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The tunnels

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The tunnels Empty The tunnels

Post by Loki Thu Jun 09, 2011 12:41 am

Fresh, Torn, Thistle and Bark all had opened eyes now. It had been nearly a moon since The day they would never know about. Fresh was he biggest and he could do what he wanted without protest from his siblings and
be the first to take in the sweet milk from mother.
They couldn't talk yet, They could only stumble around clumsily.

Torn and Bark play fought, sprawling weakly and tried their best to floor one-another.
Fresh and Thistle were the closest out of the four. Fresh would batter away Torn and Bark if they
were to rough and they would oblige to his every whim.
They respected him, the pecking order had already been made, even though they were only, nearly a moons
worth of age.

Thistle's ears flickered and his head spun around. Did he hear paw steps?

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:13 am

Searingeyes appeared in the den.
"The Abyssclannians have left for the Gathering," he mewed to Terra. He'd started informing her of minor news with the going-ons of Abyssclan. Nothing major, or confidential, but everyday things you'd expect.
"How are the kits?"

Terra sighed, a tired smile on her face.
"Getting more energetic every day," she reported. "Fresh seems tireless, and I think his brothers listen to him... Is that normal?" She was somewhat worried - she'd never fostered four toms, much less four brothers, at the same time.

Searingeyes smirked.
"Yep. Pretty normal... Hows the fishing?"

Terra nodded.
"Getting better. I'm glad the white she-cat," she hated calling her Cunningheart, "Is so good at just about everything."

Searingeyes laughed. It was short, sudden, and somewhat joyous, an unnatural sound.
"Yeah, that's her all over. Cunningheart; master of all."
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by NKninja Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:51 am

OOC: i really got to start playing mah kitty more often silent

IC: Corrupt listened into the conversation while acting asleep, one ear flicked in the direction of Searingeyes. her head facing in the direction of a wall ( Corrupt sleeps in a little corner near the entrance, if thats okay)

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:32 am

Fresh looked around at Searingeyes, In this case was now a fatherly figure.
He turned and puffed his chest and small fluffy tail up. He drew a mild, weak battle cry and
charged towards him. But after two bounds his paws became a hindrance to him and he fell.
He let out a surprised squeak, probably "I'm hit, attack!" in kit tongue to his brothers.
Thistle watched and unsheafed claws that wouldn't even compare to even mothers!
He charged too! His brothers by his side. This wave was the last in their massive army if they failed now...

They ended up sprawled over Fresh...
He squeaked, probably:"Look he's still standing!"
The other three looked up in amazement.
Thistle squeaking feebly,probably: "He's untouched!"
Torn and Bark jumped to their defense. Mewling, most indeed:" Leave him to us!"
So they fluffed up to full size and...

The two great warriors of the four, Bark and Torn. Torn's scarred but well mucsled body shone in the light of dawn, "This is it brother!" Bark nodded, proudly.
A huge army in front of them stood, their leader- a dark brown tom with eyes like two suns. He laughed at the four warriors, two down and seriously injured. "Lets go!" yowled Bark and the two flew from the advantage of the hill into surging battle. Then when they were a mole's length from dismissing world evil they jumped with claws outstretched and...

They were a mousetail away from Searingeyes sprawled ounce more.
Fresh stood and looked in worry, mewing in kit tongue to his little brother; Thistle.
Thistle mewed loudly, Probably:" Retreat!"
So they all went and hid where any respectable kit could hide... mother.

OOC: aww! I like my lil' kitty kats! I'm not proud of how its presented but I like the content. The bit in italics is whats going on inside their heads. They think their in a battle...
btw I'd love to know SE's reaction... fail.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:21 am

OOC: .... AWWWWW....

IC: Searingeyes watched the kits at his paws, his whiskers twitching in amusement. Unbidden, the short scene the young toms had envisioned had played itself out in his head.
The Powerful's golden eyes softened slightly at the toms - personally, he loved the fact that these four were being raised in secret. It was so rare to see innocents in Abyssclan yet here they were, born in the far reaches of the territory and being nurtured in the hidden tunnels.
This will be a tale for the ages, I'm certain.

Terra laughed aloud as the four kits returned to her, shifting so she could be more of a wall between the kits and the Powerful.
"Don't worry, you four," she purred, "I'll protect you."

"Yes, perhaps," Searingeyes mewed slyly, "But no one expects the Bloodclan sneak attack!" He began an exageratted (OOC: phail) stalk, heading towards the four.

OOC: This is Searingeyes's off day. Very Happy
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:01 am

In a sudden turn, Fresh couldn't contain himself that there was a reaction occurring. He threw his head down and charged wildly at Searingeyes. His brothers watched and joined him... though with more control. Torn and bark charged easily behind Thistle and then...

Fresh glided across the hill with ease, his brute muscles rolling, the enemy army advancing. A slash across his side had made it impossible to fight and it was now healed. As a great warrior he has to heal quickly. The deadly brown tom was just in front of him, he'd take the full brunt of Fresh.
So the young tom glided towards him. Still unsteady but sure.
Then at the last moment, when his legs would normally fail through weakness,:

he jumped and gave Searingeyes front left leg a head butt. To him it seemed like a last blow (OOC: I bet his head hurts!) and the other kits stopped and cheered the mighty victory.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:15 pm

Searingeyes chuckled and fell over with a 'WHUMP'!
"No, I have been defeated," he yowled dramatically. "How could this be?"

Terra giggled as Searingeyes writhed on the ground like a dying cat.
"Finish him off," she cheered to the kits.

Searingeyes stopped writhing and looked at her.
"Hey, who's side are you on anyways?" He went back down and rolled onto his back, looking at the kits.

Terra purred,
"The winning side!"
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:24 pm

Fresh smiled daringly...

The battle was over and now the great evil was down, his army: vanquished.
Fresh looked over him, writhing in pain. "We don't kill the down," He mewed
to his brothers. Who all nodded in agreement....

Fresh padded upto Searingeyes and jumped up onto his side and mewled in victory.
The others joined him. their eyes gleaming with pride.
"We WIN!!!" He mewed in the correct language.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:57 pm

OOC: First words?

IC: Searingeyes looked at Fresh and mewed,
"For now, young Warrior - but one day I shall return and defeat you... or die trying!" He let out a fake, evil laugh and pretended to die. "I will- raaah-get you... rah....." His head lolled to the side and he stuck out his tongue.

Terra mewed,
"And the great evil died, and the forest was saved! All thanks to the bravest Warriors in the land! Fresh, Bark, Torn, and Thistle!" She gave out a cheer.
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:05 pm

Fresh and the others all jumped down and thundered around madly. "We win! We win!" Fresh howled happily.
The others mewling happily, "We did!" Mewed Thistle.
Bark jumped in delight, "We strong!" "We warriors!" purred Torn happily jumping into the others.
And suddenly they all realised how tired and hungry they actually were, and Fresh jumped up to
Terra, "Muva, we win!" He cried.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by NKninja Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:54 pm

OOC: corrupt's allergic to adorableness ~sarcasm~ Very Happy

IC: Corrupt then stood up to watch the adorable kits say there cute first words, warriors? She thought, im betting they are she began to giggle under her breath, staying out of there family time is the only thing she could do.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:04 am

Searingeyes rolled over, resting his chin atop his paws. One of his friendlier smiles graced his features as he watched Terra and her foster children - the thought made his smirk falter. Traditionally, it was his place, or Terra's place, to tell the kits who their real mother was.
But in all honesty, it depended upon Joyless if they would tell.

Terra, blissfully unaware of what Searingeyes was thinking, purred as the kits approached.
"I know, I know, you were all so very brave!"
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:35 am

Fresh's tail stuck up and bushed out. He batted Torn who had the misfortune of being in his way.
After a while of feeding, they all dozed off to sleep.
Dreaming sweat dreams and what ever kits get up to.
Torn was climbing a tree.
Bark was hunting fish in the tunnels.
Thistle and Fresh shared the same dreams, though they seemed to be play fighting
with an unusually large white and black tom. Who knows, they were peaceful and most
quite when asleep.


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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by NKninja Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:12 pm


IC: Corrupt looked at the family, affection in her eyes, this is what a real family is like she thought. Then she turned to Searingeyes " excuse me, but when can I go outside of these tunnels?" She asked shyly. She had never asked him something like that before.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:27 am

Soft murmurs echoed down the tunnels, a conversation maybe?

OOC: Invite to DS! Have Corrupt spy on a Powerful conversation! cheers cheers cheers


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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by NKninja Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:01 am

OOC: Thanks Switch!!!!

IC: Corrupt heard the most slightest echo, of what? She quietly walked pass Searingeyes, making sure he wasn't paying attention, then followed the source of the noise.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:55 pm

An hour later...

Torn and bark were fast asleep, while Fresh and Thistle sat watching the luminous moss.
"Bored," Fresh mewed, smiling mischievously to his small brother beside him. "bored, I too!"
Thistle agreed. Now they'd said their first words, they began to catch on like a forest fire in the drought.
"Bark, Torn?" whispered Thistle- "Leave," butted in fresh.
Thistle looked at his brother is surprise.
"What are the four great warriors without each over?" came a familiar harsh echo sound.
"Adventure all, want!" Mewed Fresh in a kits rage.

Corrupt, a play fellow, had long gone.Searingeyes had gone, again. Mother was asleep.
Fresh and Thistle set down a tunnel where the moss was brightest.
Thistle trotted alongside his brother, content that this would be fun.
Their small legs took them slow and clumsily. Bright eager blue eyes took in every rock, lump of dirt or crack.
"Water!" Fresh purred trotting on.
The sound of a fast flowing stream could be heard.


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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:41 am

Terra shifted slightly in her sleep.

Searingeyes had gone after playing with the kits until they themselves had fallen asleep (OOC: Just filling in dem blanks).
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Guest Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:44 am

A sleek, dark gray tom, who wasn't too far ahead of Corrupt, lashed his tail from side to side as he thought.
"Are we agreed," he finally mewed, his voice harsh even as he murmured, "that we can take no part in this?" He was looking at a larger black tom


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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Runfast Wed Jul 27, 2011 2:25 am

The large black tom was slowly walking about, his own tail still.
"I can agree to this," he said softly. "We've waited for this long enough - why should we try to stop it?"

OOC: Switchblade should come in soon, if that's cool...
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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:38 am

OOC: Very Happy

Switchblade padded silently behind them, he said nothing. He looked about himself and was in deep thought. Around his neck he carried his stick. This time there were more fangs upon it. He licked his lips, he took it with him every where he went.

Thistle and Fresh were coming down a tunnel. They ended up at a fork and Thistle took lead down the left tunnel, fresh too happy to listen to his trusty little brother.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by NKninja Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:16 pm

Corrupt listened closely to the soft echo's in the darkness, she was really close, close enough to smell a strong scent. Now she could hear the padding of there footsteps bounce around the cavern. and then she panicked, Would they attack me like the one's in the city? She thought, I don't want to loose another eye!
Looking around in the dim lighting, she saw a slight dent in the wall that could fit 2 kits, she crouched in, getting dirt on her black muzzle and most of her back.

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Longstorm Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:12 pm

Searingeyes strode in, already knowing what had been previously said. He nodded to the three toms then mewed,
"It is a matter of days, now." He sighed. "The morning after the Bloodmoon, things will be different." He looked at Switchblade and asked, "Does this bother you? We allowing such things to happen."

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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Loki Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:38 pm

Switchblade looked down at his paws and blinked sadly. He'd made some friends along this rough way of life. A steady breeze past through the tunnels, His remorseful gaze returned to Searingeyes' and he shook his head. "I'm no more bothered then you are, Powerful." It wasn't exactly a lie. He enjoyed the company of the powerfuls and he shrugged acquiescing to what was to be.
"If the king wants it so then... Then no part of me is against it," He mewed finally, Forcing any thought against it to the back of his mind; he knew which side he was on.

Suddenly his heart sank. Joy was the one who kept him filled in before he began to get in with the powerfuls. She'd tell him everything and he never repeated a word of it. He looked at his paws and sighed feeling angry with her. Why's she running off all the time? He felt as though when ever she was always the one behind something so serious and terrible; she seemed to run off on another journey and let it pile up dangerously high behind her. Then idiots like me try to protect her...

Sighting of Mudbloodclan's rabble had gone up and he could only just assume that Falsecall was getting ahead of himself. He was upto a nasty massacre and he was plotting it right now, I can feel it! Not only that, what if he'd caught a tip on what was going to happen? Abbysclan lost with many good warriors, replaced by inexperience servants, What if he was waiting for it all to happen, then unexpectedly jump in at the last moment and wipe them out! Switchblade felt his ears burn and his claws sank into the earth.
I know what I'll do! he though angrily, I'll go and find out for my self, if possible I'll turn their 'surprises' into mistakes.

far away at the other end of the tunnels...

Thistle and Fresh trotted side by side down a narrow tunnel. Thistle was certain they were lost, because Fresh turned suddenly around and said he didn't like something. The small, white odd eyed tom followed after his sibling after a steady distance began to come between them. "Where are we?" He squeaked in a high pitched mew.
Fresh didn't answer and the to steadied pace at a noise. It sounded like earth moving.
"The tunnels! moving!" exclaimed Fresh, Thistle doubted it.
A weird creature suddenly burst out the wall. Larger than a mouse with giant front paws and claws, its eyes were small and its nose had many tentacles wiggling around. It was a star nosed mole, to the two kits who were shocked and surprised by it; both squeled loudly and turned darting further down the tunnel.


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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:19 pm

Despairingcall looked at Switchblade with a suspicious gaze, but said nothing.
The time was soon... Over and over again, he thought tiredly. There is an end, but not a true end.


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The tunnels Empty Re: The tunnels

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