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Snowhare in the shadows...

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Loki Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:38 pm

This world is ugly. However... not in these lands where justice is justice and death is death but where heartless creatures live. There are few who's eyes twinkle with what is left of their instincts but that is overwhelmed with the two-leg's true nature to carve and poison us. If we held just one of their capabilities they'd see us as a threat and kill us for their own desire, if they have already not done so. Are we really so insignificant to these vast tainted lands?

Carr flew, beady eyed and somewhat awkwardly above. His deathly talons flexing in the air.
"Is it true? Is it true?" He crowed angrily, "Have I been too blind an eye to notice it? Of course, of course..."
He turned with the wind to circle, a nest of young pigeons preparing for flight bellow.
"Nasty, dirty clawed killers steal young tom from the city?"
He began to dive.
The body of the pigeon collapsed under his powerful talons and the snap of broken wing could be heard as the other pigeon was shoved out of the was and fell clumsily down. The victim squeaked in pain.
Carr liked that. He let it struggle in vain and looked down to see the other wriggling violently on the dirt.
His black eyes regarded it for a moment but he turned his attention back to his current victim.

"I see a cruel world, Do you?" He hissed at it.
"Foul carrion!" It cried, "By law of Zakura you'll die, filthy bird of hel_"
"I be no real bird," Carr hushed him, eyes glinting with ecstasy, "I be your salvation, I be the black salvation of your blood, too."
He took note to look dreamily down at the pigeon on the ground who had curled up.
"I'll kill you," The pigeon cried.
"Pitiful one who's site is burdened by darkness..."
Carr let his talon squeeze until the fledgling was near death and plucked out his feathers eagerly, until he reached flesh.
The raven cocked his head and ate the tender flesh slowly.
when her felt the vital organs the pigeon had died; perhaps from shock and blood-loss.

Snowhare was lost. "I'm sure I followed them precisely," She mewed to herself, "I followed them and they did not attack me."
Snowhare had travelled this area of Abyssclan since the last gathering, it had been a moon since she had last seen the cats she was following.
She was a small, sleek and fairly pretty she-cat. Those who knew her well, were the ones who knew that she was a fast and determined she-cat. She feared little and was known for her devious attitude, a true Dewclan she-cat.
Her mother was killed by these cats, or that is what was said. When she had heard; she was angry.
She wanted to kill the Abbysclan scum who had done it. She had settled to find out about these Abbysclan cats and found that those who trespassed were killed. If their killer was an apprentice they would be made into a warrior.
or something like that, she thought half heartily.
So one would ask; "Why would one venture to these lands?"

Snowhare was sick of the weakness. She was sick of the mercy for those who deserved none.
She knew her mother had left for the comfy kitty pet life and had trespassed knowingly onto these lands, knowing the rules of these cats.
It is grim, but that is how it is!I want to join them and be feared and respected. I cannot be respected back there, I can learn strength here!

Snowhare's bright amber eyes flashed and ears pricked at the snapping of some twigs. She turned went South-east and stopped on an old track. This must be the boundary!
She was more amazed at the sight of a free meal.
A pigeon with broken wings, huddled against the cold at her paws.
She looked warily around her, scented it for poison or other cats and looked up to see a broken fall.
"You fell," She mewed to it and killed it by braking its back.
She began to pluck and eat. Stringy fledgling, It'll keep me going...

Carr had finished. His left overs were quite so ugly and it could only be recognized as a bird for its wing feathers were still intact. Carr looked out. He needed to find Despairingcall and tell him of his news.
He looked boredly down to see a she-cat eating the other pigeon.
At first he thought it was Cunningheart but this she-cat was smaller and sleeker compared to large and muscled.
He looked down intently. He hadn't seen her from Abbysclan and realized that he had ounce seen her in another clan's territory.

Snowhare was finishing up when she heard a loud horrible screech.
She looked around and saw a massive black raven closing in from above. Blood on his beak and beady eyes terrifying and rolling, claws out stretched...
Snowhare in the shadows... Snowhare_and_carr_by_iamswild-d4d8zvb
Snowhare was about to bolt but something kept her there. She stood staring as it came closer.
Her senses were screaming "RUN!" In her ear and as the birds talons were a mouse length from her face she reached up claws outstretched and thumped him hard on the wing, causing him to land clumsily and hop in shock. He hissed and she took no notice and jumped forward threateningly. His head bowed as he sized her but chose to jump and fly off hissing and crowing.

As she watched him go. She felt secretly proud. In her claws stuck his feathers...

Carr cursed terribly. His wing causing him irritation and his flight was terrible.
"She be getting away with a scratch, nasty she, Me go find master and tell all, say all- be all!"

(OOC: Please join in Smile I'm bored)

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:29 am

OOC: Whoa, just found this... She can follow the patrol back! Bitter and Fire are looking for the patrol, to clarify.

IC: Little to the knowledge of this she-cat, AND to the ones back at the 'ruin' of the AByssclan camp, Bitter, a Choosing of Abyssclan alongside Fire, another Choosing, were out hunting.
Bitter had a fair idea that something was amiss back at camp, but he didn't care too much for the gossip and relationships of the Clan - he was a Mender for Above's sake! He was below them in rank, better than some in strength, and above their rumors.
Fire, Bitter knew, was not above such things as he was training to be a Warrior of the Clan. Therefore he knows what's going on.
Usually Bitter would speak with Cold about these sort of things - but he and Dark had gone and in some corner of his mind, Bitter was sad for that - but Fire was rather intelligent, that much was certain. And oh, Bitter was curious.
"So, Fire," he mewed, twitching his brown-spotted tail, "we've eaten... Why are we headed to the border?"
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:38 am

OOC: We just kinda let this all drop, didn't we! scratch scratch scratch

IC: Fire's red ears flicked, amber eyes gleaming with anxiety. "Uh, maybe they need some help?... It's nearing mid-day, and they'll be nearer to the half-way point!" Poor, poor, poor... Bitter's no fool. Mender's kinda know things - like POWERFULS!
The Choosing sighed. "We just... need to see them. Let me leave it at that."


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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Loki Sat Nov 05, 2011 12:51 am

OOC: rofl
Snowhare looked up at the sound of voices. "Their here..." She mewed to herself.
she felt fear prick her fur and she began to pick her way towards them...

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Runfast Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:02 am

OOC: Where's Moanfang in all of this? He's not with the patrol, is he?

IC: Not too far off from the she-cat and the pair (OOC: That's a movie, lol), Loveless was padding amidst Cunningheart, Tigerfrost, Razorclaw and Snarlgag.
The tom was anxious for his friends back home, the plan, the risk, everything. He was just glad that Abyssclannians weren't too touchy about crossing the borders now and then - he stumbled more than usual because he wasn't paying attention.
Mostly, the Warriors talked, sang, or padded in silence. They were just so... normal. In his mind, Loveless had imagined the day being more... dramatic. Warriors being emotional, the heavens turning to fire, the forest vanishing in mist... Something...
Well, it's going to storm... On schedule. Loveless's thoughts were also awhirl with everything Sinface had told him - they being the heirs to the throne of Scourge? What's more, Scourge not giving a damn about them?
The latter was somewhat to be expected, but the former? Never, no, not in a billion seasons. And yet.
Loveless huffed as his twisted leg nearly caught again, lightly jumping to miss it the stone.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Loki Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:09 am

Snowhare hardly caught wind of the approaching patrol and was lucky she did.
She turned and charged up the tree where the Raven had come from and stayed watching from a
low branch, her tail flicking wearily.

OOC: *taps nose* you'll see soon, you'll see muhahaha *cough*

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Meany Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:16 am

The wind against them, the cats of Abyssclan rarely looked to their own territory for foreign scents and did not notice anything that would suggest her presence - but then, if she strayed too close they may.

Snarlgag and Razorclaw were at the sides of the patrol, ears swiveling to the other borders. Snarlgag was just saying,
"I find it interesting that the Clans take so many of their finest warriors away from their camps in the middle of the night. Why, Clans like us could just cross their territory, scent disguised, and steal prey as we pleased! The Gathering is obviously just another sign of how foolhardy their Starclan is."
"Yes," hissed Viletongue, "but you can't blame them for the fact they've only just a rear's lick and a tick for brains - or maybe you can!"
He burst out in his own eerie laughter, Snarlgag chuckling along.
"What do you think, Cunningheart?" Snarlgag asked. "Raids in the dark, or the Gathering?"

OOC: "Rear's lick and a tick" - © Meany Insults Corp.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:26 am

Cunningheart spared a dark amber glance to the toms and replied,
"Gatherings are good for information - but then, that's what spies are for, but if we knew things without attending Gatherings then the spies may be compromised..." She smiled. "But let the Clans chalk it up to our craftiness. A night raid sounds far more appealing."

Tigerfrost's pale eyes glittered.
"If Shadowstar agrees, I'd like to be part of the first prey-raid."
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:33 am

Fire's ears pricked. "Hey, I think I hear them!" The wind blew their scent the pair's way, so that was a help as well. He started towards the Abyssclan border - near the Battlefields, if you wanted to get specific.


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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Loki Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:37 am

Snowhare waited and after a moment decided that she would follow the patrol and be taken to their camp.
I'm fast so if it goes wrong...

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:41 am

Bitter sighed, letting the topic go for a time.
He was glad to hear that the patrol was near - maybe he'd get some answers.


Cunningheart nodded with her sly smile, wapping her former Choosing with her tail - then paused. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something move in the shadows of their territory.
Tigerfrost bared his teeth as he followed her gaze, seeing something move as well. "Must be some hunters...?"
They both knew it was unlikely.
Cunningheart shook her head. "Something else."

Bitter and Fire appeared from the brush. "Greetings, Warriors," Bitter dipped his head with his signature annoyed flick of the tail as he did so.

Cunningheart was still at the ready - something still seemed off.
Tigerfrost, however, relaxed. "Choosings," he greeted them. "Why are you here? Where are your mentors?"

Bitter flicked his tail to Fire.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Loki Sat Nov 05, 2011 1:58 am

Snowhare felt her heart pounding, as the warriors talked, she had jumped from the low branch into the bush bellow. She rasped her tongue over an untidy pelt and yawned irritably. I haven't slept much either....

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:05 am

Fire looked at the faces of the Warriors then spotted Loveless. He's in on it - I think he might have started it... "There's... Shadowstar needs you all back at camp." He hoped he sounded convincing, but what if the Servant tried to kill him here? Obviously the Servants had vastly unexpected help, so it was best not to risk it.


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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:18 am

OOC: Seriously, the Gathering is funny.

IC: Cunningheart's ears flicked. An order from Shadowstar was an order from Shadowstar, after all. "Why didn't one of the Servants deliver this message?"
Tigerfrost's ears pricked, but he glanced to the Dewclan border, noting a strange yet familiar scent. He'd ask in a bit.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:27 am

OOC: Agreed.

IC: Fire thought of a response. "The Servants are indisposed. And the King knew we'd get here faster."


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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Meany Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:35 am

Viletongue rolled his eyes.
Snarlgag sighed, "Let's get home... been a while anyways." He rolled his shoulders, looking to the darkclouds in the distance. "It'd be best to be at camp when the rains come, anyways."
Viletongue, for the first time, looked up at the sky. He cursed heartily and ended with a long hiss - he hated the rain!
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:58 am

Cunningheart's eyes narrowed - she still felt as though something was wrong with the territory, that something was there. But when Shadowstar called, she would answer.
"Lead on," she said with a tone of sarcasm. She didn't really care in this instance, but she was ready to head back to camp, to her den, to see everyone in a single place, the Powerfuls.

Tigerfrost fell in line, looking at Bitter. He remembered occasionally training alongside him, and that Bitter was so slippery in a fight that it was impossible to pin him - and when he got on top it was nearly impossible to flip him off.
Bitter looked back at the pale-eyed tom - he was a good fighter, quick-thinking, but impressionable. At least it's Cunningheart's cunning and Snarlgag's sense - if only he'd mimic his sense of leadership.

The group moved into their territory, taking to one of the oldest and quickest paths they knew that was near - it was about three seasons old when you thought about it, but the landmarks about it (and stars at night) were as old as time. They'd reach the camp at sundown at a sprint with a few breaks.

OOC: About five-seven hours from now.

The terrain was rough and littered, but it was basically straight if you knew where it was.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Runfast Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:05 am

Loveless sighed - everyone here met the average height or build of a Warrior and was fully capable of leaping over obstacles. The deformed tom really wasn't. But he'd have to try - live or die, fight or cry, all of that in Abyssclan.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Meany Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:47 am

Viletongue clawed the ground once, waggling his cat eyebrows at Snarlgag and the others.
Snarlgag clawed the ground in return and the two crouched.
"Right," he mewed, "whoever reaches the knoestige first." The 'knotty' was about a fourth up the hill - a creepy tree - and they were almost on the flatland. Racing in these circumstances were common, and the bragging rights lasted the rest of the night.

OOC: I think because they're scary and feared they have a right to sing songs and have races.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Sat Nov 05, 2011 6:58 am

OOC: Represent.

IC: Cunningheart rolled her eyes but she clawed the ground once, looking disinterested.
Tigerfrost, on the other paw, was all for it. "Best catch goes to the winner!" He fell into a crouch, nodding for Bitter to join in - but it was more likely Bitter would go against Fire since they were nearly the same rank.

Yeah, that was the case. Bitter was more thinking about going against Fire and Loveless (if that was any competition there) and maybe Tigerfrost, maybe. They'd see.
Bitter lashed his tail once, twice.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Loki Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:37 pm

Snowhare licked her lips and yawned, if they haven't noticed me yet then I'm safe... unless they don't care I'm here...
she scouted over to an over grown patch of grass.

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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 05, 2011 11:25 pm

Fire's ears pricked at the thought of a race - they'd get back sooner this way!
"Let's go," he crouched a bit, looking sidelonged at Bitter.


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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Meany Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:11 am

Viletongue took off without further word, Snarlgag on his heels.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Longstorm Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:13 am

Tigerfrost let out a yowl and took off after them, Bitter following Tigerfrost quite suddenly.
Meanwhile, Cunningheart took off at a leisurely lope - which was still rather fast when you took her size into account.
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Snowhare in the shadows... Empty Re: Snowhare in the shadows...

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:20 am

Regardless that he was attempting to lead a form of rescue - but is it really that? - Fire was still dismayed that Bitter had gotten a head start (such was the mentality of an Abyssclannian), and yowled as he took off after the herd.

With the group gone, a soft whisper filtered out of a hidden hole in the ground.
"Loveless.... Over here! Loooooveleeeess..."


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