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The Downpour

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The Downpour Empty The Downpour

Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 9:45 pm

Rain pelted continued to pelt Shymoon harshly, her soggy fur clinging to her and exposing her thin frame. She shivered horribly and needed shelter soon, or else things could get worse. She dragged along the bristly path and prayed to Silverpelt that that she'd find at least a limbed enough tree that the leaves would catch the majority of the rain. Her pace gradually slowing, she eventually crawled under a bush, rain still pouring onto her. Shymoon's eyes heavy with exhaust, she fell into a light sleep.

Quite a while later, Shymoon awoke with a wicked sneeze. She whimpered, even though the rain had lightened slighty, as she slid out from the bush. It seemed every droplet was a blow to the head. She felt naseaus* and light-headed, but she managed to put one paw in front of the other. Where she was headed, she didn't quite know or care.


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Sun May 13, 2012 8:03 am

Even though the wet droplets had plummeted at a less tense rate, Oak had grown cold and starting to the scene that he was beginning to shiver. He raised his head more, taking in deep breathes under a tree where water ran the least. Honey... Honey, with no luck could he smell the sweet and sticky concoction under the debris and weather. Starclan was obviously not on his side for protecting the clan he had betrayed.

With a small sniffle, he stopped dead in his tracks, brining in the unfamiliar scent of a loner, or rogue. His long, ginger fur gripped against the bark of the tree as he had slid against the trunk to hide himself against the forest. This is a twoleg forest, Oak, You'll have no problem with a pitiful weakling falling in your path, His breath for some reason raised in the misty air.

OOC: I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm NKninja, Or NK, Or Ninjakaosu... It's continuous of words!

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Sun May 13, 2012 9:19 pm

Shymoon sniffled and shook her damp fur, chilled to the bone with a threatening frostbite. Never had she been actually caught in a downpour such as this without protection from a warm den with sheltering moss entrances. The rain was lightening but she still felt slow and queasy from the slick grounds to the miserable, clingy feel of her pelt. How puny she was, a frail wisp of a she-cat with crying blue eyes. "I'm so dizzy," she murmured, the world swirling and dancing around her like a wicked, taunting crow out of her reach. "Maybe if I lay down again," she thought dreamily, her stomach in turmoil as she heaved up nothing but air. Before she had any time to think whether to lie or to continue up the hill, the mud currenting downhill forced her uphill travel to a clashing stop. Swept off her feet, Shymoon was engulfed in darkess before she even struck the ground, mud enclosing her.

OOC: Heyo, I'm Sprite. Nice tuh meet you. :3

Last edited by Sprite on Wed May 16, 2012 4:57 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Sun May 13, 2012 11:27 pm

Oak slowly revealed himself into the open after hearing a strong thud against the soggy earth. Adjusting his dilated eyes from the chilled rain. " Hello?" he mewed warily.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Mon May 14, 2012 2:37 am

Shymoon slid down the hill like a ghost, her limp, light body a feather in the downstream of relentless mud. Her white fur soon became overrun with with the dark substance, causing a murky color to stain her pelt.
She eventually came to a stop, the rain current easing and allowing her body to drift out of the mainstream. Mud still gushed around her, but gentler, only barely covering her.

OOC: Oak isn't a cannibal right? I've had that happen before. e.e

Last edited by Sprite on Wed May 16, 2012 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Mon May 14, 2012 8:09 am

OOC: Oh hell no! Your all good, No one's gonna nom nom nom on your cat's brains. Smile

IC: Oak sprang into action to the strange loner as the mudslide grew stronger downhill. His paws continuously got stuck in the soggy liquid, as he did a hunting leap, Jumping in front of Shymoon's unthoughtful direction. " Careful," He managed to rasp, gripping the limp and unconscious body from what he could tell was her scruff. He now intentionally dug his sheathed paws deep into the sulky earth to stop the momentum of the mudslide.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Tue May 15, 2012 3:21 am

(OOC: Phew. For a second there I was a bit worried Razz)

Breathing shallowly, her pale exhales mistily ascended to the sky.

(OOC: Dunno how to say any more for a KO'd kitteh .3. without including rainbows, bombs or spontaneous combustion of the lemon O-o. . .)


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Tue May 15, 2012 4:02 am

You can have your character only be in a daze, have her grumbling, maybe seeing flashes of white.. But dont make her move towards the light.. That's a nono!

IC: Oak struggled to remain in his place, the incline was getting sleeker, and the mud was strangely getting stronger. After a moment to swear under his breath, he unsheathed his claws to what distance he could reach with the increasing tension.
With a near jaw-breaking turn, he threw the she-cat, not much gently, but secure away from danger of the mudslide.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Rainpelt Tue May 15, 2012 5:47 am

OOC: May I jump in? Smile

IC: A dark shadow flitted around the area, emerald eyes glowing and watchful.

Posts : 832
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 27
Location : HERE! Where else? Well, I'm not really here, just vanished...

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2012 2:31 am

OOC: Of course Rain!

Shymoon temporarily became winded, a low moan escaping her throat as the ground met with her body.
A sickening pop sang through the air as the mud sunk in about a quarter mousetail under the impact. Soon after, her head and body strained up from the pasty, sap-like mud and her shady blue eyes fluttered open, a yowl waiting to tear free and panic blazing in her chest, but something tounge-tied her. Another cat! Her heart blitzed, trying to flee but her paws were ensnared in the dormant mud. She didn't dare yowl for help, for in fear the unknown cat would be fancied to the aggressive side, probably so considering the idea that he threw her over here. Wicked flames of anxiety dancing in her belly and fear engulfing her heart, she began to thrash about, realizing that even if the tomcat could get loose before her, she could flee into a nearby conifer with swift agility.
Shymoon's eyes widened with horror as the thought of being imprisoned to the solidifying mud, water teasingly pooling around her as the rain continued to toss the wind which way and that, chilling her, and the rain endlessly in a downpour upon them all. As she ceased, knowing her throwing herself a round is an action taken in vain, she began to watch the tom-cat via short, limited glimpses, making sure she never met eye-contact.

OOC: typos suck Dx

Last edited by Sprite on Wed May 16, 2012 4:52 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Rainpelt Wed May 16, 2012 3:01 am

OOC: Thankee, Sprite!

IC: The lithe walk showed plainly of a she-cat, a loner, an outcast from her Clan. Not that I mind, a faint smile appeared on the dark, ebony-hued face of the cat as if shook itself back and forth in thought. But, now I'm on my own. A deep sigh followed, and the smile flickered away with the fleeting thought.

Posts : 832
Join date : 2011-10-07
Age : 27
Location : HERE! Where else? Well, I'm not really here, just vanished...

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Wed May 16, 2012 3:34 am

with adrenaline beginning to throttle the ginger tom, Oak began to feel vulnerable. With the knowledge that his paws were stuck like glue, and that two suspicious she-cats were treading, he almost to began to panic. But he didn't want to call for help, his equivalence of failure. He sighed softly, adjusting his eyes again to the disgusting mud and rain.
His chest fur was plastered with the wet earth, as he struggled against the current like a salmon, his paws just barely coming in front of him for movement.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2012 5:00 am

OOC: I edited my previous RP to include my response. IDK why. Sorry for the confusion o3o


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Wed May 30, 2012 11:23 pm

OOC: It's okay there... And sorry for the late reply, I expected rain to..

IC: Oak, with another struggle of his weight, had finally got his front, left paw free. But that wouldn't have made much difference. His claws were singed into his paw from the increasing amount of layered mud, making him gain more trouble to gain grip on the sturdy and untouched land.
His pads began to feel scraped against a stone. With wincing pain and almost drawing blood, he still retaliated the urge to ask for aid. He could use the stone for better grip! And that's the only thing that mattered. After a moment, he got his other paw out of the mud, and soon enough his tail as well. The rain didn't help though, with the ice cold pellets dropping on him, his muscles began to feel numb and sore.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:45 am

OOC: Wow, so sorry guys. So much stuff going on I had forgotten about this!

Remaining a choked mute as the tom freed himself and resumed on his way, she desperately prayed to StarClan she would be able to somehow replicate his actions and break away from the watery grime sloshing around her paws that clobbered against her will and strength before another onslaught of a wretched mudslide began.
OOC: A bit awkwardly laid out there.. but nevertheless, it works.


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:42 pm

OOC: Wait... I recall her already being thrown away from the treacherous mudslide before Oak got himself stuck.

IC: Oak began to kick vigorously with his hind legs against the sopping mud and crumbling debris of tree branches leading into his path from the hill above. With the instinct of one leg finally being tangled out of the watery earth, he went into a hunting crouch, being sure he wasn't increasing weight on himself from letting go of the stone that maintained it. With fear that this tactic might not work, he pushed strongly on his front paws, and his other leg was freed in time of a large branch that could had squished him to a spite.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 2:56 am

OOC: The mistake of the exhausted.
I'm going to edit that later.


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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:53 am

OOC: Sure! It's no problem!

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

Post by NKninja Sat Aug 31, 2013 12:06 am

OOC: To the fact that this member is gone, the cat will disappear in progression with Oak.

A sigh of relief swept through Oak, his haunches aching and ready to give in now. Sweeping some mud out of his eyes, he turned to where the she-cat was. To his surprise, she was gone, even her scent smelled of moonrises old. Had he been imagining the cat? But it seemed so real, the smell, the touch. He gazed up at the dimmed sky, the clouds concealing the suns fixation in the air.
As he continuously set his sight on the clouds, he felt more at ease. Not in any way he felt before in many seasons.
"Starclan... If only I knew what this meant..." .. Could this be a second chance? Out of all I have done.. Deep inside, he felt that this wasn't true, that he was left to die as a murderer and a traitor. Yet, another side of him told him to take this, the last chance you will ever receive. Return to your birth clan. Save what is meant to be saved.
The rain began to douse down more and more, the black substance that enshrouded his orange pelt beginning to fall apart. Ignoring the pain he felt, and the confusion of the strange cat behind him, he stood, walking the direction he came. Home.

Posts : 1342
Join date : 2011-04-16
Age : 110
Location : In the DEATH WATER!!

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The Downpour Empty Re: The Downpour

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