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A new day of uncertain future! >:U

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:50 pm

Joy was still and motionless in Bloodclaw's den. Though, she was awake. Bone had not ceased the training, she was physically wounded and all the time her mind was telling her about going to sleep, after all when a dream is like the one's she had been having, the mind confuses its self. So her own body had shut down. Joy's eyes were not open but they were forced into slits, whats going on? she thought.

The worst pain was her back leg, it had been infected for a ages, she couldn't even remember how it happened! Though the infection had gotten life threateningly bad, and her body was resting and fighting none stop. Her paws sprawled, she had expected Bone to jump from no where. but... right now she felt more alone... what else could go wrong...

Switchblade had woken up. He felt refreshed and better, he held a mouse in his jaws and dropped it by Joy. he whispered into her ear, she could hear some of it, including him telling her he was going to training. He looked around and saw no one watching and then licked her ear softly, It felt like he was cutting her ear off though to Joy it was a call...

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Longstorm Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:56 pm

Outside, Tigerfrost returned once more, again looking pleased with himself due to the fact he had been patrolling all night. He stretched, his tabby shoulders rippling, the fur gleaming in rising sun-light.

Hopeless scuttled about, beginning her duties. She dipped her head to the Warrior and fetched a bit of prey for her Master. OOC: Whom we haven't seen in a while. MEANY! COME ON!

Cunningheart stretched as she came out of her den. When she saw Tigerfrost she stopped, the two of them looking at each other for a long moment. In the end, Tigerfrost ducked his head and he went into the Warrior's Den. Cunningheart sighed softy then padded into the Mender's Den.
"When will the Servants be ready," was Cunningheart's way of asking if they would be alright soon.
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:59 pm

S3witch sighed and lifted his head away from Joyless, if he was hoping for a eaction he would have to wait a while.

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Meany Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:02 pm

OOC: LS, don't pressure me. I HAVE A TOUGH JOB. Razz

IC: Bloodclaw mewed,
"Well, the white one - Colorless, I think - will be resuming work in under one sun shift, but I'm not too sure for... Joyless, yes, that's her name." He looked at Cunningheart and Switchblade. "Her hind leg is infected - how that happened, I'm not too sure."
OOC: Dude, wasn't her leg hurt when she first joined the clan?
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:07 pm

OOC: no it wasn't... I remember when it happened but can't remember how... ummm....
I'll have a look in the closed topics....

Switchblade looked away, he turned and left his fur bristling, he was thinking about doing something stupid; as young toms do...

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:28 pm

OOC: NOW I REMEMBER! *Slaps head*
When Falsecall was preparing to over throw Shadowstar and Kill Joy when she was 5 moons, he picked her up by the back leg (if you remember) and was threatening to toy with her. Bone is angry now!!!

IC: Joyless lay there for many shifts, it seemed like many days...
*time shift Very Happy !!!*
The next day she felt a little more wary but seldom had any visitors.
Even Switchblade thought she was too near death, so left her to rest.
Then something amazing happened.
Trueskin padded in, his fur matted though gleeming and his icy blue eyes
fixed on her. He's going to kill me! She thought panic overwhelming her,
the Abbysclan warriors have gotten bored! But instead the tom sat by her his tail flicking
savagly, his eyes were happy though, the tom was un-readable though... Joyless saw something in him.
He crouched by her hear and spoke softly, he sang, at first it was a raspy mottled high pitched screech but then it was a soft gentle voice.
"Here, here. Where the wood pecker sigh's
soft in the willows and sad like the skies,
heed the song of lonely wolf as he howls
to the mmmooooonnn, alone, alone....
but The woodpecker cheeps and sings loud and high
like the wind in the willows and the summer skies,
heed the song of the wolves alas' as they sing to the
mmmmoooonnn, before the woodpecker dies..."

He lifted up turned and padded out
expressionless and lonly.

Joy lay there her face full of sorrow and sadness, "that was the song my mother
sung before..." It was the first time she had spoken in ages and... she felt energy ebb
back into her...
Who was Trueskin? Was he mistaken or crazy? She did not know she narrowed her eyes and sung the song in her head...

OOC: Sad i want to cry now...

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Longstorm Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:20 pm

OOC: You're not making me feel any better, LOKI...

IC: At times, Hopeless would come in, quietly asking Bloodclaw for herbs, and usually the kind for fighting infection and for keeping up stregnth. Whoever was sick had almost as bad as Joyless.
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:20 am

OOC: about what Very Happy ???

IC: After a few more sun shifts Joyless felt restless. Her infected leg was... improving and she shifted it as Hopless padded in. She wanted someone's voice to be near, a longing for someone to talk so she could talk back, she blinked, the hatred I bare... she thought twitching her whiskers.

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Longstorm Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:09 am

OOC: The sad song, Loki! It sounded/read familiar...

IC: Hopeless waited patiently for Bloodclaw to return from the massive dried-herb storage (OOC: Sickness? PFFT!). She looked around the familiar den, looking up at the strange, somewhat tall ceiling. After a while of waiting, she looked at Joyless.
Hopeless tentively walked up to the she-cat and mewed softly,
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:13 am

The cave (?) was silent. For a moment Joyless didn't react until her ears twitched.
"Grace...Loveless...forgive me...." Came the mottled mew, "I wasn't...thinking..."
Her head shivered and went back, "I...I'm sorry...truly..."

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Runfast Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:10 pm

Loveless, being on an errand for Cunningheart, overheard what Joyless mewed.
"I forgive you," he murmured softly, it echoing gently in the den. He padded down to the herb storage (OOC: We rule with our many pantries!), looking for Bloodclaw.
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:15 pm

Switchblade also over heard the outcry and padded in. He checked over the she-cat and stretched, narrowing his eyes at Loveless before padding back out.

Joy licked her lip and twitched her leg, tough... she thought, flicking and flexing her joints...

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Meany Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:25 pm

Bloodclaw's voice grew nearer.
"Ah, yes, well as soon as I give these herbs to the young she-cat in the 'waiting room', I'll get the catmint right away!" The cats could hear him 'tsk' and mew, "Leaf-bare is the worst time of the year to have the slightest sniffle!" He sighed.
"Anyways - oh, well here's the catmint! Loos like there was no need to wait, youngling! Ha! Imagine that! I was certain I'd put the catmint in the very back of the storage... Oh, wait; I remember now. I moved it to the front so I could reach it easily! Hahaha - isn't that humorous - oh, wait, I forgot, Servants aren't supposed to speak. Well, it is funny, you know. Can't you smile? Hmm, maybe not. Anyways," he finally appeared into the 'waiting room', Loveless carrying catmint and Bloodclaw carrying the random herb and passing them to Hopeless. "This should do you, youngling." He looked to Joyless and nodded. "Oh, good, you're awake. Excellent. Well, your leg will be stiff for a time, but with good exercise it should loosen up."
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:29 pm

Joyless didn't reply she just twitched her ear as the world spun around her.

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Meany Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:37 pm

OOC: I read what I posted and my dad burst out laughing - he likes it!

IC: Bloodclaw's eyes widened as he saw the look in Joyless's eyes.
"Oh, my, maybe you should get some sleep."

Charmless padded in, a thorn caught in her paw.

Bloodclaw saw her raised paw and grabbed the thorn with his teeth. He paused for a moment then yanked harshly. The thorn came out easily and Charmless licked her paw furiously.
Bloodclaw picked up some herbs he had on hand (comfrey, marigold) and began to chew them into a poultice. He spat it out and gave it to Charmless, mewing to Loveless,
"If there's nothing else..."
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:25 pm

Joy shivered.

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:39 pm


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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Sun Mar 13, 2011 8:44 pm

It was day... well howmany days she had been there she didn't know.
Joy felt more consious, Though giving up never sounded any better. She
could feel the many muscles in her body tensing. Her eyes were open, clearer now.
The earth had stopped spinning and she licked her lips in approval.

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Longstorm Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:37 pm

Searingeyes, who so happened to be there for no specific reason (he suspected it was for plot reasons), looked down at the waking Servant.
"Took you long enough," he muttered. He'd been a bit testy as of late.
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:43 pm

(fail lol)
Joy lifted her head, which was heavy seen as she hadn't lifted it.
She was about to comment but yawned instead, and looked around the still menders den.
Where is Switch... where is Loveless and... She sighed, she didn't care. But something Bone had said
he said something to her... she blinked should she tell Shadowstar? no no...
Her face clouded with obvious worry. Her ear was split and hurt though wounded her pretty face was
still in its own attractive sense.

at that moment Switchblade padded in, a mouse held in his jaws. At the sight of Searingeyes he nearly
fell over in embarisement. He was about to say: This isn't my den... but who could lie to Searingeyes?

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Longstorm Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:58 pm

Searingeyes's gaze flickered over to Switchblade then returned to the Pantry's entrance. He smirked thinking,
Tom younglings..
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:26 pm

Switchblade sighed and gave the mouse to Joy. She looked at it for a moment the gratefully took it in. She daren't speak.

Switchblade coughed, as if to say he didn't want her attention, so she wittingly turned and looked out of the den.
"I found out some interesting... information. Powerful, It seems a threat is upon us, and an unlikely traitor in our mists, I was... wondering whether it would be worth telling Shadowstar? It doesn't seem in my place."

Joy looked out narrowing her eyes as the snow gleamed. It was not muddy, clear tracks had been made during the day. she was looking out for Woebringer, she felt like doing something useful, to ignore the pain. She sighed and looked out for Cunningheart or someone who's simple gaze would show something she could look upon and be proud upon it. Who cared about a servant? She looked to Switch and sighed, Did he care for her, he seemed so...
It seemed like he didn't care, yet he was very controlling. 'Come and hunt, servant', 'are you getting a proper amount' and so on. Joy looked away, leaning against the cave entrance. Did she love him? She wanted to acknowledge the answer with a yes but... so much had changed. Toms were too easy to approach a servant and to easy to get there own way and tease. She didn't like to be controlled. She looked out far across what she could see of the moors. She sighed... what a life you live, she told herself, trying to make sense of a thousand things.
Why was she born in Bones paw steps, Why was the past so? Was it all her fault? Why... Why am I the way I am? Her ears went flat back, I should have died... she thought irritably. It seemed no one knew of what was to be...

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Longstorm Tue Mar 15, 2011 2:47 am

Searingeyes turned around to face Switchblade.
"Well, of course," he mewed non-chalantly. "It could only be the difference between defeat and victory - though, whether or not this information would further the likelihood of victory is unknown, even to myself." He turned back around and entered the Pantry, mewing over his shoulder, "The choice is yours. I've said my piece."

OOC: He's as bad as Yoda.
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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

Post by Loki Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:13 am

Switchblade took this in then turned around, He'll tell Shadowstar...
He passed Joy, without looking at her, if her had noticed or thought
he may have noticed the hurt on her face...

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A new day of uncertain future! >:U Empty Re: A new day of uncertain future! >:U

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