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Deep Under Abyssclan

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Longstorm Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:30 pm

OOC: Each cat will have entered from a different entrance (Cold and Joy, the same one, duh) - the Warrior will be following a faint scent. Cold and Joy will be following a strong scent and a voice. Dark will be following a shadowy version of Searingeyes.

IC: Deep under the ground, scents of strange dust and berries could be smelled...
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Guest Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:51 pm

Once upon a long time ago, Dark had once had a dream about a black tom entering a tunnel. Dark had never put much thought to that dream, but today he followed that dream to follow his second one... Trippy.
What's more, it turned out there really was a tunnel where he had dreamed! It was amazing! It was so dark and it smelled so earth, and it was so nice and cool down there - the perfect place to be on a hot day!
But, he was a little worried. In some places the deep snow was practically gone, so some of the slush had begun to sink into the downward tunnel. What if it flooded?
Dark shuddered and tried not to think about it. Instead, he focused on his immediate problem: he was lost.


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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Runfast Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:59 pm

OOC: She used to be a sweet, caring she-cat who didn't care about getting her paws dirty, but Satin (AKA Stain) changed that.

Commons, trailing two other cats, was trying to hold her breath as best as she could. It was disgusting down here! Every pawstep she took, dirt clung to her lovely, white paws! It would take days just to get the basic dirt out!
Commons held in a cry of despair, not wanting to give herself away.
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 938
Join date : 2010-12-11
Age : 29

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:05 am

Tala and Jace walked single file, silently. They were following the strange scent of fruit, as Jace had suggested. They had been walking for a while in the cool, dark tunnels for a while now, and it was becoming to be a claustraphobic experience.
"How much farther, do you think," Jace whispered behind him - he instantly wished he hadn't, his whisper echoed strongly, sounding like some old forgotten language.

Tala shivered and mewed back,
"I'm not too sure..." They both fell silent, the echos disconcerting.

In front of Dark, a faint outline of a young cat appeared.
"Shhhh.... This way!" The cat spun around and took off, his paws barely making a sound.
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 2320
Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:10 am

Somewhere further beyond...
was Joyless, a servant of Abbysclan. The Snow had melted from where her tunnel started and Joy was up to her belly fur in thick, sloppy, cold and disgusting mud. She held her head high, This tunnel was slanted upwards ever so slightly. soon... she hoped, this mud would be rid of her.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Longstorm Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:20 am

The voiced chuckled softly in both Joy's and Cold's minds, visions of tunnels that had escaped the thaw flashing in their minds.

Scorchpoint, now walking downwards through a tunnel, was somewhat worried now. He'd never been in a tunnel like this before, being unnaturally dry and somewhat cool. Whenever he stepped louder than he meant to, the sound echoed harshly. Apparently not many noises were ever made down here. He shivered and continued, following the faint scent.

OOC: There are many tunnels, and only the expendable ones are flooded and/or get washed away. Soon, it should dry up seeing as the Chamber is near the center of the massive hill Abyssclan lives on. Cool Cool Cool
LS's Group
LS's Group

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Join date : 2010-12-04
Age : 29
Location : Vvardenfell.

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:30 am

Joy pulled faces as the mud squelched under her paws. She muttered and cursed quitly under her breathe. She... eventually felt the mud ware off, and soon it was just above her paws. She flickered the mud off with every step as it clung and pulled her pelt. "Those Above, I hope you know what your doing!" She pleaded in agitation.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Meany Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:37 am

Following a short ways behind the grumbling she-cat followed Jazz. His musical-note marking was now covered in mud, but he didn't really care. It was no more filthy then slicing young out of the stomach of a dead dog that had died only minutes before giving birth... Ah, the taste of succulent flesh.
For some strange reason Jazz felt as though he was headed the right way, which was somewhat strange...
OOC: Aren't I adorable?
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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Guest Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:42 am

OOC: You're so gross Meany!

IC: Dark looked at the shadowy cat and mewed,
"Wait," and followed as fast as he possibly could.


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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:46 am

"Curse this mud..." Hissed Joyless as she slipped yet again, she scratched and slopped at it, getting angry at her worst nemesis...mud.
She snorted in disgust and tried to break into a run, although the slippery stuff made her run on the spot. She stopped and padded on he tail swishing angrily.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Runfast Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:54 am

Not too far behind Joyless, Cold saw the strange flashes of the dry tunnels. Whoever - or whatever - had sent that thought was laughing in a friendly way. Now Cold wondered when he was going to reach his destination - where was his destination, Cold though to himself. This was a strange experience, to say the very least...
At least the mud wasn't as deep as it was before.

Commons felt like crying even more now. At one point, the mud had suddenly gotten as deep as her shoulders! It had only been a patch somewhat shorter than her, but it was enough to get her fully covered in mud! Well, except for her pretty head, but she didn't care. Now she wished she had stayed home...
LS's Group
LS's Group

Posts : 938
Join date : 2010-12-11
Age : 29

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Deep Under Abyssclan Empty Re: Deep Under Abyssclan

Post by Loki Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:06 am

Joyless kept padded on. it must be at least seven thousand sunshifts! She thought angrily.
eventually the mud subsided and the tunnels came wider.

Posts : 2444
Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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