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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:49 am

Plaag stiffened at Searingeyes doubtful words. "It will be a start," he growled. "Soon we will be as one once more, and our ranks will no longer want for Warriors, and your 'Circle' will no longer want for scholars, or whatever it is you've called them, your readers and writers and story-tellers." He spoke tightly. "If Paleclaw's words are not enough - my words, since he is speaking for me - then CityClan will be reminded who their true King is." Plaag bared his teeth with the intensity of his words.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:54 am

Searingeyes nodded. "Good. Plans for allowing an enemy to defeat a greater enemy, moving the camp for tactical advantage, and a plan to bring about the next great age of peace and prosperity," he sounded mildly amused. "Well, I can't say you lack great ambition, your Majesty. All Shadowstar wanted was to take over the lowlands and kill the rest of the foresters to complete Scourge's grand design." His expression became shadowed. "Which brings me to my next point. Your ancestor, Scourge." Searingeyes suddenly seemed to grow older though he stayed the same. "I know Shadowstar told you of Scourge's cruelty. I must know - what is your intention towards Scourge? He will enslave you until he sees fit to cast you aside like ruined fresh-kill." He smiled grimly. "And I know he will not be pleased when he discovers that you have already chosen a name for yourself - HIS name - despite his commands, if he hasn't discovered this already." Searingeyes shook his head, whiskers twitching in awed amusement. "Scourge...Why His name?"

OOC: I'm having a blast going through the old AbyssClan posts. We're all just...AWESOME.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:09 am

Scourge had felt as though he could have burst with the anger that came with Searingeyes' light tone when he spoke of his plans, but his anger went forgotten at the change of subject. His scar-surrounded eyes darkened. "Scourge...I hate him for what he put my father through - for raping his life and hollowing him out until he fit his name; Shadow. I will make Scourge pay. Taking his name is only the beginning. With his name, AbyssClan will think of only me when they here the name 'Scourge.' I will make them forget my ancestor ever existed. Turn him into a cowardly shade at the edge of nursery tales. Scourge will be forgotten." Scourge bared his teeth. "The alias 'Plaag' is to be used only in the presence of Foresters, Searingeyes, never forget. Call me Scourge. Scourge - no -," his eyes flashed. "My nameless ancestor will feel my wrath. He no longer deserves a name, it's MINE now. His greatest sin was allowing me to live after what he did to my father." The black King's eyes burned with cold fury and he clawed the ground with his reinforced claws. "I am Scourge. I will make AbyssClan the strongest Clan of all time. I will destroy my nameless ancestor and I will destroy the filthy Foresters for the crimes they have committed against my ancestors and my kin."

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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:18 am


IC: For the first time in a very long time, Searingeyes felt a jolt of fear. Make everyone forget the Forgotten King? But that's... The Powerful, he who was young and old, wise and foolish, took a long, deep, shaky breath. He didn't want to say anything, but he couldn't allow this to go forward without giving fair warning.
"Scourge," he meowed haltingly, "exists because he is remembered. Our memories gives him his power..." He looked deep into his King's eyes could I really think of this new King as Scourge, my true King? "If He were forgotten, then his power would fade. Any lives he gave you would vanish." Searingeyes took a very deep breath. "I hope you understand the seriousness and depth of what it is you intend to do. In the unlikely event you succeeded, it would change AbyssClan's very fate. Do not take this lightly!" The Powerful clawed the ground nervously, his tail moving in an agitated fashion. "Scourge will not - cannot go without a long and terrible war. He will not go quietly. Scourge killed easily in life and he kills just as easily in death. There are things you don't know, my King. Terrible things. Please, please think about what you are doing." Never before had anyone heard Searingeyes plead like he was, but he was desperate. This wouldn't just affect the Clan and his King - it would affect the Powerfuls themselves. Searingeyes didn't know if he was prepared for that.
The brown tom's tail continued to lash, his ears flicking nervously.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:28 am

Scourge stared at Searingeyes with wide eyes. He sat back and digested Searingeyes' dark words. Scourge's eyes hardened. He hated that Searingeyes used his name for his nameless ancestor.
Scourge spoke low and slowly. "I know how dangerous HE is. I have stood in his presence. He convinced my Clan to turn on him." He bared his teeth at Searingeyes. "I don't need anything my Ancestor gives me. He can keep his lives and his prophecies. I don't want them. BloodClan prevailed without any of those things. I don't need him. AbyssClan will prevail without HIM." The King's ears flattened. "What 'terrible things'," he yowled angrily. "What is it that you're not telling me, Searingeyes? SPEAK!"
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:31 am

Searingeys flinched. He actually flinched. He swallowed harshly. "It's...very complicated...Lot's of backstory, and...Other things..." The Powerful looked away nervously.
I can't just TELL him. Decades of silence and secrets and mystery and service. I can't JUST tell him!
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:42 am

Scourge spat at the Powerful and resisted the urge to lash out at the spiritual leader and direct line to Scourge - That's it. That's IT! Why hadn't he realized sooner? Scourge couldn't believe his own absent-mindedness. Of course, it was said in tales that the Powerfuls spoke directly to Scourge all of the time, that Scourge had blessed them with great powers for some service or another. Loveless loved to bring it up in stories!
Loveless, Scourge felt a pang of worry as he remembered how Razorclaw had struck his brother. I hope he is doing well. The worry was replaced by rage. I will punish Razorclaw severely. I'm glad Cunningheart practically ripped his eye out. That is just the beginning of his pain.
Scourge looked at Searingeyes closely. "You're afraid of losing your bond with our ancestors," he snarled mockingly.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:51 pm

Searingeyes sighed. He'd guess, of course. "It's more than that, my King. The Powerfuls would lose a portion of their abilities. We are naturally gifted cats, but our connections with Scourge increase them greatly. I believe the Clan would be weakened for it. But..." Searingeyes' lip twisted. "In siding with Shadowstar - and you - we may have already forfeited our blessings." He huffed. "The Forgotten King sees all, knows all." An ancient proverb from one era or another. "Would you sacrifice such great power to spite an ancestor?" He snapped.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:55 pm

Scourge's ears flattened. "Yes," he growled deeply. "BloodClan was strong without such power, without any ancestors! You're just weak." Scourge looked at the golden eyed tom suspiciously. "How does Scourge see all? Tell me now, Searingeyes! Are the stars themselves his eyes?" His gaze flickered to the roof of his den as though the evil stars could see him through the stone and earth.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:59 pm

Searingeyes bristled at being called 'weak', "Mind your tongue, child King," he spat. "My breath and call have been on these winds for far longer than any of your ancestors'. I know things you could never hope to understand, seen things that would drive you mad in a second; you will not take such an insolent tone with me!" His long tail lashed in anger.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:01 pm

Scourge's claws unsheathed. If he was going to turn his back on Those Above, then Searingeyes' position no longer mattered. The King suddenly lashed out, reinforced claws and all, at the younger tom's face. "I AM YOUR KING," he howled.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:10 pm

Searingeyes jerked back but caught the brunt of the blow on his left cheek. He shrieked in pain as blood welled up from the deep gashes. He sank his claws into the ground and crouched submissively, cursing his own young and prideful tongue. "Yes," he spat. "You are." He looked up at the black tom. "But I am not weak. I can be strong without Him," Searingeyes finally stopped calling the nameless ancestor 'King' or 'Scourge.' "I will be stronger than everyone in the Clan without Him." Searingeyes stood, though his posture was still submissive. "The Powerfuls will prevail. And we will stand with you." Searingeyes was finding that he could come to like this new Scourge. If anything, he was nicer than the old one. That nameless ancestor has been needing a good knock-down ever since he died. The Powerfuls have always known that he would need to be removed. But curse this childish body and it's pride! I've spoken against my King! "I beg your forgiveness, Scourge," he mewed. "I spoke sorely out of turn." He winced whenever he spoke.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:25 pm

Scourge was still bristling but he listened to Searingeyes. He saw no lie in those golden eyes. He was also surprised when he realized just how very strange this cat was. Searingeyes sometimes spoke like an ancient and wise cat, other times he sounded his age, which wasn't many seasons at all. Like two different cats. Either way, Searingeyes was in the habit of addressing him informally. As much as Scourge felt like it may have been disrespectful, he suspected that Shadowstar had allowed the Powerful to address him in the same manner.
He looked at his handiwork, astonished that he had actually struck a Powerful without being smote from on high. I suppose Kings can do that. He shuddered inwardly.
"Good to know where your loyalties lie, Searingeyes," Scourge meowed coolly. He flicked his tail dismissively. I'm turning out to be a moody King. Sheesh! "I imagine I will have to hear you speak out of turns many times throughout my rule...You're a different sort of animal altogether, Searingeyes." He smirked. He then sat and looked thoughtful. "You would truly have powers without our nameless ancestor or Those Above? I thought such a thing was unheard of."
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:30 pm

Searingeyes relaxed, even twitching his whiskers in amusement at being referred to as a 'different sort of animal,' when Scourge had shrugged of his slight. To answer Scourge's question he meowed, "Our powers come from somewhere else...far, far, away..." He looked off into the distance. His gaze drifted to the blue stone embedded in the earth wall. Searingeyes' narrowed his eyes at it.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:31 pm

Scourge followed the Powerful's angry expression over his shoulder. The blue stone? "What is it?"
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:32 pm

Searingeyes hissed. "The moon stones are - " he broke off, turning his head towards the entrance. "Despairingcall and Switchblade are here," he murmured. "They have something important to say..."
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:32 pm

Scourge looked at the 'moon stone' warily, but he still stood and padded to the front of his spacious den. He paused. "Don't you already know what they're going to say?"
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:36 pm

Searingeyes shrugged, flicked his tail dismissively, and looked away like he was minding his own business. "Well, you know," he mumbled. "Courtesy and that..."
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:44 am

Scourge nodded, amused. He turned and he left the den briefly. He spoke to Despairingcall and Switchblade for a short time then returned.
The black tom took a moment to regather his thoughts. He looked at the 'moon stone' in the wall and remembered. Perhaps it wasn't so important right now. Scourge wanted to remold AbyssClan, turn it into something that would rise from the ashes and not rely on forester Clans, and that was very very important. Something that would restore AbyssClan.

OOC: We keep coming back to this.

Scourge's black tail lashed low to the ground as he thought. "I'm going to call a meeting," he said suddenly. "As soon as my uncle returns, I will call the Clan together. They will know my intentions. AbyssClan can only be strong if everyone is aware of what is happening." His thoughts flickered to how the Clan had been easily split in half and overthrown. "We will unite."
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Fri Apr 26, 2013 2:14 am

Searingeyes listened intently, his golden eyes round and bright in the dim den. He nodded in solemn agreement with his King's words. "And what are your intentions, my King?"
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:59 am

Scourge paused, dwindling in his thoughts, then looked directly at Searingeyes. "To unite," he repeated softly, a hint of a smile on his lips. "AbyssClan will attain a kinship that has always been here but could not be reached until now. My intention is to do away with petty separations of class, with tyranny and outdated concepts of ownership and enslavement of our own brothers and sisters, and become as one. We are the same blood! It is not a hard truth to accept! We will learn more together, we will grow together, gather strength together, destroy our enemies together, not as Master and Slave, but all as equal subjects - AbyssClan and CityClan, males and females, dark eyes and blue eyes, strong and weak - all of us equal for a common purpose!" He took a deep breath, his heart racing in excitement.
"Our kin in the City are only seen as weak because we have hoarded our techniques and wisdom as though it were fresh-kill in famine and have denied them the resources needed to improve and grow! We have stunted them like a young tree kept in shade," Scourge's blue eyes widened as he realized more and more, the real reason behind the weaknesses of his kin and himself!
"It is our fault, AbyssClan's fault, my fault! That CityClan is not as great as it should be. It will be great once more!" He laughed wildly. "It is our fault that AbyssClan is not great! AbyssClan is not great! We are not mighty! Only tales keep our enemies outside of our borders, but that never keeps the wayward heroes out for long." He shook his head with a smile. "No! We are weakened! We have cut off half of our Clan - hacked the 'body' down the middle! - in demeaning our she-cats. Why? Why do we do this? Cunningheart is an astonishing Warrior. The strongest we have! If it was through fear that we, the males, tried to convince the she-cats and the deformed and the cats with blue eyes, that they were weak and worthless, if it was through a terror that they could be stronger than us, then we were right! Regardless of all we have done to convince them otherwise, they still sliced the innards out of all who said they were to scared to even think it! Ha! Haha! Whoever thought it would be a good idea to purposefully weaken the Clan was a ducking idiot. Naturally, that decision turned around like a wounded rat and left the Clan infected, weakening further with every generation." The humor fell from Scourge's face as he came out of his own musings, leaving only grave sincerity as he focused again.
"No more fear. We cannot inflict fear in our own enemies if fear lives in our own camp." Scourge sighed heavily, his whiskers drooping as he looked at the ground. "She-cats deserve as much respect as toms. Only cats - male or female - who are not willing to earn respect, who are not willing to learn, remaining ignorant and lazy, deserve the terror we have put the Servants through. We have to be able to trust one another. Changing a mindset won't be easy," he admitted somewhat sheepishly. "But we'll do it."

"I intend to relinquish the territory that stretches from the Battlefields though the patch of two-leg forest to the TawnyClan river, until we are able to patrol it frequently. It's far enough away to be considered CityClan territory, yet they do nothing to defend it. It's worthless until it can be patrolled." Scourge actually had a large chip on his shoulder because of that wasted piece of succulent territory. "I'm loathe to give it up, but we're hardly ever there, and we don't need the river water nor the unwanted attention from TawnyClan."
"When a line of diplomatic communication has been opened with our Sister-Clan, we'll begin training the cars of CityClan immediately. We'll teach them battle moves, tactics, healing herbs, poisons, history, songs, the languages of our ancestors." His eyes glowed with the promise of a bright future - then paused. "Oh, Searingeyes; I'm making lessons of history and languages and philosophy and - well, everything! - from the Powerfuls mandatory for all AbyssClannians." He dared the younger tom to say otherwise with his icy blue eyes.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:54 am

Searingeyes absorbed the information gradually, not quite focusing on Scourge as he listened. "Giving up territory that we're never in ought to go unnoticed...but, we must always assume that someone will get wise and move in far, far too close to CityClan." He shook his head and shrugged. "Do you mean to fully unite CityClan to AbyssClan? Will our brethren come to live with us in the...forest, with the peace and understanding and the learning...?" Like a forester Clan, he left unsaid.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Sun May 12, 2013 2:28 am

Scourge's eyes narrowed. "No," he meowed firmly. He eyes were all but slits for a few moments as he turned over a thought. "Only if they choose to, and," he stressed, "if they're respectful." It was a weak statement. He waved his tail to dismiss the incomplete thought. "I'll make a final decision after I have spoken to the citizens of CityClan. And that Chancellor of theirs."He shook his head. "Explain it to me, Searingeyes, what is the point of a Chancellor? And his, his Council?" Scourge had heard mention and had shared in speculation of the Chancellor ever since he was old enough to understand that the Chancellor was an idot and lead a poor-cat's AbyssClan. "Thirteen cats needs to run one Clan seems rather...odd, to me." More than odd.
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Longstorm Sun May 19, 2013 7:54 pm

Searingeyes shrugged. "The Chancellor was something CityClan thought up. Apparently it gave them a sense of control back in the day," whichever day that had been. "It gives voice to the people, and something like that." He knew exactly what the 'something like that' was. "The Council members speak only in the interests of the cats of CityClan and the Chancellor makes the big decisions."
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CLOSED The King and Such - Page 2 Empty Re: CLOSED The King and Such

Post by Runfast Sun May 19, 2013 7:59 pm

"What sort of decisions? Patrols and hunting? Ceremonies and positions of leadership? Who goes into what field of work (I've heard it said that the ranks they have are different there), and what battles are fought?" What he had listed sounded practical to his ears, and not too far away from what he'd heard about CityClan. Or rather, it was what he'd heard put in a dignified light. He was hoping that CityClan, a Clan that had royal blood here and there in it, BloodClan descendants, wasn't so feeble as he'd heard.
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