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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:24 pm

Stormpaw left the camp, he was still worried about his mentor Ezziesong. He hoped she would get better, the last thing he wanted was for his mentor and best friend to die from this wound. He was frustrated as to how she avoided the fact her injury was bothering her. He dcided that if he went hunting on his own that maybe he could get his mind off Ezziesong for a while and get more fresh kill for the pile.
Maybe I could fetch some for Ezziesong and Glaciercloud. He knew Ezziesong was being checked over by Glaciercloud, Ezziesong hadn't eaten since she came back from the last gathering she was at.

Stormpaw opened his mouth, the prey was plentiful here, Stormpaw could remember the smell of mouse. A rustling in a bush caught his attention. Stormpaw went into the hunters crouch, Ezziesong's advice echoing in his head, reminding him what to do when he was creeping up on prey. He barely made a sound as he crept forward, he bunched his hindlegs and sprang out quickly, managing to kill the mouse with a swift bite to the neck. There was something for Ezziesong.

Stormpaw scraped dirt over his fresh kill, now he wanted another peice for Glaciercloud. He knew that the pile was filled after the hunting patrol came back, but every peice would help. He continued his tracking techinques, this time a new scent filled his nostrills. Stormpaw followed it, unaware of what the smell was, he got closer, the scent reeked, but he couldn't tell what the smell was. Stormpaw's curiousity got the better of him, he entered a small badger set, unaware a badger was inside.

He stopped in his tracks when he spotted the creature, it's stripe reminded Stormpaw from when he was a kit, just before he was apprenticed. This was the same badger he encoutered, Stormpaw began to back out slowly, until the creature roared. Stormpaw turned tail and fled, he had to turn to lead the bulbus creature away from the camp.
Stormpaw was now cornered, there was no escape and the badger was slowly gaining on him. He slipped in the same crack he hid in last time, and if the badger reached in he would scratch it's paw.

The badger got him on his nose, Stormpaw squeezed as far back as he culd go. Oh Starclan Help me! He waited for his fate.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:33 pm

There was a yowl of death as a white streak smashed into the badger. They whirled around, the badger snapped and swung outraged by the white streaks speed. Then there was a cry of pain and the badger darted off towards Abbysclan. The white streak revealed a massive white tom, his claws were unusually large and his left eye was green and the other blue. He turned towards the Apprentice. He reaked of Abbysclan and he dragged Stormpaw out with an out stretched arm.
"Whats your name kit?" came his rough voice

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Ezziestar Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:52 pm

Stormpaw replied, "My name's Stormpaw." His voice was quiet because of how frightened the badger made him.

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Join date : 2010-12-23
Age : 29
Location : Tawny Clan and Dew Clan

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:11 pm

"Strormpaw?" Falsecall growled, "I see... and you are a Tawnyclan choosing." Falsecall purred his own little plot was in front of him. "I see you want to protect your clan? of course you do but not with training like that, an Abbysclan servant could kill you with moves like that... here I have a wise idea, Would you like me to train you. If you accept you will one day be so strong not even the Abbysclan leader could mock you..." He narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, and if you decline i'll have to kill you... he held is paw out,"You could be a great leader and never have to worry, you can trust me?"

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:15 pm

oakclaw was out hunting about to pounce on a mouse. when he heard a shriek. he ran the way the sound came from. until he reached it. he saw stormpaw and a abyssclan cat . he growled what are you doing here


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:18 pm

OOC: say "YAY" for double posting!! anywho...

IC: Tigerflame was high in the tree branches he hadn't heard was The apprentice and Falsecall were saying, he just smelt the nasty rotting Abbysclan scent. A purr of satisfaction grew inside him. This was a chance to see Joy. He was tired of waiting an came to the conclusion something bad had happened. So he would cross the border and tell Shadowstar that one of his cats was planning treachery. He had learnt things ,Lokistar had said no one else knew, how to jump high out of escape. He headed for thwe border

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:20 pm

what are you doing here oakclaw growled again about to attack


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:23 pm

Falsecall flexed his claws. These Tawnyclan cats are small! he thought, But this is a young one. "I am proposing training, Which will make you strong... Which is bound to get you a higher role then warrior. I could accept you as well, You look strong, I left Abbysclan," He lied, "They are ruthless and cruel and it needs to be stopped but I heard they were going to attack Tawnyclan so I'm trying to train as many cats as posable, but... you might not be up to it..."

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:26 pm

i'll never join you i'd die for tawnyclan and with those words he leaped at the abyssclan cat


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:43 pm

Falsecall easily batted the warrior away. "I never said you would have to join me... I said I would train you in the ways no other cat knows and you can protect your clan with a little more use then dying before you could blink. Would you rather not kill the attacker before your life is gone? haha I don't ask for anything in return just... a friend as well as those horrible Abbysclan cats to change. If you knew their moves you would have more chance. He looked at the choosing, and you, you fight well but never look behing you, you rush in too early warrior!" he smiled invitingly.

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:45 pm

don't go stormpaw he leaped onto the abyssclan cat


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:54 pm

Again Falsecall knocked the warrior a side. "I am offering to train you both!Do you want to be weak and when Abbysclan do attack, You will be dead because you don't know their moves, they'll kill your kits, your queens, you,your elders and your leader. All I wan't to do is help you become strong enough to defeat them and I offer you help.But if you all want to die so much you may as well as march over there and ask them. Or would you rather training and know ALL the Abbysclan secrets.. That is if you wish to be trained in the ways of a true warrior..."

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Join date : 2010-11-11
Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:59 pm

ooc is this a plot
i'm loyal to lokistar only your just going to take us there and kill us


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:11 pm

"Where? And wouldn't Lokistar be amazed at you being able to take on anything? even... impressed. Tawnyclan has no deputy, Why I can see that Lokistar is waiting for a powerful warrior to come along, you won't be deputy if your easily batted away like that! But I'll train you here, I can assure I'm not trying to kill you, either I would have done it awhile ago..."

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:14 pm

fine oakclaw said stormpaw if this cat does anything run


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:19 pm

OOC: yes its a plot, but it don't involve in Stormpaw or Oakfur dying, help me out by pretending some moves you learn are hard...

"good," Falsecall purred, "We'll try something easy unless you wan't to start tomorrow, also keep this a secret because if I am chased out then you won't have anyone to train you, we'll make it a deal, If I do anything I'll let you kill me, If you tell, I will kill the cat you told..."
He studied the two cats carefully...

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:25 pm

ooc it's oakclaw
will start tomorow
ooc is oakcla going to be deputy


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:31 pm

OOC: I don't know but I have someone in mind but its a secret to the warrior ceremony...

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:36 pm

Silverstream: I watched Stormpaw and Oakclaw as they talked to the Abbysclan worrior I sat silently in the tree I narrowed my eyes "mouse-brains" I muttered but how could I tell Lokistar? When this nasty excuse for a warrior was threatening to kill anyone who knew? I snarled quietly though, I wondered if I should show myself. I was pretty well hidden and my sent was covered up my leaves. I looked intently at the three cats.


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:41 pm

i don't want to do this but if you threaten to kill my friends i guess i wiill


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:45 pm

"You don't want to?" mewed Falsecall, "You don't want to be perhaps the possably most strongest of warriors?" he rolled his eyes,"your doing your clan a favour by becoming stronger..." he unrolled a massive rabbit," here Stormpaw, take this back to camp, this should get you praise, now off you go. Sleep well."

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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:48 pm

ooc should i tell lokistar
oakclaw padded back to camp with stormpaw


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty re stormpaw needs help (open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:49 pm

let me guess the secret for deputy is dayriser


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:54 pm

Silverstream: after Stormpaw and Oakclaw have padded of umped down from the tree I was in. I jumped in front of the Abbysclan worrior "whoever you are I don't want you messing with my friends" I hissed. Then I walked away.


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Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all) Empty Re: Stormpaw needs help. (Open to all)

Post by Loki Sun Jan 16, 2011 5:56 pm

OOC: nope, i have told the person whi I want deputy and they won't be telling anybody...
It may come as a surprise to some of you though... BTW I never said to ANYONE that they will defianatly get deputy, situation can change, I don't want anyone to know until I feel it is time... It could nearly be anyone... BTW No messaging people to find out who it is and I don't want to hear anymore about who gets what... If you tell Lokistar She will most likely be severely injured, go with the training and you'll see what happens I'm trying to get Stormpaw and Oakclaw more invovled....

IC: "messing with your friends I am actually helping them my dear." he narrowed his eyes YOU'LL see!"

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Age : 27
Location : Walks the paths of the wild!

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