joy. It made him feel... loveless. He sighed heavily as he lay down awkwardly, Grace laying next to him.
"Where do you think she is," she asked him in a whisper. Loveless shrugged and lay his head down.

Dauntless followed the others, laying down in her own little corner.

Sinface had watched the ceremony with something akin to pride. He was glad that the two Choosings, the son of Abyssclan and the son of Cityclan, lived long enough to receive their names.
He padded out of the camp, considering joining the Dark toms on their border patrol.

Soulvoider lightly jumped down off of the den and looked to where Switchblade had gone.
"It's begun," he mewed to his fellow Powerfuls.
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Age : 29

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The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger - Page 2 Empty Re: The Ceremonies of Switch and Tiger

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:56 pm

Searingeyes nodded and swiftly departed from the camp.

Tigerfrost followed Snarlgag out, lagging behind him purposely.
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Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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