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The rain before the hail- part 1

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:59 am

OOC: since the bloodstone is on top of the moon fall I think it's best to post here and Ezziesong and another kitty will disperse to the Moonfall shortly after the rest arrive here. I believe sometime ago it was agreed that Tawneyclan, Maplejay's group of Dewclan left overs and Darkclan kitties will shortly coincide before the battle I think this has gone on long enough, it's time for a come back and hopefully the questers will arrive to find out some shocking loose ends! anyway, my computer is in denial and won't work so there will be many spelling and grammar mistakes as I am working from the iPad and as many of you know my eye sight is not that great so figuring out what has been said on this terrible screen is a pain.

Strikefast trotted alongside her sister, Swiftwind and her two kits: Hailkit and Dawnkit.
The grim sight of the bloodstone where the four clans usually held gatherings was barely a moon shift away and even so it's daunting walls of bloody red muck were in plain sight. She thought back to her younger days of watching her old leader scale those walls to reach the top and it saddened her to think that the silver tabby-tan she-cat was now replaced with a young, white pelt.
Ezziesongs turn to take the long lived thrown was nigh, as fast as it had seemed to come she couldn't think that Lokistar had made a wrong choice in her successor.

Strikefast felt that those large wall with the dish that they gathered in above would be a perfect reinforcement against the war to come. If the elders, queens and kits and those that were wounded gathered in the middle then the able warriors could lie wait around the rims to shred any of those foul snotty cats from coming too close.
She thought about advising it but wouldn't it be rude to tell Ezziesong what she should do?

Tigerflame made a good effort to walk with a proud step, his wound was weeping with yellow puss and he couldn't care to know that he smelt bad for it. His sharp eyes were tired but glaring in his indignity, he'd had enough of this business.
"I won't sit down, Wolffang," he told the long haired grey warrior who padded loyally beside him, "Lokistar would turn in her nest, This wound doesn't hurt anymore it's just a minor tickle to my stance."
"It's had you talking odd my friend," Wolffang mewed to him sincerely, "I think your deluded to stand this fight."
"nonsense," Tigerflame shook his head, "I promised myself that I'd become a great warrior."
Wolffang fell silent, what could he do?
Fighting was on Tigerflames mind, Lokistar had been his mentor, he would feel the hot licking of adrenaline until he had gutted every mudbloodclan cat in sight.
The blue-grey tom sighed and kept his icy gaze forward.

Swiftwind was tickled with worry. With the war that was threatening them like a dark cloud, they were being pushed to a very dangerous area. What about the kits? what about the elder? The injured?
she couldn't help but stare off toward Tigerflame and his ugly wound, "Starclan save us," she whispered.
She had faith in Ezziesong but this clan had already had its numbers hacked at and now they had lost a good number, she missed the days the clan was thriving. she missed Jacklepaw and his brother, forgotten wuicklu, who had died beside their supposedly great leader. How could Lokistar die at a time like this?

Skyblaze was lost in his scarred mind, he felt helpless, the great big Tom he was and Amunet closing tentively in his wake was frightened and he couldn't find words to comfort her. He was leading this Kittypet into battle after saving her from death.
He felt his lungs exhale a substantial amount and was melancholy to see this twisted path.
He hoped that out of nowhere Darkclan would show up, didn't Lokistar attempt to strengthen the ties between Tawneyclan and Darkclan, she must have done something after he had 'over heard' her last conversation with Glaciercloud for what seemed such a long time back.
He imagined Darkclan for a moment, swooping in and telling them that they would aid them, Was all the clans not in this mess?
He then wondered of Dewclan, What if Daystar suddenly changed his mind and alliance, before the war but both were impossible.
Dewclan were too stuck up and Darkclan had their own scuttling excuses. The large mangled Tom growled which mad Amunet shy a little.

Amunet had grown tired of all this, she wasn't too sure whether this as something she wanted.
she had found a handsome, strong Tom but she was not really interested in him, he was nice but... Too feral. He was scary and there was something sad in his eye.

Solarstorm plodded along as the rear Tom, his watchful eyes keeping cool attention to the surroundings.
The sky was beginning to brighten and the great fiery orb had begun to rise as it did routinely.
His old limbs ached and he was surprisingly looking forward to this battle. Sad as it was he would prefer to die a hero then this rigid old tom. bring it on, he thought coolly.

Hailkit was a little lost in all this confusion, all he could see was the risen tails of anxious cats around him, traveling to a great red mound of earth that came closer in the distance.
The water still came from the sky like it had for a while, he recalled mother say something about the land feeling better after the rains, with all this water the lands should be ecstatic!
He looked to the side to see his sister: Dawnkit.

Carr, the raven, circled the clan watchfully. He thought about relaying their movements to his master.

OOC: I'm back! Just join in guys :3


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:17 am

Dawnkit whimpered a little and stuck closely to Strikefast. During the journey, the little kit had become rather nervous and scared.
“Are we going to be allright? I'm scared,”


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:40 pm

ooc: So, what's going on? I didn't know if I should post with Frostkit or not, since I just started RPing again...


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:56 pm

OOC: hey Night! Ummm okay, basically the Tawneyclan cats have been driven out of their land by Mudbloodclan, a rogue clan bent on the mass genocide of all clan cats; to take the land for themselves. They lost their old leader and the deputy Ezziesong is taking them to bloodstone which is like a hill that has a very flat top and somewhere bellow is a tunnel leading to the Moonfall where Ezziesong hopes to get her nine lives. The clan are traveling there now.
Also for the sake of the plot, why not have your kit be part of the litter of Strikefast? frost kit would have Hailkit and Dawnkit as her brother and sister, their father: Rainstorm died in battle recently. It's up to you Smile

Steikefast smiled reassuringly at her young kit and mewed calmly" don't be frightened my dear one, the rain cannot hurt us, we have these strong cats all around to protect us as well."
Hailkit frowned at his mother, " but we are running away mummy, why are we if we are so strong?"
Strikefast sighed and mewed to the two, " we're just retreating to figure out what our next steps will be..."
Though with that said, Hailkit still felt confused.

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Age : 27
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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:36 am

ooc: Alright, cool! That's good. Also, you can call me Little. I prefer it, and that's the name NK knows me by.

IC: Frostkit padded up by Strikefast hesitantly, fear running through her heart. "What's going on?" the kit asked, her big eyes looking up at Strikefast.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:52 am

OOC:Hi! I RP Dawnkit Frostkit's littermate ^^

Dawnkit sneezed. The rain wasn't helping her in any way. She went closer to Hailkit and stuck close to him as well Strikefast. “Mum, where will we be staying now?” the rain made her shudder a little for she had been drenched in it. She gave herself a quick shake to get some water ofd her petite body.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:29 pm

Strikefast shook the rain from her whiskers and purred, " we're heading to that large hill over there Frostkit, it's not far now."
Hailkit brushed hopelessly against Dawnkit, " probably in the cave of moon fall, we'll sleep somewhere dry together my beautiful ones."
Though she was not too sure, Ezziesong would know.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:23 pm

Dawnkit went closer to Hailkit and together they tried to share what little warmth they had. “I sure hope its dry. I'll get a cold soon in this weather,” Dawnkit grumbled unhappily.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 5:35 pm

Frostkit let out a sneeze and stood there for a second, proccessing what Strikefast said. "Will there be food, momma?" she asked, looking back up at Strikefast. "I'm reeeeeaaaaaaaaally really hungry-" she was cut off as she sneezed again.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:32 pm

"Yes sweet one, momma will feed you and we can spend the night all warm together."
This was just great, now her young kit was sneezing when there was no medicine cat, Starclan must have some idea of what they should do???

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:40 pm

Frostkit padded on, nodding off every now and then. She let out the occassional sneeze, wishing they would be there soon, so they could be warm. Eat. Get sleep. She just wished they could be back home, in the warm beds with moss.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Ezziestar Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:49 pm

Ezziesong quietly listened to the conversations behind her, She tried to not show it, but her paws were heavy, and she tried to not limp every second pawstep. The trip was agony, but it had to be done. She meowed over her shoulder, "I can't promise food, or shelter... We just have to pray to Starclan that there's some place we can go... If we hunt here, we run the risk of the other clans believeing that we are planning to tresspass..."
She stopped as they were near the cave enterance to Moonfall. She turned around to face her clanmates, "When we reach the enterance... I believe it is best for everyone to stay together. We need as many able bodied warriors to defend the weak or sick as possible... So I'll continue to the Moonfall alone."

She paused for a moment longer before continuing to lead the way.
Once they reached the enterance to Moonfall, Ezziesong nooded her farewells, before begining the trip through the enterance to Moonfall.

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Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:22 pm

Leopardstorm mewed, "Ezziesong, at least take me with you... just in case?"
The rest began to huddle under the many ledges that the Bloodstone had.
Strikefast gathered her three kits up around her and and purred softly to them, "hunger is just a challenge Starclan like to set us my beauties. Who would like to listen to a story?"
Tigerflame settled by Wolffang.
Swiftwind paused and lay opposite Strikefast, leaving a warm, almost bowl between the cats for the kits.
Skyblase sighed resignedly, followed by the tired Amunet.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:28 pm

At last Dawnkit shook the rainwater from her body and lay down by Hailkit.“I'd like a story,” she mewed calmly. They were alright. At last.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:31 pm

"And me," Squeaked Hailkit fluffing his pelt up.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:55 pm

Frostkit sat down and let out another sneeze. "I do! I dooooooo!" She then coughed harshly, but looked back up.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:33 am

"Okay," Strikefast purred, a story would quickly take the kit's minds off of their ailing health and hunger off a short while.
"How about the old tale of the Howler?"
"Not THAT one againe mommy," Hailkit wailed bored, "a new one!"
Swiftwing chuckled and mewed coolly, "have you heard of the blood battle of our great ancestors?"

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:19 am

“No...the elders would never tell us that one. I heard that it had lots of blood and...well,deaths,”Dawnkit shuddered fluffing her pelt and sneezed.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:15 am

"well," Strikefast mewed uncertainly, "Elders always left this story for the parants. It is a very important story that you must know well. "
Hailkit was about to ask why before his mother shook her head.
"The four clans lived in a smaller bit land then we are now, They had four trees for gatherings; the moonstone for speaking with Starclan and of course the four territories. They were Thunderclan, Windclan, Shadowclan and Riverclan.
They lived for such a long time in these lands and yet... A massive Tom called Scourge came with his gigantic clan of blood thirsty rogues. Scourge stood as high as a dog."
"wow," Hailkit mewed.
Strikefast nodded, "Scourge was very jealous of our lands and threatened war if they did not leave."

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Thu Oct 25, 2012 11:21 am

“And?”Dawnkit asked with wide eyes. The sudden news was shocking and new to her. “Which clan are we from?” she asked horsely after coughing violently. The coughing had weakened her throat.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:44 am

Frostkit didn't make a sound as her mom told the story. She just listened, letting out a sneeze and started up a large bought of coughing..


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:14 pm

Wolffang stood with Skyblaze as the tom spoke to the other: "We should patrol the area, quickly."
"I agree, let me tell Solarstorm," Wolffang mewed and quickly told the eldest of the remaining Tawneyclan cats.
"Can I come with you?" Amunet mewed.
Skyblaze nodded coolly, as Wolffang returned briefly scowling at Amunet as the three disappeared.

Strikefast's tone hovered and she frowned worriedly at their coughing, please let this not be green-cough, she thought sadly, "I...well, they...."
The mother's tone faulted until Solartstorm jumped onto Sunshift who whailed in panic "-WHA!?"
"Oh, of course they weren't going to be frightened by these Bloodclan freaks!" Solarstorm meowed proudly, "I Firestar, leader of Thunderclan accept this wager of war!"
Solartstorm mock hissed at poor Sunshift pretending to be Firestar hissing at Scourge.
Swiftwind chuckled as Strikefast continued, "So did all the other clan leaders, Leopardstar and so on.
They fought a hard battle"

And so Solarstorm began to pound Sunshift who only just began to fight back, play gifhting of course.
"And with a ferocious swipe," Strikefast mewed dramatically, as sunshift and Solarstorm reared at the same time, "Scourge's claws ran through Firestar as his ninth life began to fade,"
Solarstorm collapsed as Sunshift pretended to run him through.
Sunshift meowed in victory.
Swiftind stood then as Strikefast continued, "the survivors were warned_"
"Leave before the sun sets!" Sunshift laughed maniacally, taking the play a little too... dramatically.
"So the survivors ran back to the cats which were ordered to stay at camp."
And as she said it Swiftwind turned and ran up the stones, across the ledge and out of site before further shouting as she jumped back into sight, "We must leave!"
"The clan was shocked that they should leave but they knew they had to in fear of Scourge. The fourclans met up and then the new deputies that had been named after the old one's were killed off then caught their nine lives and spoke with Starclan who wisely told them what to do..."

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:09 am

“But Firestar had nine lives,”Dawnkit mewled with big eyes.
“How did they lose? Evwn Scrouge must have only had one life, like the rest of us,”


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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:46 am

OOC: details... details...
Hailkit who was enjoying the visual story; hushed his sister in annoyance only to get a disapproving look off his mother:
"It would only make sense that Firestar's wounds were beyond Starclan. That and Scourge brought a lot of reinforcements."

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The rain before the hail- part 1 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:56 am

Frostkit thought about the story, proccessing all of it in her mind. "Was Firestar a good leader?" she asked.


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