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Servant Secrets

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Servant Secrets Empty Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:37 am

Colorless and Hopeless stood among the gathered Servants, all waiting for Bloodclaw.
Hopeless sighed - she hadn't been invited to the Gathering, and that pissed her off. She'd been a loyal Servant! She'd been there all these years! But did she get an honors?
No...As it was meant to be.

Colorless looked around at the she-cats, stifling a sneer. They were traitors... One of these days, she'd rat them out.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Runfast Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:42 am

Dauntless stole a glance at Loveless - his coat looked so shiny in the fading sunlight, and she loved how his amber eyes shone with intelligence...
Dauntless sighed. But he didn't like her like that. Nah... They were 'just friends', and besides, he liked that pretty she-cat, Joyless.
Joyless was really pretty... Not like Dauntless...

Loveless looked over the cats present. A big part of the tom wished they had Warriors on their side. Big, strong Warriors who new how to throw a sophisticated clawing...
To explain, Bloodclaw only knew so many fighting moves, and most of those moves were mirroring Forester fighting techniques. Bloodclan had spent decades crushing groups, dog, cat, and weasel alike, and adding their battle moves to their own.
Bloodclan (Abyssclan now) officially had it's own specialized, and very advanced, set of battle moves. No one had moves like them, and no one could beat them.

Which meant the Rebellion didn't have a chance in Above to beat Shadowstar.

Loveless shook his head, looking at the dirt beneath his unsheathed claws. They needed a better plan... Him and the she-cats were running on false hope.

Graceless looked down at her paws, deep in thought. Her kits would be coming in the next moon... If they were born in Abyssclan now, with Shadowstar and others in command, they'd be taken away from her. She would be punished for having kits without permission, even killed.
Grace pursed her lips. The 'rebellion' needed to do something, and fast.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Guest Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:58 am

A ways off, Boneless, Mender's Servant (the worst title one could have), was out gathering herbs for Bloodclaw, as instructed.
She sniffed around, looking for comfrey. Hmmm...
Boneless inhaled deeply - and smelled Servants? Boneless slowly crept that way, careful to keep quiet.


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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:40 am

Eyeless looked around mutely. Everyone was so glum...
"We're going to do this!" She mewed, "Who says we need battle techniques already made!"
Were they even listening to a servant who'd probably be used as a scratching post?
"How'd you think all those cats in the past learnt, beyond the era of the true king and to where
it all started. Think about it, we'll make up new moves if were running out. We should form two teams.
Have mock battles and better at it."

She was no good at persuasive speech. True fully.... They needed a warrior on their side.

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:01 pm

Hopeless spoke up,
"But it needs to be more than that! We can't win by strength alone - not even the Warriors go into battle without at least ten backup plans."
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:07 pm

"Maybe... Maybe some of the warriors would be on our side." Eyeless felt stupid for it, "Bloodclaw... What about poisonous herbs?"

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Runfast Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:08 am

OOC: I think it'd be best if Boneless said it - it's a good intro for her. Cool
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:14 am

ooc: the stage now belongs to boneless

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:41 am

Boneless's ears pricked up at what everyone in the clearing was saying. Were they... Planning something?
Boneless looked through her mental archive and pulled out a faint memory of a silver she-cat talking about rebelling.
Well, then, she may as well lend a paw.
Boneless padded out of the bushes and mewed,
"Poison always works."


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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:01 pm

Eyeless gasped but to her joy is was Boneless. "What a brilliant idea!"

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:50 am

Hopeless' ears flicked back, almost flattening, at Eyeless' enthusiasm, but she turned to Boneless and mewed,
"What must we do? And, before we do, do you know what you're committing to?"

Colorless watched the Mender's Servant in disguised hatred, and kept back the horror in her eyes - that filthy, low Mender's Servant would be her King's doom? NO!
She hissed softly and slipped away, ready to talk.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:21 pm

"Colorless?" Eyeless turned to look at the servant. She'd heard a feint hiss and thought there was danger or trouble, "Whats wrong?"

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:25 am

Colorless halted, but she didn't turn around. She murmured,
"Oh, just have to relieve myself is all, Eyeless, but thanks for the concern." Colorless padded off, tail waving gently.

Hopeless looked at Boneless expectantly.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:10 pm

Eyeless narrowed her eyes as Colorless left. "Excuse me," she mewed after a while, "I'll be back in a sec."
She trotted of in pursuit of the white she-cat.

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:19 am

OOC: Eyeless probably won't be able to follow her for long, seeing as her eyesight and hearing, as well as her sense of smell, are terrible (don't deny it, you RPed her saying that).

Colorless picked up the pace when she was a distance away, taking a strange route she'd found not too long ago.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Loki Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:36 pm

OOC: Neutral ...I'm not denying anything... I have a good memory you know. I was using Colorless so eyeless could go on a character building adventure... don't jump to conclusions storm... confused

Almost as soon as she was out of earshot of the other servants Eyeless was theating. She'd lost track of Colorless and her suspicions were raised. She couldn't go back looking dumb. So she trotted off towards the brook for a drink...

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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:16 am

Boneless looked Hopeless dead in the eyes and nodded curtly.
"Yes. I do." She looked around at all of the Servants, the feeling of unknown importance slowly swelling deep in her chest. "I will help you, to some extent. I will only fatally poison some, not all - my name is Boneless, not Heartless. The crook-tailed she-cat turned her piercing gaze back to Hopeless, now silent.


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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:50 am

Hopeless met the younger she-cat's gaze, wondering when this she-cat had been forced to grow into an elder in mind, but a warrior at heart.
The older she-cat nodded once.
"This is what we'll do," she announced to everyone present. Hopeless had officially brushed aside Loveless's opinion, making the quest for freedom her own.

OOC: Yeah, Loki, I know - I didn't mean to come off as a jerk or anything, sorry. Embarassed
One other thing: yes, I'm very eager to reach the end of this sub-plot.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Runfast Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:51 pm

Loveless's ears flicked in what could have been seen in anger- and maybe it was.
But I guess it's right,somehow... Joy got the prophecy, and she got to go off on some wild adventure - not me.
The crippled tom sighed then stiffened. If they were going to poison warriors... Sinface!
Loveless quickly padded up to Hopeless and tapped her with the tip of his tail.

Dauntless looked at Loveless speaking to Hopeless quietly. Why would he pursue a cat older than he was? Dauntless looked away, tail lashing.

Grace slowly sat down, thinking about what they were all agreeing to.
"Anything to be free," she whispered to herself.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Longstorm Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:29 am

Hopeless's ears flicked in irritation and she ignored the male Servant the best she could. She looked at everyone else and mewed,
"All that can be poisoned will be poisoned. We won't take any chances." She knew she would have the support of most of the she-cat's present.
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:52 am

Boneless nodded once.
"Anyone you don't want poisoned," she finally asked, looking intently at Loveless.


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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Runfast Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:06 am

Loveless looked at the serious she-cat, relief flooding through him.
"My-my...." he sighed. "My master - I know, I know, no point in that, but..." He looked at the others. "Imagine if she stood with us! Even with other Warriors gone, we'd still be the strongest Clan!"

Dauntless broke in,
"So we alone are nothing? Everything we're working for, just the hope of weak she-cats? If that's what-"

Loveless glared at her. Honestly, this she-cat was becoming somewhat annoying! Never letting him be, never giving him a moment's rest, standing with him, opposing him... Geez.
"We're nothing more than a bunch of cripples with a dream. We need more than that! We need more than poison and a stupid prophecy to succeed in anything! We need... We need," he took a deep breath, steadying himself. "My brother. We need my brother."

Grace looked at Loveless in shock.
"Y-your brother? You have a brother? Since when?"

Loveless looked at his friend, not quite meeting her gaze,
"Since forever. We're littermates."

Grace shook her head. She knew about his sister, but not Loveless's brother.
"Who, then? Who's your brother?"

Loveless looked at Boneless.
"Please. Please don't hurt my brother. Leave Sinface alone, he's a good tom."
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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:26 am

Boneless nearly broke out into shrieking laughter at the sheer irony.
"The blue-eyed freak is the brother to the only male Servant. Makes sense." Her whiskered twitched a bit in amusement, but her eyes stayed cold. "If he stands with us, then I will let him live." She looked at the other Servants and mewed, "I will tell my Master - he may be opposed to this, but the deed will be done. In two suns, it will be done."
That being said, the crook-tailed she-cat vanished into the shadows, only the sound of her awkward tail hitting the branches speaking of her existence.

Fire, Choosing, was listening in muted shock.
The Servants? Rising up? The calm, yet more talkative that Cold, tom thought quickly. He understood - no more pain or unnecessary death for the Servants, equality, and such. But to go to such lengths?
Hmm... But then, Fire supposed some cats of Abyssclan were wild badgers that had no chance of succeeding as true Warriors, even if they did bear the title.
If I stay in camp and say nothing, I will be a murderer... And be murdered. Fire shivered. He didn't want to die. He didn't want the other Choosings to die, or his favorite Warriors to die.
Then I guess I'll just have to do something about it, he mused. But, in such a fashion that this little plan won't be ruined. Fire silently slipped away, thoughts racing at a million miles per hour.


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Servant Secrets Empty Re: Servant Secrets

Post by Meany Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:36 am

Charmless had felt somewhat unnerved by the thought of killing without consideration.
"Do you think the Powerfuls will be affected by the poison," she whispered to Luckless, "or that they'll just kill us?"

Luckless scoffed and shook her head.
"Nah! Not any of them! They're too special for that. Besides," she remarked loud enough for everyone to hear, "The Powerfuls have never wronged us, and I bet they know exactly what we're doing now. If they had a problem, they'd stopped us moons ago."

Charmless nodded, satisfied.
"Sounds about right. So, two days to get our dirt together, eh?"
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