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The day after the gathering

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The day after the gathering Empty The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:34 pm

It was the day after the gathering, and Tawnyclan were all lazily lolling about in the heat of the sun.
Wolffang flicked his ear and yawned, flies caused his fur to twitch and his icy blue eyes watched out
of the camp clearing. "Morning," Mewed Strikefast, Wolffang opened his eyes and looked down to the
Lean flamy tabby tom. "Greetings," He mewed.
The day was hot and Wolffang had lay under a shadowed ledge away from the heat. The floor was sandy
and cool, it felt good. "Strikefast? what a hot day it is!? Its only just turned new leaf..."
"Yes, well... The snow is melting fast, we better be careful of flooding."
"Who are them Mudbloodclan cats did you know?"
"I know about as much as you," Wolffang replied, "But I don't thing whatever their up to its going to be good."
"I see."

Lokistar was stretched out on the high log, Sinewpaw by her side. "Its so hot!" He mewed, his mind confused by
the earlier dream. "Yes, it is," replied Lokistar, "So why are we not going hunting my son?"
Sinewpaw screwed up his face, "um... Because prey won't be out?"
"Yes, the heat is too hot for them, so they'll be in, hiding. Add to the fact we have a large stash of prey so hunting
for a few days is not a priority."
"Yes... Are you hungry?" Sinewpaw mewed on the conversation of food.
"little, bring something we can share?" She mewed affectionately butting him.
The young tom jumped down and fetched a rabbit.
They dug in, It was sweet and due to the winter it was one of those who had begun to put weight back on.
Lokistar enjoyed its taste and dug in, her son contently watching. Solarsotrm says there'll be a storm through these hot days."
Sinewpaw mewed.
"There will, And the melt will be worse then we could hope..."

Tigerflame was with Rainstorm and Mosspaw, Rainstorm making quotes on when the best time to hunt was and what to do
in a bad situation, Tigerflame laid his ears back against this severe dei-ja-vu.
He yawned. His tail swished lazily. "Want to go to the stream?" He mewed to the warrior and his apprentice.
The sream in face ran through the side of the Tawnyclan camp, herbs grew there so the Tawnyclan medicine cat
could be lazy as well. Normally when there were many apprentice' they were taught how to water these herbs and the grass around the camp, they perhaps were the only clan who would 'farm' their herbs. It was Lokistars idea, although she was Lokiheart back then.
Tawnystar thought she was a fool but it worked. In hot days like this the Tawnyclan cats would just mess around in the stream and do as they pleased, sometimes small fish swam down it, they were too small to eat, perhaps as a snack but nothing to feast upon, Seen as these cats were no good at fishing. It was already that Nightail and Solarstorm were
by the stream.

They flicked the water happily at each over and pushed the other into the water.

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:26 pm

Swiftstirke padded around enjoy the new leaf.


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Runfast Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:57 pm

Mosspaw glanced around, thinking about the dream she'd had the night before.
Well, Starclan was Starclan, and if they said she had to go, then she had to go. She looked around, making sure no one was watching (they were too busy playing), and she slipped away.

OOC: Yeah, we're not at the stream, but she needed to go...
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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:00 pm

Sinewpaw watched Mosspaw go, his own thoughts itching his pelt. "Mother, I need to go... um... I ate a bad mouse and its passing through meeee_" He bolted out into where the cats normally made dirt, Lokistar stared wide eyed at him, embarrassment and amazement flickering in her eyes. Is he mine....? She thought sarcastic.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:38 am

Sunshift covered his head with his paws.He had a headsplitting headache,and was trying to cool off.
Unfortunately,it didn't work,and it made him feel worse."I'll go to Glaciercloud later."he said to himself.He turned to Lokistar and asked,"Can I go out of the camp for a while?"


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:02 am

Lokistar thought against it, then reconsidered. "Of course, look out for the missing kits and garnetheart while your out..."

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:33 am

"Yes,Lokistar."Sunshift then padded out of the camp,his headache getting worse.


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:02 am

Swiftstrike was at peace that for once evryone seemed like their was no worries . She lied down she felt her self begin to doze off.


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:12 am

It would be strange for the cats whom weren't with the border patrol that Stormclaw and Ezziesong were on when he was an apprentice. The two sat next to each other without bickering, hissing or retorting. They just sat there, talking and enjoying the warmth. Stone was much better nowas he was fully recovered.

Ezziesong beckoned him over with her tail. Stone, whom hadn't met Stormclaw before, padded over to join them, "Stormclaw, this is Stone, Stone, meet Stormclaw." Stormclaw dipped his head curtly, it was awkward for him since Stone wasn't his clanmate. Ezziesong purred, "Stone, I had to ask you something but we were a bit busy."
Stone twitched his ear as he looked at her.
Ezziesong continued, "I wanted to test out how well you could fight."
Stone snorted, "Fight? I gave you that scar there, of coarse I fight well."

Ezziesong felt a little hot under her fur, Stormclaw was getting a little irritated at the tom's behaviour and he growled, "He's a rogue! He wouldn't want to fight even if he had talent!"
Ezziesong then meowed, "Yes, but we need to see if he knows how to fight."
Stone got to his paws as he hissed at Stormclaw, "I could fight you if you want, I'll show you what I can and can't do!"

Stormclaw got to his paws, "Alright then... your on."
Ezziesong snapped, "Not here! We have to go to the training hollow first!"
The two toms ignored her as Stone made the first move. He lashed out with a paw, Ezziesong sighed in relief that it was sheathed.
Stormclaw ducked and then swerved to get Stone's ear. But Stone was fast, he leaped back and batted Stormclaw's neck with his paw, before slipping down and pummling his belly with his hind legs.

Stormclaw quickly pinned him down, but Stone once again was one step ahead. He rolled to one side, causing Stormclaw to lose his grip and fall over him. Stone then headbutted him to one side. Stone leaped onto his back, clinging on easily with his toes, since Stormclaw has long fur it was easy to hold on, "And you said rogues fight badly! Your worse then a kittypet!"
Stormclaw snarled at him, "At least I don't THINK like a kittypet!" He leaped in the air, causing Stone to let go, he twisted in the air before he was about to give Stone a hit against the cheek, but Ezziesong got inbetween the toms, a sharp pain filled her side as she landed on the ground heavily.

the two toms stopped hissing at each other as they saw what happened. Stormclaw's claws weren't sheathed that time, and Stormclaw deeply cut Ezziesong's flank. Stone's eyes widened in fear, We were just mucking around! Why did he unsheathe his claws? Ezziesong gasped in pain as the scarlet fluid oozed out of the deep wound.
"I told you both to stop," Ezziesong rasped, "But neither of you did! What's wrong with you two?"
Stormclaw hung his head, Stone was speechless.
Ezziesong almost collapsed but Stormclaw rushed and supported her. "Comeon... lets go to Glaciercloud's den." he murmured before shooting a glare at Stone as they left.

((Poor Stone... It wasn't his fault, he was mucking around XP, but why DID Stormclaw unsheathe his claws? Oooo. Naughty warrior.))

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:46 am

OOC: I think we should get Falsecall down here
From far above Falsecall lay on a branch, his eyes flickering with emoitions. "Stupi she-cat, that was going to be the killing blow." He smiled intently," Never mind, even the most biggest tree's fall with a crack."

Lokistar, alerted by the fight jumped up, although she didn't approve of games in the camp, she thought they were young toms seeking out how strong they were- Stormclaw was becoming dangerous, she thought, agitation passing through her mind. She stopped and flickered her ears,
and turning her head to where Falsecall was. He looked shocked and hurt by her gaze and uttered angrily words she could not hear.
Before she knew it he was gone, she turned and went into the Medicinecat den.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:50 am

Stone watched, his head held low as he made his way towards the den also.

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Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:56 am

Lokistar turned her head before entering the den and looked to Stone.
She flicked her tail, "Stone, you fought well, and you have proven your worth
here at Tawnyclan, it is now up to you whether you stay." She mewed poetically,
"Ezziesong is not disappointed in you, but to be a fully fledged warrior you need
to understand when someone says stop, I hope that all this... has taught you that."

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:04 am

Stone nodded, feeling a little lighter with Lokistar's praise, "I'm sorry," He began, "I didn't even hear her and..." He looked up, "I'd be most honoured to be with your clan. I don't think I'd ever had survived that blizzard if Ezziesong hadn't found me." He shied away a little. ((Erm... awkward cause he likes Ezziesong, and so does Stormclaw...))

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Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:02 pm

Lokistars old ears flickered, "your apology is accepted."
Lokistar looked up, "It has been so long... Stone... When
I am gone, your job is to protect Ezziesong with your life."
She said it firmly, "I cannot be here forever... I am scared
that the clan will fall." She looked away from him, she missed
her old days, where life was easy, when she was young and fitter.
she turned and padded into the Medicine cat den.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:24 am

Stone blinked, almost as if he couldn't believe his ears. Does she know what I feel towards the she- cat deputy? He followed.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:17 pm

Demonbark layed in the middle of the camp, the sun hitting her pelt and making it appear to shine. She sighed, and thought. Where could those kits possibly be? she thought as she flicked her tail with concern.


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:30 pm

Rainstorm shook his pelt, the sun was hot, the breeze was too slow too cool him. In the air was dust and it was already to stuffy to breathe in this April heat. Surely it would let up soon? He didn't know but there was going to be a wicked thunderstorm later.

He padded over and lapped the cool water from the steady stream that ran through the camp.
Lokistar had ordered a rampage against Abbysclan but her brother, Solarstorm, was now in her den, talking her out of it.
Rainstorm had to smile, Even through Lokistar's old age she-was still quick and clever.
he still wouldn't think about challenging her if they were to fight.

"Demonbark, Morning!" He mewed wetting some moss and taking it to her.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:40 pm

"Good morning RainStorm!" Demonbark greeted. She lapped at the moss, sighing with relief. "I know most cats like the heat, but I'm getting tired of it," She admitted.


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:47 pm

"Eh, I think everyone is..." Rainstorm mewed, stretching his legs.
Lucky for Tawnyclan, our prey storage is too full to be true, so hunting won't happen for a while.
We have more tree and thicket cover then any of all the clans, and sandy floor for a good doze."
He mewed closing his eyes as if he could see the Tawnyclan clearing crystal clear before him.
"I hate to be a cat that isn't us!"

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Guest Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:51 pm

Demonbark shrugged. "I guess you're right. I bet heat is the one thing besides kittypets that Abyssclan is afraid of!" Demonbark joked.


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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:41 pm

Stormclaw padded past the two, not saying a word as he headed for the warriors den.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:48 pm

"Stormclaw? Whats wrong with that face?" Rainstorm mewed looking up from his conversation.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:02 pm

Stormclaw turned around, then muttered, "Nothing..." Then he turned around and continued.

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Loki Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:50 pm

Rainstorm blinked and looked at Demonbark.
Shrugging he stood and mewed, "I won't be angry
whatever you say. I'm not as hot headed as some.
please, share your worries with me?"

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The day after the gathering Empty Re: The day after the gathering

Post by Ezziestar Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:16 pm

Stormclaw meowed back, "I rather not talk about it."

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