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Back at camp...

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Back at camp... Empty Back at camp...

Post by Guest Wed May 11, 2011 9:22 am

Cliste led the wolves back in. She swished her tail at the entrance of the nursery den and called, "Smoke! Jnemmu! Anamacha! We're back!"
Anamacha looked out.
"Where's Fierie?" he asked.
"She's tracking Shadow, the traitor!" Cliste spat out the last word.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:23 pm

Smoke padded out, still upset he couldn't go.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
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Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Loki Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:49 pm

Iki yawned. "Suki, I don't like this place its boring, why can't we carry on traveling?"
Suki sighed, "For great wulf's sake!" he flattened his ears in fear, she sighed and smiled
indignantly at him. "Life has changed perhaps for the better." He cocked his head at her.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Sat Jun 04, 2011 3:19 am

Cliste's ear twitched, but she didnt go over to Iki.
"Well, since Fierie's out, I suggest that you all start eating. I'll be doing the distribution."
OOC: I'll play Blueshadow's wolves for now.
IC: Jnemmu, the pregnant wolf, stepped out slowly, followed by Anamacha. Lasair went up to Cliste at the last sentance."Hey, you can't do that, you're just a Sigma!"
before Lasair could blink Cliste was on top of him, her claws an inch from his face. "Did Fierie put you in charge here? I'll bet you when she comes back that she'll bring my rank up to Epsilon, now that Shadow's dead."
"Shadow? What happened?" Jnemmu asked.
Lasair explained quickly to his mate while he kept one vigilant blue eye on Cliste as she tore up the prey.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:12 pm

Smoke grumbled, "I'm not hungry." But his stomach growled, saying otherwise.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Loki Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:04 am

Iki and Suki looked at each other and tucked into the lil' deer.
Suki looked up, "Even so, there was no proof the black dogs dead,"
He might have taken it as a chance to go off and find some she-desperate in heat."

Iki licked his lips, "Whats to gain in doing that? There's food here, I wouldn't leave."
Suki smiled and nipped his ear, he drew back with a yelp of surprise, "Idiot," She cursed
,"Some lifeless male wolves go off for... a little fun."
"Oh..." Iki barked dumbly.
Suki drew a back paw across her left ear and went on. "Its possible... He'd be braking
Wulf law if he came back after mating and leaving a pregnant wolf alone to defend for herself."
"You defended for your self though, didn't you?" Iki looked in curiosity.
"There is a difference, especially with new born pups, most ditched she-wolves turn to cannibalism."
"Could we prove adultary?" Iki pressed.
"Is possible, now shut up and eat."

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:20 pm

Lasair sat discontentedly with Jneummu, with his small but still reasonable share of meat. He pushed some of his share to Jnemmu, murmuring, "You need it more."
Jnemmu was about to grab the meat when painful convulsions seized her. "Oh no! The pups are coming!"
Anamacha turned as he heard Jnemmu howl. "Uh oh, any mothers in the pack?"
"None still alive." Lasair reported. "Except Fierie, but she's out."
"Okay," From what little knowledge of birth she had, Cliste took control. "Alright, Jnemmu, you may feel like pushing, but don't. Oh, and stop trying to eat." She sighed in exasperation as Jnemmu dropped the meat.
(Let's skip all the bloody stuff)
Four hours later, Jnemmu had given birth to two young pups.
OOC: I'll make the bios later.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:12 pm

When Jnemmu howled, Smoke quickly took cover behind Lasair. Once the pups were born, he crawled over towards them, sniffing the small scrapes as they lay beside their mother. They're so cute. He thought to himself.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Loki Tue Jun 07, 2011 1:33 am

Suki pushed Iki away, "Go chase some leaves," She had said before the birthing had started.
It was now over and Iki came galloping back like a fat shire horse.
He had his tongue flopping out and bright amber eyes shone madly.

"You back so soon?" Suki barked in sarcastic annoyance. Iki was always an amiable wolf, doing everything with alacrity. Suki losing interest in the new born pups lay a little way from the others,Iki asked if he could lay with her and she nodded with acquiesce.

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Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:07 pm

Cliste came over, nosing the pups with her snout. "Two strong males to-be to join our strong and powerful pack." she announced, imitating Fierie's arrogant tone. "This one will be named-"
"STOP!" Lasair growled. "They're our pups, remember? So we name them. This one is Berri. And this one..."
"Is Tufts." Jnemmu finished.
Cliste growled, but kept her temper as she escorted the pair to the nursery.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:49 pm

Curious, Smoke watched as the pups and their parents were escorted to the nursery, He muttered under his breath, "Welcome berri and Tufts." It was so quiet no one could hear, Smoke made sure no one knew that he did have a soft spot for pups. And soon... I no longer will be a pup, and I can go explore with the others and... He broke off as his excitement overtook him, but he made sure he showed no emotion.

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Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:46 pm

Cliste finished tearing up the meat, which had been abandoned when Jnemmu had given birth. "Alright, Anamacha, you're in charge of cleaning up the cave floor."
"WHY ME?" Anamacha complained.
"Because..." Cliste cut off as a white shape appeared at the entrance of the cave. "Fierie! You're back! HAve you found the traitor?"
Fierie shook her head wearily. "No. No sign of him. Tomorrow, I want you and Lasair to look for him. Anamacha, get to that floor cleaning."
Anamacha groaned, then crouched to lick the blood from the stone floor.
"Disgusting!" Jnemmu commented, only adding to Anamacha's feelings of disgruntled-ness(or whatever its called)


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:15 pm

Smoke then said in a complaining tone, "How much longer until I'm not a pup?" He was sick of being treated like one.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:15 am

OOC: Honestly, i hav no idea.
IC: Anamacha, finished with his floor cleaning, padded silently to bhis sleeping corner. Everyone else was already asleep except for Fierie, who was sitting on her ledge watching him lick the blood and organs and stuff from the floor (which has dirt on it!)
She came after him, walking with him until they reached their nests.
"Goodnight." Anamacha murmured. To his surprise, Fierie replied, "Night."


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:22 pm

((Let's just say Smoke is a moon off of being too old for a pup, OK?))
Smoke sighed, then thought, Maybe I could explore more of our home? He almost jumped with joy, then thought, Once no one notices... I'll sneak out... then I can roam about and explore myself.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:05 am

Smoke... Smoke...
Fierie was having a pretty restless night. Smoke, not the pup, but really thick gray smoke, curled up from the ground. Flames crackled and licked the walls of the cave. An acrid smell hit Fierie's nose and made her choke. she swung her head back and forth, seeing no one else in the cave but her. Except....
A dark gray shadow, even darker than the smoke, was standing on the ledge where she usually gave announcements. The wolf glared down and her and snarled, "You see what you did, Beta? The pack is falling, and you know that."
"No..." Fierie stumbled back. "Storm?"
"The night you decided to switch paths was the night the pack was set on the road to fall." Storm growled. "You can't tame fire; you can't even control it. Now look what you did. The pack will go down in flames."
"You're lying!" Fierie howled. "Fire CAN be controlled, you were just too scared to try!"
"Sometimes fear is what stops you from doing something stupid." Storm said softly. "And who better to know that than one who had to suffer at the paws of your project?"
"The pack needs strong, capable leaders."
"Are you one?"
"Of course!"
Storm shook his head. "Oh, no. A good leader sees the light and the darkness. There is no good or bad, only order and chaos, and ome example of those that seek chaos is YOU."
Furious, Fierie leapt at the old Alpha. He ducked and lunged up to shove fierie sideways. "Think about it. I'm not stopping you from being alpha. But the flames, Fierie! Beware the flames!"

It was morning when Fierie woke up. She glanced at the ledge, terrified of seeing Storm glaring down at her again.
Is it possible, Fierie thought, feeling a chill deep inside her, that Storm is HAUNTING me?


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:53 am

By the time it was morning, Smoke had snuck out without anyone noticing.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:14 pm

The first rays of sunlight woke Lasair, and he turned to nudge his mate as was his habit. He stopped as his snout brushed empty air, and remembered that his mate was staying in the nursery now.
Anamacha felt Lasair's thick pelt move, and he opened his moss green eyes. He padded forward, stretching his legs. One of his legs touched something fluffy, and he turned to see Fierie sitting on her spot. The fur on her shoulders ruffled as if a storm was happening in her fur.
"Are you okay, Fierie?" Cliste asked, nudging the Alpha.
Still she didn't move.
Jnemmu woke up, gaping her jaws in a huge yawn. She stood up abruptly, wrenching her pups painfully from her teats. They mewled pitifully and pawed at the air, trying to get back to warmth and milk.
But Jnemmu was looking around the nursery, and as she ran around the small space her heart beat faster than it ever had.
"STORM'S GONE!" she howled.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:46 pm

Berri began whimpering as he stayed by his brother, confused as to why he was suddenly seperated from his mother.

Last edited by ezziesong on Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:47 am

ezziesong wrote:Berri began whimpering as he stayed by his sister, confused as to why he was suddenly seperated from his mother.
OOC: BROTHER!!!!!!!!!! NOT SISTER!!!! Evil or Very Mad
IC: Fierie, Cliste, Anamacha and Lasair bounded into the nursery. "WHAT?!" Fierie demanded, the first thing she'd said all morning. "When did you last see him?"
"He was here when I went to sleep." Jnemmu reported. "But when I woke up his nest was empty and slightly
"Then go FOLLOW him!" Fierie barked at Lasair. "Take Cliste and the two other wolves too, and GO! With the threat about those cats in our mountains, it better be soon!"
Lasair got to his feet and sniffed Smoke's nest. "I have the scent." he announced. Then he bounded out of the cave without waiting for anyone to follow. Cliste followed after him.

Last edited by garnetheart on Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Weird mistake....)


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:44 pm

((Ah! *Tears out hair in panic* Sorry... I'll change it. pale ))
Berri squeaked out, in attempt to get his mother back.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 3:26 am

The only wolves left in the cave now were Fierie, Anamacha, Jnemmu and the two pups.
"What do we do now?" Anamacha asked.
"Lick the floor?" Fierie suggested sarcastically. "I want you to keep watch outside, in case those cats come near our cave. And I'm going to sit over there watching YOU."
Anamacha (can wolves roll their eyes?) sighed.
OOC: time to unleash the writer side!
IC: Like a chick about to fledge, Tufts crawled out from his mother's nest. His eyes and ears sealed shut, he raised his tiny snout to sniff the air. There was the familiar scent of milk, but where?
He dragged himself to where the milk scent got stronger. He heard nothing of the argument. He just found Jnemmu, his milk mother, once again, and felt her lie down. He came forward to lotch on, sucking and sucking the milk. With every mouthful of the rich milk, whatever little worry he had felt before melted away.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:22 am

((I would pressume so if the cats can why not wolves?)). Berri squeaked, Then he too followed the scent of milk. He tried to push past his brother to be warm again. With a final squeak, he latched on.

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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:44 am

OOC: Let us be starting a new topicz.
IC: Fierie watched the pups suckle, sighing. Maybe everything was only just a dream.


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Back at camp... Empty Re: Back at camp...

Post by Ezziestar Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:50 am

((I feel awkward with starting new topics... could you open a new topic?))
Berri quickly drifted to sleep, comforted with his brother and his mother around him.

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