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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Loki Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:10 pm

Name: Amunet (AH-moo-neigh) Egyptian goddess of mystery (Loki: is discussing the name with said user)
Age: 2 summers
Gender: she-cat

Alliance: Tawnyclan

Rank: Hopefully a warrior.(:

Appearance: Amunet is an Egyptian Mau, which are known for their unusual spots and for the record of the fastest cat breed.(Have been clocked up to 48 mph! O:< ) Due to an extra skin flap...which I guess is kind of weird.x3 Her pelt is consisted of a pallet arrayed with hues of sand and brown. Her face is angular at the cheekbones as is the breed's custom. She was the runt of the litter, so she is small as well as petite and narrow. But for the most part, despite the spots, she is not "stunning", she is not "gorgeous" as a lot of people claim their characters to be. She is built for survival and practicality... and if there is beauty in that, then so be it. Although her most striking feature is her eyes, which profoundly stand out against the mass of her lightly shaded pelt. They're a cacophony of different shades of green, not to be pinned down to one specific color. But these themselves are mesmerizing, made to make one halt in their stride and lean closer to try and discern and separate which element drew you in and which one made you linger in the stock holds of her gaze. She is longer than she is tall, but let's not dismiss the fact that her legs are still long, granting her a wider gait for added endurance. The tip of her tail is crooked from an old break.

Personality: When represented with a threat, if still yet unnoticed, she will linger in the shadows and access the situation. An adept strategist. She is cool-headed in emergencies that call for split-second decisions. When given a task she surges forward with sparking energy, happiest when given a purpose. She is clever and is the proud owner of a sharp tongue. But with all the coldness pounded into her flesh from many a sorrow and pain-inflicting event, she will always be the one to go without food to feed another, the one to claim guilt when the innocent are faulted, and the one to take your place in danger's path when Fate sends it your way. Her trust is hard to gain, but once it's obtained you have it forever. Truly a warrior of valor to have on your side.

History: The house she was born into, belonged to a woman who showed cats. Egyptian Maus to be specific. At birth it was obvious she was the runt. So having no use for her, she gave her away to her teenage nephew the moment Amunet was of age to be weened. Little did the woman know, that her nephew was a sick and evil boy. Torturing the she-cat with starvation and abusive violence. One day she got the chance to retaliate, as the boy had grown careless and didn't restrain her forelegs as he beat her.With a screech she lunged with her paws and grappled his arm as it drew up for yet another blow, sinking her crescent fangs deep into his wrist. With an angered roar he grabbed her by the scruff and threw her into a pillow bag where she continued to fight, he left the house from the backdoor and stalked down to the river by his house. He tried to drown her but she was able to rip through a tear in the sack and escape. But he grabbed her by her tail and wrenched, failing to capture her but breaking her tail in the process. In a blind siege of instinctual terror, she ran so fast and so far, she would make her ancestors weep in pride. From then on the days were blurred into a continuous stream of constant survival and hiding, hiding and running, running so far she thought she couldn't make her legs stop. Finally collapsing into an emotionally and physically exhausted heap at the base of a tree line that unbeknownst to her, concealed in its depths: freedom, traditions, secrets, and a safe haven from death's beckoning call.

RP Example: A mottled scrap of fur stirred sluggishly as if poked by a curious child trying to wake the dead. A thick grey film coated her thoughts, peeling her eyelids that were like sandpaper as they grated open. Her pupils shrieked and retreated to slits at the offensive light that her eyes were finlly exposed to. She blinked several times before taking in the landscape. She craned her neck upward in a slow awed access of the forest before her. Tall sturdy trunks stood as pillars, the dark wood spoke of age and strength. She envied their confidence. So sure that no thing possessed the audacity to cut down Nature's favorite children. For fear of her wrath. A mental checklist ran through her clearing mind, trying to add up the damage she'd accumulated. She shifted uncomfortably but hissed when she found her tail under her and incredibly tender. The sickly fever had taken it's toll. Only five minutes awake and she was practically panting from exertion. How had she'd driven herself this far from the dignity she strived to withhold in her life? How could she let herself wander so far from civilization? Surely she would die here. And yet. No panic formed from the knowledge of her eminent death. Strangely... all she felt in the hollow of her chest was... relief. A warm light feeling that almost made her giddy if not for the outcome. For if she were to continue living, it would be to continue experiencing one horrendous endeavor after another. Why would she think otherwise? She had known nothing else. For the world must be as evil as the small taste she had sampled in her short life. Leaving a bitter taste.
Yes.... dying here would not be so bad. Even though it was deep in winter, the sun broke through the dank clouds and warmed her pelt briefly. An eerily blissful smile stretched across her maw as she dropped her head contently onto her forepaws, sunning in an ever fading light that was too weak to thaw the world.

Okay so just letting you know, she is NOT dead. Yet I guess. But if I do get accepted would it be alright to continue from that RP example and have her saved by Tawnyclan's medicine cat? I don't want to impose or anything. ^^*

(LOKI: I'll accept this when we sort out the name Smile at the moment we don't have a med cat as she just died but we have warriors that could find her?)

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:54 pm

(To your suggestion of the warriors finding her...)
Yep, that'd be fine.(: Whatever works.


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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Longstorm Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:48 pm

Why wasn't she able to post this of her own accord?
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:51 pm

Because for some reason it says I cannot post on the Tawnyclan accepted bios page. Any of the clans for that matter. Sad


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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Longstorm Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:53 pm

Oh, you're not supposed to. You post the topic on the Make a Character board, and if the cat is accepted for that Clan we Admins move the topic.
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:57 pm

Oh. Well I did that and I thought I posted in the wrong place because I was trying to find a Topic that said something like Pending requests or whatever so I could post. Sorry about the confusion and hassle.... Embarassed hehe..


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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

Post by Loki Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:40 am


Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger) Empty Re: Amunet for Tawnyclan (posted for seqswagger)

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