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Sweetfern of Tawneyclan

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Sweetfern of Tawneyclan Empty Sweetfern of Tawneyclan

Post by Guest Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:55 pm

Name: Sweetfern
Age: 14 moons.
Gender: she-cat

Alliance: Tawnyclan

Rank: warrior

Appearance: Sweetfern is a small caramel brown and white she-cat with darker down tabby markings, strange eye markings under her eyes, and has bright ice blue eyes.

Personality: When Sweetfern is near her friends she is a very kind, shy and soft spoken cat. But her words become firm when her friends are getting picked on. She is blunt to the ones she holds closest to especially her younger siblings.
To Enemies Sweetfern completely is a different cat, all her shyness and shy personality is quickly forgotten and is instead replaced with strong determination and strength to protect her Clan. She will sometimes get a little hostile and will attack brutally, sometimes not caring if she was too cruel.
Quirks: Sweetfern is a bit of a clutz and will trip on anything if she is not watching out where she is going. being it a kid, elder or her own paws.

History: Sweetfern was born a runt outside the Clan when her mother was on a Dawn patrol and she was too far away to go see the medicine cat. She was born in bush of sweet smelling flowers and ferns, hence her name. But while on the patrol they were attacked by a young fox, her father protected them long enough to get back to camp. Sadly Sweetfern's father never returned and was presumed dead once they returned to check. On a good note: Sweetfern is a young but promising warrior, she fights like a true TawnyClan warrior, her dreams is to be leader but first she wants to prove to everyone that she is strong despite her size.

RP Example: As morning made its way into the warrior's den a small fur of a mixture of brown and white began to move amongst the fern and twig bedding. Lifting her furry head a she-cat gave a large yawn and stretched luxuriously. Washing her fur to remove any stray twigs, as she left the den she was greeted by some warriors and apprentices. Smiling to herself Sweetfern made her way to the fresh-kill pile. She was delighted to see a rather plump squirrel at the top of the pile. But she decided to pay the Elders a visit and give them the squirrel seeing as they need all the strength they could get.


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Sweetfern of Tawneyclan Empty Re: Sweetfern of Tawneyclan

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:52 pm

Accepted! Very Happy

Do you know where Tawnyclan is at the moment?

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Sweetfern of Tawneyclan Empty Re: Sweetfern of Tawneyclan

Post by Guest Mon Jun 18, 2012 4:07 am

yay im glad i got accepted :3

and no sorry i do not >3<


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Sweetfern of Tawneyclan Empty Re: Sweetfern of Tawneyclan

Post by Ezziestar Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:27 pm

Very Happy Okay,
Here's where we are. Enjoy the roleplay!

Posts : 965
Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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