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The rain before the hail- part 1

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:40 pm

ooc: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet forgot to post in this DX
May as well leave the topic for now...


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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:50 pm

OOC: sorry guys, surprise family funeral,popped up!
Strikefast nodded to the other queen as Sunshift asked Gorseclaw softly, "mind if I join you?"
The young Tom was feeling useless, he hadn't been invited by Skyblase to the patrol, he wondered if there was anything useful he could do.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:16 am

Gorseclaw looked at the warrior, looked him over briefly, then nodded shortly.
"Alright," he mewed.
Silverpaw looked at the TawnyClan warrior curiously. She could see some of the uselessness she felt in many moments, but this looked deeper than anything she was feeling.
He's lost so much more than me...

Mustardstorm followed Gorseclaw, thinking that Hollowstripe probably wouldn't want him hanging around and causing problems.
Wish I could have grown up like her, he thought. Smart. A leader. Brave. Maybe mum would have been proud of me then...
Something in the back of the young warrior's mind twinged at this thought, but he ignored it.

OOC: Sorry about the funeral, Loki.
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:24 am

Sunshift Padded toward the group to be cut off by his father.
Solarstorm nodded to his youngest son, "be careful."
"I will," Sunshift told him sincerely.
The older Tom nodded before leaving the young Tom.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by NKninja Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:05 am

OOC: It seems my charries are getting harder and harder to RP as things get simplified! Y U SO GOOD AT MAKING THEM STILL HAVE A PURPOSE IN RP???!!!

IC: Hollowstripe still lingered beside Skyblaze for a few moments before padding in the opposite direction of the other patrollers of her clan. She wished to have a moment to herself, at least for a hair of a second could work. This could be her moment. After she came towards the border of the clearing, she let out a large and exhausting sigh, beginning to tear up quickly, shaking her head vigorously like another wet dog impersonation. Much better, she thought, taking in the less stressful atmosphere in front of her.
Oh! What am I doing here!? A leader? I wish. I must look like an apprentice to the Tawnyclan cats! I wish I was right now...
After a moment of letting out some of her emotions, she decided to walk alongside the overgrowth that shrouded the clearing, pushing in a rock or two wherever she saw something too exposed or dead.

Sorestare, before lying down near the queens, he lapped at an overgrown puddle, taking in the chilly and muddy taste. It's better then nothing, He thought, relaxing against a tree, it's bark comfortably drier then other things around him.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Thu Dec 27, 2012 11:06 pm

Silverpaw looked at Sunshift as she walked, then to Gorseclaw.
Gorseclaw followed her gaze and looked at Sunshift as well. "Hello."
Gorseclaw felt a little awkward, but was trying to turn his friendly demeanor towards the TawnyClan warrior.
Which feels a little strange...
Silverpaw looked at Sunshift again and echoed her mentor. "Hi - I'm Silverpaw." She then took a moment to wonder if she'd sounded too happy.
They did just lose their territory...

Mustardstorm said nothing. (OOC: WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE, says Mustardstorm.)
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:59 am

OOC:Could we move on or something? I'm out of ideas.....


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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:38 pm

OOC: I'm not sure whether I should just bring Maplejay's half of Dewclan in or... meh.
IC: Strikefast settled down, she didn't know if anything else could surprise her anymore.
Solarstorm stewed in his own self-pity.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:00 pm

Mosscloud settled by Strikepast and then started to lick her left paw, keeping an eye on the kitss. They had settled on a mock hunting party. Seeing Colverkit trip, a look of alarm showed in her eyes but calmed as the rest sat down by him.
“Cloverkit,what do you want your warrior name to be?”
“maybe Clovertail. What about you, Snowkit?”
“Anything that's ordinary,” the white tom replied, obviously bored.
Mosscloud had never seen them so quiet and reserved.
She calmed down and began to lick her front left paw.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:04 pm

"Ordinary is boring!" Hailkit mewled, bounding over and almost tripping clumsily over Cloverkit.
"I want to be Hailstorm, oh! Or Hailfight, no! I could be Hailbite!"

Strikefast rolled her eyes at her young kit and shared an exasperated glance with Mosscloud.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:13 pm

“Hailfight doesn't even make sense,”Snowkit responded tartly. To mosscloud, he seemed to be the oldest kit-in menatl ways, at least.
“kits are kits,”Mosscloud purred.
“I want to be Sageflower,”Sagekit proudly said, ignoring the quarrel bewtween the two toms.
“Sageflower is nice,”Dawnkit replied brightly.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Sat Dec 29, 2012 8:09 am

OOC: Moving on is FOR THE WEEEEAAAAKKK-UUUUH!!!...well, you know.
Come on, your characters must have sub-plots!...right? I mean, that is sort of the point of making a character, playing out their life's plot...ahem...and before you start asking me what Gorseclaw's and Silverpaw's sub-plots are, Gorseclaw is going to die and Silverpaw is going to be taken on the ride of her life all throughout her early warrior years.
I've thought about this. (recently.)
Don't pay attention to me. It's okay to think up the sub-plots as you go along and all of that.

IC: Gorseclaw frowned, noting Sunshift's silence, then he brushed it off. Lost his leader, lost his territory...StarClan, I can't imagine.
Silverpaw looked at Sunshift once, and twice, then again, then mewed, "I'm from DarkClan."
Gorseclaw whapped her shoulder with his tail, motioning her to not bother Sunshift.
Fine, she thought ruefully. I'll speak to him yet... She was making a personal mission of it.
I'll walk a little closer to him... She discreetly slowed her pace.

Gorseclaw paused near the edge of the red clearing, sniffing the sodden air. There was the scent of wet ash in the air but little else. He then had a stupid moment when he wondered if he should leave a scent mark. (OOC: Meaning I had a stupid moment.) He huffed, his warm breath steaming in the cool air.
"Let's keep going."
As he walked along the edge of the red clearing, Gorseclaw's thoughts moved back to DarkClan.
I wonder how Redstar doing... Last Gorseclaw had seen, the red tom had lost a lot of his zest for leadership ever since Mistlight, who was undoubtedly one of Redstar's best friends, had vanished mysteriously into the night along with Icepaw, Redstar's apprentice, trying to keep a previously divided Clan together, Blueblossom (his sister) being trapped in the Frost Forests with no indication as to whether or not she was alive, and since the death of Silverfur, Smokepelt, and his obvious lover, Skyecho. (OOC: Holy f#ck, he's gone through some SH!T.)
Gorseclaw stopped abruptly, suddenly flooded with sympathy and shame. Well, when you put it that way...I'm a terrible person! We all are! But mostly-mostly ME! He sighed sadly, his whiskers drooping.
Soon as we're done, I'm telling Hollowstripe she was right...and when I see Redstar, I'll apologize...profusely! Then I'll just tell Sunmist, then she'll get everyone else to see it from Redstar's perspective, too... With a meow of confusion from Silverpaw, Gorseclaw gave a reassuring, though hesitant, murmur, and resumed patrolling.

Sunmist had been one of the first warriors to bring up Redstar's lack of conviction. In fact, Gorseclaw began to realize, Sunmist was one of the first to complain about Hollowstripe and about...Well, everything. Ever since the Rebellion had returned to DarkClan, Sunmist had been behind most disputes in the Clan, constantly arguing with Redstar and organizing patrols like she wanted, no needed, to be...recognized? Seen as a good leader? Chosen... Gorseclaw nearly stopped again.
My sister wants to be deputy. Very, very, very much. It all made sense. Why hadn't he seen it before? Doubting Redstar, hating Hollowstripe and spreading rumors, taking command and proving superiority whenever she could; She's never brought it up, and I doubt it's ever actually crossed her mind - but Sunmist wants - needs to be the deputy. I know my sister... He shivered, not because of the rain; he remembered the looks she gave her enemies, the pleasure she took in winning, the hatred that flickered across her face whenever she lost. She must never be deputy. StarClan above - she may stop at...nothing.
Gorseclaw's lip curled. No. No. Not my sister. Not Sunmist. Never. She's far too loyal. The loyalty felt between siblings rose up in him.
And yet, there was a nagging in his heart, a whisper of 'What if? Remember how she was at the ceremony?'
"Never," he mouthed to himself.
Gorseclaw allowed his thoughts to drift to the grief-stricken Blizzardgaze (OOC: The s!ut of DarkClan. Dude - three mates thus far.)

OOC: Oh my God, I literally just realized what a bunch of jerks we in DarkClan really are. ALL EXCEPT HOLLOWSTRIPE. I suddenly understand why she was chosen as deputy. SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE NICE TO REDSTAR. Embarassed
SH!T, even THORNSTAR - I mean, DEAD Thornstar - was mean to Redstar! GAAAAH.

Anywho, feel free to post! I may edit ever so slightly...This is a rather Gorseclaw-oriented post, eh? Rolling Eyes

OOC: 01/04/13 - just adjusting the post ever so slightly to account for previous revelations.

Last edited by Longstorm on Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:56 pm

OOC: Thank you Longstorm. I know why I picked you to be Admin. Its such a blatantly obvious thing... Because your a natural born leader. I'm the silver-tongue, adviser type. You'll get far in life I know. How boring would this site be without you and your little group. (tell them to get on here and pick a dragon!)
I laughed so much when Silverpaw said: I'm from Darkclan. Bwahahahaha! Excuse me while I choke on my crumpet whilst also attempting to rival you're post with my own!

"Yes it does!" Hailkit hissed at Snowkit defensively, "You just don't understand because you're not as smart as me; I'm older than you, so be quiet."
The dark-speckle scoffed idly, turning against the other to Sagekit, "Sageflower is okay, it sounds like a kittypet name though. Why flower? Why not pick a name that's as scary as the Abbysclan border? How about... Sagedestruction? Oh! Or Sagecharge?"

Strikefast rolled her eyes in exasperation, "Why does my kit have to be the loud one? Hailkit," She chastised him, "-Don't be so loud! sit up straight and stop ordering every cat around!"

Solarstorm watched them absently.
What could he do? His sister was dead in her own territory, his mate was dead, two of his sons were dead... how could he even think to cheer everyone up? The old tom felt guilty for disregarding the Darkclanner's offer of help.
I better start by being socially friendly, I guess; he shrugged grumpily.
Turning to Sorestare whom rivaled his old age and asking, "So how is it going in the mountains of Darkclan?"

Amunet came to sit by Skyblaze, joined by the haughty Wolffang. Skyblaze couldn't help but groan softly, "I cannot help but think that bringing back these Darkclan cats was the right thing to do."
"It was," Mewed Tigerflame, limping pitifully over to join them, "Starclan has brought them to us."
"Ominous characters though, are they not?" Amunet asked in that irritating airy tone. She lifted a paw and licked it. Almost as if to say, "look what they have done to my fur!"
Wolffang laughed though it was dry and tasteless, "you speak such a nonesense Amunet. Tawneclan cats should be grateful, thats a golden rule-"
"You're always the grateful one, are you?" Tigerflame purred through a wince.
Wolffang considered his friend and replied in a friendly manner, "hush you, taking up space as usual."
Tigerflame smiled briefly, setting down next to his friend.
"So, oh great warrior," He mewed suddenly very serious, "what do we make of this unfortuinate... happening."
"Lets just hope we recieve an Ezziestar out of it all. Ezziesong will know what to do. Probably finishing off with Lokistar right now. I wonder if she'll see Nightail and Glaciercloud..."
"-lest not forget Jacklepelt and Foxfoot..." Skyblaze cut through heavily.
"No one has spoken of sitting vigil," Tigerflam mewed sullen, "perhaps we should?"
"No one does that anymore," Wolffang mewed, else we would be sitting nights if night awake and just to sit more because our friends are downed because they were too tired to fight."
"We know it don't we?.. These are dark times for Tawneyclan."
There was a soft murmur of agreement between the toms. Amunet watched patiently, thoughtfully.

Sunshift, followed along with Gorseclaw and Silverpaw, rosy with awkward silence he had raised his feline brows when Silverpaw had told him which clan she had come from...I...know. Or he had already guessed, either way it had surprised him a little.

"Its a pitiful matter isn't it?" He asked no one in particular.

OOC: Fighting a hangover... Roll on New year! drunken santa

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Guest Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:38 pm

“You're only older by a moon,”Snowkit replied, glancing at the tom with the least interest that one could have at a fellow clanmate. “A moon doesn't matter much,”in a bored tone.
“Sagekit wants a pretty name, not a silly one that will have the enemies laughing at her name,”Dawnkit said indignantly.
Sagekit felt hurt and shut her mouth coldly.
“Stop-”Cloverkit began but was sushed by Mosscloud.
“Stop arguing,” she told them sternly.
OOC:Hmm....subplots.... I think.....nah.


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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Meany Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:53 am

Bronzepaw, pale brown tom and brother of Silverpaw, remained near Hollowstripe, his mentor.
He found himself feeling a little surprised at TawnyClan's choice temporary camp.
I get that Ezziesong is receiving her nine lives, he thought, a shiver running down his spine as he thought about the Moonfall being so close, And maybe it's because I live in the mountains, but having everyone in this one bare clearing sets my teeth on edge. His amber eyes flicked around, taking in everything he could without seeming creepy.
Bronzepaw had never been to a Gathering, so he didn't know any of the TawnyClan cats and this made him feel more shy than he'd felt when the Rebellion joined DarkClan. Or was it the other way around? Feels like the DarkClan cats have to agree with the Rebellion since Redstar's leader, he thought.
Thoughts and feelings of how everything that had happened since the battle in DarkClan camp had all felt like a story that he wasn't really a part of, and how the only thing that had felt real was meeting the two rogues living in DarkClan's woods.
But here, now, with these cats...just another story that I'm watching, he thought grimly. The tone is sad and barely hopeful. Maybe things will change when Redstar and Goldpaw get here. Actually, that's a certain thing.
Bronzepaw looked at Hollowstripe, seeing how she spoke to the older warriors like she had lived as much as they had.
Wonder what it was like, living with Thornstar...

OOC: I'm rambling. I don't play Bronzepaw enough. Basketball
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:12 am

OOC: @Augsp: *gasp* Whaaaaaaaat? FINE. BE THAT WAY... I love you
@Loki: I'm glad you enjoyed my post. Cool And drink plenty of water, eat bananas, and pretend that I know what I'm talking about. santa
...The clearing isn't that big, so the fun patrol-not-patrol should be done with the patrol-y bit soon.
...Everyone's really down in the dumps...

And hey, Blackpaw? Could you play Mustardstorm (you know, he used to be Limitpaw?) please?

IC: Silverpaw cursed her own words. 'I'm from DarkClan.' Very smart. Veeeeery smart, Silverpaw. Now tell him your pelt's gray and you have a nose.
When the object of her speaking attempts spoke, she looked at Sunshift, finding herself to be pleased (until she thought about what he was saying, that is.) She took a moment to mull over his words, and to wonder if he wasn't, in fact, mocking her in any shape or form. Still not sure, she mewed, "Guess so...It's kinda obvious where I'm from, I guess...?" She was a little confused, as her expression showed. Well, now I know one thing for sure that sets DarkClan apart (if I ever decide to make an official list): DarkClan cats make more sense.

Gorseclaw heard Sunshift speak, the unexpected voice snapping him out of his beautiful-Blizzardgaze laden thoughts (OOC: Doing a little 'someone's getting some tonight' dance here in my chair for no reason as I typed that...I'm still a little thrown by the fact Sunshift is named after a span of time.).
"Nah," he mewed in a friendly (albeit flustered (OOC: Aw yeah, sexy thoughts)) tone. "DarkClan's great. S'pecially in leaf-bare. You can see right down the mountainside when you stand in the line of trees that lose their leaves." He sounded wistful as he spoke about DarkClan's territories, his paws slowing a bit.
Silverpaw looked at her mentor. She'd never seen DarkClan's mountains in leafbare, and she'd never heard Gorseclaw talk about DarkClan like this back in the Frost Forests.
He must have really missed his home all that time.

OOC: This is me. Not playing Mustardstorm. Nuh-uh. Can't make me. tongue
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:46 am

Sunshift smiled lightly at Silverpaw, "well, I'm from Tawneyclan." ...or what is left of it.
And the tom was silent as he listened to Gorseclaw, wincing against the rain and looking around him like a stalked child.
"But... sometimes its good to know what clan you're in," He paused and laughed that off "-but that doesn't make sense, it did to me... but to you, i mean it was something Lokistar said when I was an apprentice. She always said... crazy things no-one really understood."

OOC: I love Sunshift, rambley cat... On another note: a stalked child.... what is WRONG with me!? Suspect

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Mon Dec 31, 2012 8:22 am

OOC: You're special, Loki, and we love you for it. What a Face

A smile formed on Gorseclaw's face as he listened to Sunshift. Alright. We're not so different after all. With that simple thought, Gorseclaw could feel some the weight on his shoulders fade away - he hadn't known it was there - and found he felt more comfortable with the TawnyClan warrior.
"I think I might get it," Gorseclaw replied. He paused and thought. "I mean, I can think that everything is ending, that nothing will ever be happy again, ever - then, I just look around. I remember that, I'm in DarkClan. That my family and friends are here with me, even the ones who have died. They're here, in the ground, in the sky, in my heart, at my side - everywhere. My Clan is with me. And I'm with them." He sighed. "I'm in DarkClan."
With his words growing more personal, he had stopped walking again, just basking in the warmth that came from the knowledge that he was loved, and that he loved. "Wow, that's easy to forget," he mewed in surprise. "I feel kinda guilty for that, but I guess I'd be mush if I remembered it all the time..."
He felt better and worse for being reminded, in a really weird way, as he would for being reminded what he was really, really fighting for, and not just going through the motions.

Gorseclaw grinned at Sunshift. "Lokistar was pretty wise - if that's what it means." He cocked his head. "...That is what it means, right," he asked, grin turning sheepish. "Uh...I'm not just saying stupid things? Help me out here! Rambling..."

Silverpaw slowed, watching and listening intently to the two warriors. In the presence of such an unprecedented display of fellowship and wisdom, she found herself feeling as though she had nothing of worth to say, like her voice would ruin the (what she thought to be) awe-inspiring moment.
Instead, she tried to ponder what Sunshift was saying. (OOC: Gorseclaw and Sunshift are - to me - having one of those normal yet somehow magnificent conversations that have a tendency to leave a mark in a person's mind.)
I'm in DarkClan. Silverpaw was no longer cursing her words, but instead picturing her Clanmates, old and new, and her home, both old and new with affection and longing and awe.
DarkClan is where I am...I'm in DarkClan. But DarkClan wasn't just the mountains, Gorseclaw had said, it was...The air? The ground? Her heart? She knew what it all meant, but she also didn't.
But she did. It's home, family, ancestors, history and future, the onslaught of thoughts previously too great or frightening for her made her head swim.
Mudblood will take that all away, the dark thought pierced the warm pride in her heart, chilling her to the tips of her ears.
It was more than just a fight for territories. It was a fight for the pride she felt and the ancestors buried in the earth. It was personal. The weight of the realization was overwhelming.
Suddenly, she had something to say. "We can't let them win." Silverpaw found herself in awe of her own voice, deeper, filled with grim determination and a maturity she wouldn't expect. Is this me?
(OOC: I think she just officially matured mentally.)

Gorseclaw looked at his apprentice. "We won't," he mewed in a quiet, firm tone. It was far from a trifle, him saying that. His words held a weight, it seemed to him, greater than all of the mountains and sky combined.

Silverpaw wasn't sure if it was enough - but she knew it was all that could be given. She looked from Gorseclaw to Sunshift, searching for something more, despite herself.

OOC: Loki, you're a thought-inspiring individual. I bow to your wisdom...
Give me a hug, wise one! sunny I love you

Also: Whooooaaa, some awesome character development in this post for Silverpaw! cheers As for Gorseclaw - meh, he's always been this way. War changes people, hence his (and EVERYONE'S grimmer outlook.)
Guess everyone can tell I reeeaaallly favor my DarkClan cats...THORNSTAR!!! Sad
But STILL! Remembering what you're fighting for is REALLY HEAVY STUFF. Wow, puts a weight on ME...

...What do you think? Is it all too out of character for Silverpaw? I NEED FEEDBACK!!!! confused
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:32 am

OOC: Longstorm... I think we just mad the most beautiful post ever! No not out of character, there comes a point where everyone changes in a small way. We just made history... ))hugs you((( I can cry now! I'm on iPad so grammar is about to suck! cheers
"I think your close. When Lokistar said something it would always be confusing, no one understood but when we actually thought about it... It was always blatantly obvious. We just never cared to look. I suppose if she just told we were from our clans then we wouldn't appreciate it... Now I'm rambling."

Sunshift was quiet again as he listened to Silverpaw and he mewed softly, " I'm definitely not the strongest or the most agile of Tawneyclan... But I'll make sure every single Mudbloodclan cat I cross won't forget any of us."

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:28 am


IC: Gorseclaw had nodded with a smile to Sunshift's words. Now he was still looking at Silverpaw.
"I'll do the same," the warrior looked at the corner of his eye at Sunshift, a half-smile coming back.
"Me too," Silverpaw vowed, nodding.
Gorseclaw looked from her to Sunshift. "We'll fight together." Gorseclaw let the statement hang for a serious moment, then he relaxed. He looked up to the dark, rainy sky and narrowed his eyes. "Come on," he mewed in a friendly way. "We're almost done, and I want to hunt. I'm not so sure about those grasslands, but I'm willing to give it a shot," he shrugged and his tail flicked to the tall grass that spread from the mouth of Moonfall to the distant AbyssClan territories.

Gorseclaw smiled even wider and even Silverpaw found herself smiling a bit. Wow - Gorseclaw can be really optimistic when he isn't quiet.
The group walked a bit further, making the final bend around the small clearing even though there wasn't much to be seen. Gorseclaw nodded shortly after scenting, turned, and lead them towards the ledge above the grassy clearing.
Help however we can, Hollowstripe said. He smiled to himself. Doesn't seem so bad after all.

Last edited by Longstorm on Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:35 am

Sunshift nodded in response and followed them to the tall grass before despersing to find his own prey. I'll find as much as possible, his young mind stated, I'll help out as much as I can.

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Longstorm Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:02 am

Gorseclaw watched Sunshift go. "Watch out for enemies," Gorseclaw called after him, but not so loud as to scare off any possible prey.

Silverpaw looked down at the wide field of tall, wet grass.
"I can't imagine living in a place like this," she whispered to Gorseclaw, being mindful of any prey that might have been nearby.
"Don't think anyone can - it's the no-Clan's land." Gorseclaw widened his eyes and waggled his cat-brows as if to say 'Spooooky.'
"But everyone can hunt here? Even if it isn't Clan territory?" The concept was fascinating.
Gorseclaw nodded. "It's like the Bloodstones. It's no one's, but everyone's. Go on, but keep close - could be anyone out here. I'll find you soon." The warrior leaped off of the ledge and landed softly in the grass, though the rain made it rather soggy.
He got low and slunk through the mire and waving stalks, being mindful of where he set his paws large and how his fur and furry tail brushed the grass.
I feel small under this grass, but well concealed. Could be anything out here...

Silverpaw looked down and, going off of muscle memory, jumped down lightly. She found herself standing just before the grass really began, and it seemed enormous to her. I've never been here...
A cold wind chilled her from behind. Silverpaw slowly turned to see a great, black hole in the side of the hill.
The Moonfall... Another wind blew by and she shivered, turning back to the tall grass. I'm supposed to be hunting. Though there was a not-so-small part of her that felt enraptured by the thought of speaking to StarClan, or just seeing the sharp pieces of ground that came from the top and bottom of the cave, as the stories went. Silverpaw added yet another personal mission to her list, and slunk into the wet, slimy tall grass.
Her large, furry paws seemed out of place and her compact body felt awkward in the tightly-growing grass. A sleek cat with smaller paws would do better here, she mused. BreezyClan, or whatever it was... She shuddered as a hanging stalk brushed her spine. Slimy. She decided she didn't like grass too much.
She kept her ears pricked and her eyes wide, opening her mouth to take in more scent...

OOC: We're sort of dominating this post, lol. tongue
I'll be back laterz...HAPPY NEW YEAR. king farao sunny cheers
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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Loki Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:12 am

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPY NEEEWWWYEAAAAAAAAR!!! cheers drunken drunken drunken study Get the ASTI OUT!!! haha, the fireworks going crazy over here.
Pffft we own it all Muhahahaha! Also have you heard of that gong by and britney spears? I might animate to it.

Sunshift trod softly through the grass. He was trying his best to not frighten away any prey.
He slid however on a frog, which made a hopeless attempt to get away as Sunshift ungainly as he was trembled and fell upon it.
"Oh, dear..." He mused softly, "I didn't quite mean to crush you."
He supposed he could just tell them he had caught the frog instead of fell over it... He was now splattered in mud.

OOC: I love Silverpaw <3

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by NKninja Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:02 am

OOC: DAMN IT! Why every time I leave, something heart-wrenching or emotionally adapting always happens? I think both Loki and LS had an epiphany during this session of posts! But I'm back, yay! Now to try and get more farther in the post!

IC: Hollowstripe glanced to Bronzepaw, who had followed her like any other apprentice. She wished that he was a warrior already. She had nothing to teach that he must've already known. He must not be able to climb trees as fast as me.. But.. that might not come in handy.. She shrugged her shoulders to the thought, but still treaded about. "Bronzepaw," She began softly " What would've you done if we switched roles. You mentor, me apprentice. You deputy, me Apprentice." The thought stung her, like a bee. She thought many times of the several outcomes flying through her head. But she never thought of what another would think.

Sorestare took a long glare towards Solarstorm, not in anger, but to think of where he heard the voice before. He shook his pelt slightly, thinking weather or not he should speak up about the problems in Darkclan. I'd say it wouldn't matter now. " Same old before that ambush with mudbloods. A little mayhem here and there. Cold, sometimes wet. Very much wet today, I'd say!" He tried to let out a laugh, it came out like a dry cough.

OOC: OH! How I love character development!

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The rain before the hail- part 1 - Page 3 Empty Re: The rain before the hail- part 1

Post by Meany Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:24 pm

Bronzepaw looked at Hollowstripe, surprised. "Well..." he cocked his head. "If you mean now, then..." He cleared his throat, feeling somewhat awkward for having followed the she-cat in (it looked like) a quiet time for her. "I would have talked to Gorseclaw more about - everything....He's older and has seen more. Sure, he liked - liked, cos he doesn't so much anymore - to joke a lot, but he's a serious warrior. And," he looked around, "I don't know if I'm okay with being in an open place like this. Even with the big red rocks, it's pretty open. Not just us, either," he mewed fast, "cos we can wait on top of the rocks and jump on enemies' backs, like we hunt, but TawnyClanners hunt and fight in dense trees. So, it's a little..." He twisted his mouth, looking for a good word. "Inconvenient." He swallowed. "And we have low visibilty, so unless everyone slept on top of the rocks, it'd be easy for someone to sneak up on us...So, yeah, if I had been you, I would talked to Gorseclaw about things before choosing to say that we'll hunt for TawnyClan, just so everyone would be a little less nervous about it - because it's not a bad idea, just surprising - and I would have looked for a better place to stop..." Oh, one more thing. "And I would have sent off the patrol with a warning, cos we don't know who's out there, and whether or not they should hun0, cos I kinda think they're hunting in that grassy place there...It's not a lot - you're good and all. But that's the stuff I would have changed."
Of course, that wasn't all he had in his head, but whenever he had to speak to someone who wasn't an uncle or brother or a sister, a lot of words (sometimes entire sentences) got stuck in his throat.
If I wasn't so mouse-brainy awkward, all of that would have sounded a lot more intelligent, he thought, not pleased with himself. Like, I would have come to the Bloodstones from a different direction, and, I would have talked to Gorseclaw more about the direction he was leading us through DarkClan territory -I d0n't know Darkclan teritory, cos of the rebellion, but I would have talked a lot more...
"Talking's good," he mewed aloud. His eyes widened and he clapped his mouth shut, his tail twitching.
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