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CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S

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CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S  Empty CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S

Post by Longstorm Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:01 pm

How far have we gone?
In an effort to follow the main group, Gingerleaf, and TawnyClan cats with kits had gone up a separate mountain path. They had hoped it would be an easier one for the young kits.
But as high up in the mountains as they had been, a blizzard had struck. They'd taken a path that was protected, but it seemed to be for naught.
Now Gingerleaf had no idea where they were, snow still beating down outside of their little den they had crammed into.

OOC: Since Fossy isn't here, here's Hollypaw of Dewclan, apprentice to Daystar.

Hollypaw looked around the cramped den in dismay. She felt like she was on the verge of having one of her famous outbursts, but the cold seemed to be keeping her mouth shut. Thankfully, I guess.
She sighed heavily through her nose, fluffing up her tortoiseshell fur against the cold.
Here I am with Tawnyclanners and a Darkclanner. Why, Starclan, why? It had been rather interesting, she knew, to see so many cats so all of the Clans together at one time. To see how different they all were yet they were united under a common dream.
How Darkclanners were all so stocky and broad-chested, how Cityclan seemed to be constantly shedding, how varied Abyssclan was, and how long in body and in claw Tawnyclan was.
But I could be on the way to becoming a warrior right now, defending my Clan, training with Daystar.
She sighed again.

Gingerleaf flicked his ears irritably at the apprentice's constant sighing. Dewclanners, he thought nastily. He looked over at the Tawnyclan mated pair and their four sleeping kits. Crazy, having them all here.
He looked out at the snow again, trying to see something, anything through the blinding snow.

Last edited by Longstorm on Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S  Empty Re: CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S

Post by Guest Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:01 am

OOC: Since Fossy isn't here, Redkit is MIIINE! Twisted Evil
IC: Garnetheart forged ahead, clearing a path of the snow bounds for his mate and kits. Narrowing his eyes against the unforgiving icy wind, he turned back to call encouragement to his family.
"If we were in Tawnyclan right now, we'd be curling up inside a nice warm den!" Pigeonwing shouted furiously, as if thinking the weather might offer her some solace. "What was Starclan thinking, putting us through all this?!"
Silverkit, the largest of the litter, took it as a sign to start complaining as well. Soon all four kits were yowling and lamenting.
"Be quiet," Garnetheart hissed, one of the few times the fatherly, loving tom had lost his temper. "I need to comcentrate and get us out of this blizzard."
"But we're co-o-old," Silverkit whined, stretching the last word.
"And hungry," Redkit added.
"So is your father," the white-and-ginger tom said, using what he assumed to be a patient mew. "Aha, I think I see something."


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CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S  Empty Re: CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S

Post by Longstorm Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:26 pm

OOC: I'm assuming he sees the Ice-Shell Willow. Tee-hee, this is actually fun.

IC: Gingerleaf had flattened his ears against all of the complaining - or maybe it was just the cold?
"What do you see," he finally wrenched his frozen mouth open.

Hollypaw, following, didn't hear the yowled conversation.
Why did we leave that small den, she wondered.

OOC: EDIT: Since we're on a tight schedule and all - I want to get to the next Full Moon before Christmas.

IC: Gingerleaf strode forward, his large, fluffy paws accustomed to the treacherous snow.
Past the thick snowflakes and freezing wind that made his eyes water, the ginger tom could swear there was something different.
"What..." He picked up the pace, really trying to focus, if only his eyes would stop watering, the faster he reached it the better, and WOW it's cold - BAM!
Gingerleaf, warrior of Darkclan, had walked smack into an odd shell of ice, and earned himself a nosebleed.
"Ergh..." He licked his nose, wincing at the taste of blood. His green eyes narrowed while he was trying to see past the ice. "Guyvs, I fink -" he sneezed blood, "I fink fere's shelterr in dere." He licked his nose again.

Hollypaw had run after Gingerleaf when he'd taken off - and burst into purrs when she realized what happened to him.
But past her giggling, her ears pricked at the word 'shelter'. "Where - in there? How?!?! There's no way inside!"

OOC: To anyone reading this who knew the Rebellion of Darkclan: Gingerleaf wasn't a part of that, and he wouldn't know about the Ice-Shell Willow.
Also - yes, GH, I will pay you for RPing your charries, don't fuss.

IC: Gingerleaf looked back at the she-cat apprentice and shrugged. "Fere bust de a way in."

Pigeonwing and Garnetheart had caught up with the wild Darkclan tom - "What was he thinking," hissed Garnetheart. "We have kits - it's not like we can abandon them."
But when Hollypaw explained there may be shelter, the Tawnyclan tom joined in the search for an opening.

Hollypaw in her nimble ways had jumped up strange, twisted roots that reminded her of how Daystar had described Tawnyclan. She sniffed around them even though she knew the wind and ice would hide any scent rather well.
But what she did pick up was a surprise. ...Warm air and cats?
Hollypaw felt around with her whiskers - and there it was.
"UP HERE!!!"

OOC: To be continued in another post...
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S  Empty Re: CLOSED Lost in the Frost - QUESTER'S

Post by Longstorm Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:07 am

OOC: Here we are.

IC: Pigeonwing, Garnetheart, their kits, and lastly Gingerleaf, quickly followed. The older cats worked together to get the small, frozen kits to the top of the strange root. There was a strange, bark-like covering over what might have been an opening in the thick ice shell.
"Come on," Garnetheart snarled, clawing at it. Thankfully, it slid aside after only a few moments of effort. The difference of temperature was noticeable. "Come on," he sounded like a deputy.
Gingerleaf said nothing, taking a kit he was offered by a weary Pigeonwing.
Hollypaw looked like she might protest, but she followed Gingerleaf quickly.

When everyone was inside the dark, warm shell, Garnetheart went ahead and searched for a way off of the root.

OOC: Continued here
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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