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I killed a bunny...

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I killed a bunny... Empty I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:07 am

Upon leaving camp, Snowfeather had cast a glance towards the freshkill pile, finding them in need of prey. So, she set out to do her part to feed the mouths of her clan. With a lightheart, she made her way through the snow, her belly brushing the cold, white, powdery stuff. It was tough going at times, but she kept her chin up and was not daunted. She intended to make her way to the farther reaches of their borders, hoping to find more active prey around there. Not too many cats were out there at a time, so she figured she might have a little more luck. She kept her pace slow, taking her time to get to her destination. She didn't want to tire herself out going through all the snow. After quite a while however, she made it to the area she desired. Her ears flicked slightly as she tried to pick up the sounds of small prey out foraging. Her jaws were open to scent the air, her tail lashing once in the cold air. She sunk even lower to the ground, her belly becoming wet from the snow. She had scented a rabbit, and she crept silently forward, stopping just far enough away to see the little brown bunny. Her yellow eyes flicked back and forth as she watched the little thing for a few minutes, until it hopped close enough for her to get to it. She bunched her muscles beneath her and launched herself silently at the rabbit. She was quick to sink her teeth into its neck, making sure it didn't scream and alert other prey to he prescence. She carried the limp rabbit for a while, and buried it beneath the snow. With a small nod to herself, she struck off again.

Snowfeather's complete and total attention was focused on finding prey, she was unaware of the danger looming just to the right of her. She did not sense the badger, it being downwind of her. Nor was she looking anywhere but forward. The enraged badger, already hurting from being attacked by others of her kind, barrled after her, intent on destroying the little white she-cat. She whirled, startled at the sound of the approaching badger. She let out a yowl of fear and turned to run, the badger close in pursuit. The snow bogged her down, but she pressed onwards, approaching a pile of large rocks. She attemted to launch herself up them, but slipped and fell, landing on her back in the snow. She quickly scrambled to her feet, backing into the rock behind her, as the badger loomed in front of her. She let out a hiss, determined to fight the badger to the death, she was effectivly trapped, and had no other choice.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:12 am

firepelt was out taking a walk. when he heard a hiss. what was that he thought.he ran towards the noise. snowfeather". he shouted


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:16 am

OOC: I don't mean to be rude hun, but I put a lot of time and effort into my post...I really dislike one-liners..It would be appreciated if you tried to make a more, in-depth post...


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:22 am

Grimclaw exploded from the snow behind the Badger having been out hunting himself and leaped ono the badgers back sinking his claws in and inwardly gasped as his sore paw throbbed but his clan mate was in trouble and pain was the last thing on the Black cat's mind. Grimclaw shook his head making the badger roar and leaped twisting in the air to slash the badger across the eyes before hitting the powdery snow counting on it being thick. "Snowfeather get up those rocks NOW." Grimclaw moved around a little payback for earlier, the badger stumbled blood leaking from it's face and into it's eyes, Grimclaw was glad he hadn't blinded the creature but a fight was a fight. Suddenly the badger dropped down and ran off letting out a bellow as it vanished into the snow leaving a very bewildered Grimclaw behind. "Snowfeather are you ok?" Grimclaw pushed and was relived to find his paw no longer hurt and he was back to 100%.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:24 am

i REALLY don't like you now i try to do something and you have to do it for me


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:25 am

OOC:Oakclaw,don't bust a gasket,dude.I know he didn't mean it.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:26 am

OOC: Dude I'm not trying to show you up but Snow wanted me to post here I'm sorry.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:28 am

i still don't like you i like snowfeather but not you


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:29 am

OOC:*whispers*Uh oh,I think we have a romantic rivalry here..........just kidding!


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:30 am

Snowfeather watched in astonishment as Grimclaw came out of nowhere and launched himself at the badger, landing upon the large animal. She watched transifixed, her yellow eyes expressing worry and fear as she watched the struggle between the two. She didn't even hear his order to get up on the rocks, her body frozen as if encased in ice. She saw the blood Grimclaw had produced from the beast, but didn;t quite register what had happened until the badger was fleeing the scene. Snowfeather sat for a moment, shock written all over her features. She blinked once and let out a shuddering breath. She looked at Grimclaw and gave him a wavering smile. "I'm fine, thank you for coming to my rescue." She crept forward, still afraid the badger was going to come back. "I thought for sure I was going to join Starclan for a moment there." She stood before the black cat and shivered, her pelt drenched. "I guess I should have been paying more attenition, especially since I knew there were still badgers around." She looked away sheepishly, knowing she was supposed to be the role-model to the younger cat.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:31 am

good god why does every1 think i like people first loki now snowfeather


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:32 am

OOC: Uh arguing please? It was a joke hun. =/


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:35 am

Grimclaw watched the badger vanish and turned to Snowfeather flicking her with his tail. "Hey cheer up no one should have let you go alone, right now it's dangerous for everyone and until we get rid of those badgers for good it's going to continue to be dangerous, Let's go get your catch and then will go talk to Daystar about getting a large force, those badgers need to go today." Grimclaw walked over to Snowfeather butting her playfully with his head. "Come on Snowfeather your a model to the young ones because you care, no one expects you to fight a Badger and win easily, When that badger roared I thought we were both joining Starclan but for now were fine so let's go back to camp." Grimclaw walked forward knowing the other cat needed a minute to regain her thoughts and her composer.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:43 am

Snowfeather smiled at the other cat with appreciation. "I probably should have told the others where I was going as well, but my only thoughts were feeding the clan." She nodded as he suggested going to get her catch. "I hope Daystar isn't angry with me for going out alone." She was almost musing to herself as she spoke. Grimclaw butted her with his head playfully, and she swatted playfully back at him, but her heart wasn't totally into it. She laughed a little as he spoke. "You are right, not very many cats could take an adult badger on their own, though you seem to do a good job of it." With a small sigh, she followed the tom back to where she had left her rabbit. She dug it up and carried it delicatly in her jaws. She motioned with her tail for Grimclaw to take the lead.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:54 am

Grimclaw took the lead looking over his shoulder every few steps to make sure Snowfeather was ok and not dropping too far back, he was much bigger than the white cat and thinking back he was taller and more muscled than most his clan mates but not that it mattered to him much, so he was a big cat oh well. Grimclaw laid his tail on Snowfeathers shoulder. "Hey don't be ashamed for running, you were surprised and that Badger was big but now we can both talk to Daystar about getting a force together and getting rid of them once and for all.


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I killed a bunny... Empty Re: I killed a bunny...

Post by Guest Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:59 am

Snowfeather followed behind Grimclaw, struggling more than she let on. She was in a sort of dazed shock, she had never been so afraid in all her young life. She snapped out of it briefly to aknowledge Grimclaw as he laid his tail upon her shoulder. She set her prey down for a moment to speak. "You are right, we do need to talk to Daystar about it. THey are a big problem that need to be taken care of." She fell silent again as they neared camp.


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