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Missing Queen

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Missing Queen Empty Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:22 am

As Shadowpaw arrived in the camp, panting, worried for Flowerfur, he began to search through the camp for her - he ignored the prying eyes of the curious. He went through the nursery, the apprentice's sleeping area, everywhere; she was no where to be found. Now feeling a new air of worry, he looked in every corner of the camp - everywhere. Still, not Flowerfur. More worried than ever, he just sat in the camp to wait for Grimclaw and Daystar to return - they would need to know about this. He would not tell anyone else!


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:25 am

your looking for flowerfur aren't you. said firepelt. the kits are missing too.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:31 am

OOC: Oakclaw, punctuation please!

IC: Jayleaf padded over to Firepelt and Shadowpaw, curiosity tingling in his fur. "What's going on?" he asked. His leaf-green eyes glowed.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:33 am

flowerfur and the kits are missing. he said.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:37 am

"Hm, we should probably let Daystar know when he comes back." Jayleaf mewed. "But before then, don't say anything, we don't want the clan to panic."


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:07 am

"Yes," Shadowpaw began. "That's why I didn't want to say anything." Shadowpaw slowly walked in circles, thinking about what's transpired. "Alright, guys. Let's wait for Grimclaw and the clan leader."


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:18 am

Grimclaw walked in holding up Daystar (Sorry mate but had to move the story on) on his shoulder and moved over laying him down in some soft moss walking over to Jayleaf. "OK here is the quick, Daystar lost a life shocking I know but other matters to attend to he has a gash on his side that needs patching up, Shadowpaw any signs of Flowerfur?" Grimclaw turned his head splattering blood the deep long gash from his ear tip to his neck giving him a ghoulish appearance but the young deputy was too keyed up to worry about pain.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:21 am

As Grimclaw entered the scene, Shadowpaw stopped his prancing and payed attention. As he already knew Daystar lost a life, he only payed attention to the question. "Errr... No," he replied, a little disturbed by his mentor's appearance. "Don't you need to get fixed up?" He was quite worried about Grimclaw. After all, he was the new deputy.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:37 am

"Alright, Firepelt, carry Daystar carefully into my den. Grimclaw can you walk to the Medicine Den?" the Medicinecat mewed. Mistpaw had gone herb collecting this morning and should be back soon.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:21 am

Grimclaw shook his head splattering drops of blood. "No just a quick patch up then Shadowpaw and Snowfeather are going to accompany me to finding Flowerfur and those kits so the sooner I can get out of here the better for all, Hopefully I can get them all back before too many questions get asked and too much curiosity peaked.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:59 pm

Grimclaw wrote:Grimclaw walked in holding up Daystar (Sorry mate but had to move the story on) on his shoulder and moved over laying him down in some soft moss walking over to Jayleaf. "OK here is the quick, Daystar lost a life shocking I know but other matters to attend to he has a gash on his side that needs patching up, Shadowpaw any signs of Flowerfur?" Grimclaw turned his head splattering blood the deep long gash from his ear tip to his neck giving him a ghoulish appearance but the young deputy was too keyed up to worry about pain.

OOC:That's okay,I could care less.

IC:"Starclan...."Daystar gasped,"They told me that Flowerfur's lost to could she abandon could she do that?!"Daystar got up,and using all of his strength,he yelled,"Nightpaw!You planned this,didn't you?!Why are you always making me feel guilty?!First,you die!Then,you try and tell me what I've done and get me to see the error of my ways!Then now,you tell me that our first and only queen left us?!You know you saw him,too.You could've told me Black wasn't alone,and you might still be here!"


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:11 pm

It's okay daystar he said while he was dragging him to the medicine cats den


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:15 pm

OOC:lol,Daystar's having an episode....


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:31 pm

Jayleaf rushed into the den and pulled out the necessary herbs. He laid down in a leaf: marigold, dock and cobwebs. I should probably get poppy seeds...he thought to himself.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:32 pm

ooc uhoh run get the paramedics oh wait we don't have paramedics.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 2:59 pm

Grimclaw walked over flicking Daystars ear. "Flowerfur is not lost to us she will return she is just scared for her kits as any sane queen would be, We just have to convince her the Badgers are gone and it's safe, Those are clan cats all they ever known was the clans they will return and Flowerfur with them but right now we need our leader strong and in his right mind, Firepelt ask Jayleaf if he has anything to help Daystar sleep."


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:02 pm

firepelt padded over to jayleaf do you have any thing to help daystar sleep.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:07 pm

Daystar shuddered.He was going mad.What if Flowerfur brought nthe kits to battle?What if they were killed?


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:08 pm

"In fact, I do." Jayleaf mewed. The blue-gray tabby tom took a few Poppy Seeds from the store and walked over to his Leader. "Here, take these Daystar. It will help you rest." he dropped them at Daystar's paws then turned to patch up Grimclaw's face. "Now, this will sting a bit, and you might lose your looks for a time", Jayleaf said.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:12 pm

Daystar obiediantly took the poopy seeds.He was already tired to begin with,and with the poopy seeds,he collapsed.Little did he know,things were going to get worse.....


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:14 pm

"It's okay daystar'although he wasn't sure if they would be alright."we need to find flowerfur and the kits"he yelld.his heart pounding.we need to find them.he was very worried about the kits."tigerkit he thought so much of me what if i never get to see him again."we need to find them.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:25 pm

Jayleaf proceeded to apply the cobwebs to Grimclaw's wounded face. Crimson blood dripped down onto the creamy brown surface of the Medicine Den's floor. Well, now I'll have to clean up this mess. he thought jokingly to himself. Now, turning serious, he looked intensely at his every move while applying the cobwebs. The sticky, white fiber was indeed tricky to use. Luckily, his old mentor taught him well. Using his claws, Jayleaf wrapped the cobwebs around the gash and stuck it firmly into place.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:05 am

Snowfeather had been out hunting again to her disgruntlement. She had wanted to face the badgers, but she was told by a fellow warrior that she was just to little. Feeling snubbed, the little she-cat had gone to burn some energy hunting. She had returned a while later, entering camp with an air of worry as she smelled fresh blood. She hurried to the medicine cat den to see just who had been hurt, worried for her fellow clanmates. She entered the little area and saw her leader laying on the ground, intenes worry filled her yellow orbs. Her gaze landed on Jayleaf and Grimclaw. With hesitant pawsteps, she walked closer, worry easily seen in her eyes. "Are you okay Grimclaw?" She looked at Jayleaf. "Is Daystar going to be okay?" She had not yet heard about the missing queen.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:09 am

Watching as a worried Snowfeather entered the den, he looked down, ashamed that he couldn't do anything about what he was about to say. "Daystar lost a life," he said in his smooth, youthful voice. "And Grimclaw was attacked by badgers, but he's okay." He really wished he was a warrior; that way, he could have prevented some of this.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

Post by Guest Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:30 am

Jayleaf turned to look at Snowfeather. The white she-cat had a very worried look on her face. "Daystar just needs rest, but yes, he lost a life." Jayleaf mewed sadly. "Grimclaw' will be alright, there's a gash on his face, but it'll heal." he added. Jayleaf finished with Grimclaw, then checked up on Daystar to make sure nothing was wrong.


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Missing Queen Empty Re: Missing Queen

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