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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Longstorm Thu May 03, 2012 7:49 am

Bitter, one of the new Menders of AbyssClan, glared just over his shoulder at Tigerfrost who was padding in. The offending creature had interrupted him in his work with blackberry buds (OOC: The Erin Hunters used a book by a guy called Culpepper as a reference for what herbs medicine cats use. I am holding said book. XD) - Loveless had some cuts in his mouth.
"Cunningheart sent me to help pack," the Warrior grumbled.
"I'll bet she did," Bitter snorted.
The grey-eyed Warrior glared back at the smaller tom, scraping his reinforced claws on the floor of the den in a menacing way. This did not go by unnoticed.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Bitter mewed condescendingly, "Things not going so well with your mom?"
"She's not my mother," Tigerfrost snapped.
Bitter looked up from his work and, with a mocking tone, said, "Believe me, I know - it'd be weird if you wanted your mom that way."
Tigerfrost let out a long, low growl, rolling his broad shoulders as he took a step forward.
The Mender wasn't all that impressed. "Picking a fight with a Mender, hmm?" Bitter shook his head and went back to his blackberries.
The well-sized tom stalked over to the Mender. "Is that a threat?"
"Well, no, I'm just saying that you wouldn't have anyone to patch up your widdle cutsies even if you'd win."
Tigerfrost let out a challenging "MRREOW!" and Bitter hissed back, turning to feint a few swipes.
It seemed as though an interesting battle was about to begin when they heard Cunningheart from outside -
The two toms smoothed their pelts and stepped away from each other, going back to their original positions like nothing had happened.

OOC: kinda incomplete...

Last edited by Longstorm on Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:18 am; edited 2 times in total
LS's Group
LS's Group

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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty Re: CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Loki Thu May 03, 2012 9:53 am

OOC: I'll delete this... BWAHAHAHAHAHA PMSL!!!! This made my day!

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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty Re: CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Longstorm Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:09 am

OOC: This hath faded...NO MORE!

IC: Tigerfrost was embarrassed that Cunninheart had heard him acting like a Choosing and treated him like a Choosing.
The Warrior sighed very heavily in the most exasperated of ways and looked around. "What do I need to help with," he grumbled.
Bitter rolled his eyes. "We need to start gathering the herbs from the cellar and stock it near the back of the ground-level den," he flicked his tail to show where he meant.
Tigerfrost nodded. "Alright...Just how far does the cellar go, anyways?" The Warrior had never been down there - once, he'd tried to sneak in, but Bloodclaw had caught him and chucked him out on his tail.
Bitter grinned in a rather disturbing way. "Oh - it's of a size..." He chuckled. Bitter gestured for the Warrior to follow, their previous argument forgotten.

OOC: I'm going to make an addition post to continue this so it'll be bumped up.
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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty Re: CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:44 am

OOC: And here it is!

IC: Tigerfrost looked at the Mender warily, wondering why the tom seemed so pleased.
The two padded to back of the den. It looked rather unspectacular. It was just the back of a den, having only some bedding and other signs of being lived in. The torbie tom snorted. "Right."
Bitter only smiled and walked to the ground. He unsheathed his claws and scraped away the thin covering buried under bedding. The opening went into the wall and the ground, a dark, menacing gap that smelled strongly of dust, water, and herbs. Tigerfrost involuntarily took a step back as the wave of scents washed over him.

OOC: To be continued....
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LS's Group

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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty Re: CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:57 am

Bitter looked back to where Loveless was nested. He listened briefly - yep, he was breathing just fine - and lookd back at Tigerfrost. He was pleased with the Warrior's reaction.
"We're going to start moving herbs to the front ledge of the cellar - I'll brief you on it when we get down there." With that said, the Mender gestured for the Warrior to go ahead of him. Bitter's eyes glittered wickedly.
The gray-eyed tom narrowed his eyes - but then, what could the Mender do? Showing he wasn't intimidated, the Warrior padded down the incline and into the storage.

Bitter followed.

They padded down a well-worn soft incline down, down, down into the cellar. It got darker and darker, even though they walked perhaps twenty pawsteps. Tigerfrost stopped as his eyes adjusted - and was shocked to be able to sort-of see!
Bitter meowed, "Plants. They glow, for some reason. Some special juice I'd imagine, that makes them special." They were in a low-ceilinged empty cave. There were some short ledges around the edges. Bitter strode ahead of the Warrior and padded into the tunnel. Tigerfrost followed - again, the ceiling was shorter than he would have liked, but the tunnel was longer than he imagined it would.
"Mind what you touch," Bitter said. "It's not just healing and battle herbs down here."
"When was this place dug out," he asked finally. "It's..."
"Yeah, I know," Bitter interrupted. "A long while back - before AbyssClan settled in." Bitter lead Tigerfrost down the tunnel (the Warrior could smell the strange scents of many herbs mingling together.)

OOC: To be continued...
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LS's Group

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Location : Vvardenfell.

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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty Re: CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Longstorm Tue Mar 19, 2013 1:12 am

Bitter had little problem navigating the shadowy tunnels, but Tigerfrost occasionally found himself slipping - sometimes the floor seemed to slope in strange directions. Thankfully, though, Bitter made no comment. The Mender was focused on a far 'room.'
Tigerfrost continued following, though he occasionally paused to inhale strange scents that came from the separate sub-tunnels. Some smelled like wet moss, others smelled like something had died and rotted, and others smelled so sweet that he bared his teeth. This place made Tigerfrost uncomfortable. It was too...Different, like it wasn't a part of the forest he knew and existed somewhere else, far, far away and foreign. So was Bitter, the Warrior realized. The smaller tom was right at home here under the ground with the damp and glowing plants and multitude of herbs.
"Above only knows how we'll get all of these up the hill," he heard Bitter mutter sourly.
Tigerfrost didn't respond (Bitter probably wasn't speaking to him) since he didn't have a solution. Above, he'd never known the store was as large as it was, and he was a Warrior! Wonder what worth that title will have in the future, he thought, thinking about Sinface - Scourge - and how he'd sided with the Servants.

Bitter made an abrupt turn, taking Tigerfrost out of his thoughts. Tigerfrost saw that the tom had turned into a small cave that was a bit better illuminated than the tunnel itself was. The Warrior, still standing outside of the cave, looked down the dark, long tunnel. "How far back will we have to go," he meowed. "I don't want to start at the front, only to have to go back the farthest at the very end." His voice was annoyed and bore a hint of threat.
Bitter snorted. "This is the very back, genius." And it was a ways down the tunnel, around 70 pawsteps (OOC: I may adjust that number later.) Tigerfrost was surprised. "Well what's down th-" he was pointing in the dark distance when Bitter interrupted.
"A few more rooms, then the end. There's a wall." (OOC: And it was here that a plot device was brought up for the first time.) The Mender huffed. "Never mind the far wall - pick up these herbs, would you. The spiny ones. Carefully," he growled. "Or I'll make you gather more yourself. You know where the shelf is. When you finish with these," he gestured to the spiny herbs that he hadn't named, "Come and ask me what to do next." The tom pushed past Tigerfrost. Tigerfrost turned and snapped,
"Hey! Where are you going?"
Bitter sighed in demeaning frustration. "I was making a poultice for the new King's brother, idiot. I have to get back to him. Just follow my instructions, and the shadow-monsters in the deep dark cave will leave you alone," he smiled sweetly.
Tigerfrost bared his teeth and hissed, but Bitter had already walked away.

The Warrior was still baring his teeth a minute or so after Bitter had gone, muttering curses and threats, when it occurred to him that Bitter had mentioned Shadow-Monsters.
Tigerfrost looked around nervously.

OOC: To be continued...

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CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It. Empty Re: CLOSED Bitter Has To Pack - and He Hates It.

Post by Longstorm Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:18 am

OOC: Shadow monsters...I kill myself!Razz 

IC: Minding the possible shadow-monsters, Tigerfrost, ever-unaware of the fires and battles and deaths that were occurring in other territories far from his own, was finishing moving the weird spiny herbs to the ledge in the front room.
He huffed and spat in disgust as he set down the last of the herbs. Blecch - and I have to grab even more of those disgusting things! Great. Juuuuust great. Tigerfrost sat down, more than a little relieved to be back by the entrance of the storage. To repeat an earlier thought, the herb storage gave him the creeps, just like Bitter did.
Tigerfrost cocked an ear towards the light and listened. He could hear Bitter's voice and a few others, though they sounded strange and far away. He shivered - a whole other world down here, he thought uncomfortably.
Tigerfrost could still hear Bitter's voice and wondered when the Mender was going come back downstairs. (OOC: Because we have stairs now.) Now he was getting annoyed. When the hell was he coming back? What the hell?
Tigerfrost decided to do the creeper thing and wait right where the shadow began in the entrance... waiting quietly... like a creeper...

OOC: END. Because I'll put Tigerfrost in the new topic.
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