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CLOSED Dust and dirt

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:08 pm

Snowhare dragged her tail behind her. She'd circled the border and had forgotten why she'd bothered in the first place to why she was here. She didn't know that her clan had become engrossed with a Mudbloodclan platoon.
She didn't know that her brother was lost somewhere far far away and was in the eyesight of a dangerous creature.
She sighed and came to halt, looking around herself tiredly.
"I need order and civilization," she hissed to herself, "I'm going senile, this is where I crossed the border in the first place!"
The fair faced she cat pouted for a moment and let her amber orbs flash over the undergrowth outlining the dark forests.
"How could I be lost when I was following them?"
The small she cat decided to rest and clean this horrible mud from her ounce snowy white fur.

OOC: Someone please reply  Wink

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:12 pm

OOC: How's about Tigerfrost? What a Face Oh, BOOYA, the creeper face is still creepy!

IC: Hunting nearby, Tigerfrost, grey-eyed Warrior of AbyssClan, was stalking a chipmunk in one of the trees. He was delicately stepping from spidery branch to spidery branch, his pale eyes wide as he stared at his prey.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:22 pm

OOC: oh no! Shocked
Whitehare's left ear twitched and she looked up as a scent caught her nostrils.
"Hmm?" She hummed to herself coolly looking around.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:03 am

Tigerfrost stopped too, catching a peculiar scent. He slowly looked around, knowing sudden movements would throw off his balance. He finally did the obvious thing and looked down. He spotted the white pelt of the intruder instantly, his hackles rising and fur bristling.
The chipmunk heard him, squealed in terror, and fled. Tigerfrost looked back up and growled softly, "For the love of - tsk." He looked back down at the she-cat, hoping she hadn't heard.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:06 am

OOC: Just noticed how stupid my reply was, I'm unimaginative today :L
Whitehare jumped at the sudden movements, then slowly looked up.
"Oh," She mewed in surprise and stood frozen lost for word and thought.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:13 am

OOC: I'm dying while imagining this. He looks down, she looks up - Shocked then Evil or Very Mad then Laughing then Mad then Evil or Very Mad then pale ....yeah.

IC: Tigerfrost met her gaze. He was standing in a weird way, his limbs spread out amongst the branches, and it wasn't like he could just drop to the ground and kill her - the drop was so great he'd kill himself in the process. And if he scrambled down the tree, he'd probably slip on the rain-slicked branches and STILL kill himself.
The brown tom sighed. He'd have to go slowly and look amicable in the process. This is humiliating.
"...Hi," he mewed down to her. "Could you just give me a minute?"
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:18 am

Snowhare nodded, "Yeah, sure. I'll just... wait?"
She sighed to herself, this wasn't how she expected things to work out... how embarrassing.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:23 am

Tigerfrost sighed heavily and slowly spidered his way over to the next tree.
"So," he mewed while carefully setting his claws into the next branch. "What Clan are you from?" He breathed out as he made his way onto a thicker branch.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:29 am

"I was from Dewclan," She mewed sourly, "but I don't like life in the slow track, if you know what I mean. I take it from your scent your Abbysclan?"
She was actually worried, these were the cats that had killed her mother for treading a paw on their land. However Whitehare was a good liar.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:27 am

Tigerfrost nodded. "AbyssClan, that's me...Bit funny, though - a Clan cat just up and leaving out of boredom?"
He slowly made his way down the tree. He was still quite a ways up.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:03 pm

"I find it pitiful," Snowhare shrugged darkly, "Push around life if you ask me. I was hoping for a bit of adventure. Sorry you lost your prey by the way..."

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:25 pm

Tigerfrost scoffed. "'ts fine. Small thing, anyways." Using his reinforced claws he began to make his way down the trunk of the tree. "Anyway - no adventure? In DewClan? Looks like you've all had plenty of adventure, what with your shiny forests being the only clan territory not set ablaze. Must have been a fun fight...or not," he murmured the last words. It was the rumor that DewClan had buddied up with the Mudbloods. But she seems a little...clueless.
Tigerfrost was wondering just how long this she-cat had been 'lost'. Was she a spy? Or was she just legitimately bored?
The Warrior sighed as he reached another branch, taking a moment to rest in the crook of it.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:18 pm

"I don't understand."
She stared at him for a moment, "Do you mean those toms that attacked these lands? I was looking around a field and they jumped me!" she huffed angrily, "though they began to fight among themselves, obviously I was able to run for it..."
She narrowed her eyes in concentration, "they set some fields alight with sticks in there mouths, most odd.I saw Tawnyclan's forest on fire and smoke coming from Darkclan but... Dewclan wasn't in flames. I hope their okay," She voiced genuinely, shrugging for a moment, "well I'm sure everyone got themselves out of it."
I hope, she thought guiltily.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Sat Mar 10, 2012 3:54 am

Tigerfrost just shrugged. He didn't care whether or not the other clans survived the fires, quite frankly.
The Warrior scraped his was down the thick trunk of the tree and allowed himself to drop the final fox-lengths.
He shook his pelt and turned his pale eyes onto the she-cat.
She was smaller than he thought she'd be, that was certain. Typically, when he saw white cats he thought of Cunningheart.
"You know," Tigerfrost laughed, "If this were any other day I'd be inclined to kill you." He shrugged his broad shoulders. "Guess I just don't feel like it." He slowly began to walk around the DewClan she-cat, thinking about what to do in this situation. It wasn't the first time he'd ever encountered an intruder from DewClan; it had been a queen with kits. A silver she-Servant of AbyssClan attempted to drive her away, but ended up killing the queen when a still-Choosing Tigerfrost threatened to turn her in.
To this day, Tigerfrost swore he'd been the one to kill the queen.
Now here he was, faced with a similar problem.
With everything's that been going on, he thought, it wouldn't really mattered if I killed her.
"Then again," he mewed. "I'm reconsidering that thought..."

OOC: Just my luck for choosing the cat of mine who follows his duty so very closely... I think another cat will have to step in - or do you still want Whitehare to join AbyssClan?
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:53 pm

OOC: I still want her to join Cool
Whitehare feigned a playful pout though truthfully she was feeling terribly scared and vulnerable.
"Take me to your camp," She mewed suddenly boldly, "I followed from last gathering because I wanted to join
and I hadn't the guts to call out!."
Her golden eyes searched his for a moment before she sighed and her shoulders slumped, "my mother died on this territory, everyone called her killer an abyssclan coward but I was probably the only one who thought she was a coward for turning her back on us when times were rough to go play pet for some twolegs."
She looked angrily and accusingly at Tigerfrost then, "though I never wanted her dead, I'm glad my half-brothers returned but I never wanted my mother dead. If your going to kill me you better hope you have a good medicine cat on your side."

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:56 am

OOC: cheers cheers Must love the technicality that pretty much all DewClanners are former rogues, loners, and kittypets!
Wee, I just had a little bit of an energy drink and I feel FINE.

IC: Tigerfrost cocked his head. "You join us?" He stood there, mulling over the words. Once the initial shock faded, he laughed raucously. "Y-you want join us? A cute widdle Forester like yourself? Hahahaha!" He used a paw to wipe a tear from his eye. "You wouldn't last a day." He continued in his laughter.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:44 pm

Whitehare stared furiously at the tom for a moment. Then opened her mouth to protest, I can play this game, She smiled at him. I can turn this to my favor perhaps?
"Is that a challenge?" Whitehare smiled cockily, "I think I could do five..."

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:43 am

Tigerfrost eventually stopped laughing when he saw the determination in the she-cat's eyes.
"Riiiiight." He brought forward his reinforced claws, sinking them into the soft ground. "Well, I for one - "
The Warrior's ear flicked at the sound of the familiar voice, turning his head to look over his shoulder. He looked back at Whitehare and said "Did you - " Shhhhhhh.... A series of images, instructions, flashed in his mind's eye. "Oh."

OOC: Is it alright if he just KOs her and takes her back?
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:12 pm

OOC: That would make the most sense considering the characters. Also you know you released loads of prophesies including one for joy? When is she supposed to get it?
Whitehare jumped into offence as the tom unsheafing his claws. Her fangs bared into a dangerous hiss.
"Back off!" She snarled menacingly. Her own, non-reinforced, claws slid out and her hackles and tail raised.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:54 am

OOC: I didn't write that; you did. Back in one of the old Gatherings. I went around and looked for old prophecies I needed for my Newsletter and came across many old ones that had been forgotten.
And, okay! I'll clock Whitehare one. Cool

IC: Tigerfrost gave the she-cat an almost peaceful expression, just standing - the leapt at her, teeth bared, claws llashing out.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:05 pm

OOC: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just remembered! OMG!!! that's so embarrassing! I'm such a...

CLOSED Dust and dirt Z
Whitehare squeaked in shock and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding his claws.
OOC: May as well have some fun with this, hmmm?

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:25 am

OOC: Lols, yeah.

IC: Even in the air he began to shift. As soon as Tigerfrost landed, he did a tight turn and sprung at Whitehare, meaning to barrel into her.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:56 pm

Whitehare squeaked in shock as the significantly larger tom barreled her over and she let her body tumble against his before sticking her claws into whatever she thought was him.

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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Longstorm Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:30 pm

The tom snarled and snapped as the she-cat scored his sides. He didn't pause as he hit the ground, rolled, and was up in a flash, facing the she-cat again and ready to attack.
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CLOSED Dust and dirt Empty Re: CLOSED Dust and dirt

Post by Loki Mon Mar 26, 2012 10:34 pm

Snowhare was up and staring dangerously at Tigerflame before chuckling coldly to herself.
She hissed and wondered whether to let him come at her but decided that this was a one sided battle and lunged forward.

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