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Finding a new home. -Amunet

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:59 pm

A mottled scrap of fur stirred sluggishly as if poked by a curious child trying to wake the dead. A thick grey film coated her thoughts, peeling her eyelids that were like sandpaper as they grated open. Her pupils shrieked and retreated to slits at the offensive light that her eyes were finlly exposed to. She blinked several times before taking in the landscape. She craned her neck upward in a slow awed access of the forest before her. Tall sturdy trunks stood as pillars, the dark wood spoke of age and strength. She envied their confidence. So sure that no thing possessed the audacity to cut down Nature's favorite children. For fear of her wrath. A mental checklist ran through her clearing mind, trying to add up the damage she'd accumulated. She shifted uncomfortably but hissed when she found her tail under her and incredibly tender. The sickly fever had taken it's toll. Only five minutes awake and she was practically panting from exertion. How had she'd driven herself this far from the dignity she strived to withhold in her life? How could she let herself wander so far from civilization? Surely she would die here. And yet. No panic formed from the knowledge of her eminent death. Strangely... all she felt in the hollow of her chest was... relief. A warm light feeling that almost made her giddy if not for the outcome. For if she were to continue living, it would be to continue experiencing one horrendous endeavor after another. Why would she think otherwise? She had known nothing else. For the world must be as evil as the small taste she had sampled in her short life. Leaving a bitter taste.
Yes.... dying here would not be so bad. Even though it was deep in winter, the sun broke through the dank clouds and warmed her pelt briefly. An eerily blissful smile stretched across her maw as she dropped her head contently onto her forepaws, sunning in an ever fading light that was too weak to thaw the world.

OOC: The reason why I copied and pasted the RP example form my bio, is because we're continuing the RP from this point, with the warriors from TC found her. Just in case you were wondering.(:


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:40 pm

OOC: Just to let you know (we're in late spring).
The forest was still. No sound echoed through its dense structure only the crack and snap and thump of burnt and singed branches and twigs, colliding with the dying undergrowth.
Skyblaze, warrior of Tawnyclan appeared. His handsome frame now singed and limping.
He looked around for the bodies of his fallen leader and three clanmates. All dead.
He'd taken a detour to help Ezziesong and the survivors escape but came back to find what had happened.
"Damned Mudbloodclan," He cursed aloud, "Cruel injustice and_"
He looked down upon a she-cat, so it would seem.
Just lying there soundly like this ounce great forest was still standing as proudly as a few hours ago.
He scented her with cold intent in his mind but to his dismay she was not Mudbloodclan and to put insult to injury he could scent many cats heading this way.

He looked around him, blinking in deep thought.
"There," he mewed to himself, looking to a hollow stump.
Tawnyclan was no clan known to leave the inocent and Skyblaze was not cat to leave someone for unknown future.
He dragged this miraculous she-cat to the hollow and hid there, his only hope that he wouldn't be found was up to the ash and confused scents of the burnt trees.

OOC: continued...

The forest began to rumble with laughter and chatting as hundreds of cats began to crowd the clearing.
Two massive toms, one a silver tabby; called knife and the other a white tom, called Ghost.
Between them was an equally large tom. His claws reinforced with claws from wolves,( and they were difficult to attain, I assure you).
His pelt was short, thick and white. His ears were black. His right eye was blue, whilst the left was amber.
Falsecall looked around him.
"Are all the territories as so?" He asked nonchalantly.
"Abbyscan, was pulled of, only the fields were damaged," replied Knife coolly.
"A patrol of about ten or nine from Darkclan were attacked, it is reported their leader fell from a cliff and died."
Ghost mewed and looked warily ar falsecall, "Perhaps he is dead?"
"Don't be confounded, Powerful," he growled, "They have many lives, these leaders, so it is said anyway."
"Of course my Lord," Ghost continued doggedly, "Tawnyclan have been chased away, Dewclan are still in our alliance..."
He trailed of as Falsecall lost interest.
"The moon is near full," He mewed, "I have plans, now that my whole... army is at my wake- I shall explain my plans."
At that moment another tom came, he was stone grey and walked as if gliding across the sky, with power.
At his side was a tabby tom with gentle amber eyes, He was called Rich.
"I Have seen," Life mewed dreamily, in his cold tone, "I have seen cats from the mountains of cold to come and forestall our plans."
Falsecall turned towards him, compassion and understanding in his guarded gaze, "How many?"
"I cannot be sure but some come from these lands and they are spread afar."


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:57 am

The she-cat groaned softly when her body was moved. And after several moments in the hollow, her eyelids began to flutter with consciousness. Her eerie gaze finally focused on the tom's tense face. Her face adopted a confused expression as her brows knitted together in thought finally she struggled to mew, "Is this what Above is supposed to look like?" She blinked several times to clear the fog in her head, her unsettling green hued gaze watching the tom solemnly.


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:48 am

"Shhhh!" He hissed in an undertone, "Do you want them to kill us?"
A few of the Mudblood cats turned their features to glance where
sounds could be heard.
"Just the dying forest," Life hissed.

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:24 pm

Her hackles raised along her spine, a low growl choked in her throat as she strained to be quiet. Silently she rolled over onto her stomach, grunting when she rolled onto her injuries.

When she crept her head up to look out of the hollow, her eyes grew big in shock. Without moving her gaze she whispered in an accent, thick and exotic, "Who are those cats?!"


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Mon Jan 02, 2012 8:32 pm

"Trust me," He replied quietly, "Their no comrades of ours."
He watched them.
"We need to warn the others..."

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:59 pm

Her ear flicked back at his mention of others. But she kept quiet and stored the information for later and turned back to whisper to him, "Then we must do with haste. My injuries will not hinder my ability to run. But if we do. We must wait for the wind to blow in our favor. TOWARDS us. For I doubt these heathens are leaving anytime soon." Her claws kneaded the soft soil beneath their feet anxiously.


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:48 am

Skyblaze nodded warily and looked at her.
"If they catch us, they'll kill us."
His odd blue eyes boar into hers for a moment. He was a handsome cat underneath the heavy scars that fell across his face. He'd have been in high hopes for many of the she-cats before the battle what had worn down his heart.
"I'm Skyblaze, by the way," He mewed looking away, "If were not gonna escape you may as well know..."

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:00 am

Bluntly and without hesitation she replied, "I am not afraid of death." An odd expression crossed her features, which could be described as sultry. She arched her back and stretched. Her spotted pelt contracting over her lean form. Wincing at her abused body she sat and wrapped her broken tail around her paws gently. In her accent she mewed, "And I am Amunet. Which is the goddess of mystery in Egyptian lore,' She gave him a look before continuing, 'And yes that means I am Egyptian. Which is probably why it is so hard to understand me." It felt odd sitting with another cat. She had been cooped up inside for most of her life, for fear she would run away from the evil man. Softly she cleared her throat before looking out towards the hollow's entrance. "The wind is in our favor. They will not scent us now that it blows our way. But we must make haste and not dawdle."


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:24 am

Skyblaze smiled in appretiation.
"Never heard of a goddess nor an Egyption..." Then he added more tenderly "A story you could share when were' safe?"
He looked out, "The fools..."
He ducked his head and prepared to run, "Follow me, don't stop for anything."
With that he charged out.

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by NKninja Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:25 am

OOC: May I join your dear RP? With either Tawny or Mudblood?

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:44 am

OOC: Sure. But I think it'd be more interesting if you joined as Mudblood.

Before Skyblaze could leave the hollow, Amunet replied coyly, "Darling, I could outrun you anyday." She slipped out behind him and streaked after him. She pulled back her gait to match his, for she did not know the way. She looked back briefly to see if any of the enemy cats had spotted them.


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:02 am

Skyblaze's body was still beat up from that nasty match they'd had, though he charged on.
"Don't look back, my dear," He mewed tartly, "Your features'll attract their attention."
The Mudbloodclan cats were steadily becoming distant, that is, until they were noticed.

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by NKninja Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:06 am

OOC: Okay, I'll RP Fallenwing's platoon.....

IC: Three Mudbloodclan cats padded through the Tawnyclan territory with eachother. Guini Makka and Leap were their names. From afar, the sound of their spitting and whining could be heard clearly. They were clumsy cats. Very clumsy.
" CRAP! We lost the platoon AGAIN! Where the hell could they be now?!" Guini hissed loudly. He hated the thought of not having any other cats to rake his claws on. He shouldn't have left the Darkclan raid early.
" Well at least the side of your body isn't singed to a crisp!" Leap retaliated. He had been herded into the flames themselves when he was retreating himself.
Makka only sighed. Actually to her it was great to get out of the fight. She hated to get into rallies that involved death. She hated getting her paws dirty. And she especially hated being the underling of Fallenwing.
" Just be glad we're not dead!" she spat at the two, ash flying into her nostrils. " I'm still the second in command of you two and you will follow MY orders!" With no one else to guide these imbeciles, Makka wanted to lead them. Fallenwing wasn't here and she wanted to make them at least a bit less mouse-brained.

Leap's ears turned quickly to the east, " I hear someone," he mewed silently, turning in the direction of the other voices, How are others alive through this?! he thought dashing in that direction

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:41 am

She snorted at the tom's comment. And gave him a playful smirk before surging forward with ease, her tail flicked his nose as she cut him off and veered to the right, where she trailed his scent from the North.


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:53 am

Skyblaze couldn't help but laugh and he called, "Not that way, were' heading south-west!"

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:02 am

With a mock groan she skidded to an almost halt and pivoted on her back paw and raced after Skyblaze. "Can't blame a girl for following her nose."


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by NKninja Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:09 am

"ONCE I GET TO YOU YOUR EARS WILL BE HALF WAY UP YO-" Guini was interrupted by Makka's tail flying into his mouth. She didn't want another dumb attack to break out " Shut up you mouse brain, We'll only investigate the area and be on our way, I finally smelled Tawnyclan, we wern't assigned to this area!" she replied quietly, Taking her tail out of the braindead cat's mouth.

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:49 am

She was running alongside the heavily scarred tom with a renewed strength in body and in mind when she first saw it. A steady blurring of her vision. Hot flashes began to make her sweat and pant, a crawling of the spine from her nose to her tail. SHe closed her eyes and tried to calm herself and her breathing with the beat of their paws upon the ground, her pelt occasionally brushing Skyblaze's fur to help guide her.

After several moments she opened her eyes, anticipating the return of her vision. But instead she gasped when she found her stomach plunging into a nauseous despair as her vision tunneled closed into almost blackness. The fever had started up again. Gone unnoticed, an infection had began to fester on her broken tail. And her body was too run down to fight it off. With a feline yelp she went down, tumbling forward and landing in an ungraceful pile on her side. Choking off a screech mid-note when she landed on her tail. Her heart followed her stomach's example and fell into despair a moment after she realized she had possibly blown their cover. And because of her, this kind and gentle tom would surely die, possibly even while fighting for her. She hoped he had the good sense to abandon the stranger that she was to him and run.


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:52 pm

Skyblaze skidded and nearly tipped over.
He span around and with an ounce of effort, he picked her up and dragged her smaller body onto his shoulders.
Glad that the distance they'd thrown between the Mudbloods was too great for them to have possibly heard or seen
what had happened, even though he found it ambiguous that they hadn't followed in the first place...
And so he carried on as fast as his added weight would allow him.

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by NKninja Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:47 am

The three mudblood cats stopped in their tracks. To what they thought was where the Tawnyclan cats were, they sniffed around the small zone. With no luck and already tired and parched, they left empty handed(pawed?). Makka still looked from over her shoulder as the mudbloods descended south to their base. " I swear they were there" Guini pouted as he carefully jumped from one fallen branch to the other, " It's a waste of our time either way, We'll get them in time," Makka retorted, her brown tail struck high and fluffed with annoyance to the two. She was actually amazed with how quiet Leap had been, he was the one that had pointed out the foresters in the first place, but didn't act upon he did. With a hidden shrug, she padded onward next to his burnt side.

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:41 am

She awoke to the continuous prodding of a blunt object prodding her nose, she opened her emerald gaze to find that a fur covered shoulder blade was the culprit. Confused she raised her head and groaned, her body ached and the day she had had made her want to curl up in a ball and do like the bears and hibernate. She moved her head so it sat in the crevice between the tom's shoulder blades and felt comfort envelop her as she breathed in his soothing scent. Her mind was working but her voice betrayed her as it cracked and croaked out a weak mew. Determined, she cleared her throat and struggled to mew, "Sk-Skyblaze... I-I'm sorry... I could have gotten us killed... t-thank you... are we almost there?"


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Loki Sat Jan 07, 2012 6:22 pm

Skyblaze didn't answer for a moment. He slowed down a bit and mewed,out of breathe, yeah... I can see them..."

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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by Guest Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:06 pm

She let out a sigh that let fly a heavy burden from her weighted shoulders, deeply she filled her lungs with ash-clean air before sliding off the tom's back, "Thank you Skyblaze I think I can walk from here." Amunet mewed. She blinked warmly at Skyblaze before gliding in step beside him, to face these new cats. Hoping they would be as kind hearted as this tom.

OOC: Should we move this topic? Because I don't see the point since technically there isn't a 'camp' anymore. Oh and did you look at the topic in the 'Need-A-Mate' section where NK and I discussed a LLUURRRV triangle?! -wriggles eyebrows.-


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Finding a new home. -Amunet Empty Re: Finding a new home. -Amunet

Post by NKninja Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:39 pm

OOC: Yes... the LLUUURRV Triangle. The idea still reminds me of Squirrelflight, Brambleclaw and Ashfur. But instead no one goes mad and tries to kill the chick and her 'children'...

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