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Waiting for Shadowstar

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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Loki Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:16 pm

Switchblade sat pointedly in the middle of the clearing near Shadowstars den. He obviously wanted something.
The way Defenceless was crouched, meant i that she knew her life was on the line. Her eyes flickered around in panic.

Joyless watched from the entrance to bloodclaws den, she stood and stumbled with stiff joints towards Switchblade. Switchblade looked at her awkwardly then smiled. Defenseless hissed angrily at the life she
wanted dead so much. At this Switchblade snatched and tore her ear. "You'll understand what's happened..."
Though Joyless... already knew, she nodded. Glad he was speaking to her as if she was no lower or higher then him...

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Re: Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Meany Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:47 am

Scream, Shadowstar's Choosing, came out of the den. He blinked in the sunlight - he hadn't seen sunlight for days since he'd been busy learning special techniques from Shadowstar. He looked up at Switchblade with glaring eyes, his back reinforced claws clacking as he padded forward.
"What do you want," he growled at Switchblade.

From his den, Bloodclaw watched Joyless for a few moments longer. She should be alright now, he thought to himself. He then returned to his den, herbs and training Bitter heavy on his mind.
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LS's Group

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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Re: Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Loki Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:02 am

Switchblade looked at the Choosing as if he was going to claw its face off.
"I want to speak with Shadowstar," He grumbled with irritation. Joyless looked
at the choosing and then padded off, looking around for Woebringer, She felt like doing
something useful... (weird cat)

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Re: Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Meany Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:36 am

Scream rolled his eyes.
"Whatever," he hissed, "I'll see if he'll come out." The chocolate brown Choosing went back into the den, soft words could barely be heard.

Finally, the clacking of large reinforced claws could be heard.
Shadowstar's icy blue eyes gleamed in the sunlight as he stared at Switchblade. He sat, his tail twitching slightly and mewed in his eerie voice,
"Why have come asking for me, Switchblade?"
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LS's Group

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Join date : 2010-12-11
Location : Mt. Doom

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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Re: Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Loki Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:50 am

"As you know Shadowstar, This servant went missing the other day." He looked at Defenseless who looked shocked and panicked. "I took it in my own time to find out what she was up to. And she was speaking to a grey om outside of Mudbloodclan. She was telling them of... you being ill, our weak sides of the camp and of course who was weakest. I then heard the tom tell her a prophecy, "When fast light strikes, All Joy becomes terror, the fall of the oak uproars a new era," He mewed, He knew the prophecy had been twisted, he could tell. "Apparently... Shadowstar, He will attack us after the battle...
when we are supposedly weak, And this she-cat could get away. I Then followed Defenseless home, she seemed quite pleased about herself, And it seems this has been continued over a period of time. "
"You said you wouldn't tell!?" She mewed in panic.
"I said that I could reconsider, Do you think I would have really done that?"

Joyless was watching from near by, her little sister was in trouble. She watched on waiting to see what Shadowstar would say.

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Age : 27
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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Re: Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Meany Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:40 pm

Shadowstar smirked.
"Well then, Defenseless," the name practically slid off of his tongue, "it would seem that you are a defector. Hmp. How sad." A near genuine mock look of sorrow flickered across his face but his eyes remained as flint-like as ever. "You've been telling how... weak, our camp is?" He tsked as he shook his head as he began to pad up to the Servant. He sighed heavily. "And... How I'm so close to death?"

From Shadowstar's den Scream snickered.

Shadowstar was face-to-face with the Servant who was slightly taller than himself.
"Sooo... You know everything... And now they do." He looked at Switchblade. "It would seem... This Servant, who has been here for not a full-seasons pass, knows everything there is to know, and now Mudblood knows...
He sighed.
"Perhaps... Perhaps, perhaps, you told them... That they have a spy in their ranks?" His face was stoic now, his tail slowly waving back and forth calmly. He turned around now and mewed to Switchblade, "You do realize that you've uncovered something quite... interesting. Of course, I'm not surprised. You seem to have a habit for doing the unexpected."
Shadowstar sat once more, looking thoughtfully at the Servant.
"Well, Servant," he hissed it like a snake, "I'm in a rare mood today. I'll let you live.. for now. At least until your kits have been born. We do need new ones." (OOC: Thank you, Searingeyes). He stood once more, his constant movement looking more like habit then boredom. "Switchblade; tell the Servants and Choosings to watch this she-rat. But tell them they won't have to watch her for long. A thaw is coming, and the flooding of our hill will wash away all the paths."
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LS's Group

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Waiting for Shadowstar Empty Re: Waiting for Shadowstar

Post by Loki Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:03 pm

"Understood leader," Switchblade bowed to the tom and turned around. Defenseless padding weak pawed behind him. "Your lucky..." He hissed to the servant.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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