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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Sat Jun 15, 2013 9:05 am

OOC: This is a forward to: [Link]
It'd be nice to have a clan leader step aside to speak with them instead of there being a huge crowd of cats around them. It'd just be easier to have the meaning fly across.

Great Starclan, this place reeks! Spirepaw thought with a wrinkled nose. She turned back to Nightpaw, eyes full of excitement, but plausible fear. I just hope our father clans don't bite us before we're able to send our message...
Through the swaying trees, and the rain pelting down like a waterfall, the drenched apprentices hid beside entrance of the Ledge, but not too close to be seen. As they got closer, the wretched scent of the mixed clans blended with the foul reek of char, blood, and infected or rotting flesh. Spirepaw did not dare to peek her minor head in, but only guessed that there were more than 20 cats in there.

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Guest Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:25 am

“So they're here,” Nightpaw whispered quietly. She quietly crouched beside Spirepaw. Keeping low to be not seen. Maybe it would be better if they came and went unnoticed to the larger portion og the cats.


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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:37 am

"No, the den is empty.. Of course, mousebrain.." She silently hissed, her neck fur going haywire. I know we have a message to send.. But to what cat?

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Guest Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:41 am

“Who are you calling mousebrain? Can't you smell all the cats?”Nightpaw shot back.
The place seemed to be crowded. They couldnt just barge in. Maybe they could call attention of a kit. There had to be a kit or two. Or maybe an apprentice. Or maybe they should wait.
........What could they do?


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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Loki Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:02 pm

OOC: Shall I send Solarstorm out?
The rain seemed to turn into a patter. The turf was wet and slippery as white spray flicked up from the rain. There were no trees to wave or creek in the tireless wind.

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:03 pm

OOC: That's just fine. I guess 3 or 5 cats finding them wouldn't be a problem.

IC: "I could smell them from the No-Clan territory. Why you're asking if they are here is really numbskulled.." Spirepaw's voice grew less of a threat, but more like a mentor to an apprentice.. Which was really a surprise to herself.

She slowly turned into the direction of her denmate, "Okay, what's the plan?"

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Runfast Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:25 pm

OOC: Frostfire and Foxclaw are on watch. Maybe they could see them?

IC: No Clan's land was dark and threatening in the night's rain, with the tall grass wet and waving and the lightning occasionally lighting up the storm clouds in the distance.
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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:36 pm

OOC: Yeah, cats on the lookout would make logical sense, nice catch Runny!

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Guest Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:48 am

"Well,weren't you the one with the plans?" Nightpaw replied crossly.
What was her clanmate thinkig, bossing her around like as if she were to be a mere kit? Or expectng,anyway.
After scrunchig her nose for a moment, she devised a plan.
"We'll be noice in amatter of second. Whatever situation those cays are in theyre bound to have a cat guarding he others. When te step out,we could ask them if we could see their leader,"


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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:49 pm

"It's not bossing if I just want your yap shut.." Spirepaw murmured back. Her ears flicked with annoyance and the exposure to the rain. " How do you know that plan won't be lead to our pelts being hung to dry?" She stepped back to have minor cover in a bramble bush. Her scent was the only thing left in the open.

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Post by Guest Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:56 am

“You asked for a plan, not a completely fail-safe program that would keep us safe and sound,” Nightpaw muttered in annoyance.
“Well then,what do you have in mind, oh great and powerul being?” Her tail lashed around.


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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:54 pm

If it wasn't for them being pared together by their leader, Spirepaw would rake her claws against the she-cats eyes for her aggravated and unknown ignorance.

Spirepaw took a deep breath, exasperating in a very slow sigh. She looked at Nightpaw "Well, for a first, don't lash your tail around like that, it's making a bunch of noise in this bush." She looked around the worn down pathway into the cavern.
"Not to mention, yes we are going to get caught, but which one do you think is better? Being caught angry as a hornet and looking apathetic with another, or being calm and slightly a little scared. They're warriors. They're not of Roseclan. We're not kits anymore, so if we say or look like anything they do not enjoy, they can kill us.
We'll let them catch us, and tell them why we're here. We just can't let our anger between one another hit them like a sore paw. If they wish to open an ear, than we will explain. If they don't..."

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Guest Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:06 am

"Yeah, yeah yeah, well I wasn't the one who wanted to look like a know-it-all," Nightpaw responded. she ignored the comment about her tail. It still lashed around, only a little softer. However, it refused to cause even the slightest of rustles. In a way, Spirepaw was right. But she had too much pride to admit that. and she was wrong in a few parts. All she did was shut up and crouch lower.


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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:42 pm

OOC: A brisk reminder.. Spirepaw was adopted by the CLAN LEADER.. There's a reason why she's speaking so much like a 'know-it-all'. Hopefully you play your character knowing she's like that.

Sorry, I'm in a very pissy mood with somebody else, excuse if that's showing too much.

IC: Spirepaw crouched lower, closing her eyes just slightly in the process.

Last edited by NKninja on Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Runfast Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:13 pm

OOC: EDIT: Frostfire had been replaced with her sister, Petalsong.

Foxclaw, large russet tom with black markings, warrior of DewClan, silently stalked out of the dark, low-ceilinged cave that made up the entrance to the Moonfall tunnels. He and his fellow DewClan warrior, Petalsong, had heard voices while they were on guard.

Foxclaw paused after taking a few steps out of the Moonfall. The rain was cold and the air seemed heavy with the scent of the cats of DewClan and TawnyClan and wet tall grass. But there, just faintly and very wet, was the scent of unknown cats. Foxclaw looked around slowly, his eyes wide and round, his ears pricked forward. They couldn't be hiding in the grass - the wet grass would trap the scent. No, these cats had come out of the tall grass and were very close. So close he could taste it...
The tom opened his mouth and inhaled, catching the scent on his tongue. He quickly looked to the dark outline of the bushes and flicked his tail in that direction for Petalsong's attention to be drawn to them.
There you are...what's your business here? He gestured a basic message to Petalsong: "Advance; you cut off escape - if enemy tries to flee.'

OOC: The apprentices aren't exactly hiding, right? I just figure they'd be sort of concealed by the dark bramble bushes they're by.
AND! Be amazed at my knowledge of warrior patrol gestures. BE AMAZED!

IC: Foxclaw began to stalk up the worn path...

Last edited by Runfast on Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:46 am

OOC: Yes, they're just concealed.

IC: Spirepaw was very confused with the tail signals the large tom. But with him staring in their general direction, she betted the signals were to come out or have his snow pelted buddy check further.. She had never seen her mother use that signal, so it was alien towards her developing knowledge.

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:13 am

Frostfire crept up the path with Foxclaw, inspecting the surrounding. There wasn't really many places where two cats could hide.
Excepting that very obvious bushes, of course. Maybe they should get.....well then, she'd be the one to.
The sleek white warrior nodded and advanced up the path. Whoever the cats were, they didn't stand a chance anymore.

Nightpaw watched very quietly as two cats became increasingly closer to the bush they were hiding in. He tail dropped soundlessly as she watched with wide eyes.


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Post by NKninja Thu Jul 04, 2013 10:39 pm

Spirepaw felt like there was a mouse in her throat, squealing and scraping. Her breaths began to increase in speed, but luckily grew more silent. She'd have to say something.. But maybe until they tell the two of them to come out.

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Runfast Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:48 am

OOC: I'm imagining slight dips, not hills, lots of know...kitties...meow...

IC: Foxclaw got closer and closer to the bushes and the scents grew stronger. His pupils were wide and dark, taking in any light at all so he could see better.
Foxclaw stopped a fox-length from the bramble bushes and knew that who he and Petalsong had scented were there even if he could only barely make anything out against the black backdrop. He indiscreetly gestured his findings to Petalsong in confirmation - oh, yes, they were there.
"Who are you," he snarled low and challengingly, but above the sound of the rain. "What is your business here? What is your allegiance? Come out now, speak up!" His the fur of his neck, spine, and tail were bristled and his bared teeth were bared, his dark eyes catching white fire as lightning streaked across the sky. "I won't wait long," he growled, making an imposing figure.

OOC: I am.... THE MAN. ...CAT MAN. ... TOM. I am... THE TOM. CAT. TOMCAT.
Okay I'll stop now...

Last edited by Runfast on Mon Jul 22, 2013 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:29 am

Spirepaw took a quick glance at Nightpaw, fear seeping through her scent, and noticing the fear in her eyes.
She let out a short breath, and walked out of the brambles, some of them caught in her smooth fur. "I am Spirepaw of Roseclan, The tabby behind me is Nightpaw." She tried to maintain a hollow expression. "We have come to send a message from our leaders, preferably to your leader(s). But if it was possible for either one of you to send it, we would be very grateful."

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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Guest Fri Jul 05, 2013 9:31 am

Frostfire stayed mute, her tail lashing. Obviously they were pretty young. Or they didn't mean any harm. She didn't really think it was the latter.
Her tail lashed around as she inspected the bush before them with sharp blue eyes.

A young black cat trembled slightly.
she followed her clan mate out of the bush.
"We come in peace," she trembled a little. Her voice seemed weak and small.

Frostfire only raised an eyebrow at the two young cats.Clearly they were apprentices. Or a very very new warriors, at that matter.

OOC:I think I'm going OC with Nightpaw........


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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by Runfast Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:15 pm

OOC: When the emoticons load up it looks like Nyan Cat is making them appear. Laughing 
Anyone else get the maintenance message earlier?
Thoughts into overdrive - would Foxclaw know about RoseClan? He may have heard a rumor, or heard the word mentioned once...RoseClan IS practically in DewClan territory anyways... but the two have never crossed paths...hmmm...

IC: Confusion flickered in Foxclaw's eyes. RoseClan? The name was faintly familiar but not enough to make an impact. These two young she-cat certainly didn't smell like MudbloodClan cats. Apprentices from a Clan he'd never heard of? How did someone hide an entire Clan? Couldn't this Clan have sent warriors instead of these young apprentices, if they were indeed apprentices? Well, they did speak as though they were from a true Clan, though 'Spirepaw's' cadence wasn't like his own.
Are they lying? Foxclaw's eyes narrowed.
"What 'RoseClan,'" he growled. "There's four Clans in the forest and I've never heard of any Rose." (Though he may not have heard of it because he used to be a rogue, but Foxclaw couldn't believe that he hadn't learned all he needed to know after living in the forest for seasons.)
Foxclaw glanced at the dark-pelted she-cat, 'Nightpaw,' trembling behind Spirepaw. What drew his attention, along with her shaking voice, was Nightpaw's fear-scent. But even if they're scared that doesn't mean they don't mean us harm...

Spirepaw had said they had a message for Daystar (or maybe Ezziestar) - if they were from MudbloodClan, then did the Mudbloods not know that Daystar had gone to AbyssClan? Had they realized that DewClan had betrayed them?
Were they lying? Or... telling the truth?

"What direction have you two come from," he demanded sharply. "Where is your RoseClan that has this message for us?" He wasn't going to say whether or not any leaders were actually there. Let them think that he and Frostfire were leaders if they wanted for all he cared. "What is this message? Speak!" He took a step forward threateningly, as if Moonfall were DewClan's borders.

OOC: I feel like I botched that up...
Is it okay if Spirepaw and Nightpaw have slightly different accents than DewClan's?

EDIT: I changed a few little things. I feel better.
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CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area Empty Re: CLOSED (FOR SKIP) Around the area

Post by NKninja Sat Jul 06, 2013 12:26 am

OOC: Different accents would make sense. Yeah.

IC: Spirepaw lowered her ears and head when the toms voice began to increase just a little more with every question. " R.. Roseclan is a group full of a few rogues, some with.. um.. Ancestry from our father clans.. Dewclan, Tawnyclan, Darkclan.... And.. I forgot the last one."
She tried so much to remember the stories from the elders she had been with. And what her mother had spoken about the other clans. "Our clan lives around a group of mountains. Our territory separates Dewclan from the Mudbloods."
She took a deep breath, " Umm... Leafstar, and the other Pseudo clans, Coreclan and Searclan, wanted us to send the message that we'll help you destroy the mudbloods. We are low in numbers, but better then nothing I guess.."

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Post by Guest Sat Jul 06, 2013 2:45 am

“Moonclan,” Nightpaw murmured. Would their explanation let the two warriors trust tem more?

“I' heard of a couple pesudo-clans,”Frostfire said dully. “But never a Roseclan,” her eyes became more piercing and harp. Were they lying?


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Post by Runfast Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:36 pm

OOC: Sorry about leaving you guys hanging! Embarassed 

IC: Foxclaw looked at the young she-cats skeptically. "A band of warriors. From three Clans I've never heard of. Coming to help us." The large tom sighed heavily. He looked at Frostfire with a look that said, 'can they be serious? What is this bullsh!t?'
A small group, Spirepaw had said. Why would a random small group of cats decide to help the Clans against such a large and cruel force? Were they truly warriors? Foxclaw could make little sense of this feeble attempt at hope and help.
But one thing, at least, was becoming clear to him - they would need to bring this to Maplejay and to the TawnyClan leader, Ezziestar.
"Wait here," he said sharply, matching Frostfire's tone. "If you run we will catch you." Menacing.
Foxclaw looked at Frostfire again and gestured for him to follow him a few steps back. He padded a few steps down the path and stood waiting, meaning to speak to Frostfire - though he kept an eye on the two young she-cats.
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