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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Longstorm Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:59 am

Searingeyes, lead Powerful of Abyssclan, lead a young she-cat to the intricate tunnel system that existed beneath the whole of the Outcast territories. He looked back at the tuxedo cat and continued in his quick pace, his thoughts growing more and more concerned for the four kits.

Terra, the yellow-eyed she-cat trailing behind the fit tom, was gasping for breath by the time they reached the forest.
"How much... Farther... is it?" She stopped to catch her breath.

The tom turned around mewing,
"Not far now, but we cannot linger. The kits are depending on our speedy return."

Terra nodded and stood once more.
"Lead on, Powerful."

Searingeyes smirked and nodded, bounding ahead, Terra struggling to keep up.

Some time later in the day...

Searingeyes stood before one of the gaping entrances to the ominous network of tunnels.
"We're here," he mewed to Terra.

Terra, being raised to fear the dark underground, froze.
"D-does all of Abyssclan live there," she stuttered.

Searingeyes held back a snicker.
"No," he mewed. "Abyssclan lives near the top of this hill," he gestured to the mountain-like hill that towered before them, the dark forest covering it seeming threatening. "This is one of the entrances to the catacombs beneath the whole of the Koud Grondgebied."
Terra looked confused at the word, and Searingeyes flashed her an apologetic look. "Sorry. It means 'Cold Territories'. It's what Abyssclan refers to the lands as."

Terra nodded and Searingeyes looked serious. "Stay close to me," and he lead her in.
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Re: Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Longstorm Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:44 am

OOC: What translated in 'cold land' was Dutch. Call it the hidden language of Abyssclan! Wink That and Latin, of course.

A Time Later...

The darkness wasn't as stifling as Terra had suspected it would have been. In fact, it seemed that strange plants and bugs gave some light to the abyss beneath the such-named clan.
"So," she mewed quietly, but the tunnels made her whisper as long and as mystical as the wind through the ancient leaves of the forest. Terra shivered.

"Yes?," Searingeyes asked back - his whisper did not echo as her's had.

Terra remembered her question.
"You called this entire land by one name... Like you owned it, or something akin to the concept... But I wonder, what do you call the Lands of the Dead?" The last word fell off into a barely audible whisper.

Searingeyes flicked his ears back and mewed,
"Well, we don't call them Lands, we call them the Realms..." He paused. "I thought your clan did not hold to the old religion?"

Terra shrugged, even though she knew he could see it.
"Most don't... Though all cats are told the stories of their ancestors in the stars as kits. I like to think of it as part of being a foster-Mother. Like it's my sworn duty to pass on the legend."

Searingeyes smiled.
"Then I am glad, Terra, clan-sister."

Terra smiled at the title, ducking under a complex spider web.
"Can you tell me," she whispered, "of the Realms? Or is it a secret?"

"Not really," Searingeyes mewed. "Some parts are, as some things should be. But it is a beautiful place. Oh, if you could see it... You see, most cats, when they die, are confined to a single Realm. But if you happen to be in league with our ancestors, you have leave to pass all of the borders as you please. That, and if you're gifted like myself."

Terra listened in awe, shocked into silence by what this young yet timeless tom was telling her. Finding her voice, she asked,
"Wait - why are you telling me this?"

Searingeyes chuckled.
"I know you're an adept secret-keeper."


The tom went on,
"There are five known Realms. Yes, there is more than five, but they're not too important at the moment. The first is Those Above in the Forgotten Kingdom, or Those Above for short. The oldest Realm next to the time of the Big Cats, this is the resting place of the King. All true followers go to rest there when their time has ended.
Next is Those Who Dwell Below in Darkness, or Those Below. They are almost as powerful as Those Above, but contrary to belief, they are allies of Those Above. All traitors to Abyssclan go there, left to be tormented by Abyssclan warriors. It is more of a prison for enemies, and not really a hell for us.
Next is the Goldfur, or The Fields. Cats who were neither good nor bad, without any belief go here. They live out the rest of their soul-existence in peace with their loved ones."

Terra sensed that there was more to each Realm but Searingeyes could only tell so much.
"What about the other two," she whispered.

"Ha, Starclan and the Dark Forest? Starclan is like a temple, quiet and cold, the 'heaven' for the clans. The Dark Forest is nothing more than a place where evil festers then escapes." He scoffed once more. "Both weak, and nothing compared to my King's Realms."

By the utter finality of his tone Terra knew it would be a bad idea to argue the point - but then, she wouldn't know how to argue it!

A time of silence later...

"We're here," Searingeyes's sudden whisper broke the silence like thunder in the alleys. He turned into a sub-tunnel which was lined with dens. Searingeyes lead Terra into the largest, best lit one where a massive white she-cat glowered at her with harsh amber eyes.

Terra gulped, looking at the she-cat's reinforced claws.

Cunningheart stood, standing in front of the four kits.
"Who's she," she growled.

Terra's mouth opened and shut, but she couldn't find any words to say to the threatening she-cat. Luckily, Searingeyes mewed smoothly,
"Terra, from our sister-clan. Really now, Cunningheart, did you think I would choose someone from one of the Forest Clans?"

The now-named she-cat rolled her eyes and looked over the tuxedo she-cat.
"Terra, is it? Tend to these kits as though they were your own." At first Terra thought that this Cunningheart was more Cold-heart, but by the look in her eyes, Terra could see that the massive she-cat was just worried. Terra nodded and lay next to the kits.

OOC: Yes, she has milk.
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Re: Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Loki Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:09 pm

The four kits who had been mewling endlessly throughout this whole 'happening' and silenced at the new smell.
Their sensitive noses took in what could be their mother. Fresh was the first to take in the she-cats milk and then Bark joined his brother and finally the named Torn. Thistle didn't react much. His head was low and he was almost limp; as if he was grieving...

(OOC: sorry I wasn't on, I had a check up... apparently meh infections recovering)

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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Re: Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Longstorm Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:02 pm

Searingeyes looked over the scene and nodded, satisfied.
"I must go," he mewed to Terra. "I play an important role in the scheme of things, so I cannot stay here. Cunningheart will tell you where to find food and drink, then she must return to the Clan. Don't worry," he saw Terra's worried expression. "We'll return."
He spun around and loped out of the den, the Clan and the Gathering on his mind.

Cunningheart watched him go then turned to the yellow-eyed she-cat.
"If you follow the tunnel out there, she gestured to the second tunnel that lead out of the Den, "you'll find an underwater stream. Strange fish swim there, but they are good to eat. Small voles and some mice run along that stream. Do you know how to fish, or hunt?"

Terra shook her head.

Cunningheart sighed.
"Then I will teach you - at sunhigh."

"Isn't it sunhigh now?"

The white she-cat shook her head.
"No. The sun has just risen." She turned, and before Terra could say anything else, Cunningheart left.

Terra looked down at the four kits and murmured to the darkness,
"I don't even know your names..." She noticed the tom that wasn't moving that much, and she licked his head gently.
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Location : Vvardenfell.

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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Re: Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Loki Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:15 pm

Thistle rustled about and mewed in agitation.
The other three had finished and so Thistle took
his turn.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Re: Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 05, 2011 4:54 am

Terra smiled at the kits. She looked around the warm, sandy den she was in. Terra could see strange, complex markings on the wall that looked like they had been painted there. Oh, she wish she knew what it meant! Back in Cityclan, stories were told through song more often than ordinary story-telling, but it was fabled that Bloodclan kept record of history and fiction through pictures - even two-leg markings.
Terra hadn't believed the rumors until now, looking at the delicate strokes on the stone wall. What was this place?

After a while of letting the kits feed, Terra slowly stood. She was getting thirsty, and the faint sounds of water sounded nice. She quietly padded down the second tunnel, more writing and pictures here. There was one part of the mural that caught her eye, though: It showed many cats with large claws carrying away pieces of a blue stone. What did that mean?

Terra padded on, reaching the underground stream. There were glowing rocks in it! Terra stepped back and gasped - wait, those weren't rocks... She looked closer and realized they were fish! Terra laughed softly and the fish swam away. Shrugging, Terra lapped up some water then returned to the kits.
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Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels Empty Re: Searingeyes Returns to the Tunnels

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:04 am

OOC: Double-post, HAH!

IC: Cunningheart padded into the den, a sleeping Terra jolting awake.
Cunningheart tutted, dropped what she was carrying and said,
"It's just me. And I've brought some food for you." She nodded to the dead mice she had brought. "I said I'd teach you to hunt, but I'm short on time. The Gathering is tonight, and my presence is required."

Terra looked at Cunningheart with wide eyes and whispered,
"The Gathering? You mean, when all the clans meet?"

Cunningheart nodded sharply.
"Yes. The forest clans call it the time of truce, but we call it learning about the enemy." She scoffed, thinking of the other clans that shared the forest.

Terra got up and hesitantly bit into one of the mice.
"Th-this is good," she mewed, surprised.

Cunningheart snorted,
"What. Never had mouse?"

Terra looked up and mewed,
"Never fresh before."

Cunningheart rolled her eyes.
"Alright, then. Anyways, this should last you the night. I'll come back in the morning."

Terra looked up in surprise.
"Wait - how long... It's nightfall?"

"Yes. It would appear that you have been sleeping for some time, as have the kits.. But then, kits do sleep most of the time when they're young..." Cunningheart turned around and mewed, "I'll return."

Before Terra could mew a 'thank-you', the she-cat was gone.
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