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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:46 pm

Grimclaw looked around at the camp and sighed knowing it was taking too long to get everyone settled and then plan and all that, The black cat slunk from the warriors den and out a back way he had discovered along time ago moving as stealthily as the wind through the brush. Grimclaw planned to go get Flowerfur and the Kits back on his own.

Grimclaw flew over the land his strong muscles carrying him quickly through the melting snow and breathed a sigh of relief that soon it would all be gone but for now he had used it to make himself stronger. The young warriors paws barley touched the ground as his slick body carried him closer to his destination, the Tawnyclan Border. Grimclaw stopped at the edge of the scent markers and sat down looking from side to side for a Tawnyclan patrol. Grimclaw knew he wouldn't wait long for someone to come even if it caused problems Flowerfur and the kits had to be found and soon.

Grimclaw looked up the stars were still shining and he prayed to Starclan that his clan mates would be ok especially those two little one's who didn't understand what was going on. Grimclaw looked straight sitting right on the border between both clans. The gash from his mangled ear down across his face and to the right side of his neck gave him a ghoulish and disturbing look mixed with the piercing eyes that were aflame with urgency to find his clan mates even if he had to fight all of Tawnyclan to do it.


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:25 pm

Jayleaf, who was finished tending with his patients, shooed Firepelt away. The sounds and scents of the camp flooded his soft, pink nose and his furry ears. His leaf-green eyes twinkled with curiosity and suspicion when he glimpsed Grimclaw's black figure leaving camp. He's supposed to be at rest! he thought to himself. Mistpaw should be back soon. She can be in charge until I come back. Then, the blue-gray tabby Medicinecat trotted out of the camp, passing the Fresh-Kill pile and into the wilderness. The cold Leaf-Bare wind pierced his face and he squinted. Jayleaf shook his pelt and bounded into the forest.

The snow crunched under his paws. Birds called overhead, but no sign of Grimclaw. Luckily, Jayleaf was able to follow the tom's scent trail. He shivered as the cold wind ruffled his fur. However, Jayleaf had to find Grimclaw. His wounds were barely healed, and the young Medicinecat prayed to Starclan that his friend was unharmed. The pale blue sky was laden with fluffy white clouds and little sunlight streamed down onto the forest floor. Jayleaf kept running through the forest, not caring about the snapping twigs and scurrying mice or squirrels. The trail led him nearer and nearer to the Tawnyclan border. No! Don't let it be! he hopefully wished Grimclaw was not attacked by Tawnyclanners. Strangely though, there was another scent mixed in with Grimclaw's own.

Jayleaf crashed through the forest, then, making his way through a hollow log, got trapped in a thorn bush. "Fox dung!" he hissed. The thorny vines wove around him, thorns pricking out. Jayleaf crouched and his gaze flickered from side to side, finding an opening. Noticing that there were no openings, Jayleaf had no choice but to simply run through the side of the bush. After a painful trek out of the bush, Jayleaf started pulling out the black thorns out of his fur, licking his wounds soon after. "Great Starclan Grimclaw's gonna start explaining, or I'll have him eating Deathberries!" he exclaimed, rolling his green eyes. The blue-gray tabby tom bounded on, and finally reached the Tawnyclan border. Looking around, he spotted Grimclaw. "Grimclaw! What are you doing sitting around at the Tawnyclan border!" he called out.


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 4:42 pm

Grimclaw listened to the voices of the dawn, the birds chirping in the trees, the squirrels and mice scuttling through the leaves, the trickle of water as it melted and fell to water the earth it loved so much. Grimclaw winced as the peaceful nature was shattered by a loud voice which made Grimclaw sighed, he had liked listening to nature. the black tom turned his head looking at Jayleaf the deep wound making him creepy and foreboding. "I am going to get Flowerfur and the Kits and if anyone actually was thinking they would realize the Badgers scared her so she may be returning to her old Kittpet home, I am waiting for a Patrol but if they don't come soon I am just going to continue." Grimclaws voice normally as soft and warm as a sun ray was Arctic cold and his tone would have scared a viper. His eyes were alight with a fiery intensity that brooked no argument.

Grimclaw turned back to face the Tawnyclan side rolling his muscles. "Jay leaf can you keep a secret? Oh of course you can your a medicine cat so you will understand, i had a visit from Starclan last night a Cat with green eyes and a pelt of fire, His voice was strong as if even in death he was unbeatable and a force to be reckoned with. I have never met such a cat but I knew if he ever appeared in front of me I would know he was meant to be a King. He told me that to find the cats who I love so dear I must first meet a warrior that hold's no fear, to seek the eyes of Tawny fur and continue like a rabbit blur, You with scar as white as light must go on and leave clan behind." Grimclaw looked over at the Medicine cat and smiled. "I must admit that last part worries me, Does he mean i must leave the clan behind and go look for Flowerfur...Or leave the clan behind forever?"


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 5:13 pm

Jayleaf quietly padded over and sat next to Grimclaw. His wounds from the thorn bush stung and he licked his pelt as he heard Grimclaw's story. "A cat with a fiery pelt. Interesting." Jayleaf mewed. More sunlight poured out of the clouds. It seemed as though they were at war. Turning to Grimclaw, he added to Grimclaw: "No. Leaving the Clan behind forever can't be it. Starclan knows we can't lose a Warrior like you." Looking back at the sky, he looked closely and saw...a cat! One cloud in particular looked like a cat, and it seemed to be bounding towards the sun.

Immediately, Jayleaf found himself standing in a misty clearing. Grimclaw was nowhere to be seen and all was silent. "Grimclaw! Where are you!?" he yelled. A movement in a bush caught his eye. The blue-gray tabby whirled around and found himself looking at a white tom with blue eyes. "Cloudstar," he whispered.

"Yes. Jayleaf, I have come to you to deliver a message." Cloudstar mewed. Jayleaf nodded and listened intently as Cloudstar opened his mouth again. "He who carries the most grim claws must journey towards the morning sun and only healing jay can find the way to the Flower he must seek." Cloudstar finished, and faded away into mist. Suddenly, Jayleaf was pulled into the shadows by unseen claws. But beware the danger that lurks within!


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:32 pm

Nearby the Tawnyclan dawn patrol was moving. Solarstorm led it with Nightail, Tigerflame and Wolfpaw. "Hush, Wolfpaw you cannot say that!" came the wise voice of Solarstorm.
"Let him speak freely, he is an apprentice for starclans sake!" This was a much powerful voice, of experience and pride, the meow of Tigerflame.
"Be it so... but there is a time and a place..."
An agreeing murmur could be heard.
"Well... Wolfpaw?" Tigerflame changed the subject, "What can you scent?"
For a while it went silent. Only the gentle sweet songs of a robin and the pitter-patter of melting snow in the sunshine was heard.
"Mouse... dying wood and-"
"What does dying wood mean?" Tigerflame cut in.
"A harsh winter but-"
"And some doubted my mentoring-"
"BUT Tigerflame I smell cats!"
Tigerflame froze and scented the air- "Dewclan... and where they should be!" He growled coming through thick thicket and into the clearing where the two Dewclan cats were seen.
"Its Grimpaw, Isn't it?" Nightail mewed.
"He was pronounced apprentice two gatherings ago..."
Nightail nodded, She had had Wolfkit and Sunkit to worry about not some silly warrior announced!
Wolfpaw's Icy blue eyes studied the warrior and then to the med cat.
"Your Jayleaf from the Gathering?"
Tigerflame cuffed his apprentice. "Of course! Don't be so foolish!"
Wolfpaw purred, "hmm..."
Solarstorm stood forth. "We have better business to be up to then this. Abbysclan border is more threatening... We need to look for Darkcloud."
They all nodded. Wolfpaw fluffed up his pelt, "Well, lets not stay here, I am frozen!"
Tigerflame laughed and bowed sarcastically. "Oh mighty leader where would you like us to go now?"
Nightail rolled her eyes, "Who is the apprentice here?"


Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:05 pm

Grimclaw looked between the cats and smiled. "it's Grimclaw now and I need to speak with Lokistar." Grimclaw looked at each cat in turn his Piercing green eyes landing on the apprentice and gave him a gentle smile and a wink before looking up at the cats. "I don't know which one of you leads the patrol but like it or not if you choose not to take me I will go myself, I don't have time for foolish pride and misplaced anger when two kits could be in danger, Now either take me to See Lokistar or I go by myself." Grimclaw looked down at the apprentice and chuckled. "Yes Jayleaf is a medicine cat and if you refuse me well I doubt you will refuse him, But I am his guard."


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:46 pm

Tigerflame gave out a sly hiss. his ears flat back. "You can't force Lokistar to speak with you! She has her own problems!"
he gave Wolfpaw a pointed stare and Wolfpaw retaliated with Hissing at Grimclaw, "I am no kit there's no need to treat me like one!" Snapped the young apprentice.
Nightail drew her tail across Wolfpaws muzzle, "But kits are involved!"
"And they threatened to cross the border! If he hadn't said that then I would be fine! Go back to your nest web foot!"
Hissed the apprenticed.
Solarstorm stood quietly, then spoke;
"We Tawnyclanners don't appreciate the threat... but I'll allow you to pass," He turned around then mewed, "JUST you."
Tigerflame hissed, "And stay in front of me, no funny business!"

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:06 am

Grimclaw stood up looking at Jayleaf and smiled. "Come on let's go see Lokistar." The black tom walked past the other cats giving them a glare to show he wasn't afraid because of there numbers and continued walking past Tigerflame and stopped staring at him. "You ever command me like that again tawnycat and I will rip your ears off." Grimclaw continued walking forward looking back to make sure Jayleaf was ok not that any cat would ever attack a Medicine cat anyway.


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:07 am

OOC:What's happening here anyway?


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:54 am

OOC: They are off to find flowerfur hun...

Solarstorm on hearing the comment mewed pointedly, "Lokistar does not take well to threats... You'll be surprised by that mouse brains strength." The remark made Tigerflame glow a bit, after all, Lokistar took to him like a river and fish.
Wolfpaw also seemed to glare at the warrior, menacingly, that is.
The cat at the back was Nightail, She watched them all warily.

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 12:57 am

OOC:Oh,hehee.I was gone for 2 days....


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:43 am

OOC: Sorry I was asleep.

IC: Jayleaf followed Grimclaw and the patrol of Tawnyclan cats. His green eyes glowed as they were led towards the Tawnyclan camp. "Stop staring at me, would you? What do you think I'll do? Feed you some herbs?" Jayleaf growled at Nighttail with annoyance. The blue-gray tabby listened to the peaceful chorus of swirling leaves and singing birds. The snow crunched under his tabby paws, making paw prints.


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:10 pm

Nightail hissed, "Don't forget this is Tawnyclans territory. So you keep your mouths shut until you cross your stupid border again!" She hissed at the medicine cat angrily, "Just because your a medicine cat... It doesn't mean your any more special then anyone else here!"
Wolfpaw purred he had NEVER heard his mother be so snappy before. But SHE WAS RIGHT!
So can't a Tawnyclan cat watch over their territory?
He didn't like the Dewclan cats they came across to him as weak, even if they thought they were strong. No cat is stronger then Lokistar, Dayriser, Solarstorm and... Wolfpaw mewed the list out in his mind.
Solarstorm picked his way delicately, he was not going to take them straight to the camp... NO!
He wasn't that stupid. He instead stopped at an old badger set. Tigerflame and Wolfpaw padded in almost automatically. Nightail followed and Solarstorm looked up. Snow doesn't melt that fast, even if it did... he knew his way out and so did the other Tawnyclan cats...

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:30 pm

Grimclaw spun around glaring right into Nightails face. "You ever hiss at a medicine cat like that again and you won't have to worry about Dewclan cats I will put you down where you stand." Grimclaw spun around looking at Solarstorm. "I don't have time for your littler evasions I have no interest in your camp or any of your cats but I do have a interest in saving two kits now either take me to Lokistar or get out of my way and I will go on my own with Jayleaf.


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:46 pm

Grimclaw had made the wrong move. Solarstorm flattened his ears, Nightail of course was his mate!
"You fool Grimclaw! Your forgetting your self, We don't care about your problems, how do we know your not plotting? Darkcloud went missing and we are supposed to be looking for her not some kits that probably belong to twolegs anyway! This is the way to our camp,
Lokistar won't be in our camp and THIS is where we shall find her! Now YOU listen to me! While your on our territory
you keep your opinions to your self, Lokistar will agree." Solarstorm padded forward until only Grimclaw could hear,
"And don't hiss at my mate because your picking the wrong cat to mess with." He spun around, nodded to Nightail and
with one last glare disappeared into the old badger set, which actually was a tunnel to a closed clearing.

OOC: hmm...

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:35 pm

Grimclaw grinned looking at Nighttail. "Ahh how sweet he fights your battles for you, tell me does he also catch your prey and make your bed as well?" Grimclaws eyes burned he was picking a fight just to put these Tawnyclan cats in there place. "Ha you got nothing but numbers on your side and numbers drop easily enough now I don't care about whoever your looking for in fact I am done asking permission." Grimclaw turned around flicking his tail to Jayleaf. "Come on will find Flowerfur and the kits on our own, we don't need the help from these yellow bellied cowards nor am i going to ask permission to find kits."


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:12 am

Solarstorm hissed at him and prepared to leap.
"WHATS GOING ON?" Yowled Lokistar, She stood with Ezziesong *hint to Ezzie to join in with this rp* Solarstorms tail flicked and he purred.
"He reckons he can walk in our territory when he feels like it..."
Lokistar's icy blue eyes looked calmly over at the warrior then were gentle at the sight of Jayleaf.
"Your side of the story?" She mewed scraping her paw over her ear.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:34 am

Grimclaw looked back at Lokistar his hackles raised. "Two kits and a queen vanished from our camp, her scent leads this way and I asked your warriors if we could cross to look for them as the warrior code states ALL warriors are to assist if a kit no matter what clan is missing or in danger, Well your cats here decided to waste my time and take longer routes, i don't have time for there petty squabbles when kits from my clan are missing." Grimclaw had no fear of the cat in front of him one life or 9 he wouldn't go down until those kits were found. "Jayleaf there had a sign from star clan oh also I recommend you teach your warriors to respect a medicine cat or the next battle Jayleaf or another medicine cat might overlook them, They threatened to attack him if he didn't do precisely what they say."


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:52 am

Jayleaf had stayed dormant and let things happen around him during the long trip through the powdery snow. Now, finally at the Tawnyclan camp, the blue-gray Medicinecat joined Grimclaw in his explanation. "Yes, Grimclaw is correct. I did have a message from Starclan. Cloudstar appeared to me in a dream." Jayleaf mewed. "Grimclaw, these Tawnyclan cats, however irritating and disrespectful they may be, do not have to treat me with such respect. But then again, they would most likely abuse what I just said." he then turned his head to glare at Nightail. "More to the point, Cloudstar told me to find the 'Tawny Fur'. We figured it meant Tawnyclan." Jayleaf's eyes glowed. He had not mentioned anything about Grimclaw's dream, lest other cats would be suspicious. I wonder, who was the cat who Grimclaw spoke of?

OOC: It's Firestar isn't it?


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Loki Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:07 pm

Lokistar was silent for a moment then mewed, "I understand, both sides. I apoligize... Its been a hectic week. But thst gives no reason for my warriors rudeness. Perhaps we can help each other
We can look out for your missing kits... and our missing warrior. I believe they went towards Abbysclan." She pointed her tail towards the direction of the border.

"Lokistar are you moused brained? Your leading thos web footed Dewclan cats across our territory!"
Lokistar glared at her warrior for a moment then mewed, "Go back to the camp. Tigerflame go train Wolfpaw some combat and Ezzisong I believe Stormpaw needs a little training."
Solarstorm hissed angrily. How could his sister reject him like that? Nightail brushed against him, "Lets go..."
As the cats dispersered, Lokistar stood and stretched before taking the lead at a fast pace. "Excuse Solarstorm, he is ussually... more wise then that. He is getting old like my self..." She chuckled.
The forest was thick. Very thick. Snow was hardly on the forest floor and no wind could breeze through your fur. The hiss of a nightjar erupted a flock of birds, at this a squirrel took flight."

OOC: I Wrote this in an ICT lesson at school BRB

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 26
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

Post by Guest Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:14 am

OOC: oh man I'm sorry I been totally spacing out lately god my head is just crammed full.

Grimclaw shrugged looking at Lokistar. "It's fine I take no offense but I am in a hurry to find Flowerfur and the kits, It is gnawing at me and I fear something bad might happen if me and Jayleaf don't get to them fast enough, Worst if Abyssclan gets a hold of them it will star a war between Dewclan and Abyssclan." Grimclaw looked forward his tail flicking with nervous energy wanting to dash forward and look for Flowerfur and those kits, Flowerfur was scared for her little one's lives and he understood that but the clan needed warriors and they were clan cats.


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On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only) Empty Re: On the Border. (Tawnyclan cats and jayleaf only)

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