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Ezziesong's find outside of camp

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Ezziesong's find outside of camp Empty Ezziesong's find outside of camp

Post by Ezziestar Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:13 am

Ezziesong had left when she needed to clear her head, she could hear minimal scrabbling, since leaf-bare made all the prey hide in their burrows. But she didn't leave to hunt, or patrol the borders, she needed somewhere away from everyone else to get her head around things. She then picked up a scent, it was the scent of cat but she couldn't smell any clan scent. A small sound of crunching snow indicated the cat was underneath a tree, the cat must've been small enough to stay underneath.

Ezziesong's pelt bristled as she came up towards the tree silently and swiftly. She crouched down to look underneath the tree, sure enough, the strong stench of cat, but she couldn't see anything, that was until she picked up a small mound of snow, it was moving slightly, then a swift unsheathed white paw scored her over her muzzle.

Ezziesong hissed, she threw her paw inside, she snagged what felt like fur and dragged a dark grey and white tabby cat. This cat was the size of an apprentice, so she guessed that this cat was old enough to be seperated from his mother. The tom cat flailed out his paws, Ezziesong managed to pin him down so he couldn't get her. "What are you doing on Tawnyclan territory!" Ezziesong hissed.
The tom didn't say anything, his breathing was slightly irregular and he had a bit of a temperature, he glared at her, before finally spitting back, "I don't have to tell you nothing!"
Ezziesong growled, "Then I'll kill you now," Her claws dug deeper into his pelt, "Your no mach for me." Her claws peirced his skin, deep in his fur.
The tom closed his eyes and yowled in pain, "Stop! Let me go!"
Ezziesong growled, "Then tell me why your here."

The tom meowed quickly, "My mother told me to stay here! I didn't know this was someone else's territory! Please let me go!"
Ezziesong meowed, more calmly then before, "What's your name?"
"Stone." The tom replied, his voice sounded like it was sore.
"Ezziesong then meowed, She let the tom up, "You don't sound too well."
Stone meowed, "I have nowhere else to stay, please don't chase me away."

Ezziesong then noticed that this tom was shivering, he was so thin that Ezziesong could see his ribs despite his thick pelt.
She nodded, "Come with me Stone, your not well, and out here's no place for a sick cat."
Stone growled, "I'm not sick! I'm fine out here."
Ezziesong noticed there was a glint of fear in his eyes, she then meowed without blinking, "My leader is kind, and Glaciercloud can help you... I'm not asking you to just follow... I'm asking you to trust me."

Stone hissed, "I've learned to never trust anyone."
Ezziesong meowed persuasively, "Either you come with me where it's warm and you can get better... or you could stay here, and be chased away like any other rogue around here."
She turned and padded back towards the camp, she glanced back quickly to find Stone decided to follow her.

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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