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CLOSED The undignified.

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:51 pm

Whitehare's tail tip flickered in deep irritation. She frowned with a hitched brow as two of the the kits, Torn and Bark, had drifted off; sleeping over each other. The third little brute, who she had found to be called Thistle was watching her like a dog did a bone.
She rolled her eyes as the fact, the odd eyed tom-kit was creeping her out with his hard gaze.
"can you not just go away?" She grumbled silkily.
And looked around for a cat who could possibly rescue her.
She had been intrigued and... attracted by these Abyssclan cats, their black-tom-leader with all his power. She s'posed that he would be a much befitting leader than the troubled Daystar.
She had a lot to offer too. No cat had out ran Whitehare, that is why 'hare' came with her prefix. If only her brother had come to join her.
She glowered at the white kit for a moment.

Thistle glared right back, the fowl wench. ((OOC: Some guy called me a wench the other day Sad IC:))
The tiny kit had devised a great plan, a great plan indeed. With this weak she-cat in their grasp they should take it in turns to  doze while still fulfill their role as her watcher. Auntie Cunningheart had entrusted this role onto them and Thistle saw himself as the, er, leader of the three.
Fresh wasn't being part of them anymore, no he had other roles but Thistle was the smartest of the four anyway, which was why Fresh looked after the little runt.

Fresh was sitting dutifully outside the leaders den. He was glad too. He watched his brothers play and other clan cats do their businesses.

I was bored Razz
have not read this over, so there is probably loads of mistakes.

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:08 am

OOC: Sort of a past thing, but it would fit...

IC: Searingeyes, the leader of the mysterious group known as The Circle, padded up to the King's den.
"Hello, Protector Fresh," the young tom mewed to the smallest Protector. "I believe the King may find my presence useful..." He cocked his head, giving the tom one of his rare genuine smiles in the place of a smirk. "May I pass?"
Searingeyes was very fond of all four of the young brothers and of Terra their foster mother. In the past (OOC: For those just tuning in...) the brown tom had visited the five in the tunnels that branched throughout the entire hill that made up most of AbyssClan territory. The five had been living there so they would avoid the pivotal and dangerous points of the oncoming revolution.
After the new King rose from nowhere, the kits and mother had been formally invited to join the Clan.
And here they were.

Searingeyes waited for an answer from the small tom.
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:06 pm

Fresh looked up at Searingeyes, returning his bright smile.
He trusted Searingeyes sometimes seeing him as a father figure since it was either he or Cunninghesrt who had come to see them.
"Of course, you may enter."

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:41 am

Searingeyes nodded respectfully to the shorter tom.
"See you later," he mewed friendly as he padded into the King's den.

Meanwhile, Paleclaw was walking around the camp. He saw Fresh and stalked up to him.
"Hey," he mewed in his odd pale-ish voice. "You seen Cunningheart? I've been looking for her on King's orders."
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:50 am

"she was with Corrupt last time I see her," Fresh mewed dryly, "She was wondering around I think."
He hadn't really been paying attention, though he heard something about prisoners and... Stuff.

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:33 am

OOC: Our timelines are a little messed up - this would take place before DewClan entered AbyssClan territory, before Despairingcall and Switchblade showed up with news, since Terra, Paleclaw and Snarlgag would be well on their way to the City by then.
So there we are!

IC: Terra approached the toms who were bothering the DewClan prisoner. "Bark! Torn! Thistle! Fresh," she called lovingly to them. She padded towards Fresh since she knew that his new position was very important, and didn't want him to be taken away from it. "I have something I need to tell you..." She didn't want to leave on a special mission with Paleclaw, but it had been an order from the King. The tuxedo she-cat waited patiently for the toms to turn from their 'play.'
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:06 am

"Oh, but mummy!" Torn grumbled distastefully, "Someone has to keep an eye on the prisoner!"
Bark pushed his brother over roughly, "mum is speaking keep ya yap shut!"
The two began to squirm and tackle each other, oblivious to awkward glances and odd looks.

Thistle bounded up to his mum excitedly, "what happened? are we going somewhere?"

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:12 am

Terra briefly glanced around - she knew Cunningheart was nearby.
The she-cat's heart broke a little at Thistle's sweet question. She lowered herself into a crouch so she would become more level with the kits' line of sight (though they were all growing so big! She was so proud!)
"No, Thistle-love," she mewed softly to him. "Not today. You and your brothers," she looked at all of them, "are going to be trained by the cats of AbyssClan, and I know each and every one of you will do so very well!" She purred. "You do want to live here, yes? With Cunningheart and Corrupt and Searingeyes?" She looked at the four expectantly, already knowing their answer.
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:26 am

Thistle stared back at his mum worriedly, suspicion pricked his ears as Torn managed to wrestle Bark down before telling his mum gleefully, "I do mum! I want to fight and become a King!"
"Don't be an idiot," Fresh snapped, "you have to be special to be king!"
Torn's upper lip curled back and he began a charge to his mum before giving up and sitting beside her.
"If not a king then I'd settle for being a warrior."
"And hunting mice!" Bark burst in.
"And doing our duties." Fresh added glaring at Torn pointedly.
Thistle was quiet, he was frowning at his mum slightly.

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:43 am

Terra looked at Thistle. Oh, he was so very smart.
"My brave toms," she mewed, "Listen. I'm going away for a little while." She waited for the response.

OOC: I'm getting a little emotional over this... Shocked
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:48 am

For a slow moment a passive expression passed over three little faces. The smallest was contorted with sadness and accusation.
"No," Bark told his mom,"no, you're not."
"You can't go mommy." Torn mewed hopelessly.
"for long time?" Fresh ascked, forgetting himself, "as long as forever? or longer? Or less?"

OOC: :'( poor fresh he's like: who, what,where & why?

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:12 am


IC:Terra looked at the kits frantically. "No, no, no," she mewed comfortingly, "Not forever - just for a little while, I promise! For a few days, mommy promises."

Cunningheart and Corrupt were coming out of the prison. The large white she-cat picked up the sounds of distress and flicked her tail for Corrupt to follow. Cunningheart approached.
Terra looked up gratefully. "Cunningheart will be here - she'll make sure you'll be fine while I'm gone."
Cunningheart was surprised to hear that Terra would be going. Regardless, she mewed, "You'll all be so busy with training that your mother will be back before you know it. I'm sure she won't be long in..." SHe fixed her amber gaze on the small queen expectantly.
"A mission from the King," Terra filled in, looking at the kits. "The King has asked me and a few others to go to the City - but I'll come back. I'll be back. It won't be long." She'd purred and rasped comfortingly throughout the whole time.
Cunningheart nodded. "You'll be back." She looked at the kits (very small compared to her.) "She'll be back. AbyssClan cats keep their promises." Did they ever. "And you toms and your mother are AbyssClan cats. Corrupt too," she flicked her tail at the maine coon by her side.
Terra blinked in thanks. "I'll miss you all very, very much," she meowed. "And I'll think about you all of the time. I love you all." Her voice cracked slightly.
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:22 am

"If the king ordered it then it must be important and for the king to give my mum a mission! Even mum does missions for the king, I'm just like her!" Fresh said puffing out his chest.
Torn told his mum how much he cared for her and explained in this sort of way:
"I love you this much" and then jumped as high as he could... sort of high for a kit.

Bark told her that he'd catch a whole pile mice for her return, but would probably forget.

Thistle was still frowning; he might not be big and exactly scary but he was no fool. His pink nose felt itchy as he held in sad mewls. Why would mummy be so sad if she's coming back. The odd eyed kit locked eyes with Cunningheart... almost mewing liar but though better to try containing it... oh, he was containing it.
"Come back soon then, keep your promise mummy, I love you," he mewed after a moment his gaze somewhat else where.


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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:35 am

Terra smiled, purring kind and motherly responses to them all. She gently licked each and every one on the head, rasping lovingly to each of them. She looked at Thistle intently and sighed softly. She gently bumped her pink nose to his and purred before pulling back. "Brave Warrior." Terra touched her tail to the others one by one. Even though she was certain she would be back, she imprinted their faces into her mind's eye, as a loving mother would.

Paleclaw was finishing up eating. He wasn't looking forward to venturing out into their territory searching for Snarlgag, but he had to if he wanted to get to the City on time. He licked his pink lips and looked at the sickeningly cute exchange across the clearing.
"Come on," he yowled at the she-cat. He might have said something mean but he caught the glare that Cunningheart shot him and immediately thought better of it.
Terra looked at the pale tom then back at her kits. "Goodbye, my loves. I'll come back when my mission is complete!" Thoughts of avenging the wrongs that the Mudbloods had wreaked on CityClan flashed in her mind.
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:41 am

"Okay mom," Fresh said, "Now be careful. And YOU!"
He said hopping down and fixing Paleclaw with a deathly expression that only Fresh could acieve.
"You look after my mummy!"
OOC: XD I'm so sorry... I couldn't help myself!

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 4:56 am

Paleclaw was astonished at the ferocity of the kit's expression. "I..." Cunningheart was glaring at him again - the two Protectors combined was too much. "Will do my best..." He looked weirded out. Paleclaw slowly began to back away from the two ferocious looking cats, towards the exit of the camp.
Terra could have yowled in glee at the stare-down Paleclaw was getting. Giving her friends one last loving look, she turned and padded with Paleclaw to the exit.
The tom cleared his throat. Terra looked at him expectantly. "You, uh..." He flicked his ears. "Raised him well."
The two looked at each other awkwardly, then he turned away and nearly ran out of the camp.
"Huh." Terra followed, looking back one more time. She briefly wondered where Searingeyes was - but she had to go. She would miss him too.
The tip of her tail was the last thing to vanish from view when she left them camp.

Cunningheart looked away from the exit to the kits. "Fresh," she meowed. "Hold your post. You're doing well." She nodded approvingly. The white warrior looked at the other three. "Bark, Thistle, Torn; come with me into the Mender's den. There's work to be done there." It would get them out of the rain, too. She looked at Corrupt. "Corrupt - watch the prisoner. Fresh can see her from his post as well." She looked at her fellow Protector meaningfully - watch the prisoner too. "When we," meaning herself and the three toms, "Come out of the Mender's den, we'll eat."
(OOC: I said I'd RP Corrupt for NK.) Corrupt's ears pricked up at her marching orders. Watch a prisoner? Wow.
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:06 am

ooc: "I'll do my best!" Bwahahaha ah life is good. XD
Fresh nodded and returned to his post.

Thistle, Torn and Bark stood to attention, secretly glad they would be out of the rain and in the warm. The menders den sounded fun too. What could possibly be bad about that?

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:18 am

OOC: What is the sodden Whitehare doing?

IC: Corrupt looked at the wet lump of white fur. "Cunningheart," she meowed. "Should the prisoner stay out in the rain?"
Cunningheart looked thoughtful. "Move her back a bit." There was better coverage from the towering trees a bit further back. "Make sure she doesn't die." Her whiskers twitched in mild amusement. "Just think. You'll do fine." The Warrior signaled for the three tom-kits to follow her, and she turned towards the Mender's den.

Corrupt looked at the prisoner and inhaled. "Okay." She would do her very best. The maine coon approached Whitehare and prodded her side with a large paw. "Hello? Hello? Get up!"
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:39 am

Whitehare had been resting. Those little termites were giving her a head ache and what better way than to sleep it away? She huffed at being woken, the rain was chilling but nothing she didn't know from Abbysclan.
"Go away," she sneered at Corrupt.

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:40 am

Corrupt frowned. "Move back," she did her best to sound tough (which wasn't hard, having been around Cunningheart).
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:42 am

Whitehare paused in her stubbornness for a moment. She unfurled her head from the comfort of her forelimb and took a short while to study Corrupt before hissing, "no, YOU move back. I've been lying out here for Starclan knows how long and all you've done is mope around and pester kits. Well, I wasn't expecting hospitality but this really beats it."

U mad corrupt? XD

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Longstorm Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:35 pm

Corrupt's gaze hardened in determination and she stepped forward threateningly. "Move back."

OOC: Whitehare still wants to join, right? I mean, technically she's only been here a couple of days at most (as amazingly unbelievable as that is.)
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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:52 am

Whitehare's fur bristled which didn't do much for her small frame. She hissed venomously back: "You move back!"

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by NKninja Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:48 pm

OOC: I'm back, back at last. And it doesn't look like I missed much.
I'll let LS keep RPing Corrupt until the next topic, rather not do a personality swap and have a crazy Daystar conniption again.

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CLOSED The undignified.  Empty Re: CLOSED The undignified.

Post by Loki Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:10 am

OOC: How rude of me, sorry LS umm... yes, she wanted to join cos she fell in love with the kind didn't she? XD
Whitehare was keeping a hard gaze on Corrupt, she looked just about ready to pounce.

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