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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Runfast Mon May 20, 2013 3:57 am

Mistjay eye's snapped open and she stumbled to her feet. She looked around wildly, her heart racing, but was comforted when she saw that there wasn't a river with stepping stones in sight. But she wasn't sure where she was. Or if Maplejay was nearby.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Mon May 20, 2013 10:02 pm

Maplejay struggled to her paws.
It worked! she thought with delight.
She looked around for Mistjay and noted the beautiful silver shimmer that lingered on the surrounding surfaces.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Sat May 25, 2013 4:58 am

At first glance, the place they were in may as well have been a silvery cloudy version of the Moonfall itself. But if Maplejay and Mistjay were to look closer than they would see that the walls were tall and cliff-like as opposed to cavernous, and the walls went all around them; but they could not see a sky above them, or see past the tips of the formations that peeked out of the mist, for the fog was too thick. There were a few rocks of varying sizes on the ground a distance from them, some as big as their heads, other large enough for the she-cats to have to stand on their hind legs to see over them; the fog wrapped around and over the rocks as a river would.
The fog itself was a mystery; more like clouds than anything, they shifted slowly and gracefully, everywhere at once yet never coming any closer to the she-cats than a few feet, giving them a bubble of still, warm air. If they touched the fog they would find it chilled like wind blowing off the surface of a frozen pond.

From within the fog a shadow came and went suddenly.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Runfast Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:01 pm

Mistjay spun around at the sound of something rushing past. She was relieved to see that Maplejay had indeed made it here with her, and could now only wonder what StarClan would say to them. The medicine cat turned back to Maplejay and meowed softly, "They're out there." She thought, anyways. Whoever - or whatever - was out in that fog could have been anything, if past experiences were something to go by.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:47 pm

"Let's go greet them," Maplejay mewed a little worriedly; this wasn't how she thought it would look.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Runfast Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:22 am

"Don't worry," Mistjay mewed when she noticed Maplejay's worried expression. "We wouldn't be here if StarClan didn't want us. This is all by their will. They care." She looked out at the mist bravely. Mistjay padded a couple steps and noted how the mist seemed to pull away from her, but she still couldn't another further than she could before. "Respectful warriors of StarClan! We've come to speak with you!" she called to the cold mist, dipping her head.
Yep. Sucking up cos she was scared. Of StarClan.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:59 pm

OOC: The injury in my back has got worse so I'm in and out of hospital. If I don't answer quickly then I'm dozing off or dying in hospital or doodling because I'm a bit nutty at the moment.
Anyway RP my cats if I don't answer. Sorry guys.

Maplejay quickly copied Mistjay and bowed respectfully too.
"We've come for your guidance, please help us," She mewed shakily.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:46 pm

The vague shape in the chilled fog was apparent once more, but again faded away.
"Maplejay," a voice said simply.
Pawsteps on stone could be heard drawing nearer, but there wasn't another cat in sight or scent.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Runfast Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:16 pm

Mistjay's ears pricked forwards and her eyes widened. She looked at Maplejay and opened her mouth slightly but found she had no words to say and closed it again.
Was the cat choosing to not acknowledge Mistjay? Or could they...not see her? What a horrifying thought.
Mistjay stepped away from the fog and gestured for Maplejay to step forward, to speak, anything...
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Sat Jul 13, 2013 12:46 am

The final tones of a voice echoed off of the rock walls, meaning that something may have been spoken but had been too quiet or far away to have ever been made out. The fog stirred, and a figure could be seen once more. It was drawing closer.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Sat Jul 13, 2013 3:13 am

Maplejay couldn't move, she was frozen with mixed wonder and fear.
She wanted to move forward but couldn't find the courage. The fog was so very disconcerting. Maplejay was frightened and she felt like a fool.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:45 pm

The figure came closer and closer, the fog coming and going, the figure passing in and out of sight as it did. It's shadow warping and spreading as though there were some light somewhere behind it, but who could say? Only just before it stepped clear of the fog was it's true size and countenance revealed - a cat no larger than an apprentice.
That's what he was, though. An apprentice.

Bramblepaw. The apprentice, brother to Tigerpaw, who had vanished a moon past. No one had known exactly what had happened to him, but there had been evidence of some gruesome battle where he'd last been seen. His brother had hoped he still lived, but if he had been here he would have known his hopes to be shattered.

"Hello, Maplejay," he meowed calmly. "What brings you?" he asked, softly joking. The tom looked tired, an odd look for a StarClan tom - but any stars he had were faint, mostly at his paws. His pelt seemed darker than before, fuller, like it's stripes were bigger and more shadowy. His eyes gleamed with deep intelligence and he held his head proudly. There was no telling what had happened to him.

Bramblepaw waited patiently for the warrior's answer.

OOC: I'm thinking we could branch out in the spiritual world. On the biggest Warrior Cats RPG they allow things like possession and demons and reincarnation (we do the last already.) Well, maybe we'd wait on the first two, but I was thinking about young cats being able to go to the 'spirit world' (if you want to call it that) of their own accord - but not like Omen of the Stars. More like Game of Thrones.
You get me? Think that could be interesting?
Which brings me to my point - it could be that Bramblepaw isn't dead, but merely sleeping. His physical body nears death, hence "he looked tired."
It's a thought.

Or, he really is dead. That could be. I'm still deciding. I figure Those Above liked him enough, which is why I mention shadows.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:52 pm

OOC: That's an idea, maybe we could delve into it after the 'great battle' as a separate plot? Just a thought.
Maplejay felt a lot better now at the sight of Bramblepaw... Bramblepaw in Starclan, she supposed it could only mean one thing.
She didn't want to ask, it felt so uncomfortable.
"I've come to seek guidance and reassurance from starclan. The clans are split, dew clan has halved and we face inpending doom. What do we do?"

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:10 pm

Discomfort flickered on Bramblepaw's face at the mention of DewClan's halving. He then looked pained as he thought about her question, and the attitudes of the cats he had spoken to before appearing to Maplejay. "Why, Maplejay," he meowed finally. "Why are you here?" In his mind he said, 'with her,' but he left it unspoken and unhinted - his questioned pertained to something entirely different.

OOC: I had to think about this.
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:19 am

"I'm here because... I thought Starclan would know how I should solve my next problem. Dewdrop is the rightful leader should Daystar fall. But both have abandoned us. I was elected but... I don't think I am the right one to be leader. Will Daystar return, Bramblepaw?"

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:55 am

OOC: *calculates in head* Soooo, Daystar would already be dead by this point. Okay!

IC: Bramblepaw smiled a sad smile and slowly shook his head. "No, Maplejay. You, and everyone who followed you, will not see him - for a long time, at least." The apprentice held hope that Daystar, who he knew was covered in stars, would someday come to forgive the hurt Maplejay and her followers had inflicted on him. (OOC: Daystar and Thornstar should start a club.) Indeed, Daystar had many things to say about Maplejay - but he had even more things to say about Mistjay. The dead leader's fury at the new medicine cat was palpable ever since he'd had a conversation with one Jayleaf.
The apprentice pushed it from his mind, noting that his headache seemed to intensify briefly then dull.
"But - your next problem, Maplejay? Is it the problem of impending doom - or of your leadership - or Dewdrop?" His gaze was piercingly intelligent when he looked into her eyes, as he insinuated that perhaps Maplejay was afraid that Dewdrop (or, as she would think, Daystar) would return to take away her newfound power.

OOC: INCOMPLETE - will finish in a few hours. Embarassed
EDIT: I love it how Bramblepaw isn't saying outright that Daystar is dead - I'll let Dewdrop do those honors! Bwahaha.

Last edited by Longstorm on Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:56 am; edited 2 times in total
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:23 am

OOC: Power of three all over again Razz
Maplejay sighed and mewed, "I don't think I'm the right cat to be leader. I feel I was elected because I spoke most outwardly against Daystars wishes... and Dewdrop was fine to just leave us. Am I the right one? Especially now I've found happiness in Ravenswift."
She lowered her head not in defeat but exasperation, "Why can't we question the words of a leader Bramblepaw. Surely every now and then they must be wrong. If they come back do we still treat them as Dewclanners? Or are they something else?"
She was panicking a bit and the words were tumbling from her lips.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Sun Jul 14, 2013 5:57 pm

Spoiler because there's more OOC than IC:

IC: Bramblepaw took each of her rapid-fire questions with ease. "They are more DewClan than you, Maplejay," he answered her last question quietly and factually. He spoke louder, "Did you not want to be leader, then? Did you not intend to undermine Daystar's authority? Because, no cat is perfect. Leaders are wrong sometimes, and we have the right to speak our minds, but we must obey. Or else, what is the Warrior Code if it isn't to be followed?" It was rhetorical, so he continued.

"No, Maplejay," he said. "You are not the right one to lead DewClan. In following your own heart instead of Daystar's orders you have broken the Warrior Code.  But..." He paused. "That's not why you would not lead well. You are impulsive, Maplejay. You do not think things through."

More OOC!:
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:31 pm

Maplejay paused for a moment... She wanted answers not... not to be put down and by an apprentice. Starclan or not.
"Hang on a moment Bramblepaw. Daystar was wrong. I only did what I thought was best for Dewclan. So what, I should have just went to Abbysclan and convinced the rest to stay? I think you're wrong. Your bias because you went along with it all."
She turned her head away. "I've been worried all this time... our clans hang in the balance, Tawneyclan is in ruin and all Starclan have to offer is an apprentice? Abyssclan are right, we're a joke!"
She glared for a moment, shocked by her own out burst... no don't be shocked Maplejay you're impulsive. "I want to wake up now, I've had enough. I should of known this was pointless."

Calm down MJ O.O

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:55 pm

OOC: This certainly feels all over the place...

Bramblepaw went from all wise and calm to annoyed and snapped, "I've been gone for a moon." He shut his mouth and closed his eyes, pulling his thoughts back together, angry at his outburst.
The apprentice felt as though he'd walked thousands of pawsteps without a moment of rest in between; he felt older than the mountains; he felt charged and dead, electrified like a dying snake. "AbyssClan would have destroyed you," he said softly, more to himself than Maplejay.
Bramblepaw looked up. His voice was steady again, all traces of his outburst swept away. All that remained was his weariness. "You want some message to bring back? Something to rally the Clans?" Something to make you a hero? ... Am I being unfair to you, Maplejay? All I have is what I have found and what has already been said. He felt he had to speak quickly since Maplejay's temper was flaring short.

"When death is lead and a vow turned to dread, follow you hearts and help a battle you fled," he meowed in a grave tone. Bramblepaw couldn't help but glance with his eyes at Mistjay as he said the first line, knowing the treachery she had committed.

Should I tell them of the fallen moon? Those made of surrendering? Would it change anything as what I have said will? I suppose Sky-Moon knows what they're doing, having told so many cats, none of which are present for this chaos... I will say nothing.
StarClan always had an air of uncertainty whenever something dire came to threaten all of the Clans. With their failings of Firestar in mind, they weren't sure if they knew enough to choose cats who would be able to change the pre-determined course of events. And what could StarClan give to descendants that rarely came to speak to them?
Or to these two specifically?

Bramblepaw didn't know. There were rules and he followed them (he had an affinity for rule-following, when it was important.) Many things were happening around StarClan - Those Above being besides themselves in rage, the cats in the Fields hiding - silence from the Dark Forest had everyone nervous - and StarClan themselves were having a meeting - all of these things only added to the chaos faintly felt from the mortal world. It made his head hurt (OOC: I was going somewhere with that and forgot. Phooey!)

Bramblepaw waited to see if Maplejay would speak to him again.


Last edited by Longstorm on Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:00 am; edited 1 time in total
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:59 pm

Maplejay paused... that was what she was looking for. Reassurance. She glanced at Bramplepaw and sighed in weariness before her eyes brightened and she mewed truthfully, "Thank you."

OOC: Oooh it's getting deep now >:3

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:19 am

Bramblepaw felt his annoyance spark again. I gave her a rhyme and she's happy. She wasn't here for guidance. Just a paw to hold.
The apprentice could have winced for the obvious tones of AbyssClan in his thoughts.
There was such gravity to the situation, but Maplejay was happy, happy to be told what to do because she couldn't figure it out, didn't have the initiative to try. And there lies what makes a leader: Faith in oneself.

Bramblepaw wanted to say to Maplejay, 'Happy now? Happy that I've given you verse that may encourage you to change the right things for the future, that unknown territory? Happy that I'm here to right your wrongs? Happy that I'm here to tell you what you want to hear? Happy - now, you fool?'
Something about all of this saddened him.

Of course, he said none of these things. Instead, he went on as though he had not heard Maplejay's thanks and asked, "What will you do?"

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:30 am

OOC: :3 I like to portray her as the type to panic and like a community opinion. Though she's not a Starclan all.
"I'll repeat to them what you said. Then I feel we all need to talk together, make sure the kits are safest and then talk with the Tawneyclan and Darkclan cats. We need to plan."
She sat and thought for a moment, "Mudbloodclan have definitely thought of what cats to put where. If there numbers are as terrifying as we think then the best situation is ground..."
She shrugged, "well, that's what we'll be discussing anyway."

You wrote that? It's so beautiful! T.T

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Longstorm Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:52 am


IC: "Think on the words, Maplejay," Bramblepaw cautioned. "Think on them before you speak them. Just because a word asked on behalf of everyone is given doesn't mean it was meant for everyone." He could feel the conversation, like a vine, losing its tension and falling into dust. "Think first." You impulsive she-cat. (OOC: *snaps in a z formation*)
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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

Post by Loki Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:57 am

OOC: >:U I'll Mouse dung slap that snotty runt. She's a kittypet origin who thought the world of Daystar... the warrior code was just something she learnt like Starclan. It's a bit like a nice guy saying "You can be free and have what you want if you come with me, oh but believe in god and my ways or take the highway."
Maplejay nodded, completely unaware of the darkness within the youngster.

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CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan Empty Re: CLOSED Mistjay and Maplejay Speak to StarClan

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