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About the City Gathering

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About the City Gathering Empty About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:42 pm


IC: Paleclaw, now Lord of CityClan (which was a fancy way of saying he was the Silkvoice of the Clan), exited his King's den and surveyed the AbyssClan camp before him.
It was strange to be thinking that, very soon, they would all up and leave for a new camp. There was so much history to be found in the small corners and cracks of this place, the murals and gouged-in writing and songs that made this place completely and utterly AbyssClan's.
The pale Warrior sighed ever so softly, feeling horrendously nostalgic. He shook it off quickly and padded into the soaked camp, flicking an ear when rain threatened to get into his ear canal. He passed Servants who were now considering new paths in their lives, now equal since the events of the past few days. He passed Warriors who were beginning to accept the changes more readily what with the impending threat of Falsecall, the disgruntled former AbyssClan Warrior.
We are united under a common threat, he thought wryly.
The Warrior looked at all of the old dens (even those he'd looked down upon), listened to the sounds of the Clan just going about their business, preparing for battle.
For all of his coldness and logic as a Subject of BloodClan, the Warrior was loathe to break the news to anyone. They wouldn't like it...Such is the troubles of higher positions. Curse my cousin; he meant for it to be this way.
Paleclaw clawed the ground harshly, baring his teeth briefly.

As he was doing this, Bitter, now considered the Mender alongside a she-cat named Boneless, passed by.
The ill-spirited tom ignored the Warrior's fit and pressed on - "Hey, you."
Bitter stopped, rolling his eyes before he turned. "Yeah."
Paleclaw's eyes narrowed. "Watch your tone with me, Mender."
The dark colored Mender narrowed his eyes in turn, a smirk setting off his odd-shaped face. "I'll think about. Now, I'm busy making sure our prince doesn't kiss the paws of Scourge. Why are you wasting my time?"
The Warrior looked as though he was going to say something nasty but just ended up scoffing. "Fine. I'll make it quick. We're leaving this camp for the old camp at the top of the hill."
Bitter's ears pricked up, his tail bristling in surprise at the news. "...For how long?"
Paleclaw shrugged. "Dunno. Maybe forever. Maybe for a sun-shift. We'll find out."
The Mender snarled softly at the cryptic answer. "What about this camp?"
"Cats will still live here - but it'll be like it was in the days of legend; a prison."
Bitter rolled his eyes, turning with a hiss. "Whatever." He resumed his course towards the fresh-kill pile.

As he was walking, he passed Cunningheart, just coming in from hunting with Fresh, the youngest Protector in history, and Corrupt, another new member.
"We're leaving this camp," he mewed in passing. "To the top of our hill. Thought you should know."
Cunningheart came to a full stop, dropping her prey. "You're lying, Mender," she snarled menacingly.
Bitter just shrugged, picked up a mouse, and headed back towards his den.

Cunningheart looked at Fresh and Corrupt, respectively, then around her camp.

OOC: INCOMPLETE - but y'all can post...
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Runfast Wed Apr 04, 2012 4:45 am

Dauntless caught the news in passing and was shocked. She quickly made her way around the camp, spreading news as she went.
Grace looked at the younger she-cat skeptically. The black and white she-cat was one of the last cats Dauntless had reached and was reacting in a similar, albeit a less violent, reaction to the news.
"Are you sure you heard him right," Grace asked calmly, a cat eyebrow raised.
The younger she-cat nodded quickly, somewhat annoyed. "Yes, yes, yes! I've heard others talking about it, too! Paleclaw, Cunningheart, Terra, Luckless - they've all been talking about it."
Grace viewed the facts in her mind. "If that many are saying it..." It didn't sound like some strange Warrior trick. If anything, the Clan was getting past that. "When do we leave," Grace asked finally.
Dauntless opened her mouth and took a deep breath, but stopped. "I...I dunno..." She scuffed a paw on the ground, embarrassed.
Grace suppressed a snort. "Right..." She fluffed her fur as a gust of rain cold wind blew under her stone ledge. "Suppose we'll find out," she mewed briskly. In truth, Grace was concerned. She was expecting (though she wasn't sure how far along she was) and she wanted to be well and settled down before kitting. If the Clan up and moved too soon or too late... well, that'd be an interesting day.
The former Servant sighed to her fellow former Servant. "Well, we may no longer be bound by Code and blood to serve, but we should see if anyone needs any help."

Meanwhile, looking out of the Leader's den, Sin of Scourge was pleased with his Clan's expected reactions.
Then he shivered. It's freaky how quickly I'm gettin' pleased by things...And getting used to the whole 'King' thing. The tom's legs shook and he took many steps back into his den.
"I...I'm King. Me. King." The tom once known as the bastard Warrior Sinface shook his head, barking out a brief laugh. "Long live the King," he mewed bemusedly.
The black tom took a few moments to reflect on the events over the past few days; a revolution, him learning his true bloodline, ridding himself of one of the worst psychological burden anyone could ever be forced to bear (being his abusive foster father), and above all, freeing his brother, Loveless.
The black tom felt mixed feelings on that final subject. In the final stages of the revolution, his brother had been wounded near to death. Now the deformed tom lay in a nest in the Mender's Den. Sin/Scourge had heard that his brother was recuperating, but it was best that he didn't receive visitors.
Scourge smirked now. The two new self-proclaimed Menders were quickly asserting their authority as the official healers of the Clan, and now demanded the utmost respect.
Good for them.
Scourge turned back to the entrance of his new den, returning to his original line of thought. The City.
He would send a few (perhaps himself) of his best to speak to the inhabitants of CityClan, inviting those of the sister-Clan glory and recognition in battle and honor, and ultimately, blood.
He hoped it would go well...

Back in the Camp...
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Tue Apr 24, 2012 10:07 pm

Fresh looked around at the bickering cats and frowned until he heard the happy call of his siblings. Torn, Bark and Thistle came galloping towards him and Thistle made a good attempt at bowling him over. However Fresh merely stood to the side at the last moment, ears and whiskers twitching in amusement at the sprawled white fur-ball before him.
"Brother!" Thistle mewed irritably,then quickly brushing his annoyance aside he told him, "We caught a moth! It was a big moth too!"
"Really?" Fresh mewed for a moment impressed, "I caught a mouse."
Thistle looked disheartened, "A mouse..."
"It was only a small mouse," Fresh mewed, simply to make it sound like no big deal.
Thistle smiled, Bark and Torn looked at each other with a kind of sadness in their eyes.
"Well we were talkin'," Bark admitted, "With you being Protector n' all does that mean we split up?"
"No," Fresh mewed uncertainly, "We'll always be the mighty four."
He cuffed Bark and the chunky brown kit jumped on him. They began to scuffle and generally have fun, be kits for a while.

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:31 am

OOC: I actually was working on a long, elaborate post last night... then the computer was turned off by someone... Sad ...Now I have to re-write EVERYTHING (and we all know the re-write is never as good.)

IC: Tigerfrost entered the camp, a small white she-cat across his broad shoulders. He padded into the center of the camp, sighed, and slid the she-cat off of his shoulders, the cat landing with a thump.

Cunningheart was mewing to Corrupt and Fresh, "Put your kills on the fresh-kill pile, if you wish -" then she saw Tigerfrost and his catch. Seeing the tom with the white she-cat brought on such a strong sense of nostalgia that all worries of possibly killing one of Despairingcall's spies, Mudblood, and her new duties slid from her mind as the white she-cat crumpled on the ground.
The large white she-cat padded over to Tigerfrost and circled the unconscious she-cat.
"What have you caught, Tigerfrost?" Cunningheart purred. "Tigerfrost, Tiger, little Tiger - what have you here?...It's always white she-cats with you, isn't it?" She glanced up at the tom briefly with burning amber eyes before turning her hungry gaze back to the she-cat.
Tigerfrost took a moment to revel in the subtle praise in his former mentor's words and mewed, "I found her deep within AbyssClan territory. She didn't even know about MudBlood joining her Clan."
Cunningheart's ear twitched. "DewClan..." The Warrior chuckled darkly. "Poor little DewClan she-cat..." The white Warrior looked up at Tigerfrost again. "Why have you brought her here, Tigerfrost? Why now, after so many things have happened? Why?" There was a hint of suspicion in her words that wounded Tigerfrost in a way that didn't show in the skin.

"I told him to." Searingeyes appeared like a blot of ink from the shadows.

OOC: Incomplete... And not as good as it should be.
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Thu Apr 26, 2012 11:10 pm

Bark abandoned the idea of scuttling with his sibling and decided to seek out what had been dropped off at their camp center. After leaving his kill on the pile of course.
Torn looked at the white she-cat. His nose wrinkling at the 'traveler' scent.
"She not one of us," He pointed out dully and sat with a little disappointed huff.
Thistle watched for a moment and then smiled, "Same color as me!"
Fresh looked around for his king, was this she-cat a danger?

Whitehare's leg twitched. She was on the edge of unconsciousness but she didn't know it.
She thought in some way that she was dead and the idea passed when she felt the aftermath of a good pounding with a powerful headache. A soft groan surpassed her pink, pale lips.

OOC: Aw! Gotta love Fresh and his antics!

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:06 am

Corrupt gave only a gaze of confusion.. Dewclan? There are other clans? She slightly lifted her snout, only bringing out the slightest tang of a different scent, but weak as it was... How long has she been in this area?

" Cunningheart? What's the problem with this cat?" She mewed, still trying to configure what was wrong with the picture.

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:59 am

Cunningheart looked over at Searingeyes, her ears briefly flattening at his sudden appearance.
The brown tom's golden eyes flickered over the DewClan she-cat before flicking back to Cunningheart's face. "I don't answer to you," he replied. The Powerful flicked his tail and walked past the Warrior. "Don't you have to pack?" He murmured as he passed.
The white Warrior parted her lips slightly, only just baring her teeth at the smaller cat.

Tigerfrost turned to watch Searingeyes go, confusion written all over his face. He opened his mouth and closed it. He turned to look at Cunningheart in bewilderment. Cunningheart just shrugged.
"He's right. Fresh-kill, herbs, weapons - we have to get them all ready to be moved."
The white Warrior turned to look at Corrupt.
"We have work to do - follow me, and I'll explain." She looked at Tigerfrost. "Go to the Mender's Den; ask what you can do to help."
Tigerfrost looked at the DewClan she-cat again.
"She'll still be here," Cunningheart assured him.
The grey-eyed tom nodded reluctantly. He turned and padded off to the Mender's Den.
"Dauntless," Cunningheart called. "Lend a paw." She gestured to where Tigerfrost had gone off to. "Paleclaw, Hopeless - count our weapons."

OOC: Incomplete - Cunningheart's gonna say more...

Paleclaw, not too far off, had his ears turned towards the conversation.
Not only that, Cunningheart; but an important meeting is going to happen tonight.
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Meany Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:02 am

Dauntless opened her mouth then closed it. She wasn't being ordered, exactly. The she-cat looked to where Tigerfrost had gone (the Mender's Den), then she picked up her paws and followed him.
She stole a glance back at Grace then went into the Mender's Den.
It's so weird how easily Cunningheart got into being okay with the Servant's rebelling...Guess it all worked out okay for her, anyways...
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Mon Apr 30, 2012 9:27 am

As Tigerflame left, Bark mewed in reassurance, "I'll make sure she stays!"
"And me," Torn piped up and the two took defensive stances, eyeing any cat mock suspiciously.
Fresh rolled his eyes and Thistle chuckled.

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Wed May 02, 2012 8:23 am

Longstorm wrote:
The white Warrior turned to look at Corrupt.
"We have work to do - follow me, and I'll explain." [/i]

Corrupt nodded briefly, but first padded forward, and cooly dropped her mouse into the fresh kill pile. She cocked her head towards Cunningheart as she lifted herself softly.

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Sun May 06, 2012 7:54 am

Cunningheart flicked her tail. "Come on." The large she-cat padded towards the old prison (one that had once held the now AWOL Colorless) and began to speak.
"Corrupt, beyond the borders of AbyssClan there is a vast place. Forests, marshes, rivers, mountains colder than leaf-bare. In many of these places, there are other cats living there in specific groups. Many of these groups share common ancestry; an ancestry that has been an enemy to AbyssClan for a thousand generations. They are the three Forest Clans." Cunningheart stopped and turned to look at Corrupt.
"These Clans don't follow the same Code as we do (OOC: I imagine Cunningheart has brought said AbyssClan Code up to Corrupt as some point). No, their Code is much weaker than ours. A weak Code means a weak Clan. Instead of seeking to exploit their enemy's weakness, they help their enemy. Instead of facing their enemies and fighting for what is theirs, they only throw a blow or two before fleeing like the cowards they are, not attempting to retrieve prey, and even giving up kits. *They are a scourge on the name of all good cats. That she-cat over there is from one of these Forest Clans. Her Clan is called DewClan, and they are so weak that they have allied themselves with one of our nuisances."
Cunningheart shook her head ashamedly, tsking. "These cats are primitive. They have no songs or writing, no vows or honorable names, no murals or tunnel systems with great Powerfuls, and their styles of fighting are unique and private to each Clan. They are all fools. Even their 'warrior ancestors in StarryClan' bow to the will of the first King."
Cunningheart scuffed a paw as she prepared to continue walking. "Corrupt; I will tell you all I know of each and every Clan - even those who call themselves Clans and are not - but you must promise me something."

OOC: *BOOYA!...God, I'm SO gonna edit this so it's cooler...
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Sun May 06, 2012 8:39 am

Corrupt's eyes grew partly wide, anticipation tingling in her sleek fur that somehow remained flat against her fixture. " And what's that I should promise?" She asked, trying to act mature as she could. Forest cats. Like father used to say to her in the city. "Their tales and religion may be bold, but their future is meek.".

OOC: Now that I think about it. I need to start RPing Fallenwing!

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Sun May 06, 2012 4:39 pm

OOC: probably a good idea...
Whitehare's ear twitched and she groaned at the gnawing pain in her head.
"Who?Where?..." She muttered dizzily.
"Silence prisoner!" Commanded Bark in the most dangerous mewl he could muster.
Whitehare winced as her eyes adjusted.
"Yeah," Supported Torn, "You really wouldn't want to face the wrath of us!"
She glared at the toms wistfully.


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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Mon May 07, 2012 5:30 am

OOC: @Loki - they're adorable!

IC: Cunningheart smirked briefly. "If you should ever meet a Forester properly face-to-face, the first thought in your mind will be, 'I shall never be as weak as you.'"

Paleclaw looked over at Hopeless, the eldest ex-Servant, who was emerging from the place she'd been sleeping in.
"Whatever," she grumbled. "Been in there before. Let's go."
Paleclaw narrowed his eyes at the she-cat, but he followed her to the armory anyways. He still had yet to trust her - and he doubted he ever would.
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Mon May 07, 2012 8:23 am

Longstorm wrote:
IC: Cunningheart smirked briefly. "If you should ever meet a Forester properly face-to-face, the first thought in your mind will be, 'I shall never be as weak as you.'"

Corrupt nodded briefly, " I can promise that," She mewed softly in reply.

OOC: Most awkward transition Meany! Eh.. oh well! Very Happy

IC: Meanwhile...

Hollowstripe rolled her eyes, padding forward with the rest of the patrol, The sooner he becomes a warrior, the better, she thought, watching her step against the carnage. Luckily, they were far(ther) away from the center of the attack. ((Where is the patrol exactly, Near Abyssclan border? Or still in there own territory?))

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Mon May 07, 2012 8:09 pm

OOC: I think Meany posted in the wrong board/topic. @MEANY: ARE YOU GOING INSANE?
Anywho, I'm moving it.

IC: Cunningheart smiled slowly. "Then you are truly one of us, Corrupt," she mewed. She flicked her tail. "Come on. We still need to check the prison."
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Tue May 08, 2012 3:06 am

OOC: Derpdidur. All of us have had that moment ONCE in a while! No probs meany!

IC: Corrupt raised her ears, " Prison...? Is it occupied?" She asked softly, not noticing any prison from the time she has been here. This Abyssclan camp to her was not at ease but was somewhat settling, as it reminded her of where she formerly lived, and the newleafs she had slacked upon against the twoleg places.

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Sat May 12, 2012 7:03 pm

Whitehare hissed in irritation, she wasn't dead but she'd rather be the day that she would allow kits to taunt her!

Torn squeaked as he was cuffed away as the she-cat sat up and bark made his brave assault.
"brother!" Bark called as he gritted his teeth against the effort of it, "-help me pin her down!"
Torn quickly jumped to his aid as they wrestled with the fury snake that reared against them.

Whitehare frowned at her surroundings as her headache doubled her vision, it did not help that the two kits were digging their teeth and claws into her tail!

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Wed Jul 11, 2012 7:59 am

Cunningheart shook her large head. "Not presently. We're going to be looking for anything useful; discarded herbs, lost or hidden weapons...anything." The she-cat smirked. "In the old days, Corrupt, this entire camp was a prison of sorts. A fortress, the first line of defense, and a great prison." The she-Warrior enjoyed telling the young, impressionable she-cat these tales of AbyssClan's great history. "I believe it is our King's intention to make this camp a fortress again..." Her amber eyes narrowed. "And that will be an interesting process, I'm sure."
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:01 pm

"AGH_Get off!" Whitehare hissed cuffing one kit away, just to be assaulted by another, "I shall not be bullied by mere kits!"
Torn jumped against her and snapped at her ears, Thistle dug his claws into her flanks (well... he couldn't really dig them in but he had a good go at it), Whitehare huffed angrily and was pushed over by hefty headbutt from Bark.
She felt sorry for the mother, whoever she was... to have such active mites.
"Puny rogue," Hissed Thistle naughtily.

OOC: I like fluff nyan-cat

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:02 pm

Corrupt nodded her head with admiration. " Very interesting... But if it WAS a fortress, what happened to it? Did someone or something destroy it?" She said confusingly, trying to think of what this place must had been like in the past.

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:04 pm

Honestly, black is a turn-off. Get some patterns...something. Something else...eee...
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by NKninja Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:06 pm

OOC: LS! You've gone mad again? Maybe a nice dark brown over with black text would work! ANYTHING BUT THIS!

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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Longstorm Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:13 pm

OOC: Slightly mad - I'm looking at this while working on a script for the pilot of my webseries, so it's intense.
I like the slightly-mediveal style going on here, but if that's the angle than it should have more of a Redwall feel than a D&D feel, since we're more like Redwall. You know, some reddish brick-patterns here and there - or maybe pale stone like the original home of AbyssClan (which they'll be going back to.)

IC: Cunningheart tilted her head as she lowered herself so she'd fit in the entrance of the prison (a dark hole in the ground marked the way in). "There was a fire, I believe. I wasn't around then, but I hear that so many Warriors came to help with repairs that the entire Clan ended up moving. There's probably more, but anyone who was alive then is long gone." The she-cat shrugged. "We'll never know."
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About the City Gathering Empty Re: About the City Gathering

Post by Loki Thu Jul 12, 2012 8:17 pm

OOC: I liked the old one better, I tried to change the Background and it said that the CSS was wrong and to pick a new site theme?skin and this was the only one thats good Sad

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