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The Morning of the Departure

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The Morning of the Departure Empty The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:32 am

Daystar emerged from his den, looking to where he would usually see faint stars in the morning light; instead, there were fierce storm clouds.
The leader sighed heavily and padded towards the fresh-kill pile. He looked around the camp, noting the lack of Mudbloods (as Dix had said), but he was also looking for those who had said they would travel with him.
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Thu Jun 28, 2012 12:01 am

Maplejay sat watching her old leader sourly.
She wondered if things would ever work out and perhaps in brighter days they could go back to normal?
The calico she-cat frowned and indignantly began to clean her shoulders.

OOC: You still alive LS?

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:35 am

OOC: Barely. And - where the hell has the LS Group been all of this time? They're NEVER this inactive! Oh my God...
I've so got to get back into the full swing of being online every day.

IC: Daystar could feel the she-warrior's eyes on him but he didn't return her look. Instead, he looked to the warriors who were emerging from the warrior's den; specifically, those who were leaving with him. He saw Firefoot walking out, followed by his father, Coalstripe.
Daystar noted how grim the older tom seemed, how he was acting as though this was some fate he was accepting. This made the leader bristling slightly. He was Clan leader - his word was law. Above all, Daystar thought that showing one's loyalty to their leader would be a good thing.
Apparently not.
Daystar sighed softly, the tip of his tail twitching as he thought of the days before he knew he was meant to reform and lead DewClan, before he knew of Lokistar or the Clans, and before he'd ever seen a forest.
Things had been so simple back then...
But the simpler days were gone. Now there was war brewing just above DewClan's rocky hills - but Daystar knew that he would lead his Clan to safety. Yes, he thought. Those that follow my pawprints will be safe.
Following that thought, Daystar padded over to the fresh-kill pile anf picked up a small-ish mouse - it was all he felt like eating.
From the corner of his eye, he watched his warriors.

Firefoot almost halted in his tracks when he saw Daystar up and about. It wasn't that Firefoot was afraid of the leader (while he did fear him), it was just...just seeing Daystar here, at this time, on this day, made the thought of leaving DewClan's beloved marsh and forest all the more real.
The young warrior breathed a long and heavy sigh, one full of mourning. He really, really, really hoped that he would be coming back to this place. He really, really did.
Coalstripe flicked Firefoot's shoulder with his tail. "Come on," he mewed gruffly. "Let's eat. We've a journey ahead of us...I'll wake Tigerpaw."
Firefoot nodded at his father, relieved to have been told to do something straight-forward. Eat. He could do that.

OOC: By the way, I like the new banner! Are the four cats I'm seeing the leaders? (I remembered that Lokistar is dead and felt all sad again, boo...she was a great cat...)
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:12 pm

OOC: Yeah, I've had loads of exams and I've managed to fracture one of the bones in my leg lol so getting around has been a pain (especially trying to work horses).
For some reason I cannot change the background of the site, I was going to put it into a fire theme to suit the things that have happened... but nothing's working. Do you know why? scratch
It goes (from left to right): Scourge (Sinface), Ezziesong, Daystar and then Redstar, but the eyes went weird on Daystar for some reason Razz I also forgot to add scars and white marks on Sin of scourge so... fail..
The odd eyed cat at the back is supposed to represent Falsecall...
So if you can help me out to why nothing will change... Your smarter with things like that Smile

Maplejay's ears flattened to Daystar's foolishness. She turned away in disgust and thought to sleep for a small while longer.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:42 am

OOC: I'll figure it out tomorrow (Sat).
I have all the time in the world since my family is going out and I opted to stay home. You won't catch me in a leather-seated car in 105 F weather! You literally MELT and BURN and it's just all...GAAAAAAAAH!!!! *me bursting into flame and turning to oatmeal or something with the same consistency.*

I sort of figured the eyes had to be Falsecall - it is inspired, inspired I say! It captures the essence of where we unfortunately paused perfectly!

How'd you manage to fracture your leg? And how long does your school year go for if you're still talking about exams? Shocked

IC: Coalstripe padded over to the apprentice's den - a den that, sadly, had only one occupant. The warrior stuck his head through the entrance and mewed to the sleeping tom, "Tigerpaw. Tigerpaw, get up. We'll be leaving soon."
In truth, Tigerpaw hadn't needed to be woken up. He'd barely gotten any sleep the previous night, what with being awake, eyes wide with worry in the dry night.
All the same, the apprentice stood and stretched, minding the patch of moss and ferns that had once been what his brother, Bramblepaw, had called a nest.
Bramblepaw - big brother! What happened to you? Where did the Mud-cats take you?
While none of this showed on the young tom's face as he mewed a greeting to Coalstripe, he wondered if his brother had gone to a starry place, a place where great black warriors with the palest of blue eyes crept in shadow, watching over everyone from above.
Do they watch me?
Tigerpaw left that thought hanging and followed Coalstripe to the fresh-kill pile.

OOC: Yeah, Tigerpaw kinda believes in Those Above, though he doesn't know them by name. He just associates them as being like StarClan.
There could be a little more to this post, but it'd really just be needless fluff from Coalstripe. That can come later, when it matters.
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:47 pm

OOC: Long story short, I was handling Paddy, (Gypsy stallion) and (because we have moved to our own land now) we've built the mares paddock by the stables and one of the boys was helping me but he's novice and Paddy was obviously acting up because of the mares, so the boy thought he was being helpful by trying to stop him from playing up (which was stupid since he's a stallion) and got in my way, so I tripped up over him and fell under paddy, who trod on my leg. Never swore so much in my life Razz but its only hair line or something, doesn't hurt as much as it did I think I was just really angry. hehe...
We have work eperiance on monday to friday and then one last week of school.
Yesterday we did 3 hours and 20 minutes of controlled assessment Sad
And we still have more to go after the 7 weeks.
And the hypothesis is:
'surfaces with a lighter colour absorb less heat than darker surfaces.'
or something like that, which annoys me because it's common knowledge that if you wear a black t-shirt your going to be more hotter than a white one. I'm sure to fail anyway cos' my plan was full of sarcasm :/ I just want it to end so I can finish the first episode of padfoot, update all fanfiction, finish my pictures and sort out this site.
Maplejay padded soberly into the warriors den, ears twitching in irritation, they really were going...


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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:28 am

OOC: Wow. Getting stepped on does not sound like fun...damn, we won't be able to do much more if my GROUP (razzum frazzum, mumble grumble) doesn't get back any time soon...they must be hunted.
Pah - I'll post in the other topics I'm also a part of soon.

IC: Daystar finished his meal and looked to the gray skies. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth opening in an unvoiced yowl. For the briefest of moments, the leader could have sworn he saw the face of Jayfeather is those clouds looking down at DewClan. The rain had made it seem like he was crying. Maybe he was - is this a sign? One that my Clan has been looking for...Or just the mind of a grieving friend. Daystar pushed the thought into the "Think about it later" section of his mind and waited for his still-loyal warriors to appear.
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:53 pm

OOC: I'm nicking Creekheart, it's hard to rp with one cat, he'll follow Daystar of course as that is something Oak would do Razz
Creekheart stretched and his icy blue eyes opened slowly to the pitter-patter of rain.
His head lifted and he made his way out, briefly passing a disgruntled looking Maplejay.
He wanted to say something, to re-assure her but he found no words until she had already lay down.
"One of us will comeback and tell you if... if everything goes to plan..."
Maplejay nodded her head, just slightly and continued to sulk.

Creekheart shrugged and made his way around the large rocks and to the camp clearing.
"Daystar?" He called softly.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Wed Jul 18, 2012 6:34 am

OOC: Yeah, OC totally would...God, I miss EVERYONE.

Daystar automatically looked up at the sound of his name. "Creekheart - what is it?"

Tigerpaw quietly took a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and scooted away from the eating warriors. It was lonely eating by himself, but then, he wouldn't be an apprentice forever.
If I don't die like Bramblepaw. The tom shut his eyes tight. No-no. Don't think about Bra- him. You'll only get really, really sad.
Tigerpaw sighed sadly as he opened his eyes and began to nibble at his meal.
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Wed Jul 18, 2012 4:59 pm

"I...I've heard about what your doing and that you're leaving..." The tom sighed solemnly, "I'm coming with you, as a loyal member of Dewclan."

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Tue Jul 24, 2012 2:09 am

Daystar looked into the warrior's eyes, searching for any sign that what he was saying wasn't true. When he found nothing, the tom nodded.
"Good. Yes, it will be good to have you with us."
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:14 am

OOC: MY LEG!!! MY damn leg hurts I'm gonna DIE!!!! I almost spat out my tea when I saw who else had been on, ooh and my dog bit me and I have a massive gaping HOLE in my hand!!! I've been on the rum again Razz ...

IC: Creekheart smiled gently at his leader and turned to make his way towards the fresh-kill pile.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:47 am

OOC:TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL AH YEH IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK AND NOT TOTALLY EMO!... So what's happening right now?And can someone notify me if I just messed up the plot so I can facepalm my self for the thirty-second time today.

IC: For some reason, Daystar didn't trust Creekheart. It was just the way he had smiled, it was too care-free and happily. He knew Creekheart was well aware of their situation( whatever the heck it is) It could just be Daystar being paranoid. He shook away the thought and watched solemnly. He would be cautious of him later.


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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Longstorm Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:26 am

OOC: Dude...for some reason, I'm not so cool with you taking back your own charrie, but whatever. Just get the cats who said they'd leave with Daystar out of DewClan territory and make for AbyssClan territory. Sheesh.
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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by NKninja Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:58 am

OOC: And with that, I'm slipping into the topic. (I'm going to conduct some love for Rainpelt's characters)

IC: Ravenswift padded forward into the camp's entrance, the rest of the hunting patrol behind them. Rainheart and Rayclaw both held prey of a small size in their jaws, the two padding to the fresh kill pile with remaining dignity that didn't soak away in the rain.
Rayclaw on the other hand, padded towards the nursery, to his mate, Skysoar (OOC: I checked this, Rainy wanted both Rayclaw and Rainheart to join, Skysoar as well. I say Skysoar stays, since she has kits to deal with!)

Rainheart padded to where Creekheart was only a moment ago, and softly dipping her head, "Daystar, Rayclaw and I would like to join you as well. Both of us want the best for the clan, and we've decided that the situation your going into will need all the paws you can get." She mewed solemnly, slightly flicking her tail to take off some of the water sopped up in it.
Ravenswift came softly into the warriors den, a frog (Assuming their in a marsh, FROGGIEZ) dangling from his mouth. "Maplejay?" he mewed softly, his voice muffled by the fresh kill in his mouth. After his eyes adjusted to the lighting of the slightly dim den, he padded towards the she-cat, dipping his head, and softly dropping his game in front of her, "here," he mewed gently, his tone seemingly dry as he spoke.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by NKninja Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:15 pm

OOC: Oh flame... I pity you dearly. Kind of a shame that you out of all people think that you're harmful to the site..

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:29 pm

OOC: Swearing... why??? I was away since Wednesday, totally my fault. I had some stallions that needed loads of TLC! Love you all. Flame, make up your mind?? You here or not?
Maplejay lifted her bright calico head at the gentle tone and a genuine smile formed across her furry face.
"Thank you Ravenwift," And she rolled over and sat up to scent at the frog before taking a slow bite to savor the taste, which of course, could only be stomached by a Dewclan cat.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Guest Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:02 pm

OOC: I'm guessing OOC Is when you are not role playing? and then you put IC... You still working for that bloke Loki? I'm surprised you haven't been sacked. I hope I'm in the right place (???) since everyone is here... can he already just be in the clan? Working him in is effort.

Rapidfang woke up from his bed of moss. The average-built tom shrugged of his sleep and walked out to where all the other cats were. The light drizzle, made his whiskers twitch and he cat looking small and bored as per-usual...


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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:13 pm

OOC: Yes, Yes, thanks for the morale support, You are indeed and yes ^_^
Creekheart chomped sourly on the mouse before looking up from his deposited meal to the grey heavens above.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by NKninja Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:59 pm

Ravenswift nodded cooly, a little smile streaking across his soaked, Calico face. "It's my pleasure," He mewed softly, lying himself on his mossy bedding that was only a fox length away from the she-cat.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:45 pm

Maplejay smiled to herself, not everything was going bad after all.
"So..." She mewed, sparking at a conversation, "this is all a bit of a mess isn't it?"

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by NKninja Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:24 pm

" It was the second those bloodbrains frolicked into this camp." He snorted with slight anger, Wishing that they never accepted allegiance in the first place. " I say we would have been better with the marsh burning to the ground right now. Then we would at least know where to go, what to do. We could have bursted a strategy instead of choosing to fight another clan not a part of this..." Ravenswift let out a soft sigh, thoughts swirling and spiraling at such a slow rate.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:35 pm

Maplejay chuckled to herself and smiled lightly, "maybe some good could come of this?"

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by NKninja Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:36 am

Ravenswift followed in a small scoff of laughter, and nodded his head softly. "Yeah, maybe. But let's just hope Daystar doesn't throw us all on the wrong track!" he scratched the dry moss that was awkwardly scratching his chest fur. " The second this downfall stops, I'm taking some of the warriors to get some moss, this is just ridiculous!" He purred in both anger and amusement.

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

Post by Loki Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:42 pm

Maplejay laughed and the amusement failed to leave here eyes as they traveled to the camp clearing, though saddening in their wake.
"I was hoping, come morning, that our leader was going to see sense..."

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The Morning of the Departure Empty Re: The Morning of the Departure

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