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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Wed May 18, 2011 8:31 pm

Reaverfury walked through the grass his large paws pressing deep as his deep yellow eyes roved over the border. The Black cat was a sight to behold a Big cat a head taller than any other that walked the clans with large paws, powerful shoulders, and thick muscled jaws. His snout pressed further out than normal and his teeth were thicker and sharper. He yowled loudly to the sky his whole body shaking with raw power.

Reaverfury turned his head waiting for someone to answer his challenge then continued walking. He looked at the sky as rolling black and gray clouds rolled in and thunder boomed loudly with great forks of lightning raging through the sky. The Tom stared at the sky as sheets of rain fell down soaking him quickly making his sleek black fur stick even closer revealing the full height and strength of the Black cat.

Reaverfury stared at the storm and let out another yowl as if challenging nature itself to cross his territory where he would be waiting. His eyes burned into the sky as long thick claws dug into the soaked grass before he turned flicking his thick sleek tail and walking his Border.


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Loki Wed May 18, 2011 10:45 pm

OOC: I'll join you with my lil' she-cat.

The storm seemed to hiss angrily at Reaverfury's challenge. Instead it took out its anger wildly at the marsh marigold and woundwort.
The dried up plants broke away while the stronger ones stood their ground, the tree branches began to groan. The Dewclan marshes were going to turn back to normal, becoming marshes again not just mud lands. This would make the cats of dewclan strong.

The thickets near Reaverfury rustled abnormally in the storm and revealed Snowhare. The white fair she-cat looked a little beaten.
She looked at Reaverfury with little more than discontent and was disheartened to find that none of the missing cats were with him. She flattened her ears and fully revealed herself, wordlessly padding towards him. Her pelt was almost immediately soaked through. Instead of revealing powerful muscle it showed a fine structure and muscle only visible to the shoulders and hind quarters. Her side was not known for unbelievable fighting but unbelievable speed, she made good use in distracting or causing diversion.

She looked up to Reaverfury with familiarity, her dusty amber eyes squinted against the rain, before she spoke;"We should go back to camp."

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 3:36 am

Reaverfury didn't even bother looking to see who it was for the direction of the wind carried her scent to his nose. He turned his head when she appeared noting how big he was compared to her and the rest of the cats. "The storm has just started, why would we leave! There is nothing more beautiful than the power of Nature. We are nature as well and we are strong warriors of Dewclan and we fear no one. I fear nothing."

He turned flicking her ear with his tail as he walked along the border his body moving with feline grace as he bent down to sniff and mark territory. He froze as he spotted a Squirrel hiding beneath a bush on the Border a smile on his face as he slid into a stalking position moving slowly forward his Golden eyes locking his prey as he charged the squirrel turned and ran only to lie dead a few pawsteps later. Reaverfury stood up holding the dead squirrel and muttered a thanks for it's life. That was when he noticed he was on the wrong side of the Border.


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 11:02 am

Jayleaf carried a bundle of catmint and tansy. The herbs were a mixture of sweet and bitter, creating a very strange scent. The blue-gray tabby padded along the border, thinking about the cats that had disappeared. Why would they disappear? Did something happen? Was Starclan involved? His mind whirled with thoughts. Jayleaf pricked up his ears when he heard a rustle. He bounded over to the sound, and saw Reaverfury on the other side of the border-with a squirrel in his jaws. He eyed the warrior with suspicion, then mewed, "Why are you on that side? I thought your were Dewclan?"


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Loki Thu May 19, 2011 5:21 pm

Snowhare found her fur bristle with frustration and she hissed, "Self-cantered tom," She looked more worried then angry, "What if you caught a cold, black cough or injured yourself? It'd be fine then wouldn't it?" She spat angrily and regarded Jayleaf disappeared into the thicket.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Thu May 19, 2011 6:34 pm

Reaverfury walked over the border and eyed Jayleaf dropping the Squirrel. "It was right on the border and I thought it be a good snack for the Kits. I remember how much I loved a juicy Squirrel as a kit now come on bring those herbs and I will escort you back to camp." He picked up his prey and bounded forward his large paws thudding in the wet grass as the rain ceased to a drizzle and the clouds moved off to the west.

Reaverfury slowed down so he could keep pace with the smaller cat not wanting to leave him far behind. "Come on Jayleaf your too slow I want to get there before my fur is gray." He moved back and playfully began to push Jayleaf faster from behind as he chuckled around the squirrel.


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Fri May 20, 2011 11:01 am

OOC: Your grammar is teeny bit off, Grimclaw.

IC: Jayleaf grunted as he got pushed. He turned his head at Reaverfury, glaring at him with two orbs of emerald flame. "I can walk faster if I want, thank you." he mewed. His voice was muffled by the herbs in his mouth. He padded faster this time, quickly making his way through the forest. "See if you can catch up." he meowed to the younger tom.


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 7:19 am

OOC: I work during the night sleep during the day and I am tired when I post. Your lucky your getting length.

Reaverfury chuckled as he leaped forward clearing the distance between the two and walked with long strides quickly outdistancing Jayleaf. "Come on Elderleaf. Maybe it's time you moved to the elders den your getting slow". Reaverfury laughed and ran forward dissapering into the tall grass. He leaned down watching Jayleaf making sure he was down wind so the other cat couldn't smell him as he waited. Reaverfury's eyes lit up as he stalked the other cat like prey moving slowly, precise, and with single purpose.

Reaverfury got around behind Jayleaf and silent as a shadow he leaped from the tall grass paws extended with his claws sheathed as he let out a yowl right before he would slam gently into Jayleaf. From there he would skip around and sit down grinning playfully the squirrel still hanging in his jaws. "Hey do you think we will be going to the Gathering tonight?"


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 8:36 am

If he used that energy to fight and hunt, he'd beat hundreds of cats and catch loads of prey. Jayleaf kept pace with Reaverfury. "You don't have to walk so quickly." he mewed. A bit after some more walking, the blue-gray tabby heard "Come on Elderleaf. Maybe it's time you moved to the elders den your getting slow". "Hey, I'm not that old!" he was still younger than Daystar for Starclan's sake! Suddenly, he was slammed into the ground, face first. When Jayleaf got up, his mouth was stuffed with copper leaves. He spat them out and replied to Reaverfury's question. "Maybe, maybe not."


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Sat May 21, 2011 11:52 am

Reaverfury helped Gather the plants and herbs for Jayleaf and gave them back. "Why wouldn't we go to the Gathering? All clans go to the Gathering it's where we give thanks to Starclan, If we don't go aren't we asking for the wrath of our ancestors?" He tilted his head staring at the Medicine cat though he was large and powerful he was still young barley out of apprenticeship and new to the ways of the clans. "I wonder if the other clans are going, Oh I wonder if Abyssclan will be there? Jayleaf was there a vision to Daystar about not going to the Gathering?l"

He sat down letting the Medicine cat catch up as his big paws pressed hard on the soft grass his curiosity begging to be quenched by knowledge from Jayleaf.


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Sun May 22, 2011 3:02 am

Jayleaf took the herbs and padded along. "I know, we must go to the Gathering. Daystar just hasn't announced who's going yet." his eyes darkened. What's up with Daystar? He looked back at Reaverfury. "And no, we don't go to Gatherings to give thanks to Starclan. We go to Gatherings to meet with the other Clans and it is where Leaders give news on their own Clan." He pondered on the warrior's question. A vision? No. "No, I haven't had a vision. Not in a long time..." he left it as he gazed up at the clear blue sky.


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Thu May 26, 2011 2:51 pm

Reaverfury shrugged as he picked up his squirrel and continued walking his large paws pushing deep into the mud as his senses strained to keep a look out everywhere for any sign of extra prey or a enemy. "Ok so we don't honor Starclan fine but we should still go to the Gathering. I mean Daystar hasn't even decided who was going in fact no one has seen much of our leader.....Is he sick?" Reaverfury turned his head looking back at Jayleaf.

Reaverfury dropped his catch and slid down into the hunters crouch moving silently before the last moment he leaped his muscles rippling down his body as his powerful claws knocked the rabbit to the earth his thicker fangs snuffing out the life of the fat rabbit. He turned dragging it back and set it down. " Are you hungry Jayleaf?"


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Out for a walk. (Open to any cat) Empty Re: Out for a walk. (Open to any cat)

Post by Guest Thu May 26, 2011 3:20 pm

"No, and even if I was, that prey should go to the Elders, Queens and kits." Sadness shot through Jayleaf as he thought of Bramblekit and Tigerkit, his cousins. He jumped over a log, then noticed some cobwebs and moss under it. The blue-gray tabby tom nipped the cobwebs off, then picked up the moss. He then continued on his way, side by side with Reaverfury. The trees rose up on both sides of him. Leaves littered the ground, a mixture of copper, red and gold. The ground was rich brown. Out of the corner of his eye, Jayleaf saw a slithering movement in the leaves. He nudged Reaverfury. "Snake." he whispered quickly.


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