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Stormpaw's training

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Stormpaw's training Empty Stormpaw's training

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:21 am

As soon as Ezziesong and Strompaw arrived Stormpaw culd smell many scents. The prey scents made his mouth water but they weren't here to hunt.
Ezziesong indicated with her tail for Stormpaw to walk ahead, Stormpaw padded over towards a tree. He turned and Ezziesong purred, "I want you to attack me."
Stormpaw's eyes widened, "Why you? Your my friend."
Ezziesong sighed, "Just pretend I'm not your friend," She lowered herself to the ground, "I'm a ferocious rogue, I have spotted you on your own,"

Stormpaw quickly ducked down, he could imagine Ezziesong as a nasty rogue, he charged at her, claws unsheathed. However, he wasn't fast enough, Ezziesong managed to swerve and batted him along. Her claws hwever were sheathed. Stormpaw landed heavily on the ground.
Ezziesong meowed firmly, "In a real battle you unsheathe your claws, you don't do that when your training. Also, your moving too slowly, try moving your legs swiftly and stretch them out so you can take a bigger leap."

Stormpaw took her advice, he felt like he was flying, he used his paw to attempt a blow at Ezziesong's face, but she backed away. Then she used a full body blow, knocking him off balance.
"You need to plan ahead before you strike, but don't take too long. A real enemy would strike you with no warning, they won't give you a second chance."

Stormpaw got to his feet, he looked around, trying to see the best place to hit Ezziesong. He ran at her again, If I slide under her then attack her stomach, I may be able to give her a surprise attack that way. Stormpaw slid but Ezziesong jumped further, she pushed him along with her forepaw and he slid until he hit a rock.
Ezziesong purred, "Your eyes gave you away, Try again."

Stormpaw charged at Ezziesong, she stepped aside but Stormpaw was ready for that, he jumped to his paws and jumped onto her back. He went to go for a bite to her neck but Ezziepaw rolled onto her back. Stormpaw fell off and moved out of the way before jumping onto her exposed stomach.

"Excellent job." Ezziesong purred, Stormpaw didn't budge, soon he jumped off her and ran until he was the oppisite side of her. Ezziesong got to her feet immediately, "Now, it's my turn." She meowed firmly.
Stormpaw gulped, he knew that he had to defend himself, just as Ezziesong had done.

Without warning Ezziesong charged towards him, he noticed that she was heading for his neck. Ezziesong went to give a blow with her paw, Stormpaw ducked, then rammed his head into her chest. It didn't stop Ezziesong, she swirled out and gave him a hit to the back of his legs. That caused him to fall over, frustrated he waited, Ezziesong ran to get his stomach, but Stormpaw managed to gain enough strength to kick up and hit her off him.

She ended up skidding until she hit the same rock he did. Stormpaw got to his feet, Ezziesong looked like she was dead. He raced over, his heart pounding. He looked at her closely, he noticed a flash in her eyes, she wasn't dead and he made the biggest mistake ever. Ezziesong as quick as an adder used her paw to get his neck.
"Don't always suspect your enemy wont fight if you get close enough."
Stormpaw growled, "But, I thought I killed you."
Ezziesong purred, "Did you honestly think the rock hit me that hard?"
Stormpaw lowered his head, he noticed a little cut on her left flank where she hit the rock, "Your bleeding!" Stormpaw gasped.
"That's nothing." Ezziesong replied.
"Shouldn't you go to Glaciercloud to see if it wont get infected?"
Ezziesong replied quickly, "It isn't and wont get infected, I'll just clean it and should be OK."

Stormpaw's gaze lowered, "I just thought."
Ezziesong replied, "You fought well, now how about you go and see about catching some prey? I noticed you were distracted by the smells."
Stormpaw looked up, his eyes shone with excitement, "Really? OK!" He bounded off, Ezziesong called out, "Wait for me. I need to be with you."

Ezziesong watched as Stormpaw crouched, he was down wind from a thrush. With one leap he caught the prey and killed it swiftly, "Well done." Ezziesong purred. She winced as she went to take a step towards him. The wound hadn't stopped bleeding and it was swelling up, red and raw.
Stormpaw flinched, he wished he could be a mentor to Ezziesong and tell her to go back to camp and straight to Glaciercloud, but he couldn't.

After the two had finished, they came back with a mouse and two thrushes.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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