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The warriors and the servants

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The warriors and the servants Empty The warriors and the servants

Post by Loki Thu Feb 24, 2011 2:20 pm

Lokistar and Tigerflame padded into the warriors den.
They went to the back and placed Colorless and Joy at the back.
"Whats this?" Solarstorm mewed looking them over.
"Abbysclan kits both found hiding in the snow..."
"Were not kits!"
"Your not are you?" Nightail mewed.
"It appears these are servants- they were probably out before the blizzard..."
"Exactly!" Joy growled.
Tigerflame sneered, "get me a mouse... Servant!"
Joy hissed and prepared to attack when Solarstorn hissed,
"Tigerflame, lets make then feell at home... get them a mouse each!"
he ordered, Tigerflame pulled a face but passed a mouse to the two.
Joy purred, "Thanks Tigerflamie!"

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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Guest Fri Feb 25, 2011 1:29 pm

Just then garnetheart walked in.
"uh, this seems.. awkward..." he murmured before slipping out again, before tripping in the snow (again) and getting another snow-hat (youre probably sick of this joke by now)


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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Longstorm Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:08 pm

Colorless pulled a glare, but ate the mouse anyways. She had to keep her strength if she wanted to be given a Master.
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Loki Sat Feb 26, 2011 12:43 am

Joy hadn't eaten hers, she was full of rabbit.
"When are you going to take us back?" Joy mewed as
The tawnyclan leader left. She felt no need to be hostile
to The Black she-cat in front of her.

Nightail looked at the silver kit and sighed.
"I don't know why you would like to go back there...
But if you insist, I wouldn't have thought Lokistar would keep
you here long, perhaps when we send a patrol over..."

Solarstorm watched the kits quite happily, "I remember when Wolfpaw and
Sunpaw were younger then these two... The trouble they got into!"
Nightail smiled and curled up in deep thought.

Tigerflame was curled at the front of the cave, watching the Blizzard. The trees, from
what he could see, were bending with the weight of the snow. You could hear the cracking
and groaning as some fell. Tawnyclan territory was mainly forest and to hear the horror of it
all dying was near agony. Normally the thick canopy protected the ground from any of the elements.
But... this lead bare was different. Was this the worst? Tigerflame didn't know.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:00 am

To her surprise, Colorless wasn't tired. After she had eaten she stood, pacing back and forth.
"Do you think the others will notice we're gone," she whispered to Joyless. "I think Cunningheart would notice, don't you? I heard she's taken down a lot of enemy Warriors, and that she'd kill an enemy Leader without a second's thought!" Like most of the she-cats in Abyssclan, Colorless looked up to the massive white she-cat and admired her strength.
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Loki Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:09 am

Joy thought about it for a second then smiled, "Yes, Cunningheart will come but..."
She looked a little puzzled, "I don't know about the rumours..."
She stood herself, bored now.

Solarstorm sighed, "Your clan don't seem that nice," He mewed , maybe a hint of sarcasm in his

At the comments, Tigerflame looked up, "Cunningheart?" He mewed laughing, "I'll shred her, thats
the promise I made, and you know it." Joy instantly looked away, she had heard it all, and... She
didn't want to hear it again but the tom insisted.
"She's slow for one thing, would catch Lokistar... And Lokistar has skill, all your She-rat wannabe can do
is flex her claws."
At this Joy hissed, "I'll take you on here right now!"
Tigerflame laughed, "You and your stupid remarks, don't try and sound smart because your little friends here."
Joy unsheafed her claws, "Prepare yourself!"
"Heh!" Tigerflame turned around and lay down in his nest.
"Turn and fight me!" Joy Commanded her fur on fire and her blood boiling.

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Age : 27
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:16 am

OOC: Hey, be nice to my charrie! She might be large, but she's quick and nimble - Abyssclan/Bloodclan stole fighting techniques from all the Groups they've ever met... Like the Borg...

IC: Colorless snarled,
"Abyssclan is the mightiest clan there is! There are twice as many fighters in Abyssclan then there is Tawnyclan, and none of them would think twice about taking your teeth!" She spat in her 4-month-old voice; she'd certainly adopted the ways of Abyssclan, so different yet so similar to Cityclan, the clan she barely remembered. "I'd like to see you take on Shadowstar!" Colorless finished her sentence with a snarl, then sat with a *THUD*.
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Loki Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:39 am

Tigerflame stood and turned the nine month old tom was now in the kits face, "But many of you are she-cat, servants, a servant can't do much can they. If your all so mighty then why beat up she-cats, your all weak, The only thing that you can do is intimidate your opponent into thinking your strong. and that! Young servant; And that is how your opponent slips up! But we've grown to your ways and one day you'll regret setting foot upon the mainland all together!"
His whiskers where sprung and his teeth bared, Joy watched the tom carefully then to her surprise he carried on, "And if your so mighty... Then I guess they won't need weaklings like you!"

Joys ears pricked, He was going to kill Colorless!
She looked at Solarstorm but he was looking at his paws! He understood Tigerflame?
Joy hissed, "Get your ugly face away from her!"
Joy Rammed against the tom, Her whole body was shaking with tiredness now she was shaking with rage. Tigerflame gasped and turned on her his claws missing her fas but catching her ear, shredding a massive tear. Joy yowled in pain and the two bundled in raw fury.
Solarstorm jumped in and split the two. Tigerflame jumped away his side ripped his ears flat back.
Joy stood hackles raised perhaps looking slightly more beaton up, Her right ear bleading and flank oozing. her infected leg shook with pain. The two glared angrily.
Tigerflame spat and returned to the front of the warriors den.
"I don't wan another word out of any of you! Speak to each over! But keep your mouths shut!"

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Age : 27
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:48 am

Colorless barely blinked as Tigerflame got in her face - of course, when he left, she slumped for a few seconds in relief. Then she called,
"A true Warrior would have killed me where I stood, Tigerflame!" She stopped and thought about her next words (OOC: Abyssclan: Twisting the minds of future generations today.). "You know what I heard? I heard that you only became a Warrior early because you wouldn't stop whining about your she-rat girly-friend!" Colorless made a habit of listening in on conversations, even if she didn't really know what they meant - but she wasn't giving that away.
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Loki Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:06 am

Joy felt twisted pain ache inside her and she'd had enough.
"Be quite Colorless," She spat,"Its not in your place. A servant stays quite."
Joy limped to the back of the cave, had she been not so tired and not had to swim and fight and... She probably could have won, Though Tigerflame did not fully unsheaf his claws, and he had missed her face, Joy guessed the tom was still in love with her.

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Longstorm Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:29 am

Colorless sighed and joined Joyless, still wondering if Tigerflame and Joyless knew each other.
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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Ezziestar Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:49 am

Ezziesong got to her paws, there was too much going on here, she decided that maybe she could head out on her own to clear her head.

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Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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The warriors and the servants Empty Re: The warriors and the servants

Post by Loki Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:19 am

Solarstorm lifted his head. "I wouldn't go out there." He mewed, "Theres a massive blizzard!"

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Age : 27
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