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Switchblade and Joy (A past topic -_-)

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Switchblade and Joy (A past topic -_-) Empty Switchblade and Joy (A past topic -_-)

Post by Loki Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:06 pm

It had been a moon after that gathering. Joy's winter fur was growing into her kit fur. She was seven moons old and her head was spinning. She started towards the brook where she and Tigerpaw usually met. He was so kind to her, he was going to ask the Tawnyclan leader, Lokistar, if she could join. This was exciting! She looked around her, it was a shift before the meeting time, even so- she'd hunt for Woebringer so she didn't have to do it in a good mood where she'd be to clumsy to catch something. She purred looking at the sun, winter was on its way. So she trotted on. Not too far were two birds; pheasants.

She crouched and slowly stalked them.

Tigerpaw was running towards the meeting place. Whitepaw was gone from his head and now he was thinking about her. The pretty Abyssclan she-cat. Her icy gaze, her awkwad position in which she lay and most of all: that cockey grin.
He felt his fur prick at thought of her and his paws felt less heavy. Yet, she was so far just to meet. When Lokistar would say "Yes" to him, as she always did, He would take her home.
Brushing sides and locking tails', laughing as they rushed home.
She'd be his mate later and bare him beautiful kits, if only she
would be more... energetic in that way with him, They had never 'lay' together
but he wanted to. He had a little way to go, about a shift, before he was near her again.

Switch, a young choosing of Razorclaw was strolling the border alone. He wanted to be alone. Unlike the other Abbysclan toms he was too laid back and small to say anything abusive. He was unusually small a bit
like shadowstar. But he was well muscled and wary. He'd heard a screech of panic. A pheasant to be precise.
It came from the Tawnyclan border. He trotted closer his bushy tail high and expecting a frustrated Tawnyclan tom on their territory he leaped through, claws unsheafed and whistling through the air.
Panic struck his face as he saw the servant of Woebringer a mouse tail under him. He landed on her and she gave a startled cry of alarm.

He jumped away. I'v killed Woebringer's servant! he looked panicky, He'll kill me!
The she-cat looked up and he was shocked at her cute face and jumped back as she hissed angrily, "Mouse brained, beetle headed_" She looked gingerly at him then dipped her head, wincing. "Sorry, I was in your way..." She mewed inocently, though with a hint of sarcasm.

Switch smiled at her complacency and mewed, "No... I'm sorry, did I hurt you?"
She looked up warily, as if he was going to do something evil in a moment.
"I'm not going to do anything, " He mewed hot eared.
"Sorry..." She mewed looking odd.
"I don't see much of you," Switchblade mewed bashfully, "Your Woebringers Servant aren't you, I bet thats hard work."
"Not really, " She mewed dryly, "He eats more than a forest hog."
Switch blinked, should I scold her? He shrugged the comment off, "Did you loose your catch?"
"No," She mewed watching him and then shuffling over, " I caught it."
"You want to go back? We're too close to the borders, you could get told off."
"But..." she hesitated, studying him. There was no hostility in his tone, his golden eyes glinted fondly at her and she smiled.
"Alright, escort me out!" She ordered cockily. He playfully battered her left ear.
I'v made a powerful ally, she thought, the son of a powerful.

A drop of rain fell from the skies above. and eventually it began to drizzle down.
Tigerpaw looked sadly across the brooke. She left with a black tom. In fact he did that on purpose!
He said to himself. He jumped on her and acts cool, he wants her!
He waited there in the drizzle for her to return that day, though she didn't.

Switch padded alongside the She-cat, the wet weather slowly drowning their coats. He looked at her fur, silver shine stuck to her sleek body. She was looking worriedly down to the ground.
"You scared Woebringer won't like it?" He mewed.
She looked angry that he'd disturbed her thoughts: "No," She protested, "I don't like to go to sleep wet,"
It was an obvious lie but... he didn't want to upset her. She was touchy and innocent. He found himself liking her.

The next day...

"Your here again?" Switch mewed, coming from the thicket. The Silver she-cat looked around angrily.
"Were you following me?" She accused.
"Yes, I thought you were up to something."
She narrowed her eyes, "It so happens that hunting is best here!"
"Is that so?" He mewed.
"It IS So!" She hissed, Looking like she was about to explode.
Woebringer hasn't broken her spirit... yet, he thought coldly then hissed at himself.
He liked her rejection, it made him want her more. If she didn't want to, He'd ask Shadowstar.

"Greedy tom!" She spat angrily.
"What!?" He hissed.
"I can see right through you, I know what your thinking."
He looked guilty, "Sorry, I can't help it."
She looked sorry too, but she snorted and looked away.
"Let me make it up to you," He mewed, thinking fast.
" What?" She grumbled irritably.
"I Know an amazing place for hunting."
"Really?" she said trying to sound impressed.
"Follow me," He said thinking, What an insatiable thing!

So she followed him, looking back with sadness in her face.
He'd led her too a small clearing. There was a pond, a log going across it, and grass that reached high.
She Padded across, there were ducks in the pond, and a rabbit nibbling vegetation in the grass. She stalked across to the pond and jumped quietly up the log and looked down on the other side. Sure enough were three ducks a, female and two males...

to be continued Very Happy...


Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Switchblade and Joy (A past topic -_-) Empty Re: Switchblade and Joy (A past topic -_-)

Post by Loki Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:44 pm

Joy's tail flicked and she looked back at Switch who was gaping greadily at her. She felt her face go hot and looked down at the ducks still oblivious of the large she-cat above. She crouched and waited until one of the male's approached the female. She leaped down and felt the warm duck's neck fill her mouth. One of the male's cried in shock and took flight while the other looked puzzled before crying out and attacking. Leaving the dead female to float. His attempts were indeed vain and she caught hold with her dew claw and his attack turned to panic and he lost his life quite suddenly.

She dragged them to the bank and shook her pelt. Switch trotted over, it seemed like this tom had made an attempt to help her and had caught the third duck. He was small, smaller than her but the month of age between them did him the favour of keeping him more then half an inch bellow her. She didn't realise it but she was smiling at him. He looked puzzled and looked behind him but obviously couldn't find anything funny.

It didn't take long. They were in deep conversation about how Cocky and useless the Tawnyclan cats were, how their aged leader woudn't last the winter. How Dewclan must have webbed feet and pelts full of water fleas. How Darkclan were scared to show their ugly faces. "Imagine," Switch purred as they lay watching small fish swin in the pond. "If we could take over all this land. I bet we could do it."
Joy felt like agreeing, "We wouldn't need it," She said smartly, "We survive perfectly in the winter."
"Tawnyclan don't even have to open their eyes to hunt in that thick-"
"But the trees fall down all the time."
Switch looked as if he agreed.
"I remember when you first came," He said almost apologetically, "You attacked one of the warriors! I thought that would be the last of you..."
Joyless' smile began to fade. She looked hurt.
"Sorry!" He said quickly.
"No, its okay. I prefer these forests to the city anyway. My sister don't though..."
"Your sister's defenseless?"
They fell silent for a while.
"You hungry?" Switch said dragging one of the ducks to himself.
"I umm..." She was but...
"Lets share, and you wont get in trouble I promise."
She took the meat gently at first and then realised that they were being asked to grow up straight away.
She watched him eat. Her icy blue eyes scanned his already scarred body.
"How did you get those scars?"
"Fighting," He shrugged, "I come over as the winner most of the time."
He smiled warily at her.
"I see," She looked daringly at him and then pounced.
His shock seemed to pour into her becaase she was shocked she had done it too!
And they landed with a splash back into the pond and he burst out the water with a shriek of surprise.
"Terrible!" Joy joked, "Come on, mr big scary warrior!"
He looked at her for a moment and then dived under.
She stayed afloat looking around. Swallowed a deep breathe as he pulled her under and they struggled towards the bottom. She pawed him away and swam upwards and heaving herself onto the bank.
waiting until he followed. His fluffy coat stuck to his sides and he looked amused as she came closer.
"Is that how you city cats play?"
She nodded coolly and picked up the ducks.
"I think you'v had enough for today?"
"That was a warm up!" He retorted and she laughed and he felt his heart race as he caught up to join her.

The week seemed to fly by...
Switch seemed to stick but hunting and talking raised her moral considerably.
It wasn't until he was called away for border patrol until she realised Tigerpaw
was feeling lonly.
"Where have you been?"
"I umm... I'v been with Switch."
She didn't understand why it mattered.
"Oh, I see, I'v been working on Lokistar and you'v been running around with that scrawny tom from the place your trying to get away from!"
"He's different_"
"He's an Abbysclan!"
"He understands!"
Tigerpaw looked hurt. He looked angry and turned coldly away.
"Well have fun, because I don't care for you anymore." It souned like a lie.
Joy flattened her ears.
"Its because Tawnyclan are cocky and their heads are stuck in each others_"
He was on top her with unsheafed claws. His fang sank in her scruff and his eyes were glazed with anger.
As soon as it had happened all his weight was gone. She saw Switch raking his claws across Tigerpaw's underbelly, blood came from the deep wound and he fell back into the stream.
"You okay?"
Switch turned looking worriedly into her eyes.
"You, I can fight for my self, I'm fine on_"
"Thank those above!" He'd rested his head next to her and she caught a glimpse of Tigerpaw limping away. his paw was raised and a steady trail of blood followed his path back and across to where Tawnyclan are.

to be continued...

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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