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The day after.

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The day after. Empty The day after.

Post by Loki Sat May 26, 2012 10:48 am

OOC: I thought we should skip along to the next day. I was getting bored of yesterday, If that makes sense... Moving along!
Today was just as miserable as yesterday. The rain was ruthlessly crashing down upon the sodden ground and the cats had slept of the night before. The sky was grey and growling with the promise of lightening and thunder.
Cool droplets titter, pattered and tinkled on the rocks and soil, with tiny streams forming and flowing down into the marshes.
It didn't take an idiot to tell that the marshes were overflown. Lasts nights whether and in this. Maplejay knew these territories quite well, she'd been here when Daystar settled among these lands somewhere in the heat of last year.
Sitting in between the sheltered crevices, she watched with hope that the Mudblood's return was ailed in this weather.

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 5:15 pm

Frostsong stood besides Maplejay, the white tiger-marked she-cat's blue eyes watching the falling rain. Much more and they would be flooded out. Even if they won, it might be too late. Dewclan, or what was left of it, might have to relocate. "Ma'am..." The warrior started, then paused. "I think it may be better to move to higher ground. We'll be flooded out here if it keeps coming, and when Mudblood makes their move, the higher ground will be easier to defend from."

Her blue eyes gleamed as she realized that this whole battle may be in vain. To fight a massive force, with less then half a clan that wouldn't have very easily... She just hoped that Starclan was on their side for this one.


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 7:28 pm

NightOwl limped tiredly into camp he was breathing heavily from the trek back to camp. He looked at the sky and mumbled to himself, "Rain....What a beautiful thing it is.." He limped over to FrostSong and MapleJay and narrowed his eyes to try and see them better before mewing, "TawnyClan will be glad to rain it'll wash away the remains of the fire that drove them out."


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Sat May 26, 2012 7:39 pm

Maplejay shook her head. "This camp has never flooded, Daystar settled here a long time ago because it is the driest area of these marshes, even in winter. I don't understand why the Mudbloodclanners have not yet returned from that horrible meeting of theirs..."
She looked at her paws warily, it was early in the morning but the meeting wouldn't have gone through the night too, would it?
They had left midday, yesterday too, so why are they not back? Her whiskers twitched as she mused about it.

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sat May 26, 2012 10:31 pm

NightOwl mewed, "They're probably hiding from the rain not many cats like the rain if my old bones are correct there's more coming our way let's hope no one gets sick because their getting soaked" he gazed at the two cats with his cloudy piercing yellow eyes. In the rain he looked even more frail then he actually was it was still easy to tell that he would be joining the elders any day now. His fur was streaked with grey and white from age and he could barely make it half way into the clan territory without getting tired.


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by NKninja Sat May 26, 2012 11:00 pm

Ravenswift awoke from the warriors den from multiple droplets of rain falling onto his heavy pelt. 5 More minutes... He thought, finally opening his eyes when a freezing drop of water hit his eyelid strait on.
An ache ran through his bones as he stood up, his muscles tense from the drop in climate heat. " The den's bringing in water.. Again!" He called, stretching his spine outward, his head lifting as he did so.
It's not as bad as that blizzard, now that was freezing, he thought, finally walking out of the warriors den after feeling a bit more suitable to the rain. He cocked his head softly to the lack of activity in the camp, as if he had forgotten that most other clan cats left with Daystar to Abyssclan.

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 3:19 pm

Frostsong nodded. "Maplejay, I just want you to know that it's an honor to fight by your side. No matter what, this is my home, and if I die defending it, so be it."


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 3:26 pm

NightOwl mewed, "Brave words, I agree with FrostSong I may be old and tiring but this is my clan and if we go down we done fighting and should one of us go down we'll go down as Warriors"


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 4:10 pm

"For Dewclan." The warrior padded out into the rain, her white coat instantly soaked. Leaping up above the den, up into a tree, she saw the amount of flooding for the first time, as well as the very distant Mudbloods, mere specks on a distant horizon.

"Dewclan! Gather your breakfast and eat hardy, for tonight we dine in Starclan!"


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Sun May 27, 2012 4:22 pm

NightOwl purred and mewed, "For Dewclan" and padded to the fresh kill pile and settled on taking a shrew his favorite prey and eating.


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Sun May 27, 2012 8:38 pm

Maplejay smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, gratefulness glinting in her eyes.
These warriors may not exactly be born into this clan. They may have been born in the comfort of two-leg confines, or slugging it out in the dark city allies; perhaps hapless loners trekking the lowelands when the founder, Daystar, had called upon them to become part of this clan he had created. The clan had been slandered for it's ties and foundations, but no cat could be questioned for their loyalty and boldness. They were as good as any clan here. Maplejay, would not let them die in the predicted slaughter, it was far too much of a curious case to allow it.
Something was happening and Maplejay solely believed that these Mudbloods, even heartless as they were, had no specific interest in the destruction of Dewclan from the start. She concluded this from these theories:

When the Mudbloods were first announced as a clan, they discovered that they had settled in the Red hills, behind Dewclan. Dewclan was marshland. It was dangerous to a cat that did not know it well. This is why no other clan had claimed this small land, in the time the clans split back into four. It was predicted inhabitable to cats.

Dewclan cats were forced to adapt and change themselves to learn how to live here. Knowing where sinking sand would be, where pot holes were!
They knew that where there were deep waters; there were dangers too. They learnt young that these waters were filled with creatures that stung or bit, that diseases were thriving within these waters caused wounds to become filthy and diseased and that the weeds tangled and drowned cats.
This was only part of the knowledge a Dewclan cat had received from living here for a few seasons.
They also knew how to live, avoid and cross these paths.
They had made these lands habitual, only by their self-offered intention of learning how to live as such.

Dewclan was the fastest way to get to the Lowlands, for the Mudbloods, going around would take too long. Even if they wanted to overwhelm the significantly smaller clan, they would lose many cats from their inexperience from living here, this much was obvious. Mudbloodclan cats were used to sticky clay, mudslides and tracking cold and steep terrain not swimming/paddling and taking long routes around certain areas, or even identifying where sinking sand was.

She concluded with these theories that joining allegiance with the Dewclan cats was simply so that they would not have to fight on land they could not fathom. Forests were natural to cats, they were used to high terrain, cats had been taken from the city', the Abyssclan city would be all too familiar. It all made sense now. The other clan's disadvantage was their terrain!
Forests burn. Mudbloods were familiar with city and high, mountainous terrain.
But marshes... yes, the many questions of ' "how the hell do you live out here?" ' from the muddy, wet and disgruntled Mudbloods were evidence enough.
Dewclan provided a path for these cats who never thought they could adapt and why do so when all the other territories were so much bigger...
"Oh great Starclan!"
Maplejay had clicked it all together, it finally made sense.
The victorious yowling from Tawnyclan, the fires, the meeting of which the platoon had never returned...
Maplejay's golden eyes widened, "Their not coming back."

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Age : 27
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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by NKninja Sun May 27, 2012 9:17 pm

Unforgiven wrote:Gather your breakfast and eat hardy, for tonight we dine in Starclan!"
OOC: Too many references for my taste!!! And your characters.. Their personalities keep blending into the same style.. Being solemn and acceptant to war and seem triumphantly happy about it, why's that?

IC: Ravenswift noticed the differential expression Maplejay had then from yesterday. Something was wrong.. Very wrong. " Maplejay," He called, padding near her direction, " Is everything all right?" He mewed sorely, his tone dry and slightly tired from thought. What could be making her so jittery and owl-looking? He paused too, for a moment. The Mudblood's scent was almost out of trace. Would they like their own high ground then their mere flooding camps? It made some sense.. Bit something didn't seem right.

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Tue May 29, 2012 7:13 pm

"Daystar was wrong, the Mudbloods had no intention to take over Dewclan at all!
Their going to massacre the other clans instead, Dewclan was just a quick path and source of information to them. Abbysclan is in as much danger as any of the other clans!"
They knew the Mudbloods wanted land but... how far were they preparing to go? Were they planning to take the whole territories?


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Tue May 29, 2012 10:39 pm

NightOwl mewed, 'Should we send someone to all the clans to warn them to rally up their warriors and prepare for battle against the mudbloods?"


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Wed May 30, 2012 1:16 am

"they have probably already realised this," she mewed soberly, "it is Daystar who does not."

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Wed May 30, 2012 1:24 am

NightOwl turned his head slightly as a bird flittered by and mewed, "Shall we send someone to stop DayStar then or are they too far away? hmm? MapleJay? where'd you go? I can't seem to see you have you moved?" His gaze flickered missing MapleJay's position a couple times.


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Wed May 30, 2012 1:30 am

Maplejay looked out to the pour of terential rain and sighed soberly. "It'd be too dangerous in such weather, we should at least wait a while..."

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Wed May 30, 2012 1:50 am

NightOwl mewed, "I guess so and their scent trail will have been washed away by now with all this rain"


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Wed May 30, 2012 8:39 am

Maplejay nodded though an unsatisfied frown wAshed over her face. She believed the Mudbloods were not returning to Dewclan, the next few hour would prove this theory and of they did return she would want to be there, not in the rain finding a cat who probably wouldnt care.

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by NKninja Wed May 30, 2012 11:14 pm

" I'd suggest making a evening patrol to trace the Abyssclan border. Maybe the rain didn't hit them as hard." Ravenswift paused for the moment, looking that the clouds were moving in the direction of the east, which was driving near to the other clan's territory " Which would mean more scents to track." but those ideas are stale as they are ridiculous! Grow a brain Raveswift!

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Thu May 31, 2012 12:15 am

Maplejay nodded, "I think that;d be the best idea, come evening we'll head to the Abyssclan border."

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Thu May 31, 2012 2:39 pm

"Maplejay, can I at least go try to find them? I saw a something up in the tree, maybe I could go head out in that direction." Frostsong asked, nimbly slipping over.


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Loki Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:54 am

"i'm sorry Frostsong it is to dangerous In this weather, I don't want to create a rescue patrol." The she-cat looked out thoughtfully for a moment.
OOC: we can't do much until ls and her group returns anyway

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by Guest Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:16 pm

The white she-cat nodded respectfully. "I understand."


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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

Post by NKninja Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:41 pm

" In the meantime, I'll help gather some moss, keep the flooding in the dens to a minimum. Care to join me, Frostsong?" he mewed, swallowing softly against his dry mouth. Hunting could help too.. But what cat in their dear mind would want soggy meat, fur or feathers? Especially at this time of day. It would be irrelevant.

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The day after. Empty Re: The day after.

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